Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    After you have part of your arm or leg amputated, there’s a chance you could feel pain in the limb that’s no longer there. This is known as phantom limb pain. It’s most common in arms and legs, but some people will feel it when they have other body parts removed, such as a breast.

    For some people, the pain will go away on its own. For others, it can be long-lasting and severe.
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  2. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    I mean does it have anything relate to this chapter
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  3. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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  4. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I think the injury of Medea in chapter 114 Psyche had healed but it is still hurt.
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  5. agent99

    agent99 Active Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    I read the raw images but im not sure if its correct, i only used google translate. It seems that eros wanted to know how the switch is happening so he is planning to kill or hurt medea to see if they will switch.

    As for the s3x part, im a huge Medea fan but i just dont know why she had to do this on Psyche's body, maybe this was also the reason why shes not that mad when she went to psyche and discuss the kiss cause what she did is worst than that. I just dont see the relevance of this on the plot. Haysss

    I cant also accept the fact that medea is blushing while they are doing it and she doesnt have a reaction on helio
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
    Nagisa11, aiheli and Risnee like this.
  6. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    I read some part of the raws and Eros is now seriously trying to kill Medea and is planning to put the blame on Baldie. He said it's perfect since they are already on bad terms (I guess he doesn't know that baldie is dead already)
    Psyche is panicking and tried to excuse herself pretending to be sick but Eros didn't let her go to observe her reaction to Medea (how will she react to the bell) to determine the nature of their relationship. He said "A woman like you doesn't deserve to be an empress, after the competition is over, I will announce our breakup". (it's sad that he didn't get to see her development even though he knows about the switch) He even said something like, "can't you maintain the basic etiquette" (since he seriously thought that she's sick, he doesn't know that she eavesdropped on them)
    He's still planning to kill Psyche but apparently he can't coz she's right beside him so people might suspect him. He thinks that now is the perfect time to eliminate Medea since she's already in a fight. I won't be surprised if it actually becomes a "Medea’s harem story" and "Eros can't kill Medea because he LoVeS hEr" story. (since he barely cared about Psyche deceiving him but was pissed with Medea doing it and said something like, "you reap what you sow Medea")
    I thought Medea’s feelings for Psyche were sincere but damn. With the way its going, the author might even crap on Psyche's development. Medea’s character is already ruined for me.

    Edit: I just had a terrible thought. What if that scene between Medea and Eros was shown to show in the future that Psyche is pregnant? It will make no sense at all coz the last time they did was when Medea was in her body which was two months ago in your throne timeline compared to the current time there. I am no mother but I know that it usually doesn't take that long for a woman to know that she's pregnant, Psyche would have already known it that happened. Also, I will lowkey drop it if that happens.

    Some people on twitter are saying that Medea and eros doing it in Psyche's body was lowkey hinted in the game, where she kisses Eros in Psyche's body. And it was also shown Psyche on a pope's clothing. Since Eros is formally divorcing her, I think the webtoon is headed in that direction too? (Psyche being a pope)
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
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  7. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    who was the person who said that playing chess had a double meaning?... well, have your prize:blobphone: if it was true:blobsalute:
    Nagisa11 and KeyJay like this.
  8. Deleted member 23825

    Deleted member 23825 Guest

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    this is a fever dream
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  9. TimRiggins04

    TimRiggins04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2020
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    God no. Psyche carrying a baby that she didn't conceived is a terrible idea but now I won't put it pass Sam. She is just gonna say "remember all those times Psyche felt sick, well this is the true reason" :whistle:

    For the few people here that seemed to understand what's going on in the chapter it seems like it was Medea... so disappointing. How can she be disgusted by a kiss, by a bite on her wrists but sex is fine as long as it wasn't with her own body??? It doesn't make any freaking sense.
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  10. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Are they alike?personally if I'm gonna answer then I'd like to answer yes , what's the difference between this two ?eros is much more greedy and can kill innocent people in a matter of seconds?medea would've done that if she needs to do that ,eros wants to be a god and emotionally manipulating bastard that just uses psyche for her own good ?medea wants to make a history that'll be in books and also countinuelly uses and takes advantage of heli's body and feelings and now it's valid for her because she save him like how eros save psyche (different place and time but still points out the same thing),medea have development and form a friendship with psyche?same as eros form a relationship with psyche and they both didn't tell her something important that can mess their relationship "medea feels guilty and eros didn't blah blah shit" did medea feel guilty for the people she killed?the knight that protects psyche?what did he do wrong to be killed? Did psyche just "oh...i stole the crown prince from you so it's fine if you kill him:aww:my goddess " nope i dont think psyche is stupid .and if i see the next your throne chapter being a flashback of psyche saying " i forgive you medea it's fine because.....i kiss heli&eros in your body hehe :aww::aww:"i would go shit and write an essay about that and would personally messages author sam in her instagram as well.to some maybe I'm wrong but i just want to tell my opinion.anyways why are the tiktok side fandom of your throne hyping this thing up?thinking it's both psyche&medea in that body?tf are their opinions different from ours? I mean i understand it but how could they not see something is wrong there?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
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  11. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    plus Medea has a mole, they are so different....:derpyblob:
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  12. Janu123

