Food Fantasy - Food Souls vs Real Food - Pine Nut Wine



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Blog Posts:
Food Fantasy - Food Souls vs Real Food - Pine Nut Wine

Food Soul
SR - Support
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Real Food
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Food Info
Pine nut wine, originally called "pine mash wine", was first created and flourished in the Tang dynasty, between the years 618-907 A.D. The wine has no colour and is transparent and clear. It has a mellow, sweet taste upfront, with a lingering aftertaste. It has the distinct aroma of wild pine nuts. In modern times, winemakers have followed methods recorded in the annals of the Tang dynasty to make this wine, restoring this delicacy back to the world.

Cyltea and CherryVodka like this.


    1. ikhors Nov 26, 2022
      this one's the only one i bothered looking at!! QwQ
    2. ReaderReader Nov 26, 2022
      @ikhors So you do not like the other ones .. :meowpuffytears::meowpuffytears:
    3. ReaderReader Nov 26, 2022
      There's a character called Vodka but there's also a drink called Vodka Sour ( so about the same as what you are )
    4. ikhors Nov 26, 2022
      i like this one actually
    5. CherryVodka Nov 26, 2022
      Is there a character called Cherry Vodka or something similar :hmm:?