Are smart PDU safe?

Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by xiazixin, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    Recently I'm shopping for a PDU, in order to optimize my cables, as it's becoming a mess and honestly I'm freaking out some times. And I came across what so called smart PDU or IPPDU modules which you can control them though router or switchs. They are about 10 times or more of the cost.

    Are those PDUs worth getting? And are they safe? I don't want them to burn my house down when I mess up their API, I don't have a fire insurance.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  2. DiabolicGod

    DiabolicGod Well-known lazy Member

    Jan 19, 2017
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    I mean, ask an electrician.
    It really depends on your situation and just saying "it is a mess" tells everybody nothing. For some, a cable mess is already just 10 cables at a desk, for others it is the whole cable distribution in the house and on several outlets being messy. In other words, if you can fix it with cable-binders then it is most likely not worth it.

    PS: I have no clue about PDUs
  3. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    PDUs, are basically power strips with two drilling holes on it, for easying mounting on the wall or tables. They are typically made of aluminum instead of plastics, making them more durable in high temperature environments.
    And most PDU come with IEC standards sockets. Making more durable but lacks independent switchers or breakers.

    • Aluminum body, More durable
    • No independent switchers on each sockets making them more durable also more dangerous.
    • With holes to install on surface, more durable.
    • IEC sockets, more durable.
    • You can use 10 meter IEC wires with 20 50cm wires. (insert memes), they are extendable.
    • Though the terms PDU are just 19" power strips with holes at each ends.
    Basically they are more durable sockets with more questionable safety over power strips.

    Though the issue isn't about the purchasing of PDU, but about the purchasing of smart PDU with internet access over conventional PDU. The safety hazard and are they generally worth 10 times and more of their price.

    My cables are such a mess I probably can't fix it with cable ties.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021