Many a one (Part: 2)



M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain], Male
Blog Posts:
No2: So you should all know why we are gathered here today right?

No5: Just get on with it already...

No7: Aye..

No8,9,10-25 : Aye... Yes...Ya *echoed sounds*

No2: ehem! So as you all know, No 1 is getting too old and has repeatedly cowere..


No9: you think we here for history pipsqueak?! Spill ya beans..we got hoes to plough..

*Background Laughter*

No2: *red faced* SHUT UP 9! Nobody wants to know your stinky deeds nor do we care...Sit down!

No15: I have to agree with 9, time is of essence...don't beat around the bush No2...

No2: shut up! Either listen or fuck off to the old farts side...

No(5,7,8-25): ...

No2: As I was saying, he's old and losing his touch, a change is needed and for that we need to "retire" old make way for the next gen...

No5: And let me guess you'll be the one "steering" this new generation?

No(..): *Sneers* *chuckles*

No2: *stands up* *coming behind No5*

Yes 5 and I intend to make sure of it... Either it's me or the Titanic...*smashes no5 head on table* and I'll make sure your sorry ass is the first to drown.

No(..): *Gasps*

No(..) : let him go 2!

: Are you trying to kill him! Let him go !

No5: Ba*tard! I wo..psffft..Fuck! get yorr hnnnds FFF miii heaaad!


No2: *dusting hands off* enough with the pleasantries men, half hour from now, old 1 will be peacefully sleeping in his grave and I'll take over zero's ?

No(..): *gasps* wtf?! You want to kill old1 ?!

:OMG he really is a killer!

: Did you kill No3 as well?! I always knew you had it in monster!!

:Yes! We'll never let a scum like you take the reins! Never!

No2 : Oh? So will you take over No8? But what about your mirror then? Will you be able to part with it for us?....oh maybe No15 you'll do are the most "matured" one of us after all right? ..*chuckle* even No9 will be put to shame if he sees your collections...they are...hmmm very "mature" indeed .. Hahahaha..

No no...wait! We are forgetting 25 here...ah uncle 25...I should be sorry, I totally forgot to pay my respects... Oh well you won't remember it in 10 minutes what's the point?! Hahaha...

So tell me you miserable pieces of sh*ts...which one of is able to do it... anyone?!

No(..): ...

No2: like I thought... Now off to Old farts place we go...

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