    Janu123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2021
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    I don't think she slept with eros out of revenge bcz of rumors abt heli & psyche (in Medea's body).at that point she knw psyche is just another victim. Also she knws heli & psyche aren't the type of ppl to do it. She would've figured that they put an act to escape.
    I really really hope the part Medea slept with eros before banquet or in the 1st week of body swap. Atleast it feels little less fu*ked up. :notlikeblob:still i hate it ew. Bcz of Medea's character development we all forgot how much crazy & twisted Medea was in the beginning. I mean she did wish to take everything from psyche :blobneutral: i guess that includes eros I mean he's psyche's lover & main reason for psyche to betray Medea(from her pov). So I guess she did that to let her knw how does it feel to be betrayed. Still thts the most insane thing to do. Also i thought what if eros & Medea had done it I mean they're engaged before:blob_zipper_mouth:. So maybe thts why Medea had done it naturally :blobwhistle: i hope atleast she hadn't done it after banquet. i wish she must've felt guilty & apologize to psyche like psyche did to Medea (when psyche kissed eros in Medea's body). I really hope that's the case if not, just eww:bloborz:
    Also i don't understand eros plan now
    1. Does he want to kill both of them or what
    2. Or is he trying to figure out how the swap works & kill psyche in Medea's body(obtain divine power). Then make Medea struck in psyche's body & make her life hell or something like that. Considering the fact eros is a yandere, he wouldn't spare Medea evn if he love her.
    Also i have a feeling that they both swapped. Becz they hadn't shown psyche's face in last part except only in last panel that too just a glimpse after eros said he will broke up with her.
    I want to punch eros face atleast once, now he's showing his true nature directly to psyche. Also insulting her, like calling her "a woman like you doesn't deserve to be empress":blob_catflip: & threatening her. the audacity of this b*tch ughhh. As if she asked him to make her one, lmao imagine if in the end psyche would become the empress while imperial family, eros & pope are over thrown (after Medea, pel, psyche & heli defeated them). Where Medea as duchess & pel as pope. While eros is alive but prisoned. The woman he thought weak & unfit for throne had become the emperor, who he despised bcz she had the divine power which supposed to be his & had his throne too. That would be his wrst nightmare. Evn in recent chps, when she's doing charity someone thought how it would be like if she ruled. Or might be pope but what abt pel. Either way i feel she might become one of the powerful figure. There's pic where she's holding crown. Not sure if that's for her or someone else
    :notlikeblob: evn i had a same thought, evn in twitter there're actually many ppl who thought the same what if psyche is pregnant with eros child:bloborz:, then they might kill eros & make the child emperor:blobsleepless:
    When I read that i literally lost my mind like bruh i never thought that. Before most ppl thought Medea might get pregnant with heli. Now this, omg what if one of them actually gets pregnant. I really have a bad feeling abt this, like before we rarely got any romance but now we got both Medea heli & eros psyche (Medea in her body) scenes. There're many scenes of psyche & Medea interactions with children :bloborz: why if no no no anything else but that.

    Edit- also i read someone in twitter mentioned that some ppl are calling psyche a whore bcz she slept with eros:blob_catflip: she's the real victim here, eros manipulated her, played with feelings & also slept with her huh. Frm her side, she just slept with her lover. Medea too used her frnd's body to have sex with frnd's lover( let's say it's in 1st week of body swap but still it's disgusting). I still don't get the hate on psyche evn after reading recent chapters why're they so fixated on hating her
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  13. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Medea is lucky that she is the FL and have the reputation of being a boss bitch in YT fandom. The amount of people that I’ve seen trying to minimize the damage and see nothing wrong with Medea’s action is mind blowing. They keep using the reason that Medea have to sleep with Eros in order to protect the soul switching and said that it’s fine for Medea to use Psyche’s body for that reason…. I’m speechless tbh.
  14. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I even see some comments saying something like they are happy because finally there is a scene where Medea slept with Eros although it was Psyche’s body. How disgusting.
  15. Astrid

