Spoiler A Way To Protect You, Sweetheart / 다정한 그대를 지키는 방법

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by -NEAR-, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. errorusernamesmh

    errorusernamesmh Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2021
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  2. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    so quick recap - julius is ml's older brother. went to empire was killed by josephina. he awakened as gilead before going to the empire and knew he would die. he saw the 1st tl and the 2nd tl. he felt guilt that he was making leticia go into such a horrible fate. he provoked josephina by calling her fake and when he was saying he said " now everything will be fine"
    Lehir/ Darkness after losing all his fake wins, decides to call julius's soul and use it to take revenge. he puts the soul into a body that matches his wavelength and because the soul was put into a living thing, julius is in a lot of pain.
    julius makes a deal with causality and lets himself go into darkness. he loses emotions and is loyal to lehir. but after seeing leticia get hurt, the darkness cracks and he slowly regains himself. julius is the one who finally kills lehir.
    after killing lehir, he dies since lehir was the one who brought him back to life. colluding with darkness means forever roaming the land of dead. he meets dietran in the land and diet convinces him to come back, julius sees the future of children calling him uncle and goddess asks him if he wants to go. he says yes and is awakened as the 9th wing with the gift of prophecy.

    they are the beings who created the humans for entertainment as pets and later wanted to destroy them and create new ones but were stopped by dinut the goddess and sigmund the dragon. if the beings interfere with humans in any way they have to pay a price. more they interfere, the more darkness spreads and their power decreases. this is the law of causality. equal exchange.

    causality - a being that has no sense of right, wrong and doesn't care about justice. it likes bets and deals. sigmond and dinuet made a deal with him to turn back time and in exchange gave most of their power. josephina made a deal while dying asking that lehir's plan fails and lehir made a deal asking that he uses his power to kill leticia but amplifying the curse. but leticia doesn't die because julius already made a deal that if he overcame darkness, everyone would live happily and he would take the curse.

    the wings were initially the 9 high priests that the goddess gave power to, but lehir destroyed the barriers that contain 4 soul??? power??? and so new wings were born who did not have the complete total loyalty to the saint as the real ones did. real wings - noelle, ahin, callisto, kylas and new wings - barnessa, yuria, irene, dana and julius.
    while they do have loyalty but it is not at the level that the saints discomfort blinds them completely.

    summary of 2nd half of story from where my spoilers stop might not be in order tbh ill go with the flow

    after noelle reaches the banquet she sees people standing next to josephina and is confused as to who they are. josephina asks her to demonstrate her power to put the rumors that josephina was losing her power to rest.
    noelle contemplates whether to show full power or not because she doesn't want to seem loyal to josephina. ultimaltely she decides to show a bit of her full power so when leticia comes out as saint people will know how powerful she is. she makes a whole pillar of water rise up and twirl and stuff stuff and people are amazed that the 9th wing has this much power.
    callisto who is standing next to josephina, feels disgusted and wants to fight noelle but is in too much pain from the oath.
    noelle on finding it out the person next to josephina is callisto is happy because she remembers how much callisto hates josephina.
    callisto talks shit about josephina to noelle and noelle feels elated and forgets she is supposed to get angry. so callisto get suspicious and asks her why she is not angry.
    noelle then pretends to get angry but accidentally says real saint which makes callisto even more suspicious and then banquet ends. while callisto was talking shit abt josephina, noelle thought that if she had a sister she would introduce him to her LMAOO
    later, callisto visits josephina and shows her the oracle which he cannot read but knows that it must be something important since all those who witnessed the oracle were killed off. josephina goes crazy and callisto laughs at her.
    after that, callisto starts following noelle around because he is suspicious of her. when callisto finds her, he bothers her but lately his pain was getting too much. so when noelle realises that he is sick, she asks him whats wrong. she feels that maybe callisto is the first wing and since he hates josephina, he might be leticia's wing. she pours some of her divine power into him and callisto realises that her divine power felt different and refreshing. callisto asks her why she doesn't feel the pain from the oath and its confirmed that he is the 1st wing. noelle tells him that her master is her saviour and she would do everything for her. callisto doesn't get it and thinks that devil is a saviour? but then he realises noelle never said her master was josephina. when he goes back and sees the info found on noelle that she wasn't favoured initially and a lot of times did not follow josephinas orders. it also said that the day noelle proved her loyalty was when the saints daughter was next to her. so he figures that the real saint was leticia.

