Spoiler: Second Cover Title: 길드마스터는 게임만으로 충분하지 않다 / Games Alone Are Not Enough for Guild Master / Games Alone Is Not Enough for the Guildmaster(MTL) Novel official raws: kakaopage , series , ridibooks NU link: <GamesAloneIsNotEnoughfortheGuildmaster> Description (NU): With trembling hands, I brushed my hair back and lifted my head. The game status window still flickered before my eyes. I might have gone insane. Seeing this kind of thing in reality. [Name] Kaisha (lv 1) [Strength] 10 [Stamina] 10 [Agility] 10 [Health] 100% [Mental Power] 99999999+ [View more detailed stats] Why is my level 1? One day, the game became reality. Not just for me, but for all the players of the virtual reality game VFA.
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