Spoiler Ashtarte

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by twilight_123, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    You can forgive someone but still don't want them by your side.Forgiveness is not the same as forgetting.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
  2. fizii

    fizii Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2021
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    Episode 1.
    (3rd person pov)
    “It’s an oracle! It is God's word!.”
    A lively face and a confident voice.
    In a sense, the owner of the arrogant voice was Horeom, the high priest of Florence, the continent's most powerful country.
    “Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”
    Horeom, the High Priest, received the oracle directly from God!.
    “Finally! After all, God has not abandoned Florence!.”
    “It’s been a century, hasn't it?” It is simply magnificent, Your Majesty!”
    It was an oracle that arrived in Florence for the first time in 100 years.
    But the Florentine emperor Orwen looked down at the murmuring priests indifferently.
    He didn’t show a single sign of agitation, as if he had no interest in oracles.
    Horeom walked through the assembled priests, fluttering his spotless robe, and knelt before the Emperor.
    Then, holding both hands together and closing their eyes, they spoke the words of God.
    《The 158th year of the imperial calendar, with a dark moon and a red day. In the empire, the divine of light and darkness shall be born together.
    This is a miracle that occurred thanks to the goddess of the dawn’s guidance. The light will bring the Florentine Empire infinite glory and riches, while the darkness will eat the light and finally bring the Florentine Empire to destruction! 》
    “So, the High Priest is now.”
    Orwen rose from his seat and walked towards Horeom, who was looking down at the floor.
    The sound of his shoes walking down the stairs quietly enveloped the hall.
    “You mean to say that child will destroy this country?”
    Orwen, who finally arrived in front of him, said as he trampled the white robes that covered the floor.
    “You’re so arrogant.”
    “You’ve come to hear such a ridiculous thing as an oracle. Isn’t the high priest in charge of nothing?”
    Orwen’s emerald eyes, which were staring down at him, grew frigid.
    The sound of Orwen’s footsteps going past him grew further distant, and an unfamiliar smile appeared on Horeom's dark face.
    Because he was in a bad temper at the time, Orwen half-destroyed the temples built in Florence. In this way, the matter appeared to be closed.
    “Hey, did you hear that?”
    “You mean the story of the oracle?”
    “Hey, about the Oracle! What have you heard?”
    “I heard that the Emperor has destroyed all the Eastern Temples, saying it was nonsense.”
    The empires, however, did not reject the absurd prophecies because they were lies, but were rather intrigued about the contents.
    “Everything must be true!”
    “I think so too.”
    “Is it because of the child between the Empress and Cortisan?”
    That time was when the prophecy was made.
    That was because Rebecca Florence, the Empress of the Empire, and Cortisan, a commoner on that night, both gave birth to a child and possessed the Emperor’s blood.
    “When the dark moon on a red day comes, everything will be revealed.”
    “That’s right when that day comes.”
    The prophecy of Florence, which would determine the rise and fall of the empire, swept across the continent.
    So no one doesn't know about it.
    And the 158th year of the imperial calendar, the red day of the dark moon.
    As prophesied, two-morning stars were born in the Empire at the same time without a single error.
    One is Empress Rebecca, the child of the empress Princess ‘Ashtarte’ of Florence.
    On the other hand was an illegitimate child, Princess Amaryllis.
    “Isn’t it according to the high priest’s prophecy? After all, the oracle was true!”.
    “There is no way the Empress’s baby is darkness. The illegitimate child of that lowly Cortisan must be darkness!”
    “It’s a good thing the surname of Florence wasn’t given to the illegitimate princess.”
    Princess Amaryllis did not inherit the surname of Florence because she was an illegitimate child.
    Even before she could see the light of the world, she was called the ‘divine star of darkness’ in the prophecy because of her lowly-born mother and received bitter criticism from the people of the empire.
    However, Princess Ashtarte was born after swallowing the weak empress.
    As information spread that her hair color was dark, the situation turned like a flip-flop.
    “You said her hair is black?”
    “Don’t talk! Is it because I saw clearly with my own two eyes? It wasn’t just that black, it was black and ominous!.”
    “Oh! I heard that she was born with the same appearance as Jerome, the demon of charm, right?”
    “Oh my gosh, that’s terrible!”
    The reason was so simple. This was because there was not a single person with black hair on this wide continent.
    Because of this, Ashtarte was called ‘even darker’.
    In the 158th year of the imperial calendar, the rumors spreading from tail to tail, whether true or not, made the continent fluctuate once again.
    “How can such an ominous color black like exist in Florence ?”
    “I can’t take it anymore! Princess Ashtrate must be the darkness! The darkness that will destroy Florence!”
    “I wish his Majesty would make a decision as soon as possible without hearing prophecies in vain.”
    “Princess Amaryllis, who was born with the same hair color as his Majesty, was not able to inherit the name of Florence, so how sad it is…”
    “The castle of Florence should have been passed down to Princess Amaryllis!”
    All of them were busy talking about the color of Princess Ashtarte’s hair as ominous.
    It was also regrettable that the beautiful silver-haired princess did not inherit the name of Florence.
    No one dared to worry about the safety of Princess Ashtarte, or even worry about the future she would spend in the Imperial Palace.
    However, for Princess Ashtarte, who was attracting public attention, it was just for two minutes.
    Of course, the people of the continent, as well as the people of the imperial family, didn't know the secret hidden even in their dreams…
    It was the fact that she was a ‘reincarnated person’ who was reborn after a miserable past life.
    (Ashtarte pov)
    The previous life of Ashtarte, who had no name, was neither happy nor great at all.
    It was the beginning of misfortune when she was sold here and there by her mother’s hands and then bought as a slave to the Viscount.
    Viscount and his children were very fond of Ashtarte.
    Of course, explaining that they liked her was never a good thing.
    It was as if they had just been given the right toy at the right time. They treated her with the same attitude as the slaves.
    But now and then, they'd crack a joke that was so bad that it was frowned upon.
    Leaving snakes in her little bedroom, or shoving her up the stairs to the second floor.
    They even poured boiling water over her head while she was working in the garden.
    “Ahaha! What are we going to play next, bro?”
    “That’s right. The slave's reaction these days isn’t very cool…”
    “Oh my! That’s why I told you to do something a little more provocative!”
    In the end, she got rat poison inside the hardened rye bread, which was her only meal of the day.
    ‘I never imagined that it would be the last food of my life.’
    Hungry, Ashtarte couldn't even eat the rye bread for one meal.
    One second felt like an eternity, and the passing of time did not give her any rest.
    ‘It hurts, it hurts so much.’
    It wasn’t the first time the Viscount’s children had played pranks on her meals.
    When the torture began after eating rye bread, Ashtarte thought it was simply another bad prank they had planned.
    So, if you endure this pain for a little while, your day will start without any problems.
    But Ashtarte had an instant intuition.
    That this is not going to get better with patience.
    In the stifling pain that didn’t even allow her to lose consciousness, Ashtarte waited for this pain to end as soon as possible.
    Ashtarte was still in pain after three sunrises and sunsets.
    “Please… is anybody there?”
    No one was looking for Ashtarte throughout those three days, no matter how short or long they were.
    “Help me…”
    Blood was dripping between her fingernails as she scratched the wooden floor with her fingernails.
    She closed her eyes and opened them, but her vision was still black, and her whole body was hot as if on fire.
    ‘I couldn’t move anymore due to the severe pain, and as I collapsed on the rotten wooden floor, another wave of pain came over me.’
    I felt something was forcefully pulling me from deep inside my body.
    As if to spit it out, the body was doing it naturally.
    She didn’t even have the strength to cover her mouth with her hands, so something that spit from her mouth fell violently to the floor. Dark red blood soaked the wooden floor and splattered everywhere.
    ‘Does such dark blood exist in the human body?’
    Ashtarte smiled sadly and lay down.
    ‘Oh, God. I want to die.’
    However, even at the moment when she vomited blood painfully and closed her eyes, Ashtarte did not resent or hate anyone.
    Is it the mother who sold her away, or the viscount who bought her? Or maybe they are the children of the Viscount who made her die so painfully.
    Because she couldn’t even find an object of resentment to express this raw feeling.
    She thought in her vision slowly darkening.
    ‘In my next life, I want to meet a family who loves me… And I have to love my family and protect them with all my heart.’
    She closed her eyes, dreaming of such a vain wish that would never come true.
    It was the last wish in my short past life, in which I got nothing and received nothing.
    Ceilo27, iwillsay, Lucy_ and 4 others like this.
  3. ClassyDahl

