Discussion A theory about Philippines being Ophir in the Bible?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lazriser, Nov 10, 2018.


Philippines was Ophir?

  1. Most likely based on the Biblical texts.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Could be or not? Meh,its ancient history anyways~

    5 vote(s)
  3. No, there are other places worth more of consideration.

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    This by no means is a joke, but simply food for thought to fellow Southeastern Asians.

    When I researching the Bible again for some references used for my simulation, I came across the unfamiliar word Ophir from searches and unexpectedly, Philippines came with the results. And out of curiosity, I clicked, read, clicked, read; repeated the process until I reached this documentation series in YT with a theory that Philippines was Ophir, and I just skimmed to most of everything there was to watch. I just read the comments instead to read what each video was about, and this led to Philippines possibly being Hebrews.

    I know this a very sensitive topic to particular groups of people, but think about it. This is going to sound retarded, but if Philippines were of Hebrew origins, then could it be considered that they were also a prioritized target for the Holocaust? Perhaps I'm associating Jews with Hebrews wrongly, do correct me if so, but if I'm not wrong; wouldn't that mean if Philippines in the past were known to be Hebrews, that country would also be attacked by the Nazis instead of the Japanese Imperial Army? What a dreadful possibility, indeed.

    EDIT After getting some corrections from my fellow nuffians, the purpose of this thread is now deemed impossible. The thread was made under the assumption that Philippines would be targeted by Nazis if their origins to being Hebrews was true, and if said theory was true, then they would be targeted for being aligned to Jews. This assumption of mine is wrong, thanks to the clarifications from the comments below; meaning this thread is a failure. Philippines would never be targeted by Nazis in WW2 due to the circumstances Nazi Germany was forced to deal with in the full-front of war.

    TLDR I changed the context of this thread, and removed inaccurate information, so this thread should be discussing about the Philippines possibly being Ophir, rather than the inaccurate information I posted in the spoilers.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2018
  2. Frozen ink

    Frozen ink Legally had harem『Cathulu』Power of Love & Evil』

    Jan 24, 2016
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    hitler hated russia, philly ain't connected to russia in anyway shape or form, jap however hated dem muricans, so those are the key points, that and philly was a strategic place to make an airbase to basically open up SEA for an invasion desu~
  3. SoulZer0

    SoulZer0 Heaven Refining

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Put down the blunt bro, you're too high.
    kenar and Sabruness like this.
  4. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I know Philippines was targeted for strategic advantages for the war, but anything else about the World War 2; I don't know. History class never included this topic for discussion, only the past histories with trading up to the revolution of the country. I do vaguely remember the events that happened to the Japanese Imperial Army attempted to invade Mindanao.
    Sorry, but I don't understand that reference?
  5. dweenator

    dweenator Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2018
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    As far as i remember, Nazi germany was facing battle on all fronts, it would be impossible for them to invade asia and if they did, that would mean making an enemy out of the empire of japan.

    Meanwhile, japan invaded most of asia with an excuse of 'asia belongs to asians' as most of asia then was colonized by european countries.

    For the philippines, there's a reason why significant battles(spanish-american-japanese) were held there, it's the gateway to southeast asia and asia in general.

    If you look at the map, the philippines consist of thousands of islands(natural stronghold) and it opens up to the pacific ocean to the east and asia to the west and north then australia to the south. You could argue that japan is also a gateway but japan then was already a powerhouse that can;t be invaded whilst the philippines is a cake served on silver platter on a table that nobody is watching, might aswell take a bite.
  6. Frozen ink

    Frozen ink Legally had harem『Cathulu』Power of Love & Evil』

    Jan 24, 2016
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    sigh, you really want cathulu to give you a history lesson desu ka?
  7. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I don't want to~ but do you want to? Unless you're truly bored and have lots of spare time; then by all means, spend your time giving me a history lesson. This isn't a serious discussion anyways.
  8. venu101

    venu101 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2017
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    In short he says that drugs are bad for you
  9. Hotaru.Kuro

    Hotaru.Kuro Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    im from philly and yet i didnt know this
  10. Anon Ymous

    Anon Ymous Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    look at reality
    religion and the likes are just here so people can "volontary" donate to them and become richer without doing much work, it's just a huge scamming organisation
  11. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    If he is seriously telling me to stop taking drugs, then I must say that he is gravely mistaken. Purchasing and using illegal drugs here is equivalent to kill-on-sight IF you are caught. Plus, why drugs if you could anime, light and web novel, and manga? Drugs ruin your health and you can't enjoy anime, novels, and manga when you're heavily and negatively influenced by drugs.:blobpoliceangry:
    Same, but who knows it's true or not. We do know that family did hide a lot of gold somewhere in the country. There is still lot of them to be recovered on sovereign soil.
    If these people are happy with being scammed, then are they truly being scammed? Okay, this sounded stupid even coming from me. I should worded this as ignorance is bliss, as they say.
  12. Suijin

