Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    The context was a dream. Ari got to see the scene in previous life, Isabella was crying after her first miscarriage, and Ari got noted that Isabella never failed in her life until that miscarriage, and she was afraid she might not give birth again, and it would endanger her Crown Princess position.

    Ari wouldn't be rid because of child thing anyway, because Cesare didn't want to have a child with the illegitimate daughter of the Cardinal, and he forced Ari to chew contraceptive leaves too many times, even Ari had the higher chance to be infertile than Isabella.
  2. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    In the first life, Isabella killed Ariadne because she knows that Césard only wants her because she is beautiful, she knows that in time her beauty will fade and thought that Césard would end up remembering this woman who gave him everything all his life. In fact, Isabella knew that her marriage to Césard couldn't be "perfect", so she had to get rid of the person who would cause her the most trouble if Césard ever got tired of her.
  3. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    Something I’m a little fuzzy on, why did Rubina so desperately want to be Bianca’s chaperone?
  4. BRain664

    BRain664 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2022
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    Any updates of current chapters?
  5. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    Being the king's mistress is such a disgusting thing in the royal family's eyes. Bianca hated Rubina because of that, so Rubina wanted to be her chaperone to assert her own position and power.
    Tad1989 likes this.
  6. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    KISS KISS :blob_pompom:
    This must be the scene that was spoiled here where they get in the heat of the moment and Ari moves away from the kiss and says she won't be a mistress.
    Shion Lee, M30WWWW and Isthecat102 like this.
  7. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Its crazy how she accepted Cesare's kiss without struggle but she was also dating Alfonso during that time he was away from war.
    She doesn't smack Cesare or hate him for the kiss at all. But with Alfonso she slaps him cause of the misunderstanding even though she did the same thing. A cheater calling another person a cheater. Oh the irony

    Ari the never ending hypocrite
    (And her slave fan-base who will soon come to defend and bitch down below)

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  8. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Right, someone engaged to someone is cheating :blob_grin: Alphonso had another fiance/wife. There's no irony when he should be sticking with his fiance/wife like what Ari did until she broke it off with Cesare but some ppl can't read :blob_grin: making up things when they don't read. Now that the irony of the fly that keep buzzing in here :blobpopcorn:
  9. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Both Ari and Alfonso were forced into their marraige
    Alfonso to survive not getting killed
    Ari to not marry a crusty old king

    The difference that highlights who's a cheater is the fact that Alfonso never coupled with his "forced marriage partner", not one kiss, hug, flowers, letters, etc. He used her to survive and then ignored her for 4 years straight. That marriage contract was basically useless.

    Whereas Ari enjoyed her marriage with Cesare. They bantered a lot but also enjoyed each others company.
    The ball
    The flower garden
    The forest
    She falls for his charms constantly, it's ridiculous how fucking stupid she is. All it takes is for an abusive man to show one act of kindness and she gets wet for him.
    It took him cheating TWICE to wake the fuck up out of her attractive bad boy phase.
    No wonder Ari's fans(Hanjakanji) are as retarded as her.
    To be defending a hypocrite this much
    maymimi and AsmaeOphelia like this.
  10. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Yeah so useless that he had thought he would just be a loyal husband to her.

    Ari didn't even marry Cesare. You just keep showing you dont read.

    Who is the "retard?"

    Before you even talk about their engagements on both side, why don't you show when they agree to start dating?
  11. BRain664

    BRain664 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2022
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    Charlotte, If someone loves a character, where is the problem? Some people find Ari lovable. Where is the problem here? Don't we the people are also biased and hypocrite too?
    It's human nature. So why do you have problem if someone is loving Ari because she is biased and hypocrite? The fact is, it's all human nature. She kissed Cesare because she knows in this life, Cesare actually didn't do anything(and he was her fiance too) until he cheats. (When they kissed, he didn't cheat). Ari cannot punish someone by their previous life. But, Yeah, she slapped alfonso because she knew that alphonso is engaged to someone else, not her. She doesn't want to be a mistress, and that's why she broke the engagement with Cesare and slapped Alphonso (cause both the scenarios were depicted like this that if she choose them, she will be the mistress).

    And I am not saying she is not a hypocrite, yes, she is a hypocrite. But just look at the Ari after Marriage, she is devoted to her husband and loves her husband wayyyyy more than anything. Again, isn't it human nature that Ari is depicting? Don't you get bore by reading all the same characters who have moral values and have no human reasoning other than justice? I like this story because you cannot predict what will happen and the background is too good.(IDK about you so i am compiling my opinion). And what do you expect from a girl from 1100 era? To act like a 2023 era girl? Rules were different then, a girl survived that era and a girl is surviving this era, these two girls have far different society and rules.

    Btw, i just said what i have to say. If you are here for moral and justice and right-wrong. Then this novel is actually not for you dear. There's a fine line between moral, justice, right and wrong. This story is potraying that line. Human life is just like that, human is surviving because of that fine line.

    Thank you.

    The only stupidity in this story is, every characters are dumber than Ari. I must agree on that. I want a strong villain who is as much as intelligent as Ari. Then this story will be more interesting to read.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  12. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    She doesn't come for justice and morality, she comes to troll! It is obvious that she only comes here to provoke reactions and nothing more! I sincerely invite anyone on this topic to stop replying to his messages because his arguments NEVER change!

    I have already reminded us countless times that this situation is not "Ariadne who deceives Alphonso" and she's just pretending she doesn't know anymore so she can call us Ari's slaves... In fact, this girl disgusts me by the fact that she always uses violence to provoke people and I call it "gratuitous hate"!

    As a reminder, in case people think what she's saying is right: Ariane is FIANCÉ to Césard... She and Alphonso were NOT together! They had to sort out their situation when Alphonso came back and... Bah... He comes back engaged... So who is deceiving whom and with whom?

