Spoiler Fold all the ruin flags in the remaining day: Well RTA record 24Hr

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by GolgoGolgo, Jan 8, 2022.

  1. peach.pudin

    peach.pudin Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Thank you so much! I was confused with all these names reading the spoilers
  2. Silentstorm

    Silentstorm Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2019
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    Just a question, what happens to her sister?

    The one who was like, "yeah, i will support you sleeping with my sister's future husband and won't even talk to my sister and try to mediate or stop the bullying or anything, hell, i won't seemingly even care that my friend is seducing a lot of man, i will still put her above my sister!"?

    I guess...did she know her friend was going for a harem at all, in the manga she does seem horrified at getting the prince to be her husband but it could also be because it's her friend's love as far as she knows.

    Man her reaction to the event must be something...much like the reactions of everyone that manage to not be there and are told what happened afterwards.
  3. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    Jesus. I'm shocked after reading the spoilers. Thank you @yodireads

    The "original" game's timeline is hardcore as fuck. The 16 year old seduced the King's brother? Isn't he like... 50? The way he's dealt with in "our" timeline is kind of fucked up as well but his very essence as a human being is garbage so I guess it balances out.

    It's a shame that this is an Alphalopolis novel so chances that we'll ever see an official translation are pretty much 0.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
  4. GolgoGolgo

    GolgoGolgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2020
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    Can someone please spoil us about the event? And the reaction of the idiots about it?
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  5. Elisee

    Elisee Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    So what happened to the potato and the ex's daughter?
  6. yodireads

    yodireads Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    YEAH there are a number of times my eyebrows rose - there are definitely some kinda fucked up moments in the previous and current timelines. Not just Felipe - the homeroom teacher is flat out mentioned to be 2x Lucia's age. Then there's
    1) Everything going on with Lucia's 'childhood friend', and 2) the Queen encouraging Alexandra and Gerard - her sixteen year old son - to have children as soon as possible, which they do, as evidenced by the flash forward to their wedding two years later, where they already have a kid and 3) the endings for the other love interests are GRIM - like, despite how Felipe's happened, he's really the only one who ends up happy. Everyone else, not so much. I know it's a parody and the dark humor's probably some of the point but yeah there's a good amount of yikes that goes on.
    • Alexandra is fully prepared to show up in FULL, COMMITTED VILLAINOUS mode - red and black dress, dark lipstick, the whole deal. Zenaida, her lady's maid, takes one look at her, goes hell no, and reworks her image completely so that Alexandra is in a gentle light blue, hair loose, basically looking like an innocent fairy. Since she has always tried to look mature / older than her age, this is a drastic departure.
    • It's extremely rude / unheard of for an engaged man to escort someone other than his fiancé, but surprising exactly zero people, Alfonso is a no-show to escort Alexandra. Anticipating this, Alexandra asked her older bro to escort her, and he agreed - but before they leave, third prince Gerard shows up to escort her, and he's reworked his whole image in accordance with an idle comment of Alexandra's earlier in the 24 hr period.
    • Gerard promises he will be by her side, basically sweeps her off her feet and she ends up all fluttery and flustered because he was just a kid in her eyes that morning, and now seems all dependable and what-not. Pretty sure he steals a kiss if I remember correctly. Mostly I remember that up until this point, Alexandra has been cool, calm, and collected - even when facing Lucia's assassin love interest - and Gerard manages to make her totally lose her cool.
    • Alfonso is not happy to see Alexandra there with Gerard - he's not jealous, but he's just angered by basically everything Alexandra ever does, which saddens Alexandra, but she's bolstered by Gerard's presence, and he lets her handle it.

    • Knowing Lucia's a transmigrated game player, Alexandra makes sure to say the cut scene dialogue as expected (something like 'glad you're here to celebrate me and the other graduates'.)

    • Cue condemnation event! Alfonso begins a dramatic monologue basically saying he plans to condemn a sinner - and supporters gather on stage. However, they're all mob characters - Alexandra was successful in sabotaging Lucia's SIX (!) other love interests, and none of them are at the event, and that he plans to end his engagement with Alexandra.

    • Caroline (queen's niece, Alexandra's sometimes-friend-sometimes-rival, daughter of one of the other 3 dukes, who interfered with homeroom teacher love interest) is notably standing back, watching what will happen, as is Viviana (A's sister, who joined in condemnation in game). Neither help Alfonso or Lucia, nor do they intervene for Alexandra.

    • Alexandra begins to refute his claims one by one. He says she led the noblewomen of the school to torment Lucia, Alexandra points out that they did that of their own accord, not under her orders. He says she isolated Lucia, Alexandra says it's natural to only invite one's friends to tea (and in fact, tried to get noblewomen to befriend Lucia because she didn't want Lucia to get friendly with the male love interests, but she keeps that to herself) and if Alexandra is guilty of that, she's guilty of isolating every woman she didn't invite. He claims she lectured Lucia and called her names, Alexandra points out proper etiquette was breeched by Lucia and it's her duty to educate her to avoid a repeat mistake., etc.