    Suijin Blood God [Medic]

    Jan 3, 2016
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    you are dead in the brain
  13. Frozen ink

    Frozen ink Legally had harem『Cathulu』Power of Love & Evil』

    Jan 24, 2016
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    then i shall enlighten you in the ways of cathulu desu~
    right so germany did 2 thing right they made the game and made the rules desu~
    the blitzkrieg shit is what defined ww2 since trenches be damned desu~
    the 2nd thing is the heavy investment in tech, since the jerry's had the best shit at the time desu~
    germany however only made 1 big fk up that cascaded into multiple orgies that lead to its rape desu~
    and that would be picking a fight with russia while it was still conquering western europe desu~
    if they literally waited 3... maybe 4 months west europe woulda lost, winter woulda been over and russia woulda been fked over desu
    now hitler nver went out of his way to hunt jews, yes he butchered em but he never wen't out of his way to get to em, if he did his main goal woulda been middle eastern countries and lemme tell you that woulda been ez since some of the folks there were still horse riddin cunts desu~
    now asia... his only asian buddy jap liked his idea of governance and racial superiority cause let's face it if dem murican didnt bomb em they woulda been pricks , but i digress hitler couldn't care less bout asia cause it was far desu~

    follow me so far desu ka?
    criticalmind and Lazriser like this.
  14. Kemm

    Kemm Custom title

    Apr 24, 2016
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    AFAIK Germany wasn't privy of the one wacky theory. Also, "hebrew" is the name of the people while "jew" is the name of the followers of the religion ('cept those that follow the samaritan rites, and even then it's currently accepted that they are jews), so I don't know why you say "Perhaps I'm associating Jews with Hebrews wrongly". (TL;DR hebrews are a group of semitic tribes with a common ancestor closer in time than with other semitic tribes and they are the core of jews; all hebrews are jews, not all jews are hebrews).

    Also, the Holocaust was just the purging of "inferior races" inside the confines of their empire, and while they gave priority to those they deemed as "dangerous" (with jews being the majority, but other groups like romani and even homosexuals receiving the same treatment), they didn't seem to go out of their way to rout those outside their area of influence (in their plans, that most likely would come with time, once their influence expanded) so, no reason to send people from Philippines to nazi concentration camps. Yet.
    Lazriser likes this.
  15. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I like to believe I am ignorant and choose to stay ignorant unless the situation calls for me to stop staying ignorant. I like simple things, so I accept things in face value, because I prefer an absolute world of absolutes. There is no gray or middle ground; only this or that. Yes, I slightly follow the Sith Code.
    Thanks for the WW 2 in a nutshell~ Appreciate it.:blobokhand:
    So I got it wrong. Thanks for clarifying to me, since I don't bother to read the news or research unless I am required to. So yeah, I interpreted the whole war wrong, and got the relation between Jews and Hebrews wrong as well. Welp~ Though what do you mean by the "yet" part in your reply?:blobneutral:
  16. Kutaifa

    Kutaifa Pokémon trainer

    Sep 23, 2017
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    Yeah, no.

    The Philippines were never in the sight of the german high command during and prior to the start of World War two, the Germans from my understanding of the times prior to ww2 never had any intention of any conquering territory in Asia, that was why the Japanese decided to ally itself with them.

    The Philippines is situated in a perfect position to gain control of the oceanic islands and letting Japan grow as an empire. To even hint at wishing to gain land in East Asia would have destroyed the The Tripartite Pact.

    ARTICLE 2. Germany and Italy recognize and respect the leadership of Japan in the establishment of a new order in Greater East Asia.

    Germany never had any intentions of creating an empire past the borders of Europe, Lebensraum and blood und boden are perfect terms to read on for further evidence of this.

    The Nazis wished to remove Jews from German territory, at first they planned to deport them to Madagascar, but as the war went on logistically that couldn't work out, they then decided to kill them by using poisonous gas. So it would have been unlikely for them to enter Philippines with the intent to kill all the inhabitants of the nation, even if they were of Hebrew descent. They are far away from us, and that is good would have been the thinking at that time if this is true, which i am sure it is not.
  17. raitei

    raitei ⟪Procyon lotor paronomasiaabsentii⟫

    Sep 8, 2017
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    The amount of hallucinogens involved in this very thread are beating the hippies' level of fun almost to the point of no return.
  18. Sabruness

    Sabruness Cultured Yuri Connoisseur

    Apr 5, 2016
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    inb4 mods swoop in with the lock. XD
  19. TotesMyGoats

    TotesMyGoats yeetle the teetle

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Judaism began around 2000 B.C. and according to wikipedia the first evidence of man in the Philippines was around 67,000 years ago so yeah
  20. Jigoku Shounen

    Jigoku Shounen An Envoy From Hell

    Jul 21, 2016
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    So many historians, while I'm just here reading this with a popcorn and drink.:blobpopcorn:
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