Discussion Are espers polyglot?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Dokja6116, Jul 11, 2021.


r u bilingual?

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  2. no.

  1. Dokja6116

    Dokja6116 not suspicious

    Mar 7, 2021
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    I'm not sure if this has been addressed before but this thought just came up in my head, so bear with me kay'?
    So, as the prefix suggests, this is a discussion about if 'espers' in novels who can read peoples' thoughts, and, if they are polyglots.
    If you understood everything you just read, you're probably a polyglot — a person who understands multiple languages. ... The –glot comes from the Greek word for “tongue,” and the prefix poly- means “more than one,” so if you speak two or more languages, you're technically a polyglot.
    Different people think in different languages, especially bilingual people, and I'm not really native to English, but that's the language I think in.
    I'm not sure if that's the same for any bilingual people, where you don't think using your native language, whatever it may be.
    This begs the question, are espers, polyglots?
    If so, could they please recommend any source where I can learn multiple languages? Thanks.
    Btw what language do you think in?
    What are your thoughts on this?
    btw please rate this shitpost on a scale of 1/10 please rate it 10
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  2. Despapa69

    Despapa69 Revered 17 Syllable Sage

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Espers probably understand thoughts. What I mean is that they understand the intent or meaning behind that thought regardless of language. I can speak 3 language roughly and some more fluent than others. You can learn more languages by going to school, using a dictionary (physical or digital) and also speaking to immigrants or children of immigrants. I rate this shitpost a 5/10 for average or maybe a 6/10 for entertainment value.
  3. Milanin

    Milanin [Reader] [???] [Freeloader]

    May 6, 2016
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    I'm not bilingual. I'm polylingual.

    Espers probably aren't polyglots if they don't know the languages.
    There were some isekai ones where the protagonist knows a "universally translated language" which some novels go around of with a "common language" but those novels that don't, the protagonist can either automatically speak in the language he is spoken to has to respond to OR they speak a actual universal "god" language where the people who hear the protagonist speak hear it in the language they best understand.
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  4. Baldingere

    Baldingere Roseau pensant

    Jul 31, 2020
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    I think in the language I use most. So for a year now I've thinking in English because I'm reading in English all the time, to the point that even during my holiday where I didn't read, my brains stayed in English mode.
    I agree with above that thoughts reader probably understand the concepts and images going through peoples mind, because our brains are very complicated and espers might be able to not only read the already articulated thoughts we have but also the brain waves before and then directly take these brainwaves and in their brain it comes out in their own language.
    Dokja6116 likes this.
  5. kfahad

    kfahad 『The Lurker Beast』『Beast fallen』

    Dec 24, 2016
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    They are not polyglot if they can only read the thought..
    But if the esper also know a lot of language that's it..
    Hello? They can only read thought like what you said, voicing the thought is different.

    Even you your self sometimes is hard to explain what you thought in words, so if someone can read your thought they will understand what's on your mind.
  6. ExcitableFoci

    ExcitableFoci Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    They would be if they were born with telepathy. If they were born in multicultural places, of course.

    Kids learn how to speak new languages on their own real fast.

    Source: me, a polyglot.
  7. Lord_Arcanis

    Lord_Arcanis Member

    Jun 1, 2021
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    In western esotericism, speaking with spirits is done through sending out intentions and not with words. Eventually one is able to understand intention without words, that goes for spiritual and human communication. In all consciousness based traditions, words become less and less useful anyways.

    When such practices exist in this world’s (whether you believe them or not), then it’s definitely easy to justify espers being able to communicate freely.