I think I've met her before in a different time and space. hehehez It's always an honor to meet a princess. *curtsies*
What is the meaning of zhangjiao ? The context is "Purgatory mountain Shen Tu Zhangjiao". Well, IDT translator translated it with "Imam"
"One man's salvation can be another cursed." what is the meaning? I don't understand. Help me... Bantuin dumz
Waduh baru liat, artinya keselamatan satu orang bisa jadi derita orang lain, atau demi kepentingan seseorang, orang lain harus dikorbankan
Pengawas kriminal, semisal kriminal tersebut baru keluar dari sel tahanan/penjara atau sedang masa percobaan
A people watcher, who professes to do so academically? Perhaps there is some crossover with field experimentation when studying human nature, but in general it means somebody who is very interested in how people think and react in various situations.