Spoiler The Alpha's Circumstances // 그 알파의 사정

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Plumpuppeach, Dec 2, 2022.

  1. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Novel Link:
    Chapters: Bomtoon - Ebook: RIDI
    Webtoon Link:
    KR; Bomtoon - ENG; Lezhin

    PV Video

    Official english title for webtoon;
    The Alpha Agenda

    Alpha Lim Jae-hee has been dating Beta Lee Yeo-woon for over 2 years, whom he has been dating since the third year of high school.
    He considers his own love for the Beta unswayed by his pheromones to be pure and flawless.
    He is so happy that he goes on a date as usual but then meets an Omega, who is suddenly hit by a heat cycle on the bus back home.
    And he, the true alpha of this era, was just trying to help that omega...

    Hello, my name is Lim Jae-hee. Alpha living in this era.

    Synpois By Lezhin US:
    Jaehee’s always prided himself on being a reasonable alpha. All that pheromone nonsense between alphas and omegas? Ruts? Heats? He thinks it primitive, and considers his two-year long relationship with the beta Yeowoon as true, pure love. But all that comes to a screeching halt when he finds himself stuck on a bus with an older omega going through heat. After one night of passion(and infidelity) with the said omega, Jaehee finds himself tormented. He’d always thought himself as a nice guy above all that alpha stuff, so what is he to do now? Jaehee knew that night would be the ruin of him but he didn’t know just how much, until he comes across the same omega on campus…

    Omega Chungyoung: The Guy with the glasses and white coat, left side
    Beta Yeowoon: Redish/Brownish Hair, the one in the middle
    Alpha Jaehee: Wearing a watch, blue shirt; right side
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2023
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  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Spoiler Table of Contents Placeholder

    Table of Contents
    • Chapter 100 spoiler
    • Chapter 250 spoiler
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  3. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Okay so I made this thread because I'm was curious about it and had saw some spoilers on twitter but not detailed enough.

    So the spoilers I found said

    That the Omega is the Beta's father (yikes)
    The Alpha and Omega literally cheat, yes the Beta's boyfriend cheats with the Beta's father.
    They keep it going and later it's revealed the Omega is pregnant with the alpha child.
    Beta finds out about the cheating (not sure about the pregnancy) and is so in shock he disappears; but he does find his own partner later on.

    This is all I know, I'm so pissed literally, but I don't want be bias and want more details about this story.

    I want to know what's the reaction to the Omega and Alpha is when Beta learns of their infidelity and disappears, do they look for him? Do they feel horrible? (they fucking better)

    Honestly I'm so mad because apparently Alpha and Omega have a happy ending and doesn't get Karma.
    Apparently the Beta is a sweetheart too

    Edit: July 3rd 2023
    Found out the omega father got pregnant very early on, he was around 15-16 years old. Though I'm not sure if it was accidentally pregnancy or someone took advantage of him

    Edit as of Aug 27th 2023: okay so I'm seeing alot of different things said but I want to clarify. I DO NOT KNOW IF THE BETA CHEATS. All I heard was that he's a sweetheart. I don't know if he has an affair too and/or if it happen after the alpha lose interest in him which made him feel "lonely"
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2023
  4. alleniver

    alleniver Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2021
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  5. Priar

    Priar Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Camp :blobcozy:
  6. secrettiveplotterdream

    secrettiveplotterdream Member

    Jul 10, 2022
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    I know that there have a side story I want to know more about the beta, he doesn't deserve these two people, and how alpha and omega don't get any karma
    1st time is an accident but later it becomes a cheat
    How the cheaters deserve a happy ending
    Plumpuppeach and Priar like this.
  7. Corunee

    Corunee Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2019
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    this author fell so bad now they are all Chernobyl-level stories. I can't believe this author wrote "Odd Love or exotic love"
  8. Meijer_100

    Meijer_100 Active Member

    Jun 8, 2022
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    bro the beta deserve better the author needs to make another story or side story about the beta....i want the beta to get revenge bro
  9. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    After a few month, it got a webtoon adaptation this month. Idk how feel, about a cheating MC getting a happy ending with the father of the one he said he truly loved.

