Black Mirror and Different Tastes

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Bad Storm

coz with you right here, I'm a rocketeer
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I liked a series called Black Mirror. It's sci-fi, it's dark, a little controversial sometimes. Thing is, I really liked it. It had me engaged right from the first episode. It's not that new now. Maybe some even heard of it's interactive movie called Bandersnatch.

I'm rewatching it. Then I realized, I don't know anyone else who liked this series or even watched it. It's a little saddening. I feel a little lonely. I wanna share it to people but I kinda know how they would roughly react: uninterested. I tested the reaction, indeed, still uninterested. Is it because it's sci-fi? Is it because of the pacing? Is it because it's episodic? Or maybe it's really not as interesting as I find it? I don't know. Taste is very subjective. Even if you want to share something, hold your arms wide open, if they aren't willing to try, your arms will simply sore waiting for something that will never come.

Now, I'm sad. But I don't like being sad so maybe I'll just blabber the reasons why I like this series. Black Mirror shows a very dark side of humanity. And it amplifies it by using tech. It's like jumpty dumpty sitting on the wall. One wrong move and he falls. It plays with the border of reality and fiction. The scenarios feel like you're in a nightmare version of a daydream. Not quite awake, not quite asleep. In the same way, the scenarios feel like something that could possibly happen, but at the same time, too preposterous to actually do.

Another thing I like about black mirror is the easter eggs. They often put call backs of other episodes. I remember when I first watched it, I was fascinated by how much other people who liked it found the easter eggs. Some I catch as well, some I didn't even notice. Such a cool detail to me.

I really like it's episodic way too. Each episode is it's own little story. Each a different world. If I were to choose a favorite episode, hmm I'm a little torn between Season 3's Shut Up and Dance And Season 4's Metalhead. I don't wanna spoil haha so in the off chance you got interested about it and watched it. You can ask me then why I liked it.

When I say dark, it's not really about people dying or tragic stories. It's just that you see a certain side of humans that you'd might instinctively frown upon. I can't explain it well haha. It's like you're seeing something that is really quite possible to be a human behaviour but goes against what norm you are used to? It's something like that.

Aight, I'm rambling. Don't mind me haha.
Oh yah, if you're interested and have Netflix, it's there. Not sure about other platforms tbh.

Shizukani and Cerene like this.


    1. Shizukani Jul 26, 2021
      I've watched a couple of episodes~ But unfortunately I'm not in a very stable mindset and it gave me too much bad feelings so I stopped. :sweating_profusely: It's really interesting for sure though~ But it gave me the same feeling of binge eating a whole cup of ice cream by myself in the evening. That is, I end up regretting it :blobwoah:

      I get deeply engaged in it while watching, but end up with bad feelings, overthinking and bad dreams afterwards. I guess it gets too real for me sometimes :blobpats: When I'm in a better mindset, I would try watching it again for sure! :aww: It really is a quite fascinating show~
      Bad Storm likes this.
    2. Agentt Jul 26, 2021
      I have watched it little one.
      Bad Storm likes this.
    3. Lissi Jul 25, 2021
      Uhm~ I know someone who watches it! My physics teacher!! He recommended that show to us, though I didn't watch it...
      Bad Storm likes this.