Spoiler Cheating men must die (manhua)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Kuro_0ni, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Iloverabbits

    Iloverabbits Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    This arc is mostly poking fun of MCs who time travels to the past and plagiarise other famous people's work.
    An author[Author] of a novel spend countless of days n nights crafting a beautiful story, but a plagarist[Cheater] stole it. Cheater is a transmigrator/time traveller, so she knows all the popular stories. As Cheater publishes Author's story before Author even get a chance to publish it, Cheater's fans bombarded her novel's comment section with hate comments, saying SHE is the plagiarist.
    This time, LuXia doesn't possess the body, but turns into a tiny vers of herself who only the Author can see[along with the system]. If the Author wants, LuXia can possess her body for a while. Also, the system is upgrading so LuXia can't use any props in this arc.
    LuXia tells Author she is a goddess of revenge and will be helping her. LuXia informs Author that CHeater is a time traveller and that is why she could plagiarise.
    LuXia's first plan was to let Author post the ending of her novel and write it as though it is a fanfic of Cheater's novel. So, the Cheater can't use her original ending.[Fun fact, the name of Cheater's novel is kinda similar to a real novel that plagiarise a BL novel(ten miles of peach blossom)]
    Cheater spends half a month trying to rewrite the ending but failed. She searches online on ways to deal with writer's block and one of the ways is to eat. and so she did, till she grows really fat. Horrified, she quickly slims down[she is known for being a beautiful author] and hires a ghostwriter for the ending. Of course, the ending is bad and many fans were pissed.
    LuXia's 2nd plan. All authors have their own writing style and of course, Authors has her own unique style too. So now,Author gathers evidence that points out a lot of coincidences Cheater's novel has with what Author post. [eg, Cheater's ML 'created' a song with identical lyrics as what her WeChat moment posts had three years ago and CHeater's FL's birthday coincides with Author's door number. Still, Cheater's fans sided with Cheater.
    Cheater messages Author to meet up to discuss the matter. CHeater said it's impossible for her to plagiarise but Author rebutted by saying, well if you can time travel... And Cheater gets all worked up. Cheater threatens to sue Author, mocking that she is poor and has not much income now, so how can she even pay the lawyers' fee? Cheater gives her a cheque to silence her but, of course, Author does not want to accept it.
    LuXia is pissed at Cheater so she teaches Author how to let LuXia possess her body. LuXia[now in Author's body] told Cheater the cheque is not enough to shut her mouth and demanded 3 of Cheater's houses in Tomson Riviera[ShangHai], CHeater's novel's movie and game license. Cheater is naturally pissed and did not agree. Luxia guilts Cheater by saying, well, its not like you earned it on your own. Cheater get nervous and was afraid LuXia knows something/ is also a transmigrator. LuXia took the cheque, leaving the anxious Cheater behind.
    Author[returned to her body] asked LuXia if it's a good idea to accept the cheque as she doesn't want to bow down to CHeater. LuXia told her it's not even enough to pay the interest of what Cheater stole from her. LuXia also told her that she purposely hinted to Cheater that she knows about her being a time traveller so that Cheater assumes LuXia has CHeater's incriminating evidence and so, CHeater will not act rashly.
    Cheater checks the background of Author and hires investigators to spy on her.
    Meanwhile, LuXia keeps posting evidence about the 'coincidences' Cheater's novel has, making more and more people siding her. Cheater's manager decided to get Cheater battle with Author in a writing competition. Of course, Cheater will know the topic beforehand and gains an advantage. LuXia knows Cheater will be scheming behind the scene but she does not mind as she wanted Author to have a stage to show her talents. LuXia will just help her to get rid of any obstacles Cheater sets.
    LuXia noticed that in the judges panel, there is a famous publisher guy who is also the ML of the original story of this arc[ML].