    • Things start to get interesting when he accuses her of bullying Lucia and destroying her things and Alexandra flat out admits it and immediately tosses gold coins at Lucia to pay for the damages.

    • Alfonso then accuses her of attacking Lucia with magic and sending assassins after her (Alexandra notes they didn't do a very good job, and if she got another chance she'd hire better ones - damn!)

    • Lucia cries out the game dialogue - "If you just say you're sorry, I'm sure Alfonso-sama will smile and forgive you."

    • And this is where Alexandra deviates from the game - she apologizes. (Despite saying she has no intention of doing so the entire 24 hour period) though it is admittedly very obviously for show and not sincere. She then mentally mocks Lucia and Alfonso basically being like - why are you so mad at me for saying I'm sorry, didn't you just say he'd laugh and forgive me?'

    • Before they can recover, she points out that was jealous and heartbroken, and basically rips Alfonso's honor to shreds - never once did he come to her and say he didn't love her anymore, that he wanted to end the engagement, he just ignored and scorned and openly cheated on her, and she had no way out. What was she supposed to do? She was still going to get married to Alfonso, was she just supposed to watch him sleep with another woman? This is, then, partly his fault. Because he didn’t talk to her, she couldn’t be sure Lucia wasn’t a threat, and he’s the one who kept her by his side (implied, endangered her) anyway.
    • She then drops the bomb that it isn't entirely relevant anymore, because Alfonso is a little late to the news. He says he will break his engagement with her -- now, when he should have done it as soon as he realized he loved Lucia -- but she broke it first that morning with the king's approval.
    • Alexandra then drops the second bomb: she will still become Queen.

    • It takes Alfonso a minute or two to get it, but then he looks at Gerard next to Alexandra and goes ballistic, realizing that he's basically just been cut out of the line of succession.

    • The king and queen then intervene - unlike the game, they have attended the party this time because of Alexandra's interference. Alexandra notes there is a slightly familiar looking woman weeping behind them.

    • The king offers Alfonso a chance to prove himself - he can go to war with the barbarians, and if he leads the army to victory, the king will acknowledge Lucia and Alfonso.

    • Alfonso seizes the chance without hesitation, but this time, Lucia is the one who freaks out. She panics, shrieking that she won't with him.

    • Alexandra knows why: the reverse harem route was supposed to be kind of a reward for the players, so even though it's difficult to enter into the route, it's the easiest to actually 'win' because you have all of the love interests against the villainess. Subsequently, because it's so easy, the consequences for failing it are drastically worse than the other routes. Essentially, all the love interests die and Lucia ends up a slave for the barbarians. So of course she doesn't want to go with him.

    • The Queen then 'tsks', and the weeping woman begins to sob harder. Turns out, weeping woman is Lucia's mother. The Queen decided Lucia was dangerous and this was a test. If she really did love Alfonso and went with him, the queen was going to let her be. But clearly, she didn't, and she is just seducing powerful men, so she can't be left to roam free. With the Baroness's permission, Lucia is going to be confined into a strict monastery for the rest of her life so she can't seduce anymore men. This is the monastery Alexandra is often sent to in some of the bad ends.

    • Lucia is dragged off, Alfonso is dragged off - but not before he tried to punch Alexandra, and Gerard takes the hit for her, ending up getting knocked into the table of food.

    • The event is over, and Alexandra doesn't feel relieved, she's just deeply sad, and finally breaks down into tears.

    And then, yeah. Fates of the love interests are generally bleak.

    • Alfonso fails miserably, ends up getting captured by the enemy and spills military secrets to save his own hide, which ends up getting a ton more people killed and making him generally hated by all. The investigative report written by the informant the night he and Lucia got together ends up published as a romance novel that everyone realizes is based on him, further adding to his mockery.

    • Balthazar (General's son) ends up permanently injured from the war, losing most of his left arm from the shoulder (he held up his shield to block something) . He remains fairly optimistic, all things considered, and spends many years recovering. While he can no longer inherit his father's position (and his father steps down from his position as general to lessen Alfonso's punishment after the crusade fails), he does regain enough mobility to rejoin the army (now under Gerard's leadership) as part of the cavalry, and 'fights like a lion'. He supports his younger brother, who becomes the family heir, as an assistant. His attitude makes this generally one of the less bleak endings. He does not regret loving Lucia, and nor does he resent Alexandra.