    ClassyDahl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2021
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    (y)(y) exactly!
  4. fizii

    fizii Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2021
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    Episode 2

    Chapter1_Ashtarte and Florence.

    (Ashtarte's pov)

    Ashtarte, the reborn person who was born with her previous life’s memories intact in the empire's prophecy.

    She received just such little care and also slept down to sleep from birth until the end of the year. Feeding only enough to keep from dying.

    It had only been washed enough that there was no foul smell, and it had only been washed enough to make the bed comfortable enough to not disturb you once you woke up.

    There was nothing to do but sleep in the cradle, which didn’t have a normal motion attached to it.

    Throughout my waking hours, I focused on listening to the stories of the Empress Palace's only two maids.

    “No, well, whatever.”

    Is it because Princess Ashtarte's hair must be dark?

    “His Majesty hasn't even come to see her yet.”

    “And the two princes.”

    “Princess Ashtarte is the shinning star of Florence's darkness.”

    “I'm sure I'm correct!.”

    Ashtarte murmured, as though she was going over the facts she had picked up while listening to their stories.

    ‘My name is Ashtarte, but there must be darkness’

    “And listen! Didn’t they have to give Princess Ashtarte a palace?”

    According to etiquette, the Emperor was supposed to give Ashtarte, the princess, her palace.

    However, Ashtarte did not have a modest palace and lived as if imprisoned in the palace of her mother, Rebecca.

