


Kadupul flower* blooms at midnight*dies at dawn, Female
Blog Posts:
Sitting in my own mind
Thinking its cluttered in here
I should remove some thoughts, I think
My mind is weighted down with them
Thoughts of what I've found.. that should stay
Thoughts what I've lost..that should go
Thoughts of whats ahead of me
What's behind .
Undecided on stay or throw
I really just don't know..
Thoughts of love and memories, the messiest inside my mind
I simply can't let go..
Thoughts about thoughts will never leave
Even if I want.. I can't stop thought
I just had a another thought..
Thinking is magical and I must confess
I made a discovery while straightening this mess
Humans are not simply dust..
Swirled by the Universe into a form !
Our thoughts make us so much more..
I now have one more thought than before
instead of one less..
Thoughts about humanity seem intense
I must expand my mind
To make room for this find
I think that only makes sense..
What do you think ?

Clozdark, Noche and Bad Storm like this.


    1. Clozdark Jun 18, 2018
      @Emmyy i see, someday it will make a nice panorama~
      Emmyy likes this.
    2. Emmyy Jun 17, 2018
      @Clozdark mind expansion enables us to be open to new thoughts and ideas.. Sometimes painful..sometimes full of happiness ! Our minds are as vast as the Universe itself.. and it is our personal Universe ! I want it filled with blue skies.. . sunshine..clouds.. stars and even an occasional dark and moonless night..
      Clozdark likes this.
    3. Clozdark Jun 16, 2018
      hmmm if expanding mind going to hurt you,i think it's better to stay like that
      Emmyy likes this.