Spoiler Under the oak tree

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. honeybuttergarlic

    honeybuttergarlic Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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  2. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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  3. SinFulHun

    SinFulHun Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    Do any of you know when UTOT S2 book 5 is going to come out on Amazon ?
  4. tordocantor

    tordocantor Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2023
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    Hi everyone!!! Season 1 and Season 2 volumes 1-4 are now available for purchase on Manta!! I was waiting to read season 2 once it's completed but now I'll find it hard to resist :blobReach:
  5. Selina-may

    Selina-may Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Hi friend,
    I regularly check the Korean State Library online (that's where it's announced first), but nothing new so far.
    As soon as I see something, I'll let you know.(y)
  6. SinFulHun

    SinFulHun Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    I appreciate that friend, thank you(y)
    emdl07, Spidey1Fan and Selina-may like this.
  7. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    The earh was swallowing the monsters. Gabel saw Maxi was bloodied from her shoulders and her thighs. Annette runs and heals Maxi, she had no nerve damaged and any bones broken. Maxi felt the earth shaken and Annette golem activated and were a size of a small castle. Gabel goes up and is amazed by their creation. The soliders pick up Maxi and she is on their shoulder and all shouting her name in excitement. Maxi does want the army have their spirits down after being wearout while battling these monsters for many days. She knows the war isn't fat from over all she wants the soliders to have rest. Maxi and her team work to make more golems and Agnes ask her how many days it will take, Maxi answer in 3 days. The team are working to have the Golems last longer as the ones they are won't it will last a week. Agnes boost up in confidence of their golems. They are working on them and Calto comes and need 7 of them to withhold the undead army until the campaign army comes. Even if the campaign army defeats the dragon and takes a whole month to come the draconian army can go for revenge. Calto just want them to make the golems to withstand the undead army for a month. They all work on it, after two days working Maxi needed rest as she hasn't had any. She rested then heard a loud noise and it was army of undead skeltons charging close to the city and the golems activated. Agnes in her watchtower shouted all to be in their positions.

    The red hair scarlet lady having her name known. First Garrow is in awe and the Gabel is all of the army cheered her as she was a captain of a cheerleader. Maxi fears did came true the war was far from over these monsters don't give up on their goal. Can Riftan hurry up and finish the dragon. Agnes was really happy what Maxi accomplished and needed more golems to work. The Dristan princess must feel jealous as she doubted Maxi. With her and team of mages creating more golems will defeat the undead army so once they are safe and won't wear them out.
  8. k1t-y

    k1t-y Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    been scrolling tumblr recently and to be honest y’all idk if id rather people hate riftan’s guts or ride his dick all the time (ie hyper sexualize him and/or use him to hate on maxi). i feel like i don’t see a lot in between, at least not anywhere that isn’t the more recent pages on this spoils tab
  9. SinFulHun

    SinFulHun Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    It’s because they don’t understand the complexity of his character. They only see in black or white, and never the grey.
    I’m not saying everyone who reads UTOT has to over analyze the book, but they should at least know enough to keep an open mind. The novel isn’t for everyone, and I heavily dislike when individuals hate on books, to the point of ruining the experience for others, instead of leaving them alone to the actual ppl who enjoy them.

    Personally I would like for readers to have an open mind. These extremes some are taking with all the characters and the book as a whole are frustrating. We all have our opinions but they take fantasy novels too literally. There are timeless topics incorporated within the book that still happen today, and we are all in our right to discuss them with civility. But not to the point of getting carried away that it diminishes the pleasure of reading.

    I’ve also seen comments that are ignorant or too black and white. Typically I ignore them. The trick is all in not letting it get to us. Compared to other places, this forum is like a breath of fresh air.
  10. Selina-may

    Selina-may Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I have to agree with SinFulHun on all points and add another fact: Many who behave and comment/post such things have not understood the novel at all. MARSEA, for example, saw similar comments on FB.
    I don't know whether it's because they lack intelligence or they're not mature enough. But I know one thing for sure: RIDI did the right thing by only releasing this novel to those aged 18 and over.
    Because you should be able to understand the characters and motivations, it's not for "children". There are a lot of psychological aspects in this novel and that not only makes it very interesting, but also requires a level of understanding that unfortunately not everyone has.
    Continue to enjoy this novel and it's best not to pay attention to these people who, in my opinion, are to be pitied.

