Seeds, plants, and tea.


25th bamm

A Self-proclaimed Normal Reader and Tea lover, Female
Blog Posts:
I was given catnip seeds and I decided to grow them. I’ve cared for them and they grew! At times they got a little crazy but now they are happy and thriving. One day I decided to make some tea out of it. So I dried it for a few weeks... I think and today I got to drink catnip tea!!! Oh boy! Can I tell you! It tastes exactly how it smells. I don’t personally enjoy the flavor of catnip tea. However the accomplishments I received from it was great.


    1. lazyasianscientist Apr 17, 2020
      Idk why but reading your post sounds so adorable.

      I bet you can start a cat cafe for cats so they could try your catnip tea ♥️
    2. Lurking Apr 3, 2020
      @25th bamm

      set out an ad in the neighborhood (by the mailboxes) dor a free sample of catnip tea adressed to catlovers with your number?

      make friends and also see something funny
      felidormit and 25th bamm like this.
    3. 25th bamm Apr 3, 2020
      @Lurking i don’t own a cat or know anyone who owns a cat. I really wish I did.
      Lurking likes this.
    4. Lurking Apr 3, 2020
      feed a cat catnip tea