    What's even more annoying is that the webtoon cover doesn't include our sweetheart beta...

    Update: Link to PV
    But the caption says it's being published in 7 other languages...why?¿ lol how is a cheating story getting this treatment when there's popular and better webtoon adaptations
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
  10. BlackHoundXyn

    BlackHoundXyn Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2021
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  11. Neelambori

    Neelambori Silent Passerby

    Jun 4, 2017
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    This is a serious story??? I would have enjoyed it if it was some porn without any plot.
    Thanks for the spoiler not reading it.
    martinezz31 likes this.
  12. Spoilerlove

    Spoilerlove Active Member

    Jul 20, 2020
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    How in the world did this even get a manhwa?:eek: There's so many novels out there which deserves better!!!
    ugh ruined my day......
    AleksHiki likes this.
  13. msbwhy

    msbwhy Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    that alpha licked his own sh*t yikes
  14. clarinha_167

    clarinha_167 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2023
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    Does anyone have any more spoilers about this? How does omega feel when he finds out he's caught his own son's boyfriend? The beta hasn't forgiven them, has he?
    Saisaka likes this.
  15. Coffea to Ell

    Coffea to Ell 【❃ Sleepy Bunny ❃】

    Apr 1, 2020
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    does anyone have more detailed spoilers? share it here please :cookie:

    this novel really do challenge our morality, however I still want to read it even if just once.
    I read in one of spoilers it's said that the beta also cheated with his classmate/sunbae? idk the order of the story so idk when all of this started.

    and in which chapter are they know about the omega's pregnancy?
  16. Coffea to Ell

    Coffea to Ell 【❃ Sleepy Bunny ❃】

    Apr 1, 2020
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    oh my, I found one of in depth spoilers. it's says:
    beta is indeed cheating, he doesnt tell alpha because he doesnt want to hurt him, and also because he's starved for love and attention after being neglected by his parents and now his boyfriend. It only comes to light when alpha literally walks in on him fucking the other guy.

    And for anyone hoping the webtoon diverges from the novel, its actually been quite faithful if just less detailed, so i wouldn't get your hopes up lol.

    The whole omega prof is beta's dad thing comes to light soon, since beta invites alpha over to finally meet his omega parent in response to his alpha dad having a new family. Beta ends up talking to omega dad about it and puts aside their differences for a bit under the assumption that omega dad might also feel weird about it. Omega dad never loved the alpha dad tho, so...don't think he cared really lol. Omega dad only ended up pregnant because they were fucking as horny teens when omega prof was in an orphanage and he was just like sure, pheromones and sex feel good in oonga boonga brain.

    But yeah, when the whole dad fucking thing comes to light, obviously omega prof tries to end the relationship with the alpha mc (he's like i cant do that to my son, im already a pretty shitty dad to begin with ha). All this eventually sends alpha mc into a depressive spiral and he like cosplays as a hikkikomori and thats why beta bf can't bring himself to break up with the alpha despite cheating on him too and not really hiding it well. Alphas too brain ded to notice at this point tho. Beta doesn't want to hurt him more: they both have the same garbage excuses lol. In a way they're perfect for each other!

    So that's the actual suffering act: they're not suffering out of guilt of cheating, its just the whole dad thing is the issue. They'd have been fine to keep going without that bit clearly. They also didn't even stay away from each other for too long, and the two end up meeting again and spending their rut/heat together at some conference that alpha mc last minute decides to go to, and omega obviously ends up pregnant (they were at it for like days straight in a hotel room and there was knotting of course and they're implied fated pairs, the unholy trinity in this story truly lol).

    It's also only AFTER this moment that alpha mc finally has the balls to break up with beta. Beta actually pretends to be sick the day alpha wanted to break up with him, and in a last ditch effort to be nice, alpha mc goes to visit him only to find him fucking the other guy

    Alpha mc has the audacity to get big mad and spew a bunch of angy pheromones which pisses off omega dad, who's still pretending to be a good dad and he like kicks him outta the house. And that, my friends, is ultimately how those two finally break up. They like have this bs chat about it where beta apologizes but that he felt lonely and alpha mc pretends to take the high road and forgive him, all while knowing he's been doing far worse with the beta's literal father and he's also the reason for all of this happening in the first place but ok.