    And after a year and two months, Ashtarte had learned to walk a little clumsily.

    Regardless of what she does her maids didn’t even try to get her out of her cradle.

    Perhaps they hoped Ashtarte would turn into an idiot who couldn't even walk.

    When Ashtarte first opened her eyes, she was happy that she had been reincarnated with memories from her previous life.

    Even if you only have a basic understanding of the subject, you can do something useful with it.

    It was because she was overjoyed that her family would like her.

    On the contrary, Ashtarte had never seen her family’s faces until this time.

    ‘Everyone must be quite busy. I’ll only be able to stand shortly.’

    Soon after, while listening to the maids, she understood, “It is stated that the two princes visited Her Highness Princess Amaryllis today as well!”

    “Did His Majesty present the young lady with a lily garden?”

    That my family may never come to this palace again.

    But Ashtarte refused to give in to such tension.

    Grab one side of the frame in the cradle and practice walking upright.

    She even attempted to recite the babbling imperial language on her own till she could talk to some extent.

    ‘If you work hard, you will undoubtedly succeed. You should be able to pay since you resemble the Empire’s darkness.’

    Even without any real education, Ashtarte grew up gradually based on her memories of her previous life.

    It was the fourth year in a row.

    Walking as well as talking is now great.

    A bright and cheerful girl named 'Roena' entered the Empress’s palace, where only two maids came and left.

    “Princess, how are you? Roena Yeres is my name.”

    “Hello, Roena!”

    “Oh! Please welcome me."The princess is very kind.”

    Roena was a lovely young lady with flowing brown hair and warm caramel eyes.

    She was the only one who offered to come and speak with her.

    As a result, the Empress Palace was an abandoned palace that had been forgotten by the rest of the world.

    As a result, I was even more perplexed.

    Empress Rebecca, the palace's original owner, has died, therefore even a small amount of beans would not be able to consume it.

    Even if she served Ashtarte, who is dreaded and referred to in the prophecy as the star of darkness, she would not be respected.

    “Hey, Roena. I heard from the main palace that you came to the Empress's Palace on your own choice…”

    As a result, it appears natural to have doubts.

    It wasn’t long before Roena was tied to the Empress’s Palace, thus Marien, the Imperial Palace's sole remaining maid, was the first to discover gold.

    “Are the rumors spreading so quickly?”

    “Yeah, of course? What became of your hair? This is the Empress's Palace, also known as the Forgotten Palace.”

    “After the death of the Empress Dowager, everyone asked for relocation to the Rose Labyrinth, where Her Highness Princess Amaryllis resided,” Marien smirked.

    “That's right.”

    “I and Kate just missed the time.”

    “Yes, is that so?”

    “Is that correct? Do you say those words even when you're looking at this?”

    Roena did not move after speaking the truth, and Marien eventually pointed a finger at Ashstarte and yelled.

    “What is it about Princess Ashtarte that makes them act like that?"

    “That’s the one from the prophecy...!” Marien shook her head lightly.

    Roena looked at the bed where she was soundly asleep, heaved a little sigh of relief, and said, “You come from a nobleman on the outskirts, so you don't know much about the world, but she is the divine star of darkness in the prophecy given down in Florentine.”

    “Who said that?”


    “I'm curious who spread the stories that Princess Ashtarte is the rising star of darkness. His Majesty didn't even comment on the prophecy... I intended to file a report for disrespect of the imperial family."


    Marien sneered and stared at Roena, her face flushed.

    However, there is nothing to say to Roena as she prepares to swallow the report for showing contempt for the imperial family.

    “You’ll be sorry you didn't listen to me now!”

    She exited the room with the same villain or a nasty remark.

    “Our princess is asleep... Uh-oh.”

    Marien exited the room as if swept away by a small typhoon, and silence descended.

    Only Roena's grumbling voice remained there for a time before departing.

    From that day forward, Ashtarte, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation without sleeping, began to accept Roena as a very special person.

    Curiosity, delight, and thankfulness for a person who, for the first time in my life, listens to me. Returning to the awkwardness.

    The 4th year.

    Roena followed Marien out of the room, but Ashstarte couldn’t seem to shake her happiness.

    The maids of the Imperial Palace, Marien, and Kate, are summoned by the maids of the main palace in their fourth year.

    They returned to the Imperial Palace not long after, beaming widely and telling Ashtarte.

    “Princess, Princess! We have been reassigned to Her Highness Princess Amaryllis Rose Palace, and we are leaving the Empress Palace as of today.”

    “Will you give us permission, Princess?”

    “Huh!… So I won't be able to see you anymore?”

    There was a very small regret in Ashtarte's eyes looking at them.

    ‘Still, they were here for 4 years…’

    Although love was not as good as her nails, she was disappointed that the person she had been with for four years had grown distant.

    “There’s a Roena in the empress’s palace; do you need three people to attend?”

    “What…! The Rose Palace has more than 20 maids! Do you mean I have to look after the princess on my own? "What the hell happened?”

