Not a poem: Just some random junk


Zone Q11

『The Gas Mask』『Monochrome Plebeian』, Male
Blog Posts:
"It's not my fault you're in this situation, buuut your death is very beneficial to me, so I will gladly end your life."
- - -
"But she refused."
"She refused to return to the underworld."
- - -
"I do not wish to die. I don't want to die. I don't wanna die. I didn't finish my goals. I cannot die yet. Not yet. Not yet. My body will not. My body won't last. My mind is breaking. Separating. Diverging. Splitting."
"I cannot die yet, but I'm dying."
"So I broke myself and sent my fragments -what remains of my fragments- into the past. Into the other worldlines. Timelines. Places. Moments. Hoping that they will do better than the current me does."
"Ah... I am dead."
- - -
The odds of winning a 1-Shot Hated-izer is 15%.
- - -
"SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. The ruins are falling apart. I cannot concentrate with your bloody shitty war going on! Get out. GET OUT OF MY LAND if you wish to live. I will nuke the hell out of you AND your country if you don't!"
"What, you don't believe me? Then how about a demonstration?"
The soldiers nearby didn't have. Wasn't granted the opportunity to shoot. Trigger their guns. Weapons, before eldritch spiked tentacles pierced them from the pitch black soil.
Cries surrounded. Echoed throughout the plains. Place. Battleground. Field, as they struggle. Wiggle their arms. Limbs.
Death was not. Their death was not merciful. It was. Is inefficient from the eyes of an assassin. A killer, but the horror. Terror, spread through. To the other soldiers. Humans. Creatures, and they instinctively understood: "This is worse than dying. This is torture of hell."
- - -
"Chronomancer! Stop time!"
- - -
"They only know of two commands: go to war and mourn. This is not a way to live, Kassim. I can't accept it."
- - -
"Are you satisfied now? You damn lunatic."
"If I am the lunatic, then what are you supposed to be? The idiot?"
"At least I'm an idiot who doesn't kill his friends to save something stupid like this country."
"They're not friends. They are pawns. Besides, even if I've lost the fight, I reached my objective.
I have won the war, Eva. The country lives, and the monsters are dead. I may be known as the evil bastard who massacred monsters, but this is fine.
At least the future history books won't mention any atrocity from the monsters. No racial war. No territorial disputes. No more hatred.
I shall take in all the evil of the world, and sacrifice myself if it means that humanity lives."
Eva left the dungeon, but Adam's prophecy became reality. He won.

You, AMissingLinguist and Kalto like this.


    1. Zone Q11 Jun 2, 2020
      A breakdown of the following abilities: Summon Tentacles, Muscle Mass Enhancement, Earthbending, Create Servant, Weakening Curse
      Mana consumption / Energy cost is negligible

      • Summon Tentacles: The ability to summon a high amount of variable tentacles from an eldritch dimension. Approximately one thousand tentacles can be summoned in one instance.
      • Muscle Mass Enhancement: ...
      • Earthbending: ...
      • Create Servant: ...
      • Weakening Curse: ...
    2. Zone Q11 May 28, 2020
      "To make a good aberration of a story, the aberrator must first know how the story ends first." While this statement is false, the depth of the aberration depends on the aberrator. The more complete the story the aberrator knows, the more correct the source materials they could use. The source materials are just the building blocks, but having the "correct" and "good" materials generally outperforms that which the aberrator conjures from their personal inventory.

      So... are you telling me that I can't make the alternate universe of this book until the new authors have finished disgracing the old author's masterpiece?

      ["I"], it is rude to mock the new authors. They too, are just humans. They make the same mistakes as every other human would, and while some humans have natural born talent, other humans can only catch up to them through effort. Even if you believe that they are blinded by greed, the matter of fact remains that the ownership of the story belongs to them now.

      ...tch. You're never fun when it comes to work, ["S"]. After reading the ["Nth"] book, I'd at least expected that you out of all people would be the one to get mad the most. It was literally filled with a good exposition, continued by a good arc, but ended with a battle scene that literally took up at least a fifth of the whole book! It's already bad enough that the character development was obviously rushed since the new authors didn't gave the protagonist enough of those in the previous books, but what's worse is that the plot doesn't even make sense! The wise character lost their role to the new hyped up character, the BBEG is a rip-off of a famous monster, and the battle between the protagonist and the cliched antagonist wannabe took so many pages, and they both ignored the BBEG, who literally blasted an entire town off to oblivion! There were so many opportunities wasted specifically in the final arc of the ["Nth"] book!

