Spoiler Cheating men must die (manhua)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Kuro_0ni, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. honeymochi

    honeymochi Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    I'd love to give a huge thanks to the translators that frequent this thread! Lüxia's adventures provide much needed relief from the awful male leads I see in novels and manhwa/manhua alike. The latest arc includes tropes that I'm all too familiar with (AKA the abusive ML who the FL should leave, but never does, and actually ends up falling in love with him despite all the horrible stuff he's done?!), so I can't wait to see what Lüxia has in store for this guy. :blobpopcorn:
  2. okpanda_533

    okpanda_533 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    • Two of ZZ's men (assassins?) appear out of nowhere, and ZZ orders them to subdue FX
    • Luxia thinks: This can't be, now I have to make my move. It's a chance for me anyway. Whether or not the plan succeeds will depend on whether FX is an idiot.
    • Luxia pushes past ZZ and yells, "I won't let you hurt ZZ! If you want to kill him, then I'll kill you!"
    • ZZ tries to stop Luxia, but Luxia's already in front of FX. Luxia whispers to FX, "Take me with you."
    • ZZ orders his men to protect the mistress aka Luxia, but FX has already grabbed Luxia to 'take her as hostage'.
    • Hamster remarks that FX is not that dumb; he understands what she's doing in an instant, and is able to get into character and play along quickly.
    • ZZ asks FX how he can do something like put an innocent civilian's life at risk when he's an public servant/officer of the court.
    • FX retorts that since he's likely to die today anyway (tn: because of the drug), he might as well bring the two of them down with him. And since it seems like ZZ is very worried about Luxia, then he'll kill Luxia first before killing ZZ.
    • Luxia, in character, yells, "ZZ, don't worry about me!"
    • ZZ hesitates, and then FX offers to let Luxia go if ZZ lets him escape.
    • Luxia continues yelling for ZZ to not let FX go, but in the meantime, she presses harder against FX's sword so that it'll draw blood. This worries FX at first, but then Luxia grabs his wrist and forces the sword closer, hinting to him to act better.
    • FX asks ZZ for his choice again, saying that even if he dies tonight, he'll make sure to kill Luxia first.
    • ZZ finally agrees to let FX go, saying that he'll remember FX. This confuses ZZ's men, but they do as ZZ says.
    • FX then grabs Luxia as guarantee, saying he'll set her free when he's found a safe place for himself. They yeet out the walls of the mansion. ZZ sends his men to chase after FX.
  3. Calypso Noir

    Calypso Noir Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoiler!
  4. soba_oden

    soba_oden Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    (sorry replying to old post again)

    Oooh I know that movie!! In English it's called "Chinese Odyssey".

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2022
  5. okpanda_533

    okpanda_533 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    • ZZ's men are hunting FX and Luxia down through the city. FX is already feeling the effects of the drugs so Luxia's hauling him around while they evade capture. Luxia gets Hamster to pretend to be FX and hold a piece of cloth to lure the men away. While Hamster does that, Luxia is hiding in a basket of apples with FX.
    • Later, Luxia emerges from her hiding spot and says that it's now time to work with FX to unknot YN's heart and gather evidence of ZZ's evil deeds. Meanwhile, Hamster is tired from running around so much and decides that this much is enough, so he turns back into a hamster and flies off to rejoin Luxia.
    • When the men catch up, they realise that all that's left are clothes and there's no one. The guy leading the capture realises that without being able to find FX and Luxia, he's effectively dead. So he heads back to ZZ, tells him he's failed, and then commits suicide so that ZZ will let his family go. ZZ just heartlessly says to remove his body because it's like, bad luck or sth.
    • ZZ also orders his men to tell the province lord that he's going to search every nook and cranny of the city for a thief, and to cooperate with him. Even if they have to dig into the earth, ZZ is determined to find FX and Luxia.
    • Everyone, from rich to poor, are all terrorised by the searching men.
    • Luxia decides to hide with FX in the brothel from earlier because it's the safest place to be while ZZ is clearly out on a manhunt for them. They wake FX up.
    • The men, having arrived at the brothel, kick in the door to the room that Luxia and FX are in. Luxia and FX are pretending to have sex (t/n: i'm dead they decided on a moustache to disguise FX??? lmao). Thankfully the men don't take a closer look at them and say that there's no one else hiding in the room. They then leave.
    • FX tells Luxia that she can get off him, but Luxia tells him they should wait until all the men leave the brothel. She also tells him that they have to escape from the city, and find the leader of the robbers who killed her family because he's got evidence that ZZ had hired the robbers.
    • Luxia also explains to FX that there are two of herself in the body - in the morning, it's the one who loves ZZ to death, and in the night, it's her, who hates ZZ and wants revenge. She warns him against the 'her' in the morning (aka YN)
  6. Calypso Noir

    Calypso Noir Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I wonder how YN would react ? Will she try to go to zz? Will she decided to just follow luxia plan?

