Request Ai chan Needs Help - Game Idea

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Ai chan, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. mir

    mir Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    I know this would be annoying to program so you probably won't use it, but I wanted to write it anyway.
    A competency/skill like macgyvering, where you can make/repair things with items that wouldn't usually be used for that sort of thing.
    It could be a skill that accompanies some other manufacturing skill, like blacksmithing, but at the cost of reducing the quality of the output when used, but makes materials easier to source.
    Or it could be used by any character to help their equipment/tools/house/etc last longer than they would have otherwise.
    Or it could be used by a character with an adventurer job make use of junk they find in dungeons....? (probably not this one)

    The reason I wanted to write it.... well I've played some survival type games and got frustrated. Like, 'Why can't I create item X unless I have item Y? Even if it's unconventional, item Z works perfectly fine for it in real life, so whyyyy?! orz !'
    That sort of feeling.
    So I will suggest this skill anytime anyone asks. Even if it's useless and won't be implemented. I can at least dream. :blobwoah:


    Any other ideas..... hmmm...
    There's the Speech skill, like in skyrim. Would help players trying to be merchants or who want to have underworld dealings.
    Maybe leadership? Can lead a team of soldiers in the field, or a gang in the streets, or a group of farmers in working a field.

    What else...
    Music skill? Players would work their way up from a roadside musician maybe?
    Or maybe have a whole branch/group of skills just for entertainers.

    Some novels mention beastmastery. Maybe that. Could be used for animals of various types. If there are fantasy animals, maybe even tame some? That's a bit too common though... how can I make this idea even weirder.... hmmm.... If playing as the underling to an underworld boss, this skill will reduce the chance that you will get eaten while trying to feed the alligators/piranhas in your bosses moat of death. Or you could level it up by feeding your horse, or your cat. Once the level goes up enough, animals will love you automatically :blobxd: or something. Yeah, I don't know how it would be useful really.

    How about something to do with priests/priestesses? Like, a Mythical competency. Where it gives your character more mythical knowledge and so opens up new possibilities when questing and coming across some mythical creature?
    Or instead, the player gets more esoteric knowledge of their religion, and they become better at their temple job. Or something. You could have players trying to get promoted to be the Pope! (or it's equivalent)

    Or an office work type skill. Like for accountants or secretaries. Paper shufflers and abacus users and such. Better skill levels means opportunites for getting a better paying job.

    Or a gardening skill, for non-farm type growing. Or just a general growing / green thumb type skill.

    ... Having trouble coming up with anything unique. Most of this stuff is pulled from various places, but maybe you can use them in some way.

    If I think of anything else, I'll return.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
    MrSplashy and Ai chan like this.
  2. Aegis21

    Aegis21 Hiki wanna be

    Feb 15, 2016
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    A.Half-(whatever race there is in the game)
    D.berserker blood
    K.hawk eyed
    Ai chan likes this.
  3. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    No, it's not suitable, because knife master involves all kinds of knives, not just daggers. It covers, daggers, dirks, throwing knives and even kitchen knives. To be a good chef in the game, you need both cooking and knife mastery competencies. Which chef would use daggers in cooking unless he has no other choice?

    Herbalism is the art of collecting, growing and identifying herbs. Potion-making is the act of turning the herbs into medicines or noxious bombs. For a pharmacist, knowledge of herbs and the ability to turn it into potions are essential, in which case he needs both herbalism and potion-making. Since this is a medieval setting, we don't call it drugs.

    As for the V sign? I forgot and I can't be bothered to add it after it was done.
  4. udangmayones

    udangmayones A proffesional fallen-to-the-floor cuisine

    Feb 1, 2017
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    I think before you start thinking about the perks, you should think about the technical stuff first.
    I don't mean "how to code", I mean the platform and input.

    Is it a webbrowser game? pc? mobile?
    How do you want to convey the storyline with said device?
    Is it text-based choice (Like Corruption of Champions) or RPG style (Like skyrim)?
    How do you handle the input?
    What is the main story?
    etc etc

    And the most important: Do you have an "end game"?
    People won't play a game if you don't have an ending to the story.

    Please tell me if you need something to code. I can help with the development
  5. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I asked for help about competencies and perks because it's central to the game. Without either, it becomes a completely different game.

