Game Sign Up When the Dead don't stay that way... [Mafia-ish Interest Thread]

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by Acarnina, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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    Recently, with both Kingdom Royale games are running down and me having some spare time in RL, I was reading through old PMs and such stored in this account (still haven't fully caught up, but that's because there are a lot) and I came across a number that linked me to this little gem. Now, a further search found me these two Interest Threads and this very Yandere Game Thread and... Not a whole lot since then.

    Now, to be fair, there is now that repetitive DOTA Mafia run by the robot @justabot, and it looks like some guy called @A5G_Reaper has recently retaken his role as mod of the non-bot versions of the same game but... I'm not seeing much of a difference. They're all just so robotic, so plain. I mean, where's the flavor? The spice? The excitement? The laughter? Over and over again, it's just Radiants and Dires, Radiants and Dires, and more Radiants and Dires. Might as well just called them Goods and Evils.

    No, what we need is a game where both sides have moral righteousness. A game where flavor text can outnumber mechanics, where laughter rings after every stupid decision, where laughing godmods look down upon their toysplayers and relish in their torment.

    We need to revive NUF Regional Senior High School.

    I, as supreme high manager of the Kingdom Royale Game Franchise (trademark pending), have undertaken this most necessary of tasks myself. I will drag Principal @Tony out from his office, force @Shio back into the seat of student council president, and make the NUFRSHSNP great again. I submit my qualifications: management of the Kingdom Royale Interest Thread's first post, making amusing the shortest Kingdom Royale game (by time) ever, and the current production of Twin Kingdoms Game 7 in which I most recently offered up this wonderful flavored summary. If there are any objections, let them speak now so I can ban them from all of the above.

    But anyway, that enough about me. No, now it's time to discuss... The Game.

    Background Setting of:
    When the Dead don't Stay that Way

    I like Mafia. I like Kingdom Royale. But... I don't like letting players esca-die. It's absolutely no fun when you're tormen-kindly guiding a player through some trivially obvious-difficult mechanics only for them to suddenly up and die on you the next day, thereby managing to save themselves-lose all hope of victory. No. That cannot be allowed to happen.

    So I thought about it for a while, when suddenly the answer came to me:

    No, wait, sorry, wrong one. I meant to use this one:

    That's right: Zombies.

    With Zombies, when you kill players, they don't actually escap-die. Thus, you get to keep them trapped in your game forever. You can also have the town be able to 'cure' rather than 'lynch' them, which keeps more players in the game (and has the side bonus of being more politically correct, too). Also, it gives you a good reason to vote for yourself if you're tired of being a zombie and want to live again.

    How to Win:

    Technically, if this is done right, we could keep the game going forever and ever without ever deciding a victor. Unfortunately, you won't find many volunteers for an unwinnable game, or even one that's winnable but close. I mean there will always be a few, but if you're going to actually make this amusing you need at least 20 or so. No, instead you have to give them victory conditions. Victory conditions that seem doable in a reasonable amount of time.
    Fine. We can do that.

    At the most basic level, there are 2 factions: the Dead, who want everyone else to be like them, and the Living, who... Don't. But, as we've all seen zombie movies or read zombie books, we know how things work: eventually, the dead take over everything. And that doesn't make it much fun. So, we decided there should be a time limit: about 10 days. To be more precise, the number of players divided by 2 days, minus 1 for bookkeeping. In that many days, if there are any of the living left, they win! On the other hand, if, at any point, all the players are dead, well... Then the Dead win instead.

    Yay, victory!

    Except, of course, some of you may have noticed the slight problem with this plan: if everybody's dead, and the Dead win, then everybody wins. We can't have that! That would be completely unacceptable, because everybody would just try to die as fast as possible and let the zombies take over. No. No, we must add another mechanic to victory:

    Yes, Rankings. Rankings allow us to make everybody (except whoever ends up last) a winner and everybody (except the bastard in first) a loser. And it's quite easy to do this:
    At the end, if the Dead win, they are ranked according to how long they've been Dead. The longest Dead takes first place, the second longest takes second, the third longest takes third, and everybody else can go home because we aren't giving out any more participation trophies. Except, of course, whoever ends up Dead last; they get the mark of shame for being last place so all those other Unranked zombies have somebody to laugh at and bully.

    Now that we've ranked the Dead, though, we also need to rank the living or else it will not be very fair. Fortunately, there shouldn't be as many of them, so we can make their ranking a bit less strict. Let's go with a points system based on how many zombies you help cure by voting. Or cure by other means; I'm not doing away with powers just yet.

    Faction Powers:

    The Dead:

    This thread is getting a bit long, so let's start condensing things. Zombies, or the Dead, all get a single basic power: MurdInfection. They can attempt to kill another player and turn them into a walking abomination of unlife like themselves. But, exponential growth is a terrifying thing. If you start with 1 zombie, by the fifth day you'll have up to 16 and by the sixth you may well have 32.

    That's way too fast! Even with town heals, unless they cut it off in the first couple of days the living will be doomed!

    Fortunately, we already have a solution: the Dead Hierarchy.
    The Oldest Zombie will be now named the Zombie Lord. Only the Zombie Lord may guarantee an infection, and they may do so no matter what. Blocking abilities? Are those tasty? No, the Zombie Lord will infect one player a day, every day, until everyone has joined their legions of the undead.

    And of course, should you manage to killcure them, they will of course be replaced as Zombie Lord by the new Zombie Lord, the old second place zombie. Plus, as if you needed more incentive to get rid of them, only the Zombie Lord will know which players are zombies and which are not. Sure, they don't know what order those zombies are in, but unless something goes terribly wrong that shouldn't be all that hard to figure out. In other words, for the Living, whoever the current Zombie Lord is is priority numero uno, dos, tres, and probably cinco to boot.