      I know, ["I"]. We share the same body, so of course I have watched ["E"]'s commentary as well. It does not change the fact however, that you are better off waiting for the story to end, rather than make an aberration while the story is ongoing. In addition, the new books seem to be slowly improving as well. Let them grow on their own, and enjoy the fact that they bring us entertainment in the first place.
    3. Zone Q11 May 23, 2020
      There he lay, powerless and spiritless. His hands resting on the hilt of a broken and battered sword.

      Shadows were dancing on the walls, reaching for his body, craving for it to return to the Land of the Dead.

      Men say that the eyes were the gates to one's soul, but his eyes were empty. Not because because he was soulless, but because the Lord had not granted him the gift of sight upon his birth.

      Time stood still before the body of the dead warrior, halting the fall of the droplets of the drizzle.

      As Time stood still, Fame could not abandon him, and words of Glory would never reach him.

      Death approached the dying man, and he asked Death not for a second chance of Life, but for his offspring to live.

      Death does not care about the unmoving Time, nor does Death listen to the pleas of mortals.

      And thus ends the tale of the warrior.

      Time looked at the boring corpse being dragged into the Land of the Dead, and moved on once more.

      Freed from its confinement, Fame too, abandoned the corpse.

      All that was left before the wall, were the words of Glory, engraved unto the blade that was once a sword.
    4. Zone Q11 May 8, 2020
      A breakdown of the following abilities: Barrier, Heal, Reinforce, Shapeshift, Create Item
      Mana consumption / Energy cost is negligible

      • Barrier: The ability to create barriers, deflecting everything. "Everything" includes light, sound and oxygen, so its utility is better as a restriction rather than as a shield. The shape of said barriers will be limited in the following forms: 3D Sphere, 2D Rectangle. Summoning multiple instances of barriers is possible. The cover area of said barriers can extend enough to cover the world for a very brief moment, as the duration of the barriers is proportional according to its size. Upon materialization, moving the barriers becomes impossible, so its utility as a weapon is only possible if the hostile individual were to hit the barriers with high impact and not otherwise.
      • Heal: The ability to cure any wound by replacing missing any organic parts with magical components. Creating an organ that is not missing according to the main body is impossible. However, one could recreate an entire human body based off an amputated finger. However, it appears that recreating the "soul" is impossible. While the duplicates' bodies respond to external factors, they are unable to move on command, and will starve to death if they are left to their own devices. Once that which is considered "the main body" of the target is considered dead, it is impossible to cure the target's wounds. The magical components are replacements that mimics every part of the target's main body according to its belief of a healthy state. In the end, they are still magical replacements. In case the subject encounters an individual or an area with the ability to nullify and/or negate magic, the components will disappear and thereby "reopen the wound" ...that is, unless all cells of the wound have already been replaced by new cells.
      • Reinforce: The ability to tremendously increase the cohesion of any inorganic surface with the range of 4 π meters squared or less. Reinforcing multiple layers in the same instance is possible. The applied reinforcement has to be applied with one of the following forms: circle, rectangle, equilateral triangle. Note that the reinforcement applies only on 1 cm of the surface of the material. The cohesion of the inorganic material beneath that layer remains the same. The duration of reinforcement depends on the amount of mana spent into the reinforcement.
      • Shapeshift: The ability to physically restructure the very molecular structure of one's own form. Owners of this ability are able to "transform" into whoever and whatever creatures they want to be ...including mythical and extinct creatures. In addition, assuming no interference with magic, the owners of this ability are semi-immortal as they can transform their wounded bodies in such a way that makes it seem as if there was no wound in the first place. Whether the owners of this ability are able die from natural causes is unknown. As it has been proven that our own subject did not have prior knowledge of molecular transformation on a micro scale, our assumption is that there exists a hidden entity that assist the owners of these abilities to achieve their preferred forms.
      • Create Item: The ability to conjure items from magic. Items conjured cannot be bigger than 1 cubic meter, but anything that the user can imagine, as long as they have profound knowledge of said item(s), can be conjured. The range where the items can appear is 10 km. It is confirmed to be impossible to conjure organic materials. The temperature of the material is equivalent to the place where the item was conjured. The duration of the items last as long as the conjurer wants, as long as they are conscious. ...a terrifying aspect of this ability is when the user were to conjure sharp or poisonous objects within a human's body, thereby killing their enemies literally from within.
    5. Evil_Ginger Mar 22, 2020
      The few surviving monsters fled deep underground and promptly sealed themselves off from the rest of the world. That is, until after a long wait, a poor kid fell down a hole and met a talking flower.


      But this feels like I should know this from somewhere...