    It's a PC game. I imagine MMORPG, but I don't really have any idea how to make it work, so I want to prepare something less ambitious first.
    Storyline? It's a story about you. Players make the story.
    It's RPG.
    Mouse clicks, WASD and keyboard hotkeys.
    Main story? It's a story about you. Basically what you do in a world in crisis. If you want to sleep your way for 20 years until the demon's invasion, there's really up to you. Can't imagine sleeping for 20 years to be fun, though.

    There are challenges of course, such as dragon rampage, demon lord invasion and stuff but the game ends when you die without heirs or you choose to quit the game at various milestones within the game.

    What programming language are you proficient with or your preferred game engine?

    Mcguyvering sounds complicated. I can imagine how to code it, but I think it will add several years to development due to the complexities. Everything will need to have several properties and have to be cross-attributed, which increases the chance of getting bugs included into the base code itself. I think that's the reason why nobody tried it at such scale so far.

    Thanks for your suggestions
    mir likes this.
  6. Aegis21

    Aegis21 Hiki wanna be

    Feb 15, 2016
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    About that sleeping for 20 yeara maybe the player can transform into a demon of sloth,or if the players likes to "play around" for 20 years and the player becomes a demon of lust and so on....
  7. Grandpa_World

    Grandpa_World Manly Man-Mob Character C-Lovely Hubby of Alexcia

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I expected a more kinky game... Kinda disappointed in @Ai chan

    Also under what kind of maigc is summoning demons/elementals,...succubi*cough*
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  8. udangmayones

    udangmayones A proffesional fallen-to-the-floor cuisine

    Feb 1, 2017
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    It's fine if the player makes their own story, but how do the game support it?
    Why would you play the game if you're the one who make the story?
    If everyone want to save the dragon from the princess, then how do you supply the princess as the villain?
    If you have many princesses, is that even... IMMERSIVE???

    Skyrim jokes aside, I can't imagine how to an MMORPG where the players make their own story WHILE keeping them interested to play the game for weeks.

    I'm familiar with C# and PHP. I have never create my own game, but my best bet would be Unity. However, coding game in unity is usually frowned by other developers for unknown reasons.

    If you want something text-based, you can make Corruption of Champion type of game using Visual Studio Community Edition 2015

    Eh? Saving princess from the dragon?
    Suit yourself, imma take dat dragon booty...
  9. chucke

    chucke Going towards the glorious future

    Jul 31, 2016
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    I think Ai chan meant that world just exist without player interference. Or Ai chain is planning incredible deep aritificial intelligence

    Well MMORPG is an overkill there. Infrastructure will make you money bleed.

    I would go with UE though.

    Unity can be used too for that. Though using windows forms might be good too.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  10. udangmayones

    udangmayones A proffesional fallen-to-the-floor cuisine

    Feb 1, 2017
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    I agree that making it an MMO would need a strong hardware to support the server, but you can't limit @Ai chan 's imagination. If it needs to be an MMO, then so be it. As long as @Ai chan doesn't ask me to help bootstraping it, I'm fine.

    Making a corruption of champion's clone using unity is not really necessary. Making it with visual studio doesn't need as much computing process as it need on unity and it will be lighter to run.

    But hey, there's nothing wrong with any of these 2 options. Since @Ai chan is the project leader, she gets to choose the engine.
  11. chucke

    chucke Going towards the glorious future

    Jul 31, 2016
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    Imagination is great of course. I also like thinking about in-game AI heroes that would do quest and fight with player from time to time over princesses, quests and so on

    MMORPG requires aside game stuff like databases and so on. Games might avoid it - maybe some internal in-game storages can be used for assets - but server infrastructure is needed too. But again Unity might provide something like this and heard UE has solutions for that.

    I haven't played in COC.
  12. MrSplashy

    MrSplashy Grey Knight

    May 18, 2017
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    If you're literally going to make a game like this then I can suggest a few things if you want.
    Why not add Scholar as one of the side-jobs or whatever you want to call it. Then once someone progress through that job they would be called Wisemen of their professions and lastly they would be Sage and with that they would be able to make a Mind Library inside their Conciousness(correct my spelling) and with that they could essentially become a walking library but those who are only destined to be Scholar would be able to do this.

