Scariest thing that has happened to you

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by heavenlytribulation, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. heavenlytribulation

    heavenlytribulation [One Feared by All]

    Apr 29, 2016
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    So I'm wondering about what the scariest thing that happened to others is. In my case I was practicing soccer in my lawn when I was 7-8 years old and my neighbor was mowing his lawn when a rock went flying out of his lawn mower it just nicked my head causing me to bleed I thought i was going to die. So what is the scariest thing that happened to you?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  2. Lucresia

    Lucresia Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Novel was drop!
  3. RizYun

    RizYun #Kaffee4Laifu

    Apr 29, 2016
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    at age 12 imma cursed to never have a girlfriend. and it happen even til my 29th Bday...
    Sansome, Enigma, Renaxan and 6 others like this.
  4. Ophious

    Ophious Pathfinder kinda fun

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Probably when I was a kid and visiting one of those temples in the mountains in Thailand, I wanted to race against my sister so I ran up the stairs as fast as I can, the thing was it was raining that day so anyway, halfway to the top after about 100 steps or so I slipped and almost fell. The good thing was this kind tourist caught me while I was falling so I didn't die but still gave me and my grandparents a good scare
    Dr_H_16 likes this.
  5. Deleted member 155674

    Deleted member 155674 Guest

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    Maybe that time when I was hurrying down a staircase and tripped, honestly I didn't roll down like in the movies but I got injured and sprained both legs, one foot in particular was nearly dislocated and swelled so much I couldn't walk on it for a week
    Dr_H_16 and lychee like this.
  6. Beer_Kitty

    Beer_Kitty Just a very very drunk kitty that likes beer

    Mar 12, 2017
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    It was during the awarding ceremony for an interschool Mr./Ms. Princesito/Princesita (Prince and Princess). We were to ride a single pair horse carriage and i was the one to ride first because my partner/co winner is getting her mom fix her make up.
    The horse decided to jump a bit, unluckily i wasnt holding on to anything, i flew out of the horse carriage and got KO'd during my fall. I almost got ran over by a passing car while fainted. I woke up at the E.R getting xray.
  7. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Handle got hook to a truck while riding bicycle 8 yrs ago, lost a large patch of skin on thigh among other minor injuries. Still don't know if I was lucky that it was not a direct hit or unlucky that I was hit. My left cheek started twitching at random time since that time for six yrs. Stopped two years ago
  8. Rivenn

    Rivenn 【I eat fruit】【commonhouseman】【RV_n/Rivelle】

    Nov 26, 2015
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    > 4 year old me
    > wild cockroach appeared
    > make that two
    > adults equip slippers and news papers
    > cockroach*2: prepare for take off
    > chaos ensues
    > screaming everywhere
    > roach: Tora! Tora!
    > roach 1 lands on my shirt
    > roach 2 lands on my shorts
    > me face2face with roach 1
    > *stare* *mental breakdown*
    > roaches finally swatted cuz i froze

    > bug spray is now my best friend
  9. Enigma

    Enigma Follower of Jesus, he's the only way

    Nov 23, 2015
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    I looked in a mirror........

    A little more serious

    Almost got drowned when I was four
    Almost got ran over and somehow ended up under the vehicle without any injury
    Was burning trash and a bottle cap landed inches away from My face
    Camping outside and lightning hit a tree not far from the tent
    Had to stop a car to prevent my cousin from getting ran over
    Found out a guy I passed daily jogging was a serial killer

    So I guess pick from one of those unless you want ghost stories that happened to me.
    Dr_H_16, KuroKaze and Averroes93 like this.
  10. Doomr

    Doomr Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    That happened to me, except it hit my hand and now I have a scar that’s nearly one inch in length even after about 18 years later
  11. Traveling Chef

    Traveling Chef ⁽ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ╯.+:。Professional Unichef~

    Nov 4, 2016
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    ah~ when I read the title I was thinking ghost stories but going for real-life scares~

    when I was in middle school approximately half a millennia ago, I had acquired some firecrackers from my father and waited for a weekend when no one was home. I waited till 2 am (because 2 am and 2 pm is when the local police change shifts in my area so you were less likely to be caught doing dumb stuff around then) and started setting a few off on the stone stoop out front my house.

    but then I noticed, one of the firecrackers, instead of being a bright orange, was, in fact, a dark purple and was thicker. I didn't know any better But I didn't want to take any chances. So I moved farther from the house and dug a small bowl shape in the ground, about 2 inches deep, so it had dirt around it(in case it caught stuff on fire yanno~)

    I took about three steps back and felt confidant that was far enough. went in close, lit the fuse, and hoofed it back to my "safe spot"

    so the firecrackers I HAD been setting off were M80s what the purple device was, was a quarter stick of dynamite my Father got from some work friends.

    it's pitch black out, the fuse lights. I hoof it backwards, turn around, see the fuse dip into the tube, my world becomes a fury of white light and sound. my front door is a good 200 yards or more away and I have no idea which way I'm facing. I managed to stumble my way back to the stoop I started at and still couldn't see or hear anything for another 10 or so minutes. I don't even know how long it was really, I was just terrified that I would need to try and call my mom and dad and try to explain to them why I am deaf and blind now.