    As for hypocrisy... She's in a good position to say that coming here to "kick the can down the road" (in her own words, huh, she likes to do that and has often said it)! She only comes here for that, she's useless, she didn't respond to these messages anymore: it's arguments have no value anymore (dismantle so often that I'm surprised that she continues to use them), there's no new one, it's always the same look, it's just a Chiwawa who needs to bark.

    On the other hand, just to rectify: no, some plans are rather "luck", but Ariane has luck with her, in addition to a very great experience.
    Isabella who tried to trap her with her dress and who wanted to make her look like an easy girl, Ariadne, without her past experience, would not have been able to answer. A fifteen-year-old girl facing a seventeen-year-old girl, one with no social experience and one with ... The dies were smuggling! However, Ariadne succeeded by using her weapons against her!
    The king who tries to marry her to seize her riches, without Cesard's intervention, she would have been "screwed"
    And the meal with Rubina before the meeting to become Bianca's chaperone, without Alphonso's intervention, she would have a hard time getting out of it...
    They're not just "nasty" and "dumb", but they're antagonists who must have their usual characteristics and... I have the impression that one of the criteria is to be suseptible and give in too easily to pressure... XD
  13. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I was going to hold off on this but...
    Continuing from last time...

    ch 496 - 507

    The princess ran to Rubina to demand the trip to Taranto to be commenced after receiving news that her father wanted her to return because she didn't want to return. Due to this, the king did not have enough to time convince Alphonso to follow along so they left without him. Anyway Alfonso stayed behind. The king left with the 3 ladies (Isabella, Rubina, princess) and his entourage of even all the cooks. Because there were no cooks left at the palace, Ari offered to have her own cooks feed Alfonso's army.

    Ari gifted a painting to Bianca of Taranto, a portrait of her mother. Bianca was moved and wished Ari luck with Alphonso. Ari on the other hand was reflecting how she wasn't as fortunate as the duke's daughter. She had told her that if she had been in her position, she would've been called princessa already.

    Ari questioned a position earned vs one born into. Being born into position led Ari to also think about the late queen. The late queen wasn't looked well upon when alive as she was a foreigner but after death, she was revered. Though if society knew she had stolen the palace funds meant for the shelter for her son, how would they react. It's also a debate on whether sacrificing the poor for the army to protect against the Moors would justify it. Only the people who move and write history will weigh the benefits. The embezzlement of a woman would've lowered her reputation no matter how much she had accomplished. The king had done worse misconducts and gotten away with it, but the queen must remain pure. (This whole chapter pretty much questions readers who always debate on Ari's actions.)

    There's a sweet moment after the entourage left between Ari and Alphonso as Alphonso was upset that he couldn't keep his promise at the villa. Ari was surprised he remembered since normally he seemed to not remember. She was touched he actually does remember. Initially she was sad that he normally lacks tact in remembering things or gifting her anything so this moment between them shows he does remember and even if he couldn't gift her anything, she was moved that he remembered.

    On the other hand, Rubina is plotting to have the princess sleep with Cesare in order to force their marriage. The princess is on board the plan since she wants to marry Cesare. They failed to notice that Isabella had tried that same trick before and failed.

    Edit: Forgot to add...
    Isabella actually had asked the king if she can invite her servant along. The king agrees to it, especially when Isabella told him that he's an alchemist. The king wanted to get close to him for his wish for eternity. On the other hand, because Isabella doesn't trust the king can help her bring back her beauty, she'll rather rely on the servant because she knows of his skills. The king doesn't plan to keep Isabella after having sex with her if her beauty doesn't return.

    There was a flashback where Isabella asked her servant how he knew the way during an escape and he told her that he has memories from someone more supreme. While Isabella thinks she's going to use the servant, the servant knows what she wants and he can provide her with everything she wants, eternal beauty. She also wants to bring down Ari and the others but that wasn't mentioned to him.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  14. BRain664

    BRain664 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2022
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    IDK but I want a strong villain. I had that hope when Aghosto came but rather than a big impact, he's just a slave to Isabella and does what Isabella told him to do.

    And about Charlotte, I wrote to the thread because she always uses swear words to argue with someone which is an uncultured, an unjustified and an immoral behaviour itself but seeks cultures and justification and morality from others and from a mere novel. And i find it disgusting that someone is constantly belittling others. That's why I said these to Charlotte. After that, I'll never reply her unless she belittles someone again and again.
  15. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    If Isabella becomes a better villainess with augusto's help that is like her. Augusto has his own goal tho. He wants throne back and I don't see how Isbella wouldn't switch over if he got a higher status.
    Isthecat102 and Tad1989 like this.
  16. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    Agosto's goal is only Isabella. The moment he slept with Isabella, his previous self merged with his current self, and he feels like he's the one who yields the ultimate power to grant things to others. My guess is he'll try to be the mysterious one to help Isabella so that she will fall for him.
  17. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    He's still the black horse. I think he can really help Isabella the most.
    Isthecat102, Tad1989 and alpineibex like this.
  18. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    I always wanted a villain to come out who was smart enough to rival Ariadne's intelligence and see them fight on the same level.

    It would have been great to see Ariadne exploit her full potential to defeat him and I also thought that villain would be Agosto, but I was quite disappointed.
    Tad1989 likes this.
  19. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Great spoilers!!!Thankyou!!
    NohrNeir, Tad1989 and Isthecat102 like this.
  20. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    I always wanted either Cesare or Isabella to step up and be the competent villains against Ariadne. I mean they purposely worked together and managed to fool Ari for 15 years into doing their dirty work by getting rid of Alphonso and making it possible for Cesare to become king. In this timeline right now they’re just pathetic.
    LoveReadingTime and Isthecat102 like this.