Spoiler My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences

Discussion in 'Novel Discussion' started by ZeroIn, May 24, 2024.

  1. ZeroIn

    ZeroIn Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Edited: Completed the novel. It gets boring after 500 chapter.
    But I will chance the rating to 7/10.

    I am going to rant!

    I am 300 chapters in, and the novel just turned from a 9/10 to a 3/10. The author made a huge leap and suddenly made everyone in the novel five times stronger out of nowhere, completely disregarding the foundation laid out in the previous 300 chapters.

    I spent 300 chapters reading about how the MC, even with his cheats to collect experience, had a slow and steady rise from level 1 to 100. Then, he struggled to reach Bone Refining level 2. The whole logic of the novel so far was that the MC had cheats to collect experience but was extremely poor at cultivating. It was established that everyone only cultivated one type of method, but could somewhat change to a higher class method from the same branch. Normally, people avoided cultivating more than one method due to incompatibility and slow results.

    Now, after 300 chapters, you find out that there are people who have cultivated not once or twice from level 1 to 100 and then to Bone Refining level 5, but this whole process five times (WTF, HOW?????). What happened to the slow struggle of leveling up? What happened to the incompatibility? What happened to the age limit? The age limit because most people can still only live 100-200 years, while only people cultivating the MC's method have a higher age limit of 500+ but was less stronger in the early lvls and was able to collect experience from other methods make it somewhat unique not really after chapter 300 tho.

    The worst part is that I really liked the slow, stable, and hard-to-reach-higher-level foundation this novel had. All of it was thrown out the window in a few lines. Such a shame. I'm still going to finish the novel but totally doing it because nothing else to read.
    Last edited: May 27, 2024