Resolved a quick transmigration bl novel i suppose?

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by celestialace, May 1, 2021.

  1. celestialace

    celestialace Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    hi... so ive read this one novel but it's my fault that i didn't bookmark it and i suddenly remembered it but couldn't recall its title arghhhh i only remember bits of the novel , it's not yet completely translated.

    so what i remember is

    1) the mc trnsmigrated into a character, a cannon fodder which is a script writer, a heir of rich company etc, the parents are both dead, and he has an adopted brother which the orimc fell in love with. he also has an arranged marriage with another heir oriml, whose father is basically the most richest etc. but i believe the oriml is actually just an accident lol im not really sure, but oriml and his father are not close. orilml is afraid of his father.

    2) oriml also likes the adopted brother, and adopted brother also likes him. so orimc broke the arranged marriage in order to be with the adopted brother. but his adopted brother thinks that all he did was to pretend that he likes the adopted brother and snatch all the riches himself. but the orimc really likes the adopted brother that he actually would give the heirloom(key to all his family inheritance) to the adopted brother.

    3)oh also their family got a butler robot, which in original story, the fiance supposed to exchanged soul and got into the robot but, in this story, the fiance's father(ml) got into the robot and start from that, the fiance's father likes the mc and he knows about all the things mc did to make the adopted brother fall in love with him.

    4)with mc in the body, he will pretend that he likes the adopted brother and made him regret/suffer.

    5)mc even got the their house's stairs to be crafted with poem that declared his love to the adopted brother at the handrails. and when they (fiance, mc and adopted brother) went to the auction where the heirloom is going to be auctioned, mc would buy the heirloom first, then wanted to suprise the adopted brother but then he accidentally heard that the adopted brother planned to kill him in a car crash after the auction. and then mc came into the room and pretend to be sad and he confessed that he would give the heirloom as the adopted brother's birthday gift then he throws the heirloom at the ground and ran out of the auction hall,which followed by the fiance's father.

    6)then the ml wanted to be engaged with mc bcs he said the agreement mentioned that their families should have arranged marriage but it didn't mention between whom, so he would like to be enganged with mc.

    okay then i don't remember anything. please help me :blobsob::blobsob::blobsob:
  2. judeiiro

    judeiiro radish

    Jun 26, 2020
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    i started off reading this post thinking that i knew the title but turns out that i don't and am gonna camp here for the title! >:D
    spider and celestialace like this.
  3. ArisaX

    ArisaX Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Boss transmigrates as a little cutie - arc 6
    spider, judeiiro and celestialace like this.
  4. celestialace

    celestialace Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    OMG YES YESSSS that's the novel! thank you so much!!! :aww::aww::aww: