Spoiler (BL) 99 Methods of Raising a Mermaid

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Selax, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. Raizendeville

    Raizendeville [The Idle Lord] (눈_눈)| [Piñata Infantry Commander]

    Aug 19, 2017
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    *adds to the ever ending danmei list~
  2. WagKalimutan

    WagKalimutan Mpreg Lover, Married To Yaoi

    Oct 31, 2016
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    *nose bleed* Mpreg :blobdrool::blobdrool:
  3. lizabernal96

    lizabernal96 Bella

    Dec 24, 2015
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    more spoilers please:aww:
  4. EveningWind

    EveningWind Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Seem Interesting ~~Mpreg :love::love:
  5. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    timely :aww:

    yayy gotta read this now:blobhero:
  6. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    it's an ok read to pass time i guess
    kinda adorable
    the little bun is cute
    a pity too little scenes for him

    ml is not the usual cold type one
    In fact he's outgoing,friendly,childish
    but hiding his painful past using a cheerful looking face
    Mc is the cold one
    hiding his pain behind a cold face
    but of course I can kinda understand his hiding his pain with cold outward appearance his past is sad
    ml too
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
  7. EveningWind

    EveningWind Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Possible to spoil us please ??? :aww::aww:
  8. elnuni

    elnuni Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    dang it this Mr.Mermaid has really op nose he can even smell people in video :sushi_chubby:
  9. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    actually I've already type long spoiler for this here but push a wrong button got it delete *cry:blobsob:

    here it is
    mc past: 6 years ago he's a student from famous entertainment university(he took acting class) excellent students most people think he'll make it big but than he disappear all of sudden
    he got drug and somehow do the deed with ml(who's in heat probably because he didn't mark a partner)ml is not conscious, doing it out of instincts so (it became mc nightmare rough experience :blobwoah:not gentle at all) he thought he's a monster because although he's a male he can get pregnant umm in the past his father is abusive to both him and his mother and keep calling him little monster while hiting him :blobcry:
    poor mc he got shocked with his pregnancy and than his long suffering mother passed away
    I'll spoiled the angst first before sweet sweet moment humm:blobowoevil_horns:
    in mc childhood before things somehow turn for the worse he was a happy child with a loving parent somehow the father come home drunk all of sudden broke his mother favorite zither/violin :blobconfused: mtl keep changing it or something
    from than on he life a living hell with father getting more abusive with him and his mother calling him little monster everytime
    I forgot what happened again anyway mother and son run away took a shelter anywhere as long as there's a roof and mother work for a bar always come home drunk to earn money

    anyway after the bun is out of the oven mc think he's a blessing he got himself a
    cute obedient lovely son who worship and love his father very much :aww:
    Heungbo, HesheFell, Leir and 7 others like this.
  10. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    umm well I'm still in the middle of the story since I got distracted with *how to fall in love with villain
    already finished
    so I'll read this again till the end :blobmelt:
    i read until ch 50
    mc already find out from ml friend ml is mermaid
    here we go
    ml confessed to mc he love him mc pushed ml away rejecting ml and ran away (ml get sick again like 6 years ago because he haven't mark a partner )
    mc feel he's the worse because he remember ml broken heart expression when he pushed ml and feel terribly bad
    but than he thought ml will probably hate himself when ml know he's a monster (because he can get pregnant?)
    ml friend come whisper to mc telling him ml is mermaid
    mc is hopeful maybe they can?
    run back to ml house
    ml is changing into mermaid form just when mc come to his bedroom? ml go straight to bathroom lock the door telling mc not to come inside
    mc is shocked and sad he thought ml is still upset so he knocked the bathroom door to apologise
    asking ml to come out
    ml say mc will hate him if mc saw him right now
    mc say he'll not because he know he's mermaid
    ml ecstatic let mc in
    mc compliments his tail:blobpeek:
  11. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    truth be told
    I don't know how to make a spoiler box that can hide the word
    never bothered about it anyway this is spoiler section but it's irritating looking at my own bad English with broken grammar display there :blobdizzy:
    if anyone is kind enough probably can teach me :blobsalt:
    theragingpanda likes this.
  12. alexfilia

    alexfilia Bromance & Fluff <3

    Jan 8, 2016
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    [ Spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] without the gaps
    soie_yoie likes this.
  13. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    thanks :)
  14. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    fluffy moment
    ml know mc is the one that sleep with him 6 years ago when they meet again
    mc is inside ml house with the manager(who already know ml identity as a mermaid) ml is drunk(he's depressed because some family/clan problem) hug mc saying he smell sweet embrace him tightly mc is struggling in his panic he hand chop ml neck
    ml fainted
    manager shock
    mc shock

    to be continue.....
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  15. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    ml didn't tell mc he's the father until ch 40
    he's planning to tell mc
    *planning :blobconfused: (I'm upset) because it drag for too long
    mc already come out clean at this time about his uneasiness for having a weird body

    anyway right I should've stick with the fluff:blobpats: ahh...

