I Got One of My Wisdom Teeth Pulled Out



『Early Life Crisis』〖Stormy's Bro〗『Lord of Storms』, Male
Blog Posts:
It's been a few hours, I don't feel much pain, surprisingly they pulled it out in one go; which was really surprising for me since when I signed the papers I got worried.

But when the time came, approximately half an hour after arriving, they had it removed. It didn't even take ten seconds, and bam it was out. It felt odd, not the area because that was numb, but the speed at which they took.

Either way, I got to keep it in one piece, it was much smaller than I though, but I'll keep it nice and clean somewhere.

Currently I'm putting pressure with some rags on the area, but it's already stopped bleeding and I can now calmly touch the area; without much pain as well.

It's quiet odd, you know, because there's a hole there now I worry as to what might get stuck there. However I think'll be fine, hopefully the next ones will be as well. I have not died, which is good; but those damn hot wings are super tempting right now! QAQ)/

You and Thu_rsday like this.


    1. Novela Nov 6, 2020
      why am I shleepy? Cuz I'm sleepy and a sheep z.z) ;;;;
      need to study ,.,
      be sleeping at 2am
      SquadCammander354 likes this.
    2. SquadCammander354 Nov 5, 2020
      Master, Shleepy, and me
          ∧.∧    /\./\  ∧.∧
        ( ๑ ˃̶ꇴ˂̶)ヽ( ๑ ˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)つ=ω=)
       ⊂ヽ\  ノ \  ノ  と)
          ( _フ ( _ フ ( _ フ
          (/   (/  (/
      Novela and Anra7777 like this.
    3. Novela Nov 5, 2020
      lmao @Anra7777 and squad. I don't own squad, squad is my friend <3
      SquadCammander354 and Anra7777 like this.
    4. Anra7777 Nov 5, 2020
      Squady, don’t tell @Novela lies. You were the one who started calling me “Master” and “Owner” on your own. I just accepted you, that’s all. It would be more accurate to say that you enslaved yourself to me.
      SquadCammander354 and Novela like this.
    5. SquadCammander354 Nov 5, 2020
      @Ddraig it went back to @Shem level of wisdom.
      Basically all I know now are these damn things!
      づ`・ω・)づ∴“ (   )゛
      ゙づづづづづ∴と   )゙
      づづづづづ ∵ “/   ヘ゛
      (_/⌒ヽ_)∴ “(_/⌒ヽ_)゛

      @Novela, I've already been owned and enslaved by @Anra7777! ("T^T)b
    6. Novela Nov 5, 2020
      Doggo has been domesticated 'V')
      SquadCammander354 likes this.
    7. Ddraig Nov 5, 2020
      How hard did your WIS stat drop after this?
    8. SquadCammander354 Nov 5, 2020
      @Chrono Vlad, same, it only took an hour for mine to wear off. I took some pain killers after hearing my school teacher's advice. :blobfrowning: