Dec 31, 2015
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the velvet room


《《The aria of souls》》, Male, from the velvet room

I cant believe I know less about my local language vocab incompare to english.. too much webnovels.. sigh. Sep 22, 2018

    1. Bright_Lucky_Star
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Asf
        Yeah kmtl mostly rnow
        Mar 22, 2023
        Bright_Lucky_Star likes this.
      3. Bright_Lucky_Star
        same, looking for interesting raw and mtl
        Mar 22, 2023
      4. Asf
        I just read stuff from kmtl discord server lol
        Mar 23, 2023
        Bright_Lucky_Star likes this.
    2. Rishmask
      1. Asf
        Sup dude
        Mar 10, 2022
    3. ExiledMage
      What’s your favorite novels?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ExiledMage
        I’m sorry, I am a noobie here so I have no idea how to reply just figured it out.. my reply ( Reverend insanity is good but not my cup of tea, I just don't know the cultivation with a Gu is just weird? j
        Dec 22, 2021
      3. Wishky
        I liked Kenkyo kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu!
        Dec 22, 2021
        ExiledMage likes this.
      4. ExiledMage
        When I replied to you in December I remember dropping it in chapter 5 or something… certainly a stupid mistake, hearing your comment I went to reading Reverend Insanity and it was a very good read, I just remembered you because you just recently replied to my post, you have my thanks.
        May 17, 2022
    4. fool01
      Hey, I saw your review for water magician and I was wondering how you were able to read beyond the 70ish chapters currently posted on novelupdates.
      1. Asf
        I copy pasted the japanese name in google. Found the original syoestu web link. Go to the chapter where I left off. Copy all the text. Go to nihongo dera romaji converter website. Pasted all the japanese text there and convert it to romaji.
        Its only doable if u watch a lot of anime and understand japanese but for some reason never learn kanji.
        Oct 16, 2021
    5. Peerlesspolygamy
      Just read dungeon game on trashmtl and my impatience got the best of me so I google translated the raws, still don't know what happens Dx! Only that I feel the ending makes me feel empty.... Idk how it got to that point
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Asf
        I know right? Its an open end. But atleast theres some room for imagination so we can asuke the real end
        Nov 10, 2018
        Peerlesspolygamy likes this.
      3. Peerlesspolygamy
        The thing is idk exactly what it is, I believe I understand it and if it's what i believe it is then it will classify as a hopeful ending.
        Nov 10, 2018
      4. Peerlesspolygamy
        And yeah I hate machine translation for that reason though I was actually able to read Lean Tuna and Her Stepbrother’s Plan to Become a Fatty Tuna and actually enjoy it, though I guess it's from the help of the side story of the brother which helps me tell who is who.
        Nov 10, 2018
        Asf likes this.
    6. Asf
      I cant believe I know less about my local language vocab incompare to english.. too much webnovels.. sigh.
      1. Effugium and Bad Storm like this.
    7. Wu Jizun
      Wu Jizun
      You dead ass say some of the most legit things out there lol. And ty for reading MKRL
      1. Asf likes this.
      2. Asf
        Im just troling most of the time. Lol
        And will do.
        Sep 7, 2018
        Wu Jizun likes this.
    8. Asf
      Can everyone guess what the quotes reffer to on the. Running away from the hero. LCD. Thnx
    9. Asf
      I notice I really dont notice at the front page. Lol
      1. kenar likes this.
    10. Asf
      People sometime says, "take my review with a grain of salt".. but no metter how I looked at it, its all is just salt anyway. Lol
      1. Emmyy likes this.
      2. Kuroihagane
        then, should I take sugar instead?
        Apr 28, 2018
      3. Asf
        Sugar, spice and everything nice
        Apr 28, 2018
    11. Asf
      ALL DELETE!!! lol
      1. Link_0021
        *need permission from administrator to perform this action...
        Apr 10, 2018
    12. Asf
      This genderbent review.. lol Guy: this isnt what a guy would do!! Girl: good job author
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Blitz
        Apr 1, 2018
        Asf likes this.
      3. Asf
        You guys are fast.. I was just editing
        Apr 1, 2018
        Blitz and GonZ555 like this.
      4. Asf
        Apr 1, 2018
        Blitz likes this.
    13. Asf
      Anime-like cover. 2000+ chapters.. Yeah this cant be JP..
      1. Lapin and Deleted member 37987 like this.
      2. Deleted member 37987
        Deleted member 37987
        Now that I think about it it's ironic how they usually write way worse novels than CN but they can't even keep up with a tenth of the pace of a Chinese author.
        Mar 25, 2018
        Lapin likes this.
      3. Hallow Cause
        Hallow Cause
        I like Japanese novels mostly for their short stories that simply either tugs my heart strings, or breaks them apart...
        Mar 25, 2018
        Lapin likes this.
      4. Nefasdetestasti
        2000+ chapters of a japanese novel??

        Sounds like a web novel....
        Mar 25, 2018
    14. Asf
      Wow wow, Dyna! Seigi wa nanda, Dyna? Honto no ai wa nanda? Ultraman Dyna, oh!
    15. Gandire Alea
      Gandire Alea
      Dark Prominence. *you are now destroyed*
      1. Shem likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jassi
        You already proved it, like, 20-30 times i guess?
        Feb 12, 2018
      4. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        Until I cease... I will continue this...
        Feb 12, 2018
      5. Jassi
        Girl, u got great "dedication"
        Feb 12, 2018
    16. Casul Reader
      Casul Reader
      I miss the times when you said dood :'(
      1. Xieljhane and Asf like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Casul Reader
        Casul Reader
        ah, brother, we ran into the same problem I see. The lack of JP novels is taking a toll on my spirit....
        Dec 24, 2017
        Asf and Rae like this.
      4. Asf
        I can MTL tho.. but dood...
        MTL reading is far from being relaxing..
        Dec 24, 2017
        Casul Reader likes this.
      5. Casul Reader
        Casul Reader
        MTL taxes not the mind but the very life of the reader.... Chinese MTL has shaved off a decade already.....

        Dear lord, i just browsed the latest series.... Two certain novel is being translated again.... T^T
        Trully a christmas miracle!!!!!
        Dec 24, 2017
        Asf likes this.
    17. Asf
      Martial king's retired life. My favorite front page novels rnow!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Asf
        48 rnow
        Nov 26, 2017
      3. JackStone
        Do... You read disturbing novels?
        Nov 26, 2017
      4. Asf
        Yea. Totally.
        As long as it has no BL
        Nov 26, 2017
    18. Asf
      Reading pure love x insult .
      1. Noche
        I see your a man of culture ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
        Nov 23, 2017
      2. Asf
        I cant help it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
        Nov 23, 2017
    19. Westeller
    20. Twilight Fox
      Twilight Fox
      At least Astrograph is gone.
      1. Asf
        He was eaten by the velvet room and become a card.. poor astro
        Oct 18, 2017
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