Why do we try so hard



M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain], Male
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In school we try to get good grades, getting on the good books of teachers, making friends, trying to fit in, trying to make it seem happy and jovial.

At home, to please your dad, not to show any pain, seem close to your cousins even when they are d*ks.

At work, trying to agree with nonense from peers, trying not to tell the boss you are dumb, trying to over work to please, trying to under work to f*king please your jealous b*tchs...

Even in f*king relationships, trying to be open, trying to not feel suffocated, trying to always keep up....

Its always f*king trying to do something for someone...once you start to do something for yourself then you are a f*king prick, a parasite, uncultured couth, cold hearted b*stard, f*k one can't even earn to get basic food to survive without trying to do something for someone else.

F*ck this give and take policy, it's so f*king unbalanced even if you scale elephant and bacteria it would seem more balanced.

Sigh.... Biggest irony, we "try" to live for ourselves...

Idk why I'm getting frustrated at this again, I think I've come to peace with it, but every other day my bottom line is tested, everyday it feels like a work...s*t I miss those days when I was lost in the world of Pokemon, dragon ball z.... Now even when I watch those my brain only reminds me of what I lost XD F sometimes it hits hard.

I swear if any of my younger cousins tell me once more they want to grow up...I'll send them off shore to fend for themselves XD.

You, Bad Storm and Snail cottage like this.


    1. Zeusomega Oct 19, 2021
      @Czaech_Returns nah I'm not seeking validation from others or anything...

      I was actually talking about putting up with something to survive or live.

      Like in school you try to fit in...not to get compliments but not to be alienated and be lonely.

      Parents, it was genuine desire to want them praise but that's not really a problem I mean it makes me happy XD (but it also put a lot of burden so it's a bitter sweet thing so that's why I mentioned it )

      Simply put my desire to live the way I want is to be lazy and not do anything at all.

      Which is why I feel everything I do is just trying to do for others XD...

      Well yeah that's about it...ah that colleagues part...maybe that was what confused you? Yeah by pleasing I don't mean like making friends, more like not making enemies XD...not the same.
    2. Czaech_Returns Oct 19, 2021
      No, I read your point as someone who ask for validation on anyone, if you actually realize your worth, you won't be spending time trying to put up with stuff only to please others and drain yourself. In the end, you'll always gonna have that time where you could no longer please anyone and they would blame you for not doing it but the great lesson is that even the good things we want to accomplish has always the bad side of it, for example in Yin and Yang, there's bad in good and there's good in the bad, there's always the either equal and opposite reaction of every actions. You'll understand what you're gonna do if You finally make up your mind---maybe if you give up on pleasing others, you'll understand what it means to be happy without expectation (well to some extent).
    3. Ahodesuga Oct 18, 2021
      Oof, i felt this on a spiritual level lol.