    Now, let's also give powers to second and third place. They will get a 50% chance of infection when attacking, while all other zombies only get 33%. This cuts our exponential function down by a lot, so now it takes 8 days in ideal conditions for zombies to take over everything and the town has a fighting chance, and that doesn't include overlaps because the Zombies only know who they themselves have infected. Let's name them... The Zombie Prince and the Zombie Knight respectively.

    The Zombie Prince obviously wants to overthrow the Zombie Lord and claim first place, plus all the juicy powers that go with it. So, let's give them a hand with that: they know who the Zombie Lord is. Of course there's the small detail of them shouting it out to everyone will get them cured about five minutes later, but I'm sure they'll figure out some way to deal with that minor issue.

    As for the zombie Knight, well we've given the other two knowledge so we might as well give him a shield. The Zombie Knight, whoever it is, cannot be cured. There, now we can guarantee that the zombies will not be wiped out in any single lucky round. In other words, more victimsvolunteers.

    Anyway, that seems like enough powers for the Dead. Except last place.

    The youngest zombie gets a 0% infection rate, so long as there are more than 3 zombies. Because, again, everybody needs someone to look down on.
    Short version: Three ranking Zombies get power to guarantee Infection through any barrier (First place), power to know who the first place zombie is (Second), and power to be immune to cures (Third). All the rest get no powers and a 33% infection rate, except last place who gets a 0% rate.

    The Living:

    The Living, obviously, get much more varied roles. We've got Shrine Maidens with the power to exorcise evil and heal zombies all by themselves, detectives able to watch all nightly interactions and figure out what people are doing, chemists who can determine who is and is not a zombie, delinquents who can cripple someone for a night, pharmacists who can whip up a temporary immunization for infection, and many more.

    Of course, being that these are high school students, it's actually their parents who can do all that stuff, but don't sweat the small stuff. Sure, they can only ask their families for hell once a night, but that won't hold them back! They will succeed on the power of Daddy's wealth and Mommy's college degree. There's just one tiny problem with that:

    See, when you become a zombie, you die. Your parents hold a funeral and everything and you wake up the next morning in the graveyard (quick funerals are the height of fashion these days). Well being that you're dead, you can't exactly go home and continue to mooch off Daddy's money or ask Mom to help you with her Ph.D., so once you become a Dead you lose all your powers.


    Even if you're cured and come back to life, they aren't coming back. Just some added incentive not to let that happen.

    Now, we've already discussed the lynchcure, sort of. Once per day the school chemistry teacher will deliver a prepared cure for whatever the current strain of zombification virus happens. It only works on that day, and can only be used to cure one person. You'll be able to tell whether it worked, or it didn't, by how much the subject convulses in pain while drinking it. Because your teacher doesn't care (actually she ran away after the whole Occult Club incident and hasn't been seen since, which is a rather long time for a class to be without a teacher), and nobody can agree on giving executive power over the cure to somebody who might become a Zombie (i.e. Any one of you), you've decided to apportion the cure according to a democratic vote each day. The lucky winner gets to drink the bottle, and suffer whatever consequences may come.
    Short version: every student starts with the powers of their parent's money and career, but loses them once they Die. Town votes to cure one person a day, and does get to know whether or not it worked.

    I wonder, NUF, can you gather enough victimvolunteers for me to run this game? (In like a week or so. I'm not starting this in the next couple of days, that's for sure)
  2. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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  3. Tony

    Tony Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    To be fair, @justabot murdered a fluffy couple in the last game, so... :blobspearpeek:
  4. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    @Lenaia is.
  5. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Then, normally I can~
    As long as it's after Saturday~
  6. Miiro

    Miiro Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Sure @Acarnina I like the concept of this game so sign me up please!
    Nom de Plume likes this.
  7. LittleFox21

    LittleFox21 The Soon-to-be famous Nyatsune

    May 9, 2016
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    I can try I guess?
    Bielt likes this.
  8. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
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  9. SoulZer0

    SoulZer0 Heaven Refining

    Oct 25, 2016
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  10. grandurr

    grandurr [Daisy's Peony] [Negiomi's Nectar]

    Feb 24, 2016
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    ill join but not anytime soon as finals are close lol
  11. kyuukestu

    kyuukestu 『Q』『Vampyre Imperatrix』

    Apr 11, 2016
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    I could do with some Zombie Apocalypse, just died in the KR game anywaaaayyy
  12. Faaldara

    Faaldara [Fire Goddess] [Apathy] [Anon2.0's] [Sweets Thief]

    Jun 12, 2016
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    You awake me from my slumber? I shall not participate, but I will offer a volcano or eternal bonfire as a set piece for your amusement.
    Seriously though, I'm still on lists for things?
    Ddraig likes this.
  13. Ophious

    Ophious Pathfinder kinda fun

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Looks fun but I'm trapped in the other one so I don't think it's possible
    but I'll be cheering you guys on for sure!
  14. Bielt

    Bielt 『Planets Eater』『The Sin of Animosity』

    Mar 17, 2016
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  15. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    ...Can I be a skeleton instead?
  16. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    With my help!
  17. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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    ... The robot apocalypse has begun.

    These sound like players, not mods. I'm not seeing any laughing godmods.


    Until you die, of course. In this that option doesn't exist.

    What is a skeleton but a zombie who lost weight?
    Fossil likes this.
  18. erichninja

    erichninja Don’t think about it

    Dec 10, 2015
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    I been summon...
    Now to die
  19. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I'm okay with this. It means I'll be faster to escape the lyn- cure, right?!
  20. Ophious

    Ophious Pathfinder kinda fun

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Can I be the one to stab you to death?
    Too late I'm already doing it
    *stabbity stab stab the ninja*