    • Roberto (Prime Minister's son) likewise ends up badly damaged by the war, in agony with a 50/50 shot of survival (he was either hit with a poisoned blade or the cut got infected he got gangrene, not totally clear to me.) He also loses his rank due to his involvement with Lucia/Alfonso - his father is so ashamed of his involvement and the fact that they lost the crusade he resigns as Prime Minister, but is allowed to keep his rank as Duke due to his father (Roberto's grandfather's) outstanding achievements. Roberto, however, must choose to either hand over the position of the next head of the family to his brother and become a count, or take over the position of the head of the family as it is and become a viscount. He holds a LOT of resentment against Alexandra.

    • Domingo, the wealthy merchant father of Mario, ends up nearly bankrupt thanks to the copies made of his books that were stolen, so Mario ends up pretty much destitute, though Domingo manages to claw back some business eventually.

    • Herald the butler ends up on the streets.

    • Elias the assassin ends up really gruesomely executed by poison (a fate that was Alexandra's in one bad ending) all the while having realized thanks to Lucia that he doesn't want to die.

    • Teodoro the homeroom teacher lives going meaninglessly through the motions, generally dead-eyed and basically never finding any joy again.

    • Felipe the king's brother actually ends up marrying Leticia (who spiked his drink with drugs...) and Isidro mentions they continue to purchase the aphrodisiac from him frequently so...draw what conclusions from that as you will. He becomes the new Prime Minister in place of Roberto's father, who steps down after his son's failure and the crusade loss.

    Lucia's ending is....complicated, and a whole thing. Her 'childhood friend' has a big role.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
    Dobokan, raziel010, its0k and 54 others like this.
  7. Dofu

    Dofu Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2021
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    Thank you for all the spoilers? So, what's going on with the 'childhood friend'?
  8. XoxoHikari

    XoxoHikari Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2022
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    What an aHole! Not only did you cheat, you'd even raise your hand on a defenseless woman? It doesnt matter if he should marry a duke or commoner's daughter. He shouldnt marry at all!

    Thanks for the spoilers, feel so sorry for Alexandra but she handled it well eventhough she was hurting. Best MC for condemnation events. No wait. Second one. 1st one goes to Mad Dog Princess Scarlett. :blobnosebleed:
  9. purple pink

    purple pink Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    i'm a bit confused. so the manga has 2 parts , the 2nd part is the sequel? where all the characters r new? is it from the same timeline or fl's son's timeline
    did Alexandra take in Lucia's daughter? is Gerard younger than fl?
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  10. shironashuu

    shironashuu Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2022
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    it's the novel that has two volumes, the manga is covering the first one, Alexandra's story.

    Alexandra did eventually take Lucia's daughter in and Gerard is 2 years younger than Alexandra.
  11. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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  12. GolgoGolgo

    GolgoGolgo Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2020
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    Does anyone know what's the story with potato's childhood friend?
  13. shironashuu

    shironashuu Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2022
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    though Alexandra pretty much intends to have the daughter grow up without knowing who her original parents were until she's old enough.

    Also I just saw that the side stories now contain a story about Dahlia's fate and here it is:
    Dahlia grows up with none of Lucia or shitty ex prince's personality traits and while Dahlia actually has her own suspicion of who her original parents were before Alexandra decided to tell her the truth, Dahlia decided on her own that she prefer Alexandra as her mom over Lucia and her sperm donor.

    also, well-
    Edgar from the second volume is actually Lucia and shitty ex prince's second kid. (This is from the newly released side story of Alexandra's epilogue)

    The Dahlia side story mentioned an Edgar and I went "Wait a minute-"
    Then I looked at Edgar's visual from the second Volume and see some of the similarity Edgar got physically with the shitty ex prince Alfonso.

    Potato girl apparently wanted to give birth to a son so Lucia could still have some involvement in the sequel game (The second volume)

    The only saving grace is that Edgar, like Dahlia, has none of their shitty parents' personality.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  14. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    Ah thank God.
    Alexendra has a big heart to shower motherly love on a child whose parents nearly destroyed her life. From a humanitarian point of view it was already enough of her to give a status to the innocent child but she went quite a few steps ahead and raised that kid as her own.

    If those trash couple had another kid, it means they're living together right? I know some people would be satisfied that they atleast got humiliation but I wanted to see more of vengeance. I hoped that woman to throw Alfonso away or the kids to be revealed to not been his in the story. :blobowoevil: I mean my personal opinion not that I've anything against the ending though, but I don't like it either.

    Thanks for the spoilers so far.
  15. Silentstorm

    Silentstorm Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2019
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    The manga updated, with just a few words and being put in her sister's position, Viviana seems to think less of her friend at the moment already.

    Just more Alexandra growing the seeds to survive her condemnation event.

    As for the fate spoilers, i have to ask if anyone other than Alfonso manages to get back for the sequel, also, yeah, some bleak fates but as Alexandra, aside from adopting her foe's kids, is an actual villainess, i doubt she cares.
  16. FindingReads

    FindingReads Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    So how does the 2nd kid thing happen if OG doesn't want to share Reincarnate!FL?