Spoiler Rebirth - Rich Young Master Little Wolf Bottom

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by alexfilia, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. theoccasionalhermit

    theoccasionalhermit Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    For those following via this thread: chapter 2 is out! As the novel now has a page on novelupdates, I'll be posting releases there from now on, so please do add it to your reading list! :) Thanks!
    Nic, Haigi and gideon like this.
  2. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    You can also make LCD Thread, if you want.
  3. theoccasionalhermit

    theoccasionalhermit Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    I'll keep that in mind for now, but I'll just be uploading these chapters when I have the time to complete tling it, so we'll see:)
  4. Sasakira

    Sasakira Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    @alexfilia could you add me to your pokes list:oops::(
  5. alexfilia

    alexfilia Bromance & Fluff <3

    Jan 8, 2016
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    Sure no problem!.... *Adds SASA San into her black poke list o/
  6. Sasakira

    Sasakira Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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  7. etern

    etern Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2016
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  8. alexfilia

    alexfilia Bromance & Fluff <3

    Jan 8, 2016
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    sure no problem....adds etern san in her bl poke list o/
  9. etern

    etern Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2016
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    thank you !! :blobsmilehappyeyes:
  10. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    I MTLed a bit and these are some of the fluffy/ spoiler moments -

    1. The first time MC goes to ML's room with the excuse that he is 'scared', ML shuts the door on his face :blob_grin:. Opens it when he realises that MC is not going to go away. Funny thing that ML thinks - Step one of taking over the house by illegitimate child has begun with his bed
    2. MC starts sleeping with ML everyday. He asks ML permission to enter ML's study room and is denied. He persists(or maybe forcibly enters? Not too sure) and starts doing timepass in the Study with ML. ML's couch is kinda hard and uncomfortable so MC often rubs his butt due to the pain. And ML changes the couch to a super big, super comfortable and soft couch with animal (?) pillows and bedsheets. ML tries sitting on the couch, sinks in too much and feels it's not good, sees MC happily play and sleep in the couch and thinks, that's good enough :blobmelt:
    3. MC passes on wrong info to his bitch Mother on buying some kind of a village where the government(?) is going to do something which will make the economy boom and increase the value. Except MC gives the wrong village name and BAM, mother invests all her money and fails miserably once the village name is announced.
    4. ML takes MC to the doctor for medical tests etc coz he is too thin, light, skin is sallow and yellow, pale etc. MC's bones are aged less than 10 years but he is actually 13. So ML gives me a really bitter, bitter Chinese medicine which MC hates every night.
    5. Fuufuu :blobnosebleed: MC hand feeds fruits to ML in the Study room every night.
    6. Some girl confesses to ML who accepts her (god knows why). While walking, she tries to hold his finger (a single finger! :blobjoy:) and he slaps her hand away and walks away leaving her pretty embarassed. He meets MC going inside the house who asks him, "Brother, go together inside?" To which he says, "En." And MC holds his hand and drags him inside :blobthinkingsmirk:. ML looks at the fingers catching his and thinks how disgusted he felt when the girl touched him and how now he feels good :blobsmilehappy:
    7. Funnily enough, MC spies snacks on the table inside the house and loosens his fingers around ML's hand which makes ML frown
    8. ML has started to realise that he 'likes' MC and becomes more touchy-feely which is confusing the MC. It is to be noted that MC is just 13 years old and I don't like the fact that an 18 year old is lusting after a 13 year old so whenever I read, I am replacing 13 with 16. Otherwise I am fine with ML.
    9. MC tricks mother into gifting a huge, luxurious house to uncle. MC father helps with the house.
    10. Funny thing - MC father goes with MC to meet uncle. Sees MC hugging and smiling and sparkling around uncle and feels jealous that MC is ignoring father over uncle
    11. MC goes to stay over with uncle (not sure why). ML misses him terribly and messages him :blobicecreamlove:. Then comes to pick him up the next day even though MC is supposed to stay more days(?) with the uncle. Even he is jealous of MC uncle and refuses to listen to MC protests. Just picks him up and deposits him in the car
    12. There is some company party where MC mom wants MC dad to introduce MC around to other people. Since MC is technically out of wedlock, this will be insulting to the ML. So MC often disappears into corners, pretends to be sick and does not allow MC mom to insult the ML. Sweet thing is ML realises that MC protects him from being insulted
    13. MC grandpa hates MC mom, thinks MC father is dumbass for being with her and adores MC.

    Since I am MTLing the story, and am a novice at this, please do correct any incident from above.
    juanexbi, ahsudole, Shizun and 20 others like this.
  11. Pachia

    Pachia Go At My Own Pace~

    Sep 9, 2016
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    :aww: Thanks a lot. Sooo.. have anymore to share?
    Dragon_Reader likes this.
  12. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Hmm.... I haven't read a lot but a bit more...

