19 BL 穿成替嫁夫郎 Transmigrated into Substitute Bride ‘Fu Lang’



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19. 穿成替嫁夫郎 Dress as a substitute for marrying husband
Author 雩玖
Completed 133 chapters

This has the potential but fell so flat.

Chen Xing, the MC was transmigrated as a ger born from a low concubine/servant of wealthy Chen family, his mother position in the house was pretty low and they didnot get much favor, MC was even treated as servant. The part of the original's background was not that clear, but the author didnot write anymore abt the original/mc's birth family anymore. He was treated as collateral, and offered as marriage deal for ML.

ML was Gu Lang, his background was a mystery at first, he was a sickly scholar, and when he came to the town, he was penniless. When his parents were alive, they made a marriage engagement with MC's Chen family to marry ML and their daughter. When ML went back, he was sickly, no power, so Chen fmaily didnot want to marry their daughter to him. ML's only puspose was to get the dowry his parents' gave, so he wanted Chen family to pay back all the dowry his family gave for marriage back then or else sent him the bride. The Chen tricked him, and sent MC instead.

MC was reluctant to die in this ancient times just because his status as slave. The Chen gave ML, Chen XIng's live deeds. MC talked and persuaded ML, he would repay all ML's dowry money for his life deeds.
They both agreed. And Chen XIng planned his journey of money making business, started from cooking for his sickly owner, because he needed to borrow money from him to start. From mapo tofu stall, to restaurant and continued with wine making industry.

MC character was very naive, he thought he knew everything abt the ancient times but he's actually was protected by ML. MC also was strong, independent outside, but when he saw his husband's face he'd get flustered and dazed. As for ML, he was portrayed a sickly scholar, cold temper, but he actually had power, and skillful people. He went back to his hometown to take revenge for his family.

At first, we read of MC's restaurant business, and enemies from conflict interest and his family that wanted to take over his business. This part was big, and we got to read the ins and outs. Then, we got to read ML's revenge part which was done half assed and ended even more half assed. And these all happened in this town, so they didnot go anywhere.

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