    Don't play with fireworks kids.
    it could be the last thing you ever do~
    lychee likes this.
  12. LK

    LK Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    When i was around five i climbed a really tall tree and the branch broke and impaled me right at a major artery and if they had pulled the branch out like they almost did id have died also the first hospital we went to didn't take kids even tho i was literally impaled so we had to drive to another hospital suprisingly i didn't cry the whole time.
  13. GotDied

    GotDied Just a friendly rotten hermit~

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Well, it would be when I was having sleep paralysis, when a good mannered ghost spoke to me, when the mad dog of my neighbor chased me, and I had a vision of Hell I was so terrified since I'm an atheist.
  14. forecast

    forecast [Batoto Veteran] [sakurahana veteran]

    Nov 17, 2015
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    3-4 years old

    I learned about death, and how everybody will die someday.
    Scared the living daylights out of me. well more of a shock transforming into, why are we even alive downward spiral.
    Though at the end I was thinking about immortality and how to combine people with robots(robocop inspired).
    I was grossed out by robocop but thinking I can have hidden gadgets appear in various places was cool(at that time).

    I just had to ask
    me:"what is the end?"
    aunt: end of the day?
    me: no, end, the end.
    aunt: end of the year?
    me: the final very very end.
    aunt: end of the world?
    me: huh?
    aunt: people die, nothing lives.
    me: ........

    I just wanted to ask the end of school, no school and everyday I will play games, no work for parents too so they can play with me.
  15. Renaxan

    Renaxan [Ero Culture Enthusiast]

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Get drowned in river
    Get carried by its current because it was rain season about 200m
    Thats the moment i feel when died is my only option.
    Glad i was catching bridge pillar and screaming for help
    not mention i just 9 at that time.
  16. Snowbun


    Aug 14, 2019
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    Once I almost got robbed, but kicked the person, and ran away. One day, while going to cram school, I heard gunshots, and crouched to the ground with other people. Apparently a bank robbery occurred in a avenue nearby. I was in a minor car accident, nothing serious but a bit scary as I was seated at the front. Almost got ran over once in a dark street by a car with the lights all happened when I was between 15-18yo so I think it felt scarier because I was younger.
  17. Teadragon

    Teadragon Book Wyrm

    Jun 5, 2016
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    You know the sorts of things to never do when facing a great white shark?

    Upon seeing the shark my mind literally made a checklist for me.
    1) Face to face while scuba diving and no cage. CHECK
    2) Thrashing around. CHECK
    (Given the weighting on my gear, the moment I stopped moving I started sinking onto the very sharp coral just below me. While I could try balancing on the coral on the tips of my flippers, that would damage the coral, which I did not want to do.)
    3) Bleeding. CHECK
    (Did I mention the very sharp coral?)
    4) Flash photography.
    -As I had already checked off the rest of my list, I felt that I really should complete it. So I took a picture. CHECK

    Lived to tell the tale. CHECK

    Edit: Not my closest or scariest brush with death. But it is the story that is most fun to tell. :blobhero:
  18. Ratatoskr

    Ratatoskr [Aruruu's proud dad] [The False Gentleman]

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Me and few of my friends got a run in with the po-po while having a night out at the beach. I fell asleep early near the camp fire cause i don't travel well, then got woke up by a friend going "dude dude, the police here". I was still not fully awake when i saw 2 police guy were searching and questioning the others. Now, usually this wasn't a problem since a good boy like me doesn't break the law in public. But turns out some the guys were already smashed on weed that they bought from some local dealer with leftover that they didn't manage to dispose of. I who was still groggy, put on my charming good neighbor smile and answer truthfully that i don't smoke(that day). Bear in mind that we are about to graduate and if this got mentioned we will probably get expel. All those tuition and years of hardwork went to the drain. Never in my life have i been so fuking scared.
    Well long story short, after selling out where they got the stuff, and the cops scared them by wanting to throw them in jail which got them pale. They were just given a warning and asked to leave. And we left faster than a road runner.
    The threaten to get jail wasn't aimed at me and one of my friend cause the cops believe what we were saying about not smoking any by looking at our harmless face or that we were sober. But still fcking scary shit.
    Now they only smoke where its safe in the comfy of their own home. Gotta get smort.
  19. Nefasdetestasti

    Nefasdetestasti ❄️Wɪɴᴛᴇʀ's Sᴏɴɢ❄️ ||| [Schrödinger Pantsu]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Having nothing to eat.
  20. Ruby20

    Ruby20 Active Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    that time when i was ask to guard my dead grandma's body alone because my parents was busy preparing for the funeral.