    You said it very well, friend:love:. I couldn't have done it better(y)(y)
  11. SinFulHun

    SinFulHun Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    Thank you friend(y)<3
    I’ve also seen such comments on Pinterest. I would see ppl asking for the name of the novel or webcomic underneath UTOT images, & ignorant individuals would dissuade and talk bad against the book. They would say things so far removed from the truth. With all their unfounded prejudices & their hindering, curious minds miss the opportunity to know what a great story this is. It’s just irksome to me. It’s also shameful to bring their negativity into Pinterest - of all places it is the only social media where we should have more peace of mind.
    emdl07, Spidey1Fan, k1t-y and 2 others like this.
  12. EnterYourNickname

    EnterYourNickname Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2022
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    I have a question: are eastern parts of Wedon supposed to represent/be inspired by east Asia? In chapters where they march through Croyso to Dristan rice fields are mentioned as part of the landscape, later sugar cane is mentioned and red dates (jujubes) - all plants are part of east asian agriculture (and cuisine). So far I thought that all of the 7 kingdoms where more or less based/inspired by typical medieval Europe fantasy style, now I'm a bit confused.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  13. Selina-may

    Selina-may Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Entirely my opinion(y). But do you know, every second person thinks TikTok, Pinterest, Tumblr or FB are the orientation points of the world. I don't think so, because I've heard and read a lot of bad things about what kind of "people" there are saying their opinions, omg:X3:. I'll save myself that.

    Maybe KSj mixed the two details, I just take it as a fantasy background. In my opinion, not everything needs to be explained in detail. It's a novel and fictional. She focused more on the characters, I think;)
  14. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    Did anyone watch the last episode 93 recap on the UTOT archives YT page? I think the recap did Riftan wrong. Luckily, the commentors had more sense than the recap.

    Right? You would think Pinterest would be most peaceful place on the SM platforms. Sadly, people form opinions on what others post or say versus coming to their own conclusions. Most people don’t have rationality or critical thinking so they absorb everything on the internet as truth when they should question everything you see and hear.

    I agree. I can never understand people who hate on a book. Personally, if I don't enjoy a movie or a book, I usually don't dwell on it. I simply move on to the next one.
  15. k1t-y

    k1t-y Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    i think that the youtube channel, based off some of their thumbnails, leans a bit heavy on shock factor and exaggeration. it may also be because it‘s merely emphasizing maxi’s POV. but yes, riftan definitely wasn’t given enough justice in this week’s recap.
  16. honeybuttergarlic

    honeybuttergarlic Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    I'm re-reading a Golem magic episode after a long time. I got it because I sympathized with the best comments from Korean readers.

    -It seems like we see when USB doesn't work when we present.
    I think Maxi is coding. I don't know why the program I made works like that, even though it does what it's intended. It works... but why?
  17. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    The battlements was already up and the undead army clashed with the golems. The undead army are destroying the golems, they regenerated back. Maxi need to create more golems and it will take her a week to be ready. She goes to do her work on her golems and Sidina comes and see her working but she needs to make more of them and all her team help her. She sees the Lexos mountains and thinks of Riftan and it tore her heart he is far away but she is going to keep her promise and that he better come in one piece and kisses the coin. Maxi goes out and in the battlefield and one of the golems is destroyed by the monsters and turns to dust. The undead army of skeltons are trying to get up and the soliders are destroying them and more are piling up. One almost get hold on Maxi but Gabel defeats the skeltons into pieces with his crossbow. Maxi and the mages are discussing and need to have more golems but is dangerous if she were to work while the battle unfolding. Annette said that they can't wait anymore so they unfold a plan where the mages should go. Gabel, Garrow, Agnes and some mages go with her as Maxi needs high ranking knights to escort her. Agnes is a mage and warrior and is going to protect her. Agnes commands the army and they are going to throw flailing oil at the undead army and Maxi sees a river of fire. Suddenly theirs a snowstorm and Maxi realizes that the dragon has awoken.

    Maxi and her team did a good job with the golems but now there's one down, they need to create more as if they don't more will go down but it take a week. Maxi got this with her team and she will make it. Now the dragon has revived, maybe Riftan is on his way to defeat the dragon and Maxi needs to be patience once is all over those undead army won't have to big anymore and the soliders be exhausted fighting them. Maybe the necromancers will be weakened so they don't have to revive them again.
  18. Gabi2077gabrielle

    Gabi2077gabrielle Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2022
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    Hello guys, greetings from this side of the planet. It is very exciting to read these chapters of Maxi's Golem again. The translation from Korean to English is excellent, I want to imagine what it could be like in Spanish :love::love::love: I had so many difficulties understanding it in its original language, that now I have many scenes clearer in my head. Thanks for always bringing your summary. You are great. ;););)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y):love::love::love:
  19. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    I have noticed in the book cover the artist is drawing Riftan more darker as Maxi has describe him having a darker skin. At the beginning the covers had him a lighter tone and he has a bronze skin color.
  20. k1t-y

    k1t-y Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    to be honest, this makes me quite happy to think about. i always felt he was a bit white-washed, especially in many of the manhwa panels and fanarts. considering that most of his earliest struggles and traumas stemmed from his appearance/background, i wish there had been more of a visual emphasis on it earlier. however, it is still exciting that we are pushing for a more noticably diverse cast!
    emdl07, Selina-may, manlyman and 2 others like this.