    ml found it weird why mc have his scents on him unless dun dun dun (he's having his seed ahem..)
    ml turn into ml from QWTFOD
    he asked the manager to find out all about mc keeping all mc photos fanboying over mc teenage pics
    keep gushing complimenting how cute ahh how handsome how beautiful :blob_grin:
  16. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    he know mc have a 6 y,o son
    he already have suspicion little bun is his son

    little bun he saved money in order to buy present for his beloved father
    I don't remember why/how anyway little bun records himself with mc friend help
    I think he wants to be famous because he wants to find his big fish(ahem mermaid ml)and to celebrate his father birthday singing and acting he got famous because he's so cuuutee he act well and sing nicely
    ml saw tha when he heard little bun voice he can feel (sounds that's oddly intimate) he can feel it
    the voice sounds like telling him something
    when the manager say the little bun look like mc he got it why he feels like that
    ahhh it's his beloved son ahhh so cuuutee want to hug want to kiss :blobsweat:
    ahsudole, Heungbo, soie_yoie and 8 others like this.
  17. Nokiyoh

    Nokiyoh {The one with Collarbone fetish}

    Apr 26, 2017
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    ml love fish(not eating them )
    little bun is in love with fish (not eating them just like toys and stuff fish shapes or with big fish pictures)
    ml love vegetables juice
    little bun love it too
    very alike on so many things


    ml is instinctively scared of cats
    little bun is fearless of cats
  18. AimieNam1003

    AimieNam1003 Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Whos uke , whos seme?
  19. AbsoluteMeowster

    AbsoluteMeowster Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    So I know it's kind of a late reply, but I just wanted to clarify some information that you questioned as a medical student coming from a US background and just generally as a person. It may help broaden our minds and make us a little more open to different view points.

    I agree about it not being amazing if you haven't taken an after-morning pill, but even if you did, there's about a 20% or so chance of it failing, so it's definitely not a catch-all. Definitely would recommend a medical checkup afterwards if sex was unprotected, because STDs are no joke (some can even cause infertility). (Also inform your partner of any STDs you may have, so they themselves can get treated and won't pass it on unsuspectingly!)

    As for waiting up for the person after a one-night stand/sex: Just wanted to address that taking a photo of a person without their consent is illegal, so no photos. Especially when they're in a vulnerable situation, such as being asleep, or worse, drugged.
    And all your other reasons sound logical, but you have to remember; when you're in that situation, logic may not be the dominating force in your panic. You've just woken up with little to no memory, and while it is not advisable, it is understandable if in your panic you flee. Normal defence mechanism. And I don't know if it's like this in countries outside of America, but generally, one night stands don't stick around for breakfast. They leave immediately, and it's pretty normal not to get your partner's name or number (which is pretty bad for STD checking!).

    As for why someone may not get rid of a fetus: abortion may be illegal or highly restricted and/or stigmatized in their community. It maye be against their values, religious or otherwise, to have an abortion, or they may not have enough money, time, or resources to get to an abortion clinic. There are many varied and completely understandable reasons why someone may not abort a fetus even if it may be against their well-being.

    As for if a guy swoops in - if he is the biological father of the child, he does have rights to see his kid (unless you have taken legal action against him). And I can't speak about it in a scientific way, but it may just be nicer having someone around to help out and take care of the kid. it technically isn't the guy's fault that he wasn't around, unless he actively knew there was a kid. In this case, it seems like he didn't, and now that he knows, he justifiably wants to be part of his child's life. You can't deny another biological parent access to their child.

    Just thoughts I had reading your post. I understand where you're coming from, but there were points that I felt had to be acknowledged, and can perhaps explain why this kind of situation can and do happen.
    alexfilia, Heungbo and Traveling Chef like this.
  20. ludagad

    ludagad Addicted to escapist novels

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Anyway, I could rant for hours why this type of plot annoys me to no end, but I'll spare y'all. I just deleted three paragraphs of my response, lmao. It basically stems from my need to empathize with the MC's of the novels I read and ultimately getting annoyed by their usually doormat characters and illogical (to me) decisions. I really was hoping more for someone to explain why these plots and characters are so popular that authors write about them endlessly. But that was before. Since then I've had more time to think about it, and I've realized a few thing. Not gonna write an essay about it, but basically, all the plot points that annoy me - having sex drunk/drugged, not having a medical check up, MC being too naive and trusting, etc, is done to set up the central point of the novel - cute child rearing and getting a rich husband to chase you, who's coincidentally the father of your child, so you can still be a pure MC, and not 'worn shoes' as a certain sexist saying exists. So yeah, if I got the MC I liked, the story wouldn't go in that direction. I've decided to move on and not question it anymore. I think you're a very sweet and knowledgeable person, and the bitter and cynical me didn't deserve your polite response. It's been a while since I've started just ignoring these novels and not bothering with their spoiler threads. I mean, recalling what I liked to read at different stages of my past, I really shouldn't be judging. If it's what entertains people and gives them pleasure in this stressful world, then who am I to sour that experience with my rants.