    Thank you so much for the translation!
    skai.ya and okpanda_533 like this.
  7. okpanda_533

    okpanda_533 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    I think she'll try to go to ZZ, but I don't think she's really capable of doing anything - homegirl is wrecked by her emotions... maybe they'll guilt her into taking care of FX while he's still drugged?
  8. billet

    billet Member

    May 20, 2021
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    Thank you everyone for translating/summarizing!
    skai.ya likes this.
  9. Calypso Noir

    Calypso Noir Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I think you are right.
    skai.ya and Ray Levantret like this.
  10. okpanda_533

    okpanda_533 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    • At the city gates, they're checking everyone who's leaving. FX, dressed up in thick makeup, is pretending to be a woman. When asked why they're leaving the city and who's in the carriage with him, FX says that their family's lady is in the carriage and she's got tuberculosis, which is why they're leaving to their hometown for her to recuperate
    • FX blows the guards a kiss for good measure, thinking if it's really necessary for him to act like this.
    • Flashback to that morning, when Luxia's putting on makeup to look like someone who's ill. She tells FX to hit her unconscious and put her in the carriage. But FX has a more important role - to pretend to be her mother, and to act very flirtily with the guards
    • The guards are disgusted by FX (because he's got on very thick and ugly makeup) and comment that 'she' should look in the mirror first before flirting with them lol. When the guards check the carriage, they see YN looking sickly and with a bloodied handkerchief. The guards hurry FX to get out of the city because YN looks super sick.
    • Hamster asks if they should follow FX's clues and head to Liu County. Luxia says that they should, since FX is backed by the capital's intelligence system - which means that they're really only lacking in concrete evidence [but their other intel should be quite reliable]
    • Besides, Luxia might be able to find more clues while they're at Liu County. In any case, having FX around should allow them to find the robber who killed YN's family pretty soon.
    • Hamster asks what they're gonna do with YN - they can't possibly just gonna render her unconscious every morning. Luxia says that it'll take a while to find the robber; so in the meantime, they'll just have to work to untie the knot in YN's heart.
    • Luxia mutters that they only have a month left. She hopes that the letter she left ZZ is enough to steady him for the moment. She doesn't explain this to Hamster.
    • Cut to the brothel, where one of the sex workers is telling her boss that clearly, the one who hit her unconscious was from the Yang manor- (t/n: i think it refers to Luxia but it's cut off) her boss tells her not to speak of it to anyone in case this angers ZZ.
    • Back at ZZ's manor, he's having breakfast. He says that he added a drug to Luxia/YN's food - if she stops consuming it for a day, there'll be a smell emitting from her. So he orders his subordinate to send hunting dogs etc out to sniff her out. Regardless of who they find, they should bring them back to him. Also, as for the remaining 56 servants of the Su family, kill half of them and make them into meatballs to serve to YN when she's back.
    • The subordinate asks if ZZ is suspicious of YN.
    • ZZ answers that he's certain of her involvement - there were only the two of them escaping, and since FX was drugged, he couldn't have had the strength to continue carrying her. Which means that she wanted to escape.
    • Inside, he's thinking, don't blame me for being heartless if you betray me! He also thinks about all the sweet things YN had said to him about loving him etc and wonders if they were all lies. And then he thinks, don't you (YN) dare even think of escaping from my clutches!
    • This is when he receives the letter that Luxia had written for him. TLDR it says that she just needs to clear her mind and to give her a month's time so that they can have a future together, don't torture her servants in the meanwhile... if not she'd rather die outside than return.
    • ZZ relents and takes back his orders. He thinks, you better not be lying to me again or I'll make them into minced meat in front of you!
    the whole time i was translating the second half, i was blanching lmao what sort of monster are you to talk about human meatballs while having breakfast... he's so disgusting
  11. Ray Levantret

    Ray Levantret Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    I have to agree, I really hope that YN will live her own life and ZZ that bastard have his karma
    Jukki, skai.ya, Calypso Noir and 2 others like this.
  12. FunSmiles

    FunSmiles Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2021
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    Urgh, this guy is disgusting.
  13. Calypso Noir