    “Oh! Because Princess Ashtarte and Her Highness Amaryllis have different ranks, the number of maids accompanying them is also different.”

    Marien viciously cut off Roena’s unpleasant words and smiled brightly as if she had won.

    “What nonsense!”

    “Will you let us leave, Princess?”


    And Marien and Kate departed the palace with their prepared luggage as if they were awaiting permission from Ashtarte.

    Roena's ice cold gaze landed on Marien and the others.

    Roena looked at Ashstarte, who was staring at the backs of the two of them as they slowly moved away from each other.

    “You are doing so much…”


    Stay happy with me for a long time, Princess.


    Only until Marien had fully disappeared from view did Ashtarte turn to face Roena.

    If it hadn't been for Roena, she could have been sobbing uncontrollably as they watched the two of them fade away.

    For her, they were the only ones in my world.

    And the fifth year’s dark moon red day.

    Ashtarte had turned five years old.

    It was nearing the end of the day, and the orange sunset was already beginning to fade.

    From afar, boom! Pop! Fireworks rose into the sky, making a tremendous noise.


    Every year on Ashtarte's birthday, firecrackers went off simultaneously.

    Roena closed her mouth silently as she looked at the feast of lovely firecrackers that went up, but Ashtarte found it difficult.

    For whom the firecrackers are being shot.

    His Majesty the Emperor and the two princes are said to favor Princess Amaryllis.

    ‘She wants it’

    She'd be lying if she said she wasn't moved by the treatment, which was so unlike her own, whom she hadn’t seen in five years. Ashtarte, on the other hand, did not take such bitterness in her heart at all.

    “Princess. I can not give you a present of sky-filling firecrackers, but Roena paused and reached out to Ashtarte, who was staring blankly at the sky”.

    A carefully stretched hand placed a lovely small lily of the valley pin behind her ear.

    In a previous life, Ashtarte had never been congratulated, let alone been aware of my birthday.

    With a blank expression on her face, she fiddled with the pin in her head before slowly turning her gaze to Roena, who was beaming warmly.

    “...Are you giving me?.”

    “I'm sorry it wasn't a costly present… that must be a cheap present for a princess to use…”

    “Hey, this is not the case! It's the first time I’ve ever received a gift…”

    “Every year from now on, I will plan the princess's birthday. Then we'll make a lot of delicious dishes and throw a small party for ourselves!”

    The budget for the Empress Palace was cut by more than half, while the budget for the Rose Palace, where Amaryllis resided, was doubled.

    ‘Marien had told me a similar story.’

    As a result, the budget for maintaining the palace and earning a living was insufficient.

    She was well aware that Roena was feeding herself with the family’s money as well as the missing gaps.

    So it doesn’t matter what year it is, or even if the year following that arrives.

    The day when they cook a big meal and have a party for just the two of them will never come.

    “Thank you, Roena. Thank you for raising me this much. I love you very much.”

    “...! I, too, really bought the princess”
    I love you!”


    I can certainly state that Ashtarte’s fifth birthday was the happiest day of her life.

    Roena’s loving embrace as she hugs her and whispers, “I love you.”

    Even her kind present felt a little weight on her hair.

    That night, I couldn’t resist embracing the warmth that filled my heart and slipped into a comfortable sleep with the sound of firecrackers lighting up the sky as a lullaby.


    Episode 3.

    (3rd person pov)

    Since then, five years have passed, and Ashtarte is now ten years old.

    Ashtarte had been born of a low level even in her previous life, therefore she had never properly learned the imperial words and perfect pronunciation.

    And because she didn't know the basic etiquette and manners of the royal family, she was raised by Roena, the daughter of the Baron Orlando family.

    The black hair feared by the Empire's people was like the dazzling Galaxy.

    The golden light glowing like a star trapped in the night sky was completely captured by the pupils.

    Ashtarte had matured into a lovely young lady who could be recognized by anyone.

    Roena has been raising her alone as Ashtarte’s nanny for the past 7 years, receiving no praise or compensation.

    Roena was Ashtarte’s sole friend and a wonderful mother.

    She could be considered to be the only person who loved her more than her own family, whom he hadn't seen in ten years.

    To Ashtarte, who has turned ten years old. For her, Roe, a 25-year-old person who has reached the age of death.

    (Ashtarte pov)

    The seven years together were very special, and it was enough to make them feel special for each other. And now, once a month, Roena would leave the Empress Palace for the day and go out.

    “Princess, I am unable to visit the palace today.”

    So, if anything happens, be sure to let us know! You must make touch with the main palace through the communication seat.

    “Do you understand how to use it?”

    Roena knelt on the floor and looked her in the eyes.

    Then she took her shoulders in a gentle grasp to level up with Ashtarte.

    Ashtarte responded to the sincere eyes that seemed to be discussing the world’s most confidential topic with a loving grin.

    “Roena is very concerned. I’m fine, so she doesn’t have to worry about me every month”

    “I'm always anxious about what to do if this cute princess is kidnapped.”