    while noelle hints at callisto, ahin comes back from the escort mission. noelle hugs him and he tells her that tenua is dead and ahin will take responsibility. noelle is scared but knows they don't have another choice because they need to protect leticia. ahin goes to josephina and tells the news. josephina beats him and later orders him to stab himself. ahin does it to protect leticia and bleeds to almost death and is put in the dungeon. josephina sends noelle to heal his wound but not take out the knife so he is in pain.
    on the other hand, leticia who had just reached the principality was sitting in the garden and waiting for diet to finish work when she felt intense pain and knew ahin was dying. she cried to the goddess and ahin for help and sigmond came to help her. he sent her soul into a person of the empire to help her and save ahin.

    leticia's soul ended up into yeridina? who was callisto's escort. so leticia found the oracle that had come down on her wedding and was able to read it and cried thinking that she was not alone. temple was in chaos because all the beats were let loose and wreaking havoc and josephina couldn't control them because leticia was using them. she went to callisto and callisto recognised her. he asked her who she was, so leticia said I am the real saint. leticia. she said she needed his help. on finding leticia, all the pain in his body had disappeared, but callisto didn't want to swear loyalty because what if she was like her mother.
    callisto helps her into the dungeon and heals ahin and put him to sleep. leticia asks behemoth to find noelle and bring her to the back of the temple.
    leticia sends both noelle and ahin to the principality and tells her that she will reveal herself with callisto's help.

    noelle doesn't agree but leticia gives her an order and also orders behemoth to make sure they don't come back.

    leticia had already planted a doubt in the people's hearts that josephina was losing power because she didn't realise tenua's death even tho he was her wing and how she could no longer control the beats.

    after they leave, callisto and leticia go to the imperial palace and meet dana. callisto tells her all his pain is gone and dana starts crying and asks who helped him she will reward them, he tells her about Leticia being the real saint and dana doesn't want to believe it but knows that it must be true.

    part 2 soon lmao - leticia will reveal herself and all hell will break loose lololololol
  3. HopelessRomantic

    HopelessRomantic Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    Where can i find the mtl or English translation of this novel? By the way, Thank you all dor the spoiler and mtl on this forum(y)
  4. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    okay so there was some stuff that happened before meeting dana, callisto and fl sent noelle and ahin back to principality and after that leticia let all the beasts out so josephina was not able to control them. she panicked and decided to hold a ritual to show she still had power. callisto and leticia planned to reveal her as fake during the ritual. initial plan was to use loopholes to prove them josephina was a fake and then tell them a real saint existed but leticia decided to use illusion magic (she was still in yeredina's body) to look like herself and reveal herself.