    Anyways for the perks add:
    Wealth of Knowledge
    Gifted Scholar
    Educated(stole that from FO)
    For competencies:

    EDIT: What kind of game engine are you going to use Ai-chan?


    I think Unity does provide if not then I suggest Ai-chan to get someone knowledgeable to do the Database work, everything lies within the Database, Engine, and the overall gameplay mechanics and feature of the game.
  13. udangmayones

    udangmayones A proffesional fallen-to-the-floor cuisine

    Feb 1, 2017
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    it's text based adventure
    WARNING: contains 18+ materials, nudity, homosexuality, transformation, furry, multiple breasts, BDSM, torture, etc etc.
    It will either wake your hidden kinkiness or scar you for life

    don't play it if you're underaged.
  14. MrSplashy

    MrSplashy Grey Knight

    May 18, 2017
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    COC? Now I am very interested on it.
  15. chucke

    chucke Going towards the glorious future

    Jul 31, 2016
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    if it is text based then my mentality will be fine
  16. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Hold it, guys. I said I imagine an MMORPG, but I don't know how to make this game to work as an MMORPG, so that's why I'm looking to do something less ambitious, which is single player RPG. MMORPG is a bit beyond my capability at the moment, both skillwise and moneywise.

    As for why you would play the game if you're the one who make the story, basically it's an escape from the real world. There are events that proceed following predetermined dates. What the players do is decide what they want to do when these events happen. As you said, save the princess from dragon. You can volunteer to save the princess, but if you just want the loot, you can instead steal the treasure while the kingdom's soldiers provide distraction for you, without their knowledge. However, if we are to turn this into MMORPG, we can make an event where the king summons heroes, and whoever returns the princess to the king gets the reward while the rest of the heroes loot the dragon's lair.

    The story is driven forward by predetermined events. However, Ai-chan plans on making a responsive world in much later versions where the player's actions change the events and the world.

    If Ai-chan is making this myself, I'm planning on using Construct 2. Easy enough for even non-programmers to work with and powerful enough for programmers to modify. It's a 2D engine, but I don't see it as a problem. I want to create a game that everyone can play, so expect the graphics to be similar to the original Ragnarok Online.

    The reason people have a lot of hate for Unity engine is because the games made using them are usually heavy on the hardware, suffer from memory leak, not optimized causing even high end hardware to suffer performance issues and ridden with bugs. To be fair, Unity engine itself is not at fault. It's simply because Unity is very appealing to newbies with no programming basics. So these newbies purchase plugins as shortcut, most of which don't work well together. So when there are issues, the issues go unaddressed because the developer themselves don't know where the problem lies. There are diagnostic tools but the newbie developers don't know how to use it anyway.

    Ai-chan's game philosophy is:
    Have fun with everyone!

    So Unity is pretty much out for Ai-chan, at least for this game since people having 2012 rig will most likely be unable to play the game. There is another game that Ai-chan is thinking of using Unity because Construct 2's multiplayer system somewhat sucks. Don't know how Construct 3's multiplayer system works since there's no documentation for it yet.
  17. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    While that's a good idea by itself, but I'm not sure it's the right approach to take. Rewarding players for sitting around doing nothing will probably make a lot of players sit around doing nothing for days just to find that hidden reward. In many cases they'd have wasted days checking on stuff that was never programmed. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

    I'm planning on using Construct 2 if I'm working alone. But if I have a dedicated programmer, that may change.

    If you're wondering how it will look like, just imagine the original Ragnarok Online.
    MrSplashy likes this.
  18. MrSplashy

    MrSplashy Grey Knight

    May 18, 2017
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    Ah if its like that then I would immediately like the game hopefully it won't be grindy(currently playing Ragnarok Online PH) as it is and at the same time hopefully it has quests and such so that I could literally immerse myself on the world.
    Ai chan likes this.
  19. udangmayones

    udangmayones A proffesional fallen-to-the-floor cuisine

    Feb 1, 2017
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    I used construct 2 before.
    Don't really like it.

    Call me if you find any trouble. I can help you debug or explain some algorithm.
    Ai chan likes this.
  20. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Aww, and here I thought you're volunteering to be the dedicated programmer :p