Intentions, Context and Misunderstandings



『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』, Female
Blog Posts:
Sometimes, the environment just isn’t on your side.

I’m the type of person to very rarely act on what I think, but instead act on what I know. Sure, many times I end up acting on what I feel, but this is usually when it is related to personal stuff, not when it involves others.

It just so happened that something bad happened to someone I know… What happened? No idea, I don’t know any details, I just know that a certain thing happened, and that person wasn’t feeling well… So I tried comforting them. I mean, we aren’t thaaaaaat close, but we aren’t strangers either… If I could help out somehow, why wouldn’t I?

I’m a weird person with tons of weird experiences, I am still pretty young, and I have way less experience than people of my age in many things… But well, pardon my cockiness, but I think the experiences I did have amount to a lot more than what most other people do go through.

So… When I see someone that I care for in trouble… I think that… Maybe I can help, I might have gone through something similar, or something worse… Maybe I can tell them how I dealt with it, or that they aren’t alone in it… Maybe I can do something.

But again, I don’t know any details, I don’t know nothing about for a single thing… So how can I help?
Easy, I offer a hand. I offer a hand, and let the person take it or not, that is up to them… It’s not the first time I did that, and honestly... It generally works. When people need a helping hand, it’s not uncommon for them to take it.

But… It just so happens that circumstances weren’t on my side… That person just so happened to be involved on another thing with another person, and that one thing led to another and made people think that what I was referring to was something different that what I was, and they were there trying to criticize me, or mock the person I was trying to help… It’s annoying.

I don’t know what happened, I don’t know the details… As far as I know, it can even be the same thing everyone is talking about, but I don’t know if it is, and I think it is not… But people love making assumptions, people love assuming that you think the same as everyone else and decide to act on it even though things aren’t the way everyone thinks like…

I don’t really think I can clear this sort of misunderstanding… Because when you try to clear it up, you end up involving the other person, while the others are around, and it just gets worse… Moreover, you end up disclosing things you weren’t supposed to disclose, in order to make them understand what they don’t need to understand.

… Luckily enough, there are multiple ways of privately contacting someone, so one can just brush the issue off, and then try again at another time, without anyone nearby to bother you.

But still… I think it would be nice if people assumed less and asked more, not everyone acts and believes on the same thing… And when there is something everyone talks about, but you never got involved with it… Why do people suddenly think that the first thing you say to said person, just has to be about that one issue? Take the people involved into account, alright? I have better things to do than to involve myself in pointless gossip, even if I love hearing gossip.

It’s kind sad to see that I need to make walk arounds and go out of my way to do something good intentions… I do know that good intentions don’t always means good acts, that there are times that we think that we are helping, but we are only making things worse… But that’s why I’m careful in the first place, that’s why I act on what I know, and not on what I think.

It’s a shame, really… Sometimes people need to understand that context isn’t everything… Some things are just out of context, because nobody ever knows the whole picture, but some people may have seen somethings others didn’t, even if they didn’t see what almost everyone saw.
Context is important, we should always take it into account… But that doesn’t mean that the context dictates everyone’s actions.

Of course I have my own inferences, of course I have my own theories, of course the context makes me think of a variety of different things that explain what I know… But I don’t know if they are right, I don’t know if all this makes sense, I don’t know if I’m overthinking things when they are a lot simpler… Or if I am thinking too little when they are a lot more complex.

Which is why I do things carefully, it’s why I move slowly, and is why I don’t talk nearly as much as I could… The world would be a lot better if people talked less, and thought more I guess.


    1. AliceShiki Apr 13, 2018
    2. doomeye1337 Apr 13, 2018
      "The world would be a lot better if people talked less, and thought more I guess."
      I've been saying this for years XD
    3. Osamaru Mar 25, 2018
      QAQ Lily! Why!?!
      leegood likes this.
    4. leegood Mar 25, 2018
      *accuses Grand-aunty of trying to ship Tony to @Osamaru *
      AliceShiki likes this.
    5. AliceShiki Mar 24, 2018
      @AMissingLinguist Sometimes they end up small! xD

      Definitely not the norm though... >.>

      This one wasn't very personal I guess, so it ended up ending quicker.
    6. AMissingLinguist Mar 23, 2018
      This blog was short and concise! 11/10 great blog.
      I read it. I agree, but not wholeheartedly. I have to have some wriggle room for the opposite argument.
      AliceShiki likes this.
    7. Clozdark Mar 20, 2018
      At least you can tried to solve it.
      AliceShiki likes this.
    8. Osamaru Mar 19, 2018
      I know what you mean. I often think the same way. but at the same time, I'm the opposite as well. What I mean by that is I tend to jump to concoctions alot. I build my own thoughts and idea without making sure all the pieces fit and its ended badly before.
      I've been working on fixing that kind of thinking, though.
      AliceShiki likes this.