Spoiler The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Cookie House

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Jan 10, 2021.

  1. dumplingslag

    dumplingslag Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Does anyone know when the season 2 is coming back ????
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  2. amicheeto

    amicheeto Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2020
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    do they have kids in the last side stories? i was confused while mtling it lol
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  3. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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  4. Laly95

    Laly95 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Who read the novel, knows which chapter the manhwa is in?
    djan29 and AnniePoo like this.
  5. Violet_lily

    Violet_lily Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Spoiler about any fluffy moments, romance between ml and fl??
    hongturn2022 likes this.
  6. effinmuf

    effinmuf Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2020
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    anyone have the novel raw in txt format??? i tried ocr-ing from kkp but it was too much work. i can mtl and edit it.
  7. LhianaLhune

    LhianaLhune Member

    May 4, 2022
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    I think the main antagonist are the elves why? because if they didn't get rid of the elves leadee child she won't throw the seed and make it replace aisha and use phoebe in evil doing. plus it seems aisha current mc are the real aisha before getting replaced, thanks to kairos and phoebe they are able to save aisha and karnov
    shiory and crystalleciel like this.
  8. cjburaira

    cjburaira Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2021
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    Thank you everyone for all the spoilers. I am curious about the first timeline. Was Asya really kiIIed by Karno in the first timeline or Asya's memories distorted? I really enjoy Asya & Karno's dynamics in the 2nd timeline that's why I'm curious about the previous timeline too
    lucassimp likes this.
  9. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I am LOVING most of the direction (even the start) of S2. The recent chapter with MC finally meeting her maternal grandpa, Ivan appearance, Karno teasing MC WITH A SMILE (and using himself as the teasing material and not lil' pea like Alyosha). Personally, the weakest parts so far for me was the opera singer and the opening of the shop (maybe even MC interaction with gramps as it still feels like she's trying to keep her distance and not push herself into enjoying the moment) since it was just evil people trying to ruin the fluff. I do miss Pavell though now that we've met his sister, her personal kitchen is a good reward but we lost interaction between a cook and a baker friendship.
  10. ISTP23

    ISTP23 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I'm very sorry this might have already been answered but does anyone know why Alexio wanted Evan before he became Anastasia servant ? He seemed angry when the emperor placed Evan with her
  11. K3I

    K3I Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2019
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    If I remember correctly, it's not that he wanted Evan, but didn't want to place Evan beside her. I mean, what in the world do you think will happen if you place a slave beside an innocent young girl? Alexio was just worried about Anastasia's safety.
  12. evil_muffins

    evil_muffins Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I have a question based on the reveal of truth behind Asya and Phoebe in 1st TL:

    I just reread the first manhwa chapters, is the reason why Phoebe was adamant for Asya to bake the cake that first night was so that Phoebe can use their powers to purify the Prasti seed in Asya?

    Didn't see it mentioned but it kinda makes sense
    crystalleciel and ISTP23 like this.
  13. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I did NOT expect Natalia to be a short haired brunette that was even allowed to wear boys wear. We expected a tomboy sure but not a potential looking bishounen trap
  14. Sora27

    Sora27 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Can I request more spoilers about her parents? like, when will they be reunited again?
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  15. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I believe it was spoiled here at least the parents let themselves be caught on chapter 1 because they felt guilty their talented and lovable daughter couldn't do what she wanted with her potential in baking (it was spoiled here mom could beat the entire messenger group at ch. 1 who would take Anastasia. As for the reunion, unless I'm corrected, they really don't show up at all other than the letter messages between daughter and parents so I guess not on the main story (and until she and Karno marry I guess)
    Sora27 and ISTP23 like this.
  16. crystalleciel

    crystalleciel Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Questions based from spoilers before
    1st TL is asya’s real life, not novel, so the spirit she got on 1st TL is also PB. But did PB not have any chance to communicate with her in 1st TL at all? Because if he could, he would definitely save her or was it too late? When was the exact time asya got the prasti seed, before meeting PB?

    and also about
    PB turned back time with the help of spirit of time to what we have now, 3rd TL. What’s in it for the time spirit to help PB turn back time? Was it to make karnov happy, since no one knew that his spirit was not spirit of death in 1st TL and everyone was aftaid of him?

    and lastly, what’s going to happen to asya’s uncle, is it prince valery(?), since she fed him her desserts

    thank you! :aww:
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
  17. Nada Amore

    Nada Amore Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    I think she should have been given a better area than a peach field since she was the Grand-Duke. It sounds a bit insulting for all she did and would do as the Arch-Duke.
    yukihibari likes this.
  18. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    So, the latest chapter has the painter glare at MC. Why is that? Also when does sh*tty uncle get to eat MCs sweets just so we can get this over with and just take the prastie crystal off of him. Come to think of it, who ARE the people who possess the prastie crystal other than Ivan?
    AnimeHuntress and ISTP23 like this.
  19. Whenever

    Whenever Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Apparently, thinking that i can post a second separated post i kind of accidentally delete my 1st spoiler. Anyway i read the novel quite a while ago i am retyping this a second time. Not very fluent in korean too lazy to check for grammar. Typing from memory might not be accurate. I have a new found respect for people that post spoiler i keep having to edit because it keep repeating.

    Mura the painter is a famous painter and misunderstood and thought that Asya's is a royal and not the real creator of asya chocolate cake. He request for asya to bake the chocolate cake infront of him as proof, asya was annoyed ans baked it infront of him .Then he half knelt and apologise when he realised asya is really the creator and he will become asya close friend and he paint a portrait of the emperor at asya request, asya present that painting to the emperor during the birthday banquet and made the emperor happy beyond words. Mura will keep painting asya with her friends throught out the years Asya's portrait will be the only thing he paints

    Not sure when she was 12 or 14 years old Asya's managed to return to her parents mansion every autum with the emperors permission. She bought a land n house with the money she made from PB powder n chocolate cake. Baron sarattov helped to procure land n build a mansion. Karno didn't want to be seperated from asya and he kind of said he has to go to protect her find some excuse and dimitri, ilya, natalia, ivan somehow went along. Can't remember 1st time she went back or was it thr 2nd time when there was a fire nearby that she return with the gang. But karno accompanied her there always excuse being to protect the princess. Dimitri with the help of asya's power he suceeded in putting out the fire by activating his raindrop spirit power.

    The prastie seed when it grows into 5 world tree the spirit world and the human world will be able to talk without contract. The tree had a silver bark n purple leaves or silver leaves i can't remember the colour anyway its didn't look ordinary.

    Prastie seed owner will vomit out the prastie seed after getting purified by eating Asya's baked goods

    Valerie prastie - take a long time a few years to remove asya n karno couldn't find the seed. It got eaten by a cat (i supposed the cat ate his vomit along with the seed. Eww!) and some how the cat ends up at karno northen estate n become some demon cat asya manage to remove by making some cat food and Karnov grows it into a tree.

    Ivan- if asya not sure 12yrs old or 14 it happens when asya went back to visit her parents there was a fire. Ivan manage to vomit out n it was planted in her parents house.

    rudemillia- rudemillia, marquess oleg daughter the one that got lumen yushita from the elves. karno parents n rudemillia parents wanted them to marry each other but karno obviously only have eyes for Asya . Karnov parents do not have control over him so he flat out rejects her rudemillia wanted to emulate asya so tt karno will like her. But asya realised she has a Prastie and feed her baked goods and ask if getting married is her dream. Rudemillia revealed that she want to be merchant to expand her house textile business and don't really want to get married. They became good friends n a few years ltr prastie was remove i cant remember where was it planted i think the Palace? It was said the tree grew overnight and a few people was shocked. Of course its karno who plant it.

    Elves leader- the final arc of the story the final fight. The last one was the Elves leader not sure if she is Ivan's grandmother or great grandmother (not too sure with family relations) they didn't manage to retrieve it. It kind of like she grow into a tree demon and managed to stop when she realised Ivan's resemble her child n PB manage to regain his power back to his big bird form n sort of get rid of her. She was one that spread the seeds n swap asya for the fake in the first TL. Asya's spirit PB can unite the spirit n human world its was a threat so aft replacing her she fall into a deep slumber.

    Asya's prastie 1st TL-After the final fight PB return to its chick form an even smaller chick than before. PB takes out Asya's 1st TL prastie n plant it in the notics elve territory i can't remember they come out with some excuse about the leader turning into a tree or something.

    Asya was given the title of Archduke or Grand duke (once again not familiar about the title) because she stop the war with the notics elves forever and i remember it was the Emperor that gave her the title. The orchard that the emperor gave her was more like entire forest than n orchard. Anyway it was really big in the novel.

    The presume diamond mine in lumen vascillis was revealed to be a salt mine. i think its around5yrs later when karno comes of age. I laugh so hard because Asya's told him she would be happy with just crumbs of it and karno gave her crumbs of salt from the mine.

    I think its after she had a long talk with her tajei her maternal grandfather after bringing them a summer treat to cool down. I think she ask her maternal grandfather to carry her back to her Palace after scolding him for not reconciling with her mother. The emperor got jealous and made Asya sat on his lap the whole morning Asya tried to ignored the shocked expression of the morning meeting with the ministers. Looking forward to this chapter. Should be soon i think it happens when she is 10yrs old

    I stopped reading after she got the orchard from the emperor i only read when i have the mood to and life got busy and korean is like a 4th language that i picked up for novel reading so i take a long time to read just a short passage. Not sure i will continue reading its not that the novel is bad its a fluffy and healing but i guess i enjoy the manhwa
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2022
  20. miiika2410

    miiika2410 Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2020
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    I'm at chapter 30(manhwa), and fck, im super mad at this old dude who's calling himself the "emperor". The old fart is CLEARLY picking favorites. I get that the author might want to add the grandfather's favorite or maybe the cutesy grandpa and granddaughter thing but dude, I pity Alexei so much. Aisha was right, did he even love Alexei in those 10 years? And if the reason is just some "tough love", oh Lord save me, hell NO. The guy didn't even have a mother or father that's alive, but then the daughter of his favourite son came to the palace and he's head over heels? Oh hell nah, he's out of my list.

    Note: just sharing my feelings. Just need to get this out. Might edit later base on the story's progress.
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