    Calypso Noir Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Wtf, what's wrong with this guy.
    If there are ever an award for the worst male lead, I think this guy will win
  14. okpanda_533

    okpanda_533 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    • FX is still riding the carriage with YN in the back, and he's thinking about how YN in the day is so different from YN in the night (aka when Luxia possesses her). He wonders why YN in the day is so trusting of him and follows him to find evidence of ZZ's guilt. He wonders if it's because he looks like a good person?
    • Meanwhile, YN in the back is recounting what Luxia had said to her in the night (aka Luxia monologues to a mirror so in YN's memories it's like Luxia is talking to her).
    • Luxia, last night: You don't need to know who I am. I only want to ask you, did you know that ZZ was the mastermind behind your parents' and sister's deaths + desecration of their corpses? And while knowing this, are you sure you can have a happy future with ZZ still?
    • YN, present: I don't know what to do either. I love ZZ and I don't want to hurt him, but I don't think I can really be completely happy/free of guilt with him... I really don't know what to do...
    • Luxia, last night: I know you must be working yourself into a dilemma now. You think that on one hand, being with ZZ is like a betrayal to your family. And on the other, you don't want to leave ZZ because you don't think you can live without him. But if you haven't tried it, how would you know it's impossible? It's not like you only have two options - kill ZZ for revenge or forget everything in the past and live with him. You could leave ZZ and start your own life - you don't have to live under his shadow and be subject to his whims and torture. Do you really want to be tortured by him?
    • YN, present: But... if I leave him, can I really live a good life?
    • Luxia, last night: As for ZZ, he's committed too many evil deeds. He will not be forgiven by the heavens or the law - even without your or my interference, his fate will already be decided. I'm not going to kill him. I'm just going to find evidence of his misdeeds and let him be tried by the law. YN, you cannot save him. You can only save yourself: either you will live a life of guilt with him, or you can leave him and live on your own terms. All this is within your control.
    • YN, present: I... what should I choose?
    • Hamster celebrates that YN has wavered, but Luxia says that it's too soon to be happy, since they've only shown YN an alternative but she hasn't committed to it; YN's still in love with ZZ. If they want YN to give up on ZZ, then they have to be patient and play the long game.
    • Night falls, Luxia and FX are camping in the forest. FX says that they have 5 days to reach Liu County at the pace they're going. FX asks if Luxia is really going along with him to find the evidence - since she's a weak lady and it's not safe for her, how about he finds a place for her to hide?
    • Luxia then asks him who was it that rescued them from the mansion and then again from the city. FX is flustered and says that it's because that was his first time running into such things - he'll be smarter next time. But then he concedes that he's not as good as her at escaping.
    • Luxia tells him not to feel too disappointed; even if he's not really good at being a detective/intel officer, he could be a good cook - the chicken he's roasted for her is not bad. (Luxia tells hamster to learn how to cook for her lol)
    • FX bashfully says that he's often praised for his cooking skills. But when Luxia suggests that he changes career to be a cook, he's upset because it's his dream to be a detective/intel officer (he thinks it's cool). As for cooking... nah, even if he has to, he'll only cook for his wife.
    • Luxia laughs and says that she's not his wife but she's eating his cooking. FX says that this is just a special circumstance.
    • Luxia then notices there's an odd smell, and they realise it's coming from her. She realises with shock that ZZ must have planted some tracing scent on her. They then hear the sound of a search party and hunting dogs.
    • Luxia tells FX to ditch the carriage and just get away on horseback. As they're rerouting and trying to hide their tracks from the search party, Luxia is putting mud on herself. It won't get rid of the smell, but it will make it slightly less noticeable.
    • Luxia says that when they get somewhere safe, she needs to buy acupuncture needles to try and force the drug out of her system - it will take around three days though. So in the meantime, they should probably travel by the water/in the water to hide her scent.
    • Luxia's frustrated at ZZ for pulling such tricks and delaying her/giving her less time to work with.
  15. Ray Levantret

    Ray Levantret Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    ZZ that guy is not a idiot, making all kinds of tricks but he had such a disgusting personality . Just had a thought, it would be really nice if YN would kill ZZ personally and disregard his corpus but I think that unlikely.
  16. Calypso Noir