    The theme of the competition is galaxy and Cheater knows a oneshot novel with the same theme that is popular in the future so she uses that novel. Judges all find Cheater's story to be perfect while Author's story is good but lacking/rushed. ML finds it fishy that Cheater could write such a good story within a short span of time but decided to let her off as ML thinks Cheater has talent even though she knows the topic beforehand. CHeater won the competition and Author was depressed. LuXia enters Authors body and asked to see Cheater's story. After reading, LuXia said she found the story familiar and asked the ML for his handphone[competitors are not allowed to have their headphones in the competition] She searched for a WeiBo book reviewer[System's WeiBo account]. Although the review didn't post the original story, quotes used in the reviews shows that it is very similar to what CHeater's competition story. CHeater panicked and refuse to admit, saying she never saw the review before. CHeater's manager whispered to ML, saying it's impossible for the famous Cheater to plagiarise and LuXia rebutted with, "So you are saying this book reviewer somehow knows the future and wrote the review to besmirch Cheater's name, or the original author time travelled and copied Cheater's story?"
    ML stopped the quarrel and announce the competition is cancelled until the plagiarism matter is settled. Cheater is devastated as she can't let plagiarism ruin her reputation, so she pleads ML. ML asked why did Cheater use a writing style[or dialect, not sure how to translate this.] that isn't from her hometown. This is suspicious as people will usually use what they know when under a time limit. Cheater gets anxious and stops pleading.
    ML asked LuXia if she ever plagiarises and of course, she said no. So, ML tells her to write another story in front of him[aka LuXia manage to win a chance for Author to show her skills to a famous publisher/ takes a step into the literature industry]
    Author became a signed author under ML and is extremely thankful to 'Goddess' LuXia. Meanwhile, System's Weibo is flooded with hate messages from Cheater's fans. LuXia responded by deleting the review, but also making a post stating how the account is getting harrassed by Cheater's fans. Many supported System's account.
    Cheater plans on finding the owner of System's account so that they can let him admit he got bribed to besmirch Cheater's name. Manager has already checked the IP address of the System's account and it is an overseas IP. He also wasn't able to contact him through private message.
    Cheater decided to just sweep it under the rug/ ignore the entire matter, since she has a bunch of stories that can make her famous again. Sure enough, not long after, she writes another famous story.
    Author has to attend some kind of gathering. She thought it's just a casual activity so she wore something very casual. Only when she arrived did she realise everyone was wearing glamorous outfits. LuXia asked Author if there is any nearby shopping mall, but there isn't, only a small clothing stall that sells cheap clothes nearby.
    meanwhile, Cheater approaches ML in the gathering and asked why did ML make Author a writer under him, isn't he afraid she plagiarise? ML rebutted with, she has talent, she doesn't need to plagiarise. Cheater was pissed at ML's double standard since she also proves that she has 'talent' with her latest publishing work. ML suspects Cheater as her writing style changes drastically and write too quickly.
    LuXia[possessing Author's body] bought the entire clothing store's clothes and edited them to make them elegant. SHe cuts into ML and Cheater's conversation and mocked Cheater for looking desperate[Cheater sticks really close to ML]. Cheater was about to slap LuXia but ML stopped her, so she went away. ML tries to help arrange LuXia's hair but accidentally touches her face, making him blushing.
    During the gathering, it was announced that Cheater will be filming in a movie that is a remake of her works, a story about a leukemia patient. LuXia was enraged as in the original story, the real author IS a leukemia patient and her works help to fund her hospital bills. Without the funding, the author probably will die faster than during the original story. LuXia tells ML she isn't feeling well and will be going back. ML lends her his jacket and will drive her home.
    LuXia tells System to pee into Cheater's winecup, so when she drinks the wine, she ended up puking due to the weird taste. as she was toasting to a prominent figure, she ended up puking right at the person, making her lose the chance to get connected with the person.
    one month later, Author sends money to foot for leukemia author's bills, as per LuXia's request. She is more than willing to do this as LuXiaa has told her the leukemia author is also one of Cheater's victim.
    A paparazzi calls Author for a meet up and shows her photos of Cheater with a married actor. LuXia[possessing Author's body] told the paparazzi that the photos meant nothing as Cheater can easily wave it off by saying its part of her movie. Still, LuXia bought the photos but made the paparazzi promise to let her be the first to see any photos he took of Cheater in the future, which he agreed. LuXia is planning on letting Cheater and married actor build a stronger romance so she can have better evidence.
    Phew~ That's it for now!
  2. Iloverabbits