    Astrid Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2018
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    At first I was really disappointed with Medea, she is so smart couldn't she think of some excuse and refuse him? Does she really hate him or she actually wanted to do it? Well I got back and looked at old chapters. There is this moment in chapter 38, when Eros comes and Medea says she is tired and asks him to go back but he just ignores it and comes anyway. Medea then says 'He always does as he pleases'. Pretty sure it can also apply to the sex scene. Both Medea and Psyche had to live in each other bodies. Besides kissing with Helio and Eros, Psyche injured Medea body multiple times. Of course it's all fine since she can heal. Practical Medea also may think - Psyche was sleeping with him anyway, it's not like she loses her virginity. Honestly, I don't really understand the author setting - how could they do it before the wedding? But it was weird from ch1, when both go to some honeymoon to celebrate engagement. If you look at it from another perspective if Medea really hate him, she also may feel unpleasant to do it with him. It's just to me feels like Medea doesn't care about pain or her body all that much.
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  16. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    Guys what if SAM did this to lower the image of Medea, so that she can give Medea a deathflag?? :cry: Medea might be wrong but I don't want her to die, seriously.
    Since things are chaotic, I don't believe in any theory anymore. SAM-nim looked like she can do anything rn :cry:
  17. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I want to ask do you feel free if your best friend slept with your lover. Stop finding any reasons to justify the deed or ppl see you as hypocrisy. You’d better find an excuse that proves Medea wasn't in Psyche’s body.

    In the beginning, Medea killed Psyche’s knight to gave Psyche the pain she went through. The pain she lost Nana. I still don’t know how Psyche will solve this issue with Medea. I’m sure that Psyche will forgive Medea because of their friendship. If you read the recent chapters, Psyche is still hurt because of Eros’s betrayal. I hate how readers trying to turn YT into suffering Olympic.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  18. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Well i see it in the tiktok side of fandom some of them is the one that just read yt for fanservice and blind medea defenders , was medea thirsty for that with eros?why is she blushing compared when her and heli did it ,was this consider as harem?i can't stand that genre, it's disgusting and i dont think i can forgive her (I'm not psyche but i cant that's just disgusting and it seems she lacks respect for psyche's body even if they did it before ) but let's see why did she do that there's a ton of excuse she can make but i can't think of any excuse why did she do that?if it's before the banquet she can say that her body still hurts or she still feels sick if eros force her then that's shit but i dont think he force her base on medea's reaction while on psyche's body.if after the banquet then i guess she wanna taste of eros jk but yeh I don't like this at all as a person that have a common sense.
  19. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    May or may not. You can't know coz the author didn't explicitly imply it anywhere. If anything, the scenes implied as if Medea didn't mind doing it with him (the scratch marks on his body and her reaction doesn't show the slightest bit of discomfort) There isn't even any monologue that shows it.
    Also you can't compare this scene with sex. Here Eros forced his way in coz he thought Psyche's divinity was malfunctioning. It's a big deal for him since he dated her because of it. People are saying Medea could have refused him coz she wasn't traumatized or abused by him for years. She knew full well how Psyche felt about Eros. Plus, this happened after the drowning accident so she had the perfect excuse too. And Eros wouldn't force something like that on Psyche since that would ruin his image in front of her. (proven by the fact when she asked for a breakup, he put up an entire waterfall show in front of her)

    Are you seriously comparing the scenes where Helio and Psyche PRETENDED to be lovers to SAVE their lives and the scene where Eros SEXUALLY ASSAULTED an emotionally vulnerable woman? Even after being broken, she still stopped him. What excuse Medea does have?
    Medea had the perfect opportunity to come clean when Psyche apologized but she said nothing.

    I think og Psyche and Eros did it after they got engaged. Coz they generally met at the garden when they were just lovers. That's why count and countess Callista didn't mind either maybe since they knew that their daughter will marry him soon.

    I am surprised at nobody mentioning about Helio here. It was already revealed that Helio and Medea were fwb for a long time. Did Medea tell Helio about this? I remember him being so uncomfortable while pretending to be lovers with Psyche. There wasn't any scene that I remember where she told him. Doesn't that imply that she betrayed him too kinda? I know they aren't lovers so she doesn't have any obligation to him but since she knows how he feels about her and even sleeps with him...it feels somewhat wrong.

    Edit: Just saw people calling Psyche "impure" now since she slept with Eros. I am sorry, but what does virginity have to do with purity of a person? On top of that she literally slept with a man she was in love with without knowing who he really was.
    I also don't see the point of the author showing Eros trampling over Psyche in every possible way only to make it Eros vs Medea. He doesn't care about what he did to her at all and on top says "A woman like you doesn't deserve to be the empress." The audacity. He's a vile creature, not human.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
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  20. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    I kinda calm now so I think I need to admit it that Medea used to be a person who can do anything to achieve what she wants. Not really suprised she did it with Eros if it happened before the birthday banquet. She thought she would stay in Psyche's body and take everything from Psyche at that time (include Psyche's body) But really I still don't see the point of bringing this on. Like why? We don't want to know about this SAM-nim, it's so jsfsgsjsiwjw
    About Heli... I kinda feel like Medea doesn't deserve his love anymore. My boy he just... :cry::cry::cry: But since Medea is still developing, I hope that she will say sorry to Psyche and Heli one day...:cry: