Glad that this finally got picked up. Gotta start rereading it. Discuss >_>
If I remember correct last thing he was doing, was saving her. I will just hold it for now until it gets more chapters.
It sounds like 108 maids, comparable to 101 dalmatiner dogs, if you heard of it. Very interesting.....
wasn't there an old chineese story that involved 108 stars or something.... I really don't think its based on 101 dalmations
>_> tch, OK I'll start it. Odds are high this physician star will join him...He'll, looking at the synopsis makes it a guarentee.
Hey Parth, doesn't this kinda go against the rules? Where you explicitly said not to just make a thread and say "Here is this thread".
yeah, and? I didn't say "here's a thread". basically the rule is meant to stop people who won't maintain the threads they make or are just spamming them. >_> do you see me spamming on my threads?
I do not see you spamming on your threads, I just felt it was a bit ironic that you made a similar.... post(?) even though you yourself have made rules on not to do so. Well anyways this was just to pick a bit at you, so forget it. I need to read this novel again, but am waiting for chapters to accumulate.
Current translator for 108 Maidens, I wonder about what you said. You could be wrong, you could be right. You could even be half-right. Keep reading to find out
...C'mon, I disabled my AdBlock for you either way, I doubt she'll need help unless one of them has a trump card.
Well this novel is a harem but I think only in the collection of female warriors, if the story of love less know ......