I've read the raws. I don't think this story has a strong plot. Everyone is stupid including the concubines (except Sasha, I think lol). The 6th concubine was described as someone who is smart but the latest chapter shows that she does not look smart at all. It's like a boring story where they make stupid and annoying characters around the MC, just to prove that the MC is smart and stronger than everyone. Basically, we have another OP MC in this story so you might really find this story boring as well. So far, I don't like the ML but he's starting to show interest with the MC for the last 2-3 chapters now. I want to see how this will end considering there are too many annoying concubines out there.
I checked the raws and it seems like a lazy revenge plot. MC is stupid, I mean there were red flags all over her first life. Sad, I was quite taken with the name and drawing
I can totally relate. Been having trouble finding good stuff lately Ahh.. too bad. I thought I finally found a gem, but turns out it's another counterfeit. Thanks for the heads up!
I don't understand why you guys are complaining this much, it's better than sadistic or with many weird ml where they torture mc how i found yesterday 4 new manhwas with less than 20 ch like this, i found this better with boring and strong mc than tragic whole story mc or stupid with a lot of drama every chapter
What I can’t believe is how the concubines get away with blatantly disrespecting the empress. In the latest manhwa that pale as a ghost concubine actually poured wine on MC. She retaliated by shoving her ass in the pool but still. In other similar stories I’ve read the concubines do sneaky underhanded things but these women here are bold enough to do it openly All in all I don’t think it’s a boring story though
I agree I also find this really weird like how do they not get in trouble and why isn’t she actually punishing them rather than just basically getting back at them trivially? Like does she not have the authority to do that? Do they never get in trouble for real for treating the empress that way??
So, in this case, FL was more like a hostage, so she didn't actually have any power, the last concubine that showed up, who was having the power there in the harem. After this concubine (if I'm not mistaken, it's the sixth), the emperor didn't go after any more, as she managed to bring good advantages to the empire.
Basically the Emperor lets the concubines run wild because he finds all of his concubines useful. If MC gave up because she gets bullied by the others, then he thinks that that is where she only stands on his harem. The MC knows this too. When the Empress fought back to one of the concubines while they are in the banquet, and the Emperor learned of this, he got mad. Because for him, he don't find the MC useful yet. MC then declared that he will make the Emperor admit soon that she's the most useful of them all. It's kinda messed up but truthfully speaking, Emperor keeps taking wives for political reasons so it's kind of reasonable too on his part lol
His personality is different from the last life where when she was in jail and he mentioned how they could have teamed duo and wanted her help ect. Also, why even make her empress if he wasn't going to let her have the power ect? Should have just made her another concubine... I don't understand a lot of it.
tbh fuck the emperor his indifferent stank attitude pisses me off so bad. its already bad enough he got concubines but he let the bitches do whatever they want as well with basically no consequences n i get ‘they’re all useful to him’ but still fl is the empress have some respect. i need a 2nd ml to pop up like a knight, duke, or another emperor
So this is me, speculating and trying to make sense of the story. Take this with a lump of salt since I've only read up to chp 10 and some spoilers here. Why Emperor takes in concubines? Spoiler Somehow, they bring in some sort of political advantage to his empire. Why he lets them "run wild"? Spoiler Maybe because they are "precious" political tools? And he only "cares" for them when they prove themselves useful to him. Why did he choose to take in an Empress this time if he will treat here the same as the other concubines? Spoiler As stated earlier, 6th concubine is strong enough to prevent any further concubines from entering the harem. Emperor must have thought that if he can't bring in a concubine, might as well bring in an empress. Why did he seem to be more interested in previous TL FL than current FL? Spoiler In the previous timeline, even though she lost, she proven herself quite a capable fighter and commander. I actually like how he is consistently looking at people who might be useful to him.