    noelle in the carriage remembered that she had to tell callisto about the curse mark josephina had ( that's why she was researching in the library) and used behemoth to deliver the note for her.
    callisto went to josephina and told her he would also attend the ritual and josephina said no but he threatened her saying he would reveal to everyone that her 1st wing wasn't loyal to her. after that he went to meet leticia and asked if she was sure abt revealing herself. she said yes. callisto said that he wasn't helping her because he was a wing but because it was a debt he owed. leticia agreed and said it was okay to not swear loyalty. the reason leticia came to find him was because 1st tl callisto had committed suic!de because of the pain from the oath. But callisto felt so much relief hearing that someone cared about him and didn't want to force him to become a wing,, he swore his loyalty to her.
    after this they go to dana who is drinking ice cold water because hearing that the imperial family will go to the ritual is making her blood boil ( i love siblings lmaooo). callisto gives half hearted excuses which are stopped by dana and he admits that he met a saviour, then we skip to ritual.
    josephina starts the ritual saying there are some sins she committed that made the goddess angry. people were confused and then she blamed it all on leticia ( LIKE ON GOD????) she said her sin was giving birth to leticia and letting her commit bad acts and blah blah and so she wed her off to the evil dragon's descendant but that must not have been enough to please the goddess. so she will continue paying off her sins blah blah and then FL spoke up asking if that was the real reason, her body had changed back to her original body by the power of the elixir. everyone was shocked and asked what she was doing her so she said that since it was a place to receive the goddess' will, FL - the real saint should be here. after this she recited the 2 oracles and told everyone that josephina would be destroyed. the priests started saying she was bullshitting and josephina also said she was lying so people were conflicted.
    someone tried to hurt leticia and so callisto showed up in front of her and said he was the 4th wing of FL.
    People were even more shocked because Callisto was a prince and had no reason to lie, so josephina said he was being deceived by the evil dragon. callsito got angry and caused an earthquake showing how powerful leticia's wings were. after that the paladin and royal knights wereabt to fight but were stopped by dana and FL.
    they came back to the imperial palace and dana made leticia stay in her room since it was the safest. callisto received the note from behemoth and decided to decipher the ancient language. leticia was in the room when josephina activated the curse and vomited blood. after it stopped, dana came in and was talking to her and then callisto came in and curse acted again. there was more blood, doc was called, it was chaos. doc said nothing was wrong with her and then callisto asked her if it was a curse. FL admitted and callisto went mad. dana tried to hold him back but couldn't and leticia collapsed.
    callisto ended up going to the temple and (he has the power of earth btw) he cause earth giants to come out and destroyed the entire shrine to look for josephina. he found her and knew he couldn't kill her because some curses required the person who cursed, to be alive. josephina tells him, leticia only has 6 months to live or less
    leticia wakes up and finds herself in a carriage with noelle. noelle had come back because she heard what happened from callisto and so she knew about the curse. after leticia admitted it was true, leticia was suddenly transported back to the principality and was in her room with dietran looking at her.
    when leticia's soul had disappeared, it looked as if she had died. dietran was going mad and another doc had been called and suddenly leticia's body disappeared. so dietran knew she was alive.

    back in empire, noelle asked where callisto was and found him destroying the shrine. dana tried to stop noelle but noelle threatened her saying that the imperial family must back up FL or they will be the same. noelle then joined callisto in destroying the shrine.

    leticia saw dietrian and started talking abt how she was sent to the empire and what was happening and realised dietrian was starting at the blood on her dress. she said she was okay but a doc was called and he said nothing was wrong. Dietrian felt like he was in pain because he couldn't confess his love or she will run away.
    he told her that the wedding preparations were almost done ( they were going to have a wedding again.) but saw that FL looked duncomfy. he asked her why and she said she wasn't sure if they had enough time. dietrian broke and told her "i love you, i know about your curse and i still love you.
    “I have been loving you since the empire. I’ve been wanting you awfully every moment. Even at this moment, too.”

    “… … “

    “In the meantime, I was hiding my heart in case you would run away, but now it’s a limit.”

    Only then, a shock spread to the green eyes. He laughed at her like that.

    “Never think of turning away from my heart or running away, Leticia. I know everything.”

    “… … “

    “Including the curse Josephina put on you.”}

    he told her that the only option left was to either live together or die together. leticia decided to find the quickest way to get rid of the curse. but had no clue from either goddess, sigmund or the elixir. she asked the elixir if all the wings were alright and it twinkled yes.
    she then decided to go to dietrian.
    when she entered she asked him if he really loved her then show her the proof and fulfill her wish of being a mother. he didn't say anything and she felt embarrassed but then he kissed her and put her on the table. (YIKES)

    {“Leticia, lying on an empty desk, vomited out of breath. The concave clavicle was half exposed through the torn buttons.