    Iloverabbits Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    ZiYue dies the moment LuXia leaves her body. The emperor give her a posthumous title of a goddess and states that she has returned to her celestial world. Also, the emperor refused to marry again, so his harems remains empty.
  3. PainedSouL

    PainedSouL Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    Guuuuuys, in the latest English chapters, Su Luxia says the Taoist master is her type!!!!!! She's definitely bi!!!!!!! Now we all have a chance to join her harem!!!!:blobxd::blobxd::blobxd::aww::aww::aww:
  4. Pafs

    Pafs Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    ...this needs to be asked.

    Is/is it possible that Jing Chen (yandere cultivation master) is the series' ML?
  5. JuuHachi

    JuuHachi Be My Glucose Guardian

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Lol im on team taoist master lolol as the ML and yandere cultivation master as the 2nd ML lololol
    Though i did remember someone posting that the system is the ML few pages back
  6. Purplerules

    Purplerules Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Who is ling?
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  7. emersy

    emersy Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Just saw something amazing.
    is the FL of PLagarasm Arc the author of the Heirest Arc!!
    That would be awesom if its true:aww:

    (It can be seen on the part when they are looking at the laptop. Under the table)
    augacutan and ishrocks18 like this.
  8. PrinceTenjou

    PrinceTenjou Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2020
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    Could someone give me spoilers for the Taoist master arc? I really want to know what's going on! (Especially if, cough, the Taoist master ends up liking su Luxia or not)
    Edit: nevermind I saw spoilers and now I'm SO SAD............damn it
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
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  9. suckmyduck

    suckmyduck Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    He's the burning dude in Luxia's flashback in the last chapter of Cheating Men Must Die and the Prime Minister. He'll also show up later in the Taoist arc in a flashback telling Luxia to live.

    Edit: I supposed they translated his name as Agent Zero.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2020
  10. I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler

    I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2020
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    What???! I am confused... what is the Heirest Arc?
  11. Wr3n

    Wr3n Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    The Heiress Arc... where she was married to that glasses asshole with the bitchy mom, the guy who cheated on her with the transmigrator from modern times who watched the setting back when it was just a tv show where the cheating scum was the ML who eventually fell in love with the fat FL that slx transmigrated into.
  12. Achievemint

    Achievemint Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2020
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    Is there no cheating women must die?
    kawaii12345 likes this.
  13. PrinceTenjou

    PrinceTenjou Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2020
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    I'm not sure how accurate this is but folks have said that the actual title in Chinese is "a thousand bastards bow before the Phoenix", which makes sense because Su Luxia from the start has been punishing homewrecking women too. So the title "cheating men must die" doesn't encompass the entire story rip
  14. Achievemint

    Achievemint Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2020
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    I guess the current title is more clickable than what you just explained.
  15. justvibinglol

    justvibinglol Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
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    anyone know what the new arc in the latest raws is about? it seems like an otome game one
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020
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  16. elparis

    elparis [Panda Warrior]

    Dec 15, 2016
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    the newest arc in the raw look like the art was upgraded. it look more soft
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  17. elparis

    elparis [Panda Warrior]

    Dec 15, 2016
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    can anyone tell me what is happening in the newest arc in the raw?
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
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  18. J-Susan

    J-Susan Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2018
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    I hope the main ML is Zero, the agent who supposingly died for the MC in her real life!!
  19. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    One moment oppressing scum yields a moment of satisfaction. Continuously oppressing scum yields continuous satisfaction. Our female main lead, Su Lüxia is bound to the Female Lead Counterattack System and transmigrates to several small worlds. Using elaborate means, she beats up countless cheating bastards and bitches. Su Lüxia: "Only a cheating bastard's tears of remorse, and the pained moans of a bitch unable to get what she wants bring me solace." System: "Has my host tapped into her humanity today? Nope."

    It's a pretty enjoyable and refreshing read. It's sort of a parody on manga/drama/novel cliches and face slapping and revenge.

    Based on the latest translated chapter 139, seems like she was originally a cannon fodder character. And the agent no. 1, Agent 0, sacrificed himself to save her. Can't wait for him to appear!

    Does anyone have any spoilers? I don't even know if this is an original work, or a novel adaptation?
  20. JuuHachi

    JuuHachi Be My Glucose Guardian

    Dec 26, 2015
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    this already has a thread :https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/cheating-an-must-die-manhua.92992/