Ua Siab Ntev (Be Patience) By Dib Xwb English translation



Empress of Being Super Lazy ↜(۳`∇´)۳
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"Ua siab ntev" is a phrase commonly used towards Hmong women when she seeks help from elders (even if she's in an abusive/bad situation at home this phase will be used. Basically a rejection towards the cries for help.) Fun fact: this was used a lot by my relatives to my mom when she and my dad had their problems. When this song came out my sister said this was my Mom's song, because she was always told to "be patience" towards my dad no matter how much he did wrong. But fear not, my parents are divorce now.


Sorry for the bad translations, I tried My best...:blobdead: @OnceandFutureLurker

Verse 1:
Luag hais tias kom
kuv ua siab ntev
They tell me to be patience
Txawm koj yuav phem, los kom kuv tsis txhob tso tseg
Even if you are mean for me to not let go
Thiaj li yuav tsis puas lub khoob lub npe
So that it don't damage the (family) name
Kuv thiaj lam nyob nrog koj koom tsev
So I'm just staying with you together in one house

Ib... los kom ua siab ntev

One... Just be patience
Ob... los kom siab ntev
Two... Just be patience
Thaum twg, los kom ua siab ntev
Whenever, just be patience
Es yuav ntev mus txog thaum twg?
Then be patience until when?

Kuv laj laj ntev koj lawm mog os

I'm tired of being patience for you now Dear
Ntev koj los tau ntau niaj xyoo no

(I) Have been patience for you for so many years now
Kuv tsis muaj nuj qees rau koj

I am worthless to you
Ntshe kuv yuav tau tso koj mus mog
I'm going to have to let you go
Kuv siab tsis ntev koj zuj zuj
Slowly I can't be patience for you anymore
Nyob, los koj twb tsis xav hlub

(I) Stay, but you don't even want to love
Ntshe kuv yuav tau tso koj mus...

I'm going to have to let you go


(Didn't have the lyrics for this but this is what the old lady is saying)
Daughter, you are a girl so you have to be patience
You're gonna have to be patience and stay with son-in-law
so that you are a good house wife and for others to not look down on you

Verse 2:
Yog tias kuv yuav tau lub npe phem

If I'm going to have a bad reputation
Los ntshe kuv yuav ua ib siab ev

Then I'm going to carry it

Txawm luag yuav cem, zoo dua nyob ua koj qhev
Even if others scold (me), it's better then being your slave
Raug koj tsis txom ,lub siab txhom nyeb
(With) You suffering me, with (my) broken heart

Ib... los kom ua siab ntev
One... Just be patience

Ob... los kom siab ntev
Two... Just be patience

Thaum twg, los kom ua siab ntev
Whenever, just be patience

Es yuav ntev mus txog thaum twg?
Then be patience until when?

Kuv laj laj ntev koj lawm mog os
I'm tired of being patience for you
now Dear
Ntev koj los tau ntau niaj xyoo no
(I) Have been patience for you for so many years now

Kuv tsis muaj nuj qees rau koj

I am worthless to you

Ntshe kuv yuav tau tso koj mus mog
I'm going to have to let you go

Kuv siab tsis ntev koj zuj zuj
Slowly I can't be patience for you anymore

Nyob, los koj twb tsis xav hlub
(I) Stay, but you don't even want to love

Ntshe kuv yuav tau tso koj mus...
I'm going to have to let you go

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