    As he looked at it with his swaying eyes, he asked as if chewing.

    “Are you sane?”

    Honestly, I couldn’t help but think Leticia was crazy.

    Because Dietrian himself wasn’t sane right now.

    “What the hell are you thinking of stimulating me so far?”

    It was like a pile of straw full of oil.

    The moment she put the word in her mouth, the flame of longing burned in an instant.

    At that moment, everything was forgotten.

    I’ve forgotten what she hid from me and what kind of hurt he suffered.

    I was afraid.

    “I’m serious, did you do it? Did you really mean that to me?”

    Maybe her words are false.

    “Are you really thinking of living with me? Will you live by sharing your worries and relying on me for hard work, not a life that you endure all alone like before?”

    The despair he felt from last night to today was so deep.

    No, it’s been a long time since I fell in love with her.”}

    after that they had a heart to heart and she said dietrian had threatened her with his life so how could she run away. dietrian said he would lock the door but leticia had already locked it. dietrian used protection cause leticia was still cursed and he didn't want to make her stressed but bros did it too hard cause she was pregnant after this and btw her dress was all torn so he had to go outside, ask for cleaning supplies to remove ink stains and get a new dress. first the maids didt understand and later got sus so they asked, to go inside to repair the dress but dietrian said no and blushed hard cause there was nothing left to repair, they teased him saying he should get a bigger bed in the study and he ran inside lmaooo

    in the empire, callisto and noelle had destroyed the shrine but josephina had disappeared. when he was fighting her she suddenly disappeared into purple smoke. but callisto knew she was in the imperial palace so they decided to go to the palace with dana.

    spoilers may get slow so hhhhhh
    and abt 2 more parts should be enough to cover main story
    eyjhay, Bastian, Snow fluff and 37 others like this.
  5. Ladyardnahc

    Ladyardnahc Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2018
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    :facepalm::facepalm:This is a spoiler thread for A Way to Protect You novel right? Why I keep finding discussion and spoiler about Villainess Lives Twice?? please move the discussion and spoiler to another thread please…

    btw I advice the newcomers to at least read the spoilers from the 1st page before posting some questions (or spoilers as there are some double spoilers.. people posting spoiler that actually had been spoiled before). I keep seeing people asking things that actually had already been answered from the previous spoilers ‍

    Anyway, thank you for all the spoilers here! I read the manhwa in kkp and really really curious about how the story will turns out. Now my curiosity is finally fulfilled:blobsnow:
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
    DOHere likes this.
  6. HopelessRomantic

    HopelessRomantic Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    That is so sweet!!! Where can i find someone like Diet????
    Tobbit, Creolenerd and Erunoor like this.
  7. Kimms

    Kimms Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2021
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    Chapters 61-70 are going to be really interesting
    To summarize: Ahin finally realizes he's Leticias 2nd wing and there's also the delegations reaction to her past. I'll translate them as fast as i can:sushi_chubby:
    Ariary, Creolenerd, ardills and 10 others like this.
  8. JessSD

    JessSD Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Aaah!! Thank you so much!! Your translations are really easy to understand. I keep looking back here frequently for it.
  9. Senshiana

    Senshiana Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2021
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    IDK if this was already posted, but here are the Manhwa raws:
    Newtoki raws (updated on Tuesdays).

    I am loving all the spoilers! But I confess I would like to read the novel translations. The thing is I only find until ch. 8... Where can I read more?
    I love this series!
    bigredqueen and DOHere like this.
  10. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Oh my! Thanks you for the news. I’ve actually been stalking that App to see if they license it and I’ve been repeatedly disappointed these last few weeks. I’m very glad to hear it got licensed.
    DOHere and seoktonin like this.
  11. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    same checked everyday to see if they finally licensed it and even downloaded insta for it, so glad its finally here
    DOHere and Celebrianna like this.