Journal of D.D.K.R #0 Foreword


Twilight Fox

【Foxy】【Ayayayay!】, Female
Blog Posts:
Sooooo This is just a little project of mine where I can dump the ideas that I can't use here for everyone else to see. Anything in my wildest imagination basically. Not sure how this whole blogging thing on NUF is gonna work out so work with me here OK.

Dear Reader

If you are reading this journal of mine, it means I am most likely dead and the spirit of this guide has chosen you. By whatever means you have acquired this book be it by luck or less savory means, it is now in your possession. Inside I have recorded my findings and discoveries from over my years of exploration of the Dark World.

The secrets recorded here must never fall into the wrongs hands. It is your duty now to ensure this book never reaches those hands. Many will come for it, they always do. Gods, Demons, Monsters, the names do not matter, keep it away from them.

If you do not feel confident in your ability to safeguard this item, read no further. Take a match and light the pages aflame.

But if you wish it, and you are confident, then continue reading. Inside you will find pages upon pages filled with wonder. The places of childish rhymes and bedtime stories will become real, creatures of dream and imagination will show themselves.

However, as a precaution against any troublesome individuals that come seeking it’s secret knowledge, I have set an enchantment upon each page to only reveal themselves after a certain amount of time has passed.

Learn, Study, and continue adding to my life's work.


-Draco De Kel Roso-


    1. NEU paciFIST May 8, 2017
      I have read some novels with similar to this, writing a journal or a diary every night.The thing is, I think you have a great imagination to think this up and that name at the bottom too.
      Keep up the good work Shishou..

      Well that's half of my comment here. The soft and kind one..