Thanks to everyone who gave me anime recs! Going to start with Eminence in Shadow. It will be my second anime if I manage to finish it.
Trying to get into anime rn. I'm too picky about the art/animation, so it's hard! I just want a good action/adventure or mystery to watch.
@Liveius Dead mount is bad?? I recall ive read the manga and I think it's a nice one, I think I'd prefer it over many current popular shounen
I liked Dead Mount Death Play too but I hate how slow it is with story peogression Some recs: SpyxFamily (but it's not really that mysterious?) Promised Never Land (It's a bit dark) Lycoris Recoil (pew pew pew yuri) Romantic Killer (unrelated but it's so funny) Dr. Stone (science adventure?) Japan Sinks 2020 (survival) Demon Slayer (action)
cant think of others rn. I also like many chill animes, I didn't include them coz you wanted action/adventure