    “Are you going to return tomorrow when the chickens crow for the first time?”

    (crow two hours before the onset of light)

    “Do you have to come back soon?”

    “All right, don't be too concerned. I only have a few items to look at in the system.”


    “The water is only left to moisten my throat, so it won’t be enough, but if you need more, bring it up by the well in the back.”

    Roena continued to be concerned about nagging and pointed to the back door leading to the well in the back.

    “If you want to drink warm water, you can light a fire and boil it.”

    “Did you realise that handling fire requires extreme caution? And, in addition…”

    Roena is required to leave the Empress Palace for one day at least once a month.

    It was a real thing.

    Ashtarte was well aware that the day's expedition was intended to generate funds outside the imperial palace to compensate for a budget shortfall.

    So, no matter what Roena said, she simply nodded her head up and down like a well-behaved child.

    Roena turned her back and left the palace once she finished speaking, and Ashtarte was soon busy wandering through the palace’s silence.

    The empress lived in the palace, no matter how badly it was collapsing.

    Of course, because the palace was too large for Ashtarte and Roena to live alone, she was too strong to manage it alone.

    “Okay! I’ll finish all the housework before Roena returns!”

    Then Roena will be at ease... If you help Roe with her tasks, she will brush my hair to say thank you.

    Roena didn’t like it when Ashtarte did the housework.

    No matter what anyone said, Ashtarte was a princess, and even if she doesn’t get that kind of treatment anymore, she was a child Roena she wanted to raise.

    However, the ten years they spent together at the Empress’s Palace allowed them to handle laundry and cleaning behind the scenes that a princess would never touch.

    Could it be because of that? It’s becoming a little insulting to be referred to as a princess’s hand.

    If Roena might have been of assistance, Ashtarte could have been worse off.

    Except for the area where Roena typically cleans, Ashtarte straightened her waist after sweeping for a time in the corridor from the second level.


    I had just finished cleaning the corridor, but the sun was fading.

    The Empress Palace was bathed in an orange sunset.

    “I haven’t eaten dinner yet…”

    After drying her hands and bringing the bucket of old still water and the wet mop to the warehouse, Ashtarte walked to the kitchen.

    Without hesitation, she walked directly to the dining room and threw the door wide.

    As she stared at the empty dining room indifferently, she quickly found something and hurriedly approached and picked it up.

    The little rye bread on the shelf was small enough to fit in the hands of the still young Ashtarte.

    It was so hard that if I ate it incorrectly, I would have to wear teeth at the age of ten.

    “It’s rye bread…”

    The dried and hardened outer crust of the rye bread was shaken and returned to its former state on the shelf.

    Ashtarte didn't mind rye bread all that much.

    If I had likes and dislikes, I would prefer to like them. Because it was wonderful for fast filling the stomach and also because it was not difficult to eat because it was hard.

    The food warehouse is empty, but not because I don't live in such a wealthy environment that I can't consume the food I dislike.

    Just like the day I’d rather forget. I was scared that if I ate this rye bread, I wouldn't be able to open my eyes again.

    I'm scared Roe, who promised to return soon, will only leave me with a chilly warm feeling.

    I'm concerned that I won't be able to see her.

    It was only for this reason that the rye bread was thrown out.

    “You won’t die if you go hungry for a day, so can we dine together when Roena returns?”

    Running out of food had been a problem for a long time, and Ashtarte had become used to the pain of the stomach.

    Of course, they were hungry.

    There were times in my previous life when I couldn't even drink a sip of water for over a week.

    So it wasn’t too difficult to just hang on until Roena returned.

    Ashtarte exited the empty dining room and shut the door that would no longer open today.

    “Because I don't have anything to eat, I have to fill my stomach with water.”

    Later, Ashtarte went to the back of the well with a bucket in her arms, hoping to fill her stomach with water.

    But it didn’t take long for her to catch anything and fall back.



    Ashtarte, who fell quite loudly, collapsed, clutching her one bucket of water tightly in her arms, fearing that the stress of the fall might destroy it.

    Before she could think about how much pain she had caused herself, she stood up and attempted to examine the state of the bucket.


    It was a good idea to check it out, but when I noticed that the bucket, which was meant to be rusty and coppery, was dyed brilliant red, the accident came to a halt.

    That's it. Ashtarte’s hands were stained red from carrying the bucket in her arms, as was her worn-out clothes.


    The liquid in her palms was disturbingly warm, and the iron smell pricked her nose.
    Isn't that... blood?


    For a few minutes, she was lost in her thoughts when she heard the groan of a young man in pain from below her.

    It was then that Ashtarte discovered what had happened to him.

    Silver locks A silver-haired young guy with shiny white hair lay on the floor, holding to his blood-soaked side and groaning in pain.

    “Ahh! Ro, Roena!”

    Since Ashtarte grew up without a mother, the exclamation of surprise when she was astonished, who became Ashtarte mother


    She sat down and struck the bottom after being surprised to see the young man lying in a pool of blood.

    ‘Is it dead...?’

    Ashtarte was shocked and jumped to her feet, inspecting the young man's condition.

    Her gaze soon turned to the side he was clutching, and she was surprised to see that the blood was still running steadily.

    The only medical expertise she had was basic first aid, which she had used frequently in her former life and would only be used in daily life.

    She had no idea how to care for a patient who had spilled so much blood. She was a girl living an utterly regular life in a castle.

    Wouldn’t it be more unusual to know how to manage a bleeding patient?


    It didn't take long for me to think about it.

    Her body moved before reason the minute she heard a young man groaning in pain.

    “Wait a minute here!”

    Ashtarte dashed back the way she had come, gathering all the clean clothes remaining in the palace and returning to the well.

    Although it is a clean cloth, it is not particularly neat, and it is far from the cleanliness that others frequently claim.

    Even the outfit she was wearing in the first place was more similar to rags than the princess's attire.

    Roena might burst and collapse if every single piece of this cleanest piece of cloth in the Empress Palace was soaked in blood and colored red. No, Roena would most likely scream and pass out.

    “I’m sorry, Roena will be in for a lot of scolding when she returns...!”

    Ashtarte pushed the young man’s side against the clean towels she had brought from the palace.

    When the bleeding didn’t stop, someone told me to use a clean cloth to stop it.

    ‘Where did I hear that? Have I ever heard of it before? Well, I believe Marien said do…’

    The materials that were similar to a light apricot colour eventually lost their colours, despite not being pure white.

    By the time the blood flow from the young man's side had fully stopped, there was not a single intact piece of cloth left.

    Ashtarte intended to take the young guy to the palace after effectively stopping the bleeding and looked around the overgrown fields where he lay spread.

    “All right…”

    And she did so graciously. The young man was taller than she was, and he weighed significantly more than a normal person because his body was so relaxed that he was faintly sleeping.

    In short, Ashtarte, who was still young, could not carry the young man to the palace using solely her power.

    However, afraid that if he was left alone, he might turn into a cold corpse the next day, Ashtarte rushed back to the Empress Palace.

    “And this and this.”

    “Oh, oh! Let's take this as well!”

    She sobbed and returned to the young man, clutching the worn-out blanket she had covered and slept in and the tattered carpet on the floor of the empty room she was not using.

    The cool autumn breeze is blowing today, but because it was near a well, it would be chilly at night.

    Despite being torn, Ashtarte, who had draped a large carpet over the young man's body, wiped the sweat off her brow as if satisfied.

    “Would this be enough?”

    By early evening, the time had passed.

    Normally, I would never sleep, but because I had been active since the morning, I was gradually becoming drowsy.

    “Let’s sleep for a little…and then wake up…”

    Ashtarte couldn't stand up to the quietly blowing wind and cuddled up next to the young man.

    It didn’t take long for Ashtarte to fall asleep.

    aivonae, Ceilo27, Vguj and 7 others like this.
  5. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Someone need to post her glory days soon because I'm cryiiiiiing!!!
    My baby is so pitiful!!Leave this people behind and be happy with new friends far away,little princess!!
    darkcrystal likes this.
  6. fizii

    fizii Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2021
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    Episode 4.

    (3rd person pov)

    “Are you the Empire's light, Princess Amaryllis?”

    Once the sun is setting.

    Princess Amaryllis, the empire's light, was enjoying her dessert time calmly in her room.

    Breaking up such a nice time.

    An unidentified man in a mask sat at the window, his back to the setting sun.


    “Shut up, guards!”

    Should it be done if it’s a natural procedure?

    One by one, the maids guarding Amaryllis yelled in surprise.

    Some rush to her protection. Surrounded on either side of her.

    According to the prophecy delivered to Florence, she was a princess who was adored as the light of the Empire.

    An association of neighboring counties established an alliance to prevent the Florentine ruler Orwen from becoming the continent’s hegemon.(a supreme leader.)

    To assassinate the Empire's Light in order to prevent Florentine from obtaining further power.

    As a result, this was not Amaryllis's first attempt at assassination.

    Rather, the presence of an unnamed intruder may be described as a natural, breathtaking routine for her.

    However, this was by far the first person to visit the palace after sunset rather than at midnight, when the palace's limits were reduced.

    Someone who is talented enough to come to visit at any time or place, or a nerd who is incapable of calculating.

    “Are you here early today?”

    “My name is Amaryllis, Uninvited Masked Mister.”

    A silver-haired girl, who appeared noble at first glance, smiled cheerfully and waved her hand at the intruder in the mask, surrounded by maids on either side of her.

    She was unafraid since she had such a bright smile.

    “Huh? Did the princess know that I was coming? You look very happy.”

    “Because I am the light of the empire”.

    “Aren’t you afraid of death, Princess? If I had made up my mind correctly, the princess would have closed her eyes forever the instant I entered this room.”

    “I am not afraid. Because the moment you put your sword at me, it will be you, not me, who will close your eyes forever.”

    “... Haha, let's see if those are the princess's last words or not.”

    The masked man lowered himself from the window, one step at a time, toward Amaryllis.

    And it was the moment when he quietly pulled out the long sword that was hung from his waist.

    “Mirajen brother. Amaryllis eats but misses dessert and black tea”

    Amaryllis let out a little sigh and opened her mouth as the tip of the intruder’s blade touched her round forehead.

    Those words are directed at the intruder, who is looking into the brilliant peridot eyes that suggest there is no cause for fear.

    It wasn’t even a word.

    (a green semi-precious mineral, a variety of olivine.)

    It wasn’t even her last will and will to her servants.

    “Put your sword away quietly and leave.”

    A silver-haired young guy emerged in front of everyone as soon as Amaryllis finished speaking.

    He pointed the sharp edge of his blade at the intruder's neck.

    He was clearly angry by the current situation, as seen by his ice-cold red eyes.

    “That’s correct. It’s understandable that you wouldn’t be afraid with the famous Crown Prince by your side!”

    “You seem to know a lot about us. What is your origin?”

    “Are you going after Lily at work on behalf of your allies?”


    “Why did you arrive at a time when there was a lot of snow rather than at midnight? Were you sure of your own abilities? Or did he underestimate the Imperial Palace's security?”


    The intruder shut his mouth.

    No matter what question Mirajen asked, his mouth never opened.

    Just curious to any question

    He just looked into the eyes of the two.

    “If you don’t say it, I will soon accept it as a positive.”

    “Flaw… Heh, heh If the Crown Prince asks why he arrived at sunset, he will say he has rushed to check something.”

    Exclaimed the intruder, laughing like a lunatic.

    “...Something I want. I was wondering if the new magic I learned this time would also work for you.”

    “You have a unique voice. Whether or if the spell you brought me works, the only way out is death.”

    “That's alright with me, Glory, lofty little sun of the Empire.”

    The masked intruder bowed politely and lightly as though to express courtesy.

    “Ahwestroke” (spell)

    And the moment he raised his head upright and shouted, Mirajen’s world was engulfed in a red light.


    (Mirajen's pov)


    Mirajen, who had awoken from a deep sleep and opened his eyes, exhaled a loud breath all at once.

    A pleasant breeze blew under the full moon, and his beautiful silver hair fluttered freely in the air, as though reflecting the moonlight at night.

    “Ugh, damn it…”

    ‘As soon as I woke up, the first thing I felt was a pleasant breeze, but what followed was an excruciating pain in my side’.



    As Mirajen struggled to continue his sentence, small lights that resembled fireflies appeared everywhere and crowded around his side, as if following the smell of blood.

    The gathering light gradually lost its light, but as the light faded, the internal damage disappeared without a trace.

    “Sigh…That child…”

    Mirajen, who had just finished treatment, sharpened her teeth.

    “Werak has been destroyed…”

    Is this extinction magic?

    Mirajen was unaware of the type of magic he had been subjected to. But the kind is unheard of he only knew that.

    Continents, including the Florentine Empire, were blessed with magic.

    It was important to understand and properly read the old language in order to activate the appropriate amount of magic and enchantment.

    And be fluent in that ancient language.

    Even within the empire, the number of people he knew was so small that he could count them on one hand.

    The extinction magic.‘Werak extinct kin that no one could read was one of the old language types’.

    A ‘Sen Siberian holy language’ of secondary type magic used primarily in temples.

    In addition, the first emperor of the continent created a special ‘Rocheble Imperial Language’ by combining these two elements.

    Mirajen read the sacred and Rocheble languages of the Sen Siberian language when he was thirteen years old.

    He also translated and resurrected five original language magics that had been lost in the unknown.

    He was one of the talented people recognized on the continent as a ‘genius.’

    Which is both a label and a reality in the continent.

    Wouldn't it be the only one if it was an ancient language he didn't understand?

    “Did he truly read about the extinct kin...?”

    If you used extinction magic to injure such Mirajen and interpret the mercenary that couldn't be read.

    If such is the case, something strange will occur.

    A single spell, without any knowledge, could force a bloody wind to blow through Florence.

    “Of course, I said ‘Ahustroc’... I need to find out.”

    Mirajen wiped the blood from his lips with his thumb as she rolled up the corners of his mouth.

    The intruder’s magic was rendered useless.

    Despite the failed spell, Mirajen was unable to escape the tip of the blade.

    Injuries to the abdomen were a sign of this.

    Mirajen used sealing magic on an intruder who was about to break even owing to his magic failing, and then pursued him with a wounded body.

    His thoughts were clouded since his magic was insufficient to heal his injuries.

    I went down to the Imperial Palace area to look for traces of the intruder, but the invader was never found.

    And I went crazy while looking for a safe location to relax for a while.

    What was discarded was the last sliver of the hazy memory.

    "You’re like a swift mouse that flees.

    “It is you…”

    Mirajen has her hair and looks at me with soulless eyes.

    I remembered the boy who gave me a quick look.