    Calypso Noir Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoiler!
  17. okpanda_533

    okpanda_533 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    • On a boat, FX is using a doll to tell YN a story - basically it ends with a young lady finding her parents with the help of a detective/officer, and they live happily ever after.
    • YN thanks FX for the story and says she likes the story. FX says that YN is still young, and should smile more/frown less as it's good for her health too.
    • YN says that she's thought it through, and that actually ZZ is not really as bad as they say he is - he's only killed people out of misunderstandings, which means he is not by nature a bad person (t/n: the stretch omfg)
    • YN then asks FX to send her back if he's really a good person - ZZ is just misunderstood by everyone.
    • FX says it's hard for him to comply with her request. Inside, he's thinking: bruh he killed your entire family, why do you still love him?
    • YN asks FX why he only believes her at night but not her in the morning. She thinks: this won't work, how should I find a way to get back to ZZ?
    • FX tries to change the topic so it doesn't ruin YN's mood. He starts talking about the mountain that he's climbed etc.
    • YN is still upset, and she's thinking: why don't you believe in ZZ? His only mistake was killing my family, but even then that was because he had a misunderstanding about my father and so sought revenge...why do you all say he's a bad person?
    • FX sees that YN isn't listening to him. He thinks: how did she get tortured to this extent... did he hit her in the head or sth? But at night she's still smart so...
    • At night, FX is feeding Luxia medicine to compensate for her blood loss. She tries to feed herself, but FX says: what if your hand trembles and you spill the medicine on your clothes? Then I have to wash it for you.
    • It turns out that not only is FX doing her laundry for her, he's also mended her torn clothes.
    • Luxia teases him for being so skilled at all these things - laundry, mending clothes, cooking, is he now going to say that he knows how to build a house and make furniture?
    • Apparently he can - he's learnt a bit while at training camps or sth. Luxia wonders why he's so good at these things, and yet still wants to torment himself by being a detective/officer. Hamster remarks that he's better suited to be a nanny.
    • Luxia then apologises to FX for YN in the morning - that she's blinded by love and lost her rationality, she won't listen to what other people have to say.
    • FX asks why the her in the morning loves ZZ - has she been hit in the head? Luxia teasingly asks if he's asking that she's got a problem with her head. FX quickly retracts his statement and praises her for being smart.
    • He continues, saying that it's just weird that in the morning, she's so foolishly devoted to ZZ, but at night, she turns into someone who's smart, strong, independent... as he speaks, his heart rate goes up. He thinks: what if I'm [having a crush on Luxia]... He escapes from the room with some excuse and leaves Luxia to drink the medicine on her own.
    • Both Hamster and Luxia are confused by the sudden action but don't think much about it.
    • Instead, Hamster laments that after knowing the truth, YN actually is more understanding towards ZZ and feels less hurt by him killing her family.
    • Luxia says: so, she's made the same choice as the novel... well, in that case, all we have to do is to find all the bloody evidence showing her just how many 'good deeds' her poor and kind male lead has actually committed.
    • Back at ZZ's mansion, a subordinate is reporting that they haven't been able to find YN, only the horse carriage they left behind. ZZ is displeased, so the subordinate adds that they're looking for boats around the area and they'll be able to find YN soon. ZZ says that at least he's got a brain, and dismisses him.
    • Another subordinate comes to report on the intelligence they've gathered on FX. It's basically info about his name, his skill level (above average) and the fact that this is his first mission.
    • Basically, ZZ orders his highly trained guards (kind of like assassin-level) to go after them - their mission is to get YN back and they can kill FX if they wish.
    sis... so far i haven't found a reason why YN loves ZZ... like, what exactly has he done for you omfg besides not hitting you on the head... also the fact that ZZ isn't honouring her letter to give her time...
  18. Ray Levantret

    Ray Levantret Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    I am really sorry for calling FX a idiot, he is a lot decent than other male characters in the story(which is little). I was really happy with this arc because it satisfy my desire to beat the scum. Don’t know why but recently revisit crappy story similar to the original novel, my desire to beat them goes up. I really wish YN will open her eyes and see what kind of scum ZZ is. I know she is broken and I hope luxia will repair her mind or else she would stay

    but seriously what kind of misunderstanding does ZZ had? Beside killing her family, he said disgusting stuff like human meat ball and killing people daily. Not just YN was the victim, a lot more people got kill and destroy for what reason?! No offense but I would really hate this kind of naive character if I read this normally but thank goodness luxia was the protagonist. There is a lot of modern story like this, ancient time is probably even worse because of the male dominated society so I will give some hope to YN. Thank you so much for translating !
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  19. reizleigh

    reizleigh Wicked Oni

    May 7, 2021
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  20. Muskaan2004

    Muskaan2004 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2020
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    This fl is stupid
    I wouldn't mind her love for zz if her family tortured her or abandoned her but they loved her a lot .:facepalm:
    I pity her parent's soul may you rest in peace :blobexpressionless:
    I have come to a conclusion that love is really blind :blob_pout:
    Btw thanks for the chapter :blobnosebleed:
    Waiting for more:blobcozy: