


[Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant], Male
Blog Posts:
I'm bored~ I should be revising but meh! I'll do it a bit later. Now I feel like talking bout colours. What is your favourite colour? A common misconception I've noticed here is people assume my favourite colour is red~ erm yeah, nope that's definitely not the case. I like redheads, there's something about red hair that grabs my attention. Kind of like stop and stare.....which *cough* I may have done in the past lol~ but if we're talking about favourite colours, mine would be blue and black. Blue since I was young and black as I was growing up

So that's a little info about me for people to not really care about lol.

Also leaving this here~ something that came about over this red business

Aiiee and Slaynbr like this.


    1. DCLXVI Apr 29, 2017
      mine is teal, cyan/aqua comes after that
      Matsurika likes this.
    2. Pyoo Apr 28, 2017
      Blue and black.... The color of bruises.... *shudders*
    3. Slaynbr Apr 27, 2017
      Blue and green are the best!
      Black for formal~ white for depressing days~
      akki likes this.
    4. Anon Ymous Apr 27, 2017
      blackish, grayish
      not flashyish
      akki likes this.
    5. PKitty Apr 27, 2017
      Purple, Black, Red and Blue!
      akki likes this.
    6. Cryotic Apr 27, 2017
      Grey, Black, Blue, White and recently Violet... I prefer monochromatic colors
      akki likes this.
    7. Asakura Ouryuu Apr 27, 2017
      akki likes this.
    8. akki Apr 27, 2017
      Kami Association likes this.