    And then...this guy literally then justifies NOT TELLING THE BETA ABOUT HIS OWN CHEATING by convincing himself that he should spare the beta from feeling the pain of betrayal that he felt when he walked in on beta cheating on him . Like full on delusional white knight trash i could not make this up even if wanted to. Also at this point, alpha mc has already started doing a weird like "I see beta in a platonic, ALMOST FATHERLY WAY." So yeah, there's truly no redeeming this one in case you were still wondering!!!

    Meanwhile, omega dad tries once again to end things with alpha mc after his outburst with the whole beta cheating thing and pretending to feel guilty as a father knowing that their affair led to the beta doing this in the first place. Of course, they have break up sex tho, so total fucking joke of a scene but they pretend break up and alpha mc tries to accept it this time and begins to pull himself out of his hikikomori cosplay.

    But then! Beta finds out that his omega dad is suddenly preggers and confides in alpha mc because he doesnt know who else to talk to about this, because he hasnt told anyone else about his family situation being a flaming hot mess. Alpha mc obviously freaks out and knows its his babi but still doesn't let beta know in any way...

    Omega prof tries to act like it isn't alpha mc's baby, but alpha mc is like I don't care I want to be the dad anyways. And then this is where they fiiiiiinally reveal to the beta that alpha mc is the guy who got his "mom" pregnante outta nowhere and only AFTER omega prof finally relents and accepts alpha mc's confession of love. Like it really takes them a hot minute and a half before they finally tell him, it's as garbage as you would expect from them! There was also petty beef with the ceo dad during all this shit, but it's so contrived it's not really important to this dumpster fire of a plot anyways. Beta does punch the alpha for fighting his dad tho, so we do get that at least ✌️

    Alpha mc and omega dad then quickly get hitched, and no one really says anything and they also kinda can't cause bruh's already pregnanted so, what is anyone gonna do, you know?
    Beta also does not last long with the other guy in the novel: he tires of him pretty quickly. The other guy is a tool, you can kinda tell already in the webtoon, and beta was only interested in the attention in face of the neglect he felt from alpha bf. The beta ends up developing a crush on another alpha, but doesnt seem to hold much expectation with that going particularly well either, but is happy to just go with the flow.

    There's also another weird scene AGAIN with the whole alpha mc seeing the beta in a WEIRDLY FATHERLY LIGHT because the baby is born and now his ex is his step son and the baby is the half sister and then the baby is like bro, why don't you call dad DAD and I-
    I don't wanna talk about it. That's it, that's my position on the matter.
    The novel ends with an even worse family dynamic than I could have ever even fathomed. THE END ☠️☠️☠️

    My opinion that no one asked for at the end of this shit show of a story was that the beta is in deeeesperate need for therapy but, that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. I dont think it ends particularly well for him, but the author I think tried to make it sound less bad somehow with the beta being like optimistic about love or wtv and moving on from all this shit... I think they failed miserably in that regard but, oh well. CLEARLY, this story was never gonna satisfy me.
    idk I just have to smh after reading this. I am speechless and don't know what I have to comment on it.
    just one thing tho, this story isn't for someone who can't differentiate fiction, imagination and irl. and not for someone with hearts failure illness, high blood pressure. smh
    AnitaHP and Gluttony_mortelle like this.
  17. Gluttony_mortelle

    Gluttony_mortelle Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Good thing I'm young and only have anger issues atm.
  18. Coffea to Ell

    Coffea to Ell 【❃ Sleepy Bunny ❃】

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I have reading this until the lastest update which says it's the end. it's a good ending however I feel the ending was too rushed. let's wait for the side story or stories
  19. Hadosh

    Hadosh Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2023
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    This sounds like a mess. Thanks for the spoilers