    BWAAHAAHAAHAA. Our MC has become a brave little Meng

    1.Soooooo. In one chapter, in order to develop feelings with the ML (golden thigh), MC helps ML take a bath :love:. He scrubs his back and steps inside the tub for better reach :sushi_potato:. Well, ML returns the favour :cookie:. MC is shy plus has a complex about his thin body versus the ML with his 8-pack abs and stuff. So he says "I am 13 years old! If you help me bath, it will be a joke!" To which ML replies, "That day, I would have been a bigger joke!" By this time, ML has realised that he is super attracted towards MC. But ML is a young master with no serving experience, so he scrubs too hard and then too softly and then scrubs places already scrubbed coz he forgot :blobpeek:. The next day, MC takes a bath quickly and waits for ML. When ML says let's take a bath, MC says he is already done. So ML frowns and says, "From next time, wait for me. We will take a bath together." :blobokhand:
    2. Then during a discussion, MC very seriously and very intensely tells ML that since ML is the brilliant eldest son, he should inherit the company. MC will not take away the company from ML.
    3. Our brave little MC plucks a flower and inserts it in ML's ear :blobsweat:. ML is stunned, then kinda angry, so MC runs away. Except it's night and dark and ML warns that it's dangerous. Since MC does not listen, falls down and sprains/ twists his ankle (not sure about that). So ML carries him around.
    4. In another discussion, ML asks MC type of girl who answers very honestly, "Should be nice, honest, good looking blah blah blah." ML seriously pissed, ignores MC for a couple of hours and then comes back. All the time thinking, MC is heir of the big company, will find a good smart woman, will go away, what to do...

    A lot of internal family stuff happens such as branch family sons and daughters are trying to gain a foothold in the main family. MC kind of messes up in this too.
  13. Pachia

    Pachia Go At My Own Pace~

    Sep 9, 2016
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    :blobxd: Thank you. Looking forward to the translated chapter (by someone else I mean).
    Dragon_Reader likes this.
  14. Elv

    Elv Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Can you spoil more about the internal family drama? Love reading these spoilers :D
    Dragon_Reader likes this.
  15. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Hmm... Early warning - I have barely read 10% of the story plus MTL so I might not be too clear on things. But for now -

    MC side of family -
    1. MC first life - The uncle worked very very hard his whole life, sent all his money to the sisters so that they could take care of the Mother. Unfortunately, the two sisters (MC Mom is eldest + 2 more sisters + uncle) took all his money, gave nothing to the grandma and MC. When Grandma collapses, even hospital fee is given by the neighbour. After grandma died, the properties were taken by the aunt who sold it and gave nothing to the uncle and MC and left them to fend for themselves.
    2. After rebirth, MC manages to destroy their reputation in his school. He tells his uncle everything (personally, I feel the uncle was too cowardly or rather submissive. He was too accomodating and kept silent to all injustices) about how the aunts are bad. He manages to convince the uncle to not give away anything to the aunts.
    3. The Foreman (?) in the company where even the uncle works knows about the bitchy aunts. So MC asks him to help him sell all the Grandma properties and give the money to the uncle
    4. The aunts come in the hospital crying and screaming that they have been wronged and how the uncle is very unfair and shit. MC proves in front of all villagers/ townspeople that the aunts took all money from uncle and did not give anything to the grandma. Neighbours confirm that the grandma didn't have enough to pay for hospital also. Plus I guess he shoes receipts and stuff(money transfer proofs). So the aunts are thoroughly shamed.
    5. MC's friend who is the class monitor too, realises how bad MC family situation is. He privately thinks to himself that he needs to further ruin the aunts reputation completely :LOL:
    6. After a few months (days? Not too sure about this), MC mom comes to take him to MC Dad.
    juanexbi, Izn, Popipopipoi and 12 others like this.
  16. Elv

    Elv Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    What about the branch family sons and daughters?
    Dragon_Reader likes this.
  17. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Not read too much into this since I started this novel yesterday only :)
    Plus going on vacation for the next whole week. So will continue reading next week only.
  18. theoccasionalhermit

    theoccasionalhermit Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Haha, sorry I haven't been translating, guys. I've been really busy, what with Chinese New Year and all the hosting I had to do. Plus, I'm preparing to go back to Australia for my 3rd year of studies, so I've been really busy. Once I get this flight and unpacking done with, I'll start translating again! Thanks for your patience! (Reminder: I'm just doing a teaser, so I can't do regular updates once school starts.)
  19. Aster Anemone

    Aster Anemone Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2017
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    So does ML got to know about MC's rebirth?
  20. ningle

    ningle Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2017
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    No, the ML just found supported him when the MC went after his previous life's 'friends'. At the end the MC does meet the ML's childhood friend who supported ML in the previous life. MC was afraid of ML's friend and ML wanted to know why. He tricked it out of the MC during their Rated M scenes. In the end, the ML decided that since MC was scared of his friend, then he would just keep them separate from each other.
    But, no. He never found out.

    The second branch's son was eventually sent out of HQ. The mother was sent to be the CEO of a subsidiary company that was filled to the brim with ML's people. The daughter was sent out of the country, reputation completely ruined by He Ran.
    candycane_whack, Ease, Nic and 7 others like this.