Spoiler: “manhwa run down Part 1” MC is the child of the queen and the King’s brother She dyed her hair black because her two “siblings” didn’t have as much potential as her nor carried the amazing genes as her even though they are all of royal blood. She’s the only one that has inherited the powerful magic and the eye catching blonde hair. Prior to going back in time, MC loved and adored her family but all they did was use her, hid her true appearance and abandoned her at their convenience. She went to war for them because her “younger sister”, Nicola, was “held hostage” (so says the parents), and they had requested MC go and save her. Which she did, but in doing so she became the scapegoat for her escape and was betrayed by her family. The ML at the time had offered her to marry him because he saw her potential and also could relate (?). during her imprisonment she was abused to the fullest by disgusting men, the concubines and so on. They’d beat her, step in her food and tell her to eat it, and other stuff. She was even blinded for a while since someone slashed her eyes (I think) The only one who showed her remotely any kindness was the third concubine who prayed for her and healed her eyesight I believe. [I think she may be a saint? Or a priestess who has healing abilities]. She had attempted prior to healing, giving MC some wine to alleviate the pain she was in, MC refused and knocked the wine to the ground saying that she was “a princess of berry” (“Berry” is the name I’ve seen in TL’s I’ve read, whether or not that is actually the name of the kingdom, I’m not sure). After returning back in time MC decided if she was going to be treated like a villain (in the future) as she was reminiscing on her last life and how she was treated, she’d treat people and act like a villain. She didn’t start this act until she left and went to marry the emperor on behalf of Nicola who was originally meant to go. MC gets sent to the empire after marrying ML, who’s a complete neglectful asshat btw, and is immediately ignored by maids. The MC doesn’t tolerate this behaviour a d confronts one of the maids by grabbing them by the collar and questioning them. She made the maid who she grabbed by the colour explain, maid said she was ordered by another maid/head maid to do so, she told her to go get her a glass of water. Maid returned and MC picks it up and splashes her for not being obedient and giving an unsatisfactory answer. The other maids in the room were also questioned, all of which were revealing different answers to what I assume is the MC asking “who did this/who ordered this”. two maids said 2 different concubines, one said the maid and idk. MC tells the butler she brought along to go and get the Head maid. He returns with her in arm and she’s fuming. She starts going off on MC about this and that. How the maids are doing their jobs, giving her unsolicited opinion on the MC and so forth. MC sits silently until the maid goes to leave, MC kicks the wall NEXT TO THE MAIDS HEAD. Terrifying the maid and then she cuts her hair off. MC is sent an invitation for a tea party with some of the concubines. The “leader” in the group of the concubines that have congregated is the Fourth concubine. She wants to embarrass and humiliate MC, basically everyone at the tea party picks at her origins, her hair colour and how she dares to “stand next to him with that messy hair”. MC was like “I’m a child out of wedlock” but because you’re concubines that means any child conceived between you and the emperor would also be out of wedlock lol. [fucking hilarious]. She also pointed out how her child (the 4ths) may also not be born with silver hair but brown hair and it could be questioned as the child being made through infidelity etc.
The FL reminds me of roxanna agrice I love her the most And i don't like ML, he's pretty useless.. I hope the servant is the ML instead
I've been reading it so on how they get away with all that disrespect and mockings is because they know they're in power because of the (strong/needed) establishment of Emperor's Empire with theirs. The Emperor doesn't see them as his wives but as commodities that are of his use. When the Empress retaliated by cutting the dress of concubine Eliza as she was attacked by the knife latter, he points her out not his concubine because in his words Empress hasn't proven her worth to him he didn't cared about her humiliation Eliza because the latter hurt her but simply because that concubine's Empire was much of his use (although that wasn't his only reason, he was quite intrigued as to how the Empress will react to him). So this is how they're getting with all those tricks and ploys. He simply doesn't care about them but the power they bring to him and the women in his harem who are from a very strong background and has brought him more power are the only ones doing this because the others either follow them or gets eliminated if not of strong standing. She cannot punish them because she hasn't made her standing. I think she will when her power grows. Those concubines are quite important to Emperor because of the trade. My answers are all based on the manhwa and the 15 chapters that I read until now. Edit : I just scrolled down and some users have already answered. Still, I'll just let this answer be here. Not a spoiler but speculation - I think in last life he was offering her a helping hand because he must've wanted her on his side due to the strong power she holds. She had already shown her powerful powers in the battlefield and he could've thought her of as a person who can be very beneficial and useful for him. In my opinion, he had done so because he will be shooting two birds with a stone. 1) Making her a hostage by trapping her in position of Empress as you might have already read in the manhwa. 2) Empress's position is that of power alongside the Emperor. He must have wanted a scarecrow Empress without much power unlike those foxy ladies he has in his harem so she cannot disturb his politics.
Spoiler: “Manhwa run down 2” [i forgot to mention this in the last spoiler, but this first point is prior to the tea party. Basically how people view her] People begin talking about her. Calling her “the princess of bats” because of her hair colour. There are also a lot of rumours surrounding her, some about how evil she is, how she oppressed her “brother” and trying to take away his position, how she “stole” Nicola’s position to come here, how she stole Nicola’s teddy bear, how she oppressors and controls her family, how she raised taxes and lived extravagantly. Anyways, after the tea party and being humiliated by our MC, the fourth concubine is fuming. Seething at the ears. She basically goes on a tangent in her head about how she’s shared dinner with the emperor many times, so MC getting that attention is nothing. She refuses to accept MC as empress and decides she’s going to take mc out of the palace So fourth concubine begins to plot, she finds paint cans and sends a letter to MC to call her to the courtyard where she ends up splashing our MC with white paint. Mc obviously knew this was a trick but still went anyways. Fourth thinks she’s outdone herself and made a mockery of mc…. When in reality MC used this opportunity to wash out the black dye in her hair. And surprise surprise HER HAIRS PLATINUM BLONDE. What’s frustrating about this situation is the ML saw her get drenched in white paint and did nothing. Mc rocks up late to her lunch date with the emperor, he’s all like “she’s late” (like no shit, you watched her get doused in white paint. Paint isn’t that easy to wash away asshole)… anyways, mc rocks up and she’s repping her brand new hair colour. ML is flabbergasted, shocked. I’m fact everyone is shocked. During the lunch mc basically provides ML with some information but not all of it, because then she’s at an advantage. ML uses it and basically says something along the lines of “we’ll see if it’s true” or smt. Everyone finds out about MCs hair being blonde and guess who’s having a cry about it? That’s right, the 4th. She’s basically like “how dare you” blah blah.