    Then he shook his head and frowned.


    Unlike himself, who was gravely hurt, his lovely sister Amaryllis will survive unharmed.

    Mirajen was convinced.

    It was always and everywhere the safety of Amaryllis came first.

    Even if the masked intruder uses an unknown spell, she will not be harmed because I have put up a few layers of defense that cannot be easily penetrated.

    The cool wind blasted and shook Mirajen's bangs once more.

    It was such a nice breeze that I wanted to put complicated ideas aside for a bit.

    He ruffled his bangs with one of his hands.

    The uncovered brow was buffeted by the wind.

    The cold sweat was blown away by a cool breeze.

    He soon found himself looking down at the other free hand.

    “...So, what exactly is this?”

    Wavy black hair that reached all the way down to cover the torso even with a special blanket.

    A young girl with black hair opened her body curled up and was sleeping hard in the seat next to him.

    She clutched his sleeve with both hands, as if she wouldn't let go.


    Episode 5.

    (Ashtarte's pov)

    Ashtarte awoke from her sleep not long after dawn.

    Roena returned to the palace, holding freshly baked hot bread and milk in her arms, and she first went to Ashtarte’s room.

    However, Ashtarte was nowhere to be found, not even in her palace, let alone in her room.

    She went around the palace for a long time, calling Ashtarte’s name as she became anxious.

    It was because Ashtarte had never gone far outside the palace, so she thought he must be nearby.

    And Roena finally reached the well at the time.

    She found Ashtarte on the floor, clothed in blood-soaked clothes, and shook her awake in a panic.

    “Princess! Ashtarte, open your eyes!”

    The powerless Ashtarte’s body moved back and forth to her beat as she gripped her shoulders and shook her at random.

    Roena in her most earnest voice exclaimed

    “Princess, please…Open your eyes!”

    “Ummm... Roe... me?”

    “Wow, Princess! Are you okay? Where, ah, is there any pain? This blood how…!”

    Ashtarte had just woken up from her sleep and hugged Roena, rubbing one of her eyes, in a shattering embrace.

    And she immediately traced her whole body and examined her condition in her Ashtarte.

    “I’m fine, Roena.”

    “Ha, but the blood…!”


    Ashtarte still rubbed one of her eyes, and lowered her head, observing the condition of her clothes.

    Soon after, I opened my eyes and sat down.

    “Ah! This was yesterday when an outsider came to me and I was treating... !”

    “Is it... an outsider? So, the blood on the princess’s clothes now is because of that outsider?”

    Gradually the strength of her grip on Ashtarte’s shoulders was released.

    Roena with the coldest gaze was looking down at Ashtarte.

    Ashtarte, wanting to miss the moment, gently lifted her head and glanced at Roe's expression, and then flinched her body once.

    And in a trembling voice, as if nervous, she began to explain what had happened last night at the Empress’s Palace.

    Even after the explanation was finished, the coldness in her eyes did not disappear.

    However, there was still warmth in her behavior toward Ashtarte.

    The shallow drowsiness that had covered Ashtarte’s eyelids until recently had disappeared without a trace.


    Despite her wanting to wake up after a short nap in the early evening of yesterday, Ashtarrte slept comfortably all day and woke up.

    She went to the kitchen for a late breakfast after cleaning her body and changing her dirty clothes.

    Ashtarte, who was already seated at the table and silently making breakfast, sat across from Roena and opened her mouth.

    Is Roena still mad?

    “Sorry for using a clean cloth... I will never do that again.”

    “I’m not angry for that reason, Princess. Did you know how surprised I was?”

    “But when I saw a person lying down, I couldn’t ignore it…”

    “Hah... Princess, did I mention my older sister? If an unknown person comes to visit me while I’m not there, you should run away regardless of the reason.”

    Those words worried Ashtarte’s well-being.

    Roena who decides is always like a habit said.


    It was a word that Roena did not say often because no one had visited the Empress's Palace.

    But it wasn’t to the point where she couldn't remember the fact even after hearing it, so Ashtarte replied quietly and tightened her lips.

    What if she caused Roe to be disappointed?

    Ashtarte was noticeably tense.

    “If I continue to speak such things, I may be imprisoned in a permanent prison for blasphemy, but if only the princess is safe, it would be good if a battle broke out in Florence, where His Highness the Crown prince was stabbed.

    “You’re familiar with the princess…”

    “Yes…It’s my fault. I’m so sorry, Roena.”

    Roena glared at Ashstarte with a more serious look than ever.

    Ashtarte, who knew very well why she was raising her voice, bowed her head silently.

    Since there was nothing left in her Ashtarte’s life except for roe, Ashtarte chose her not to be hated by her.

    “It was a terrible morning I really would not want to experience twice.”

    “So, where did the person who was treated by the princess go, and was he left unattended by the well?”

    “Ummm, it was there until last night... he was seriously injured.”

    “Severely injured? People are walking around in the Imperial Palace with such serious injuries...! What the hell is the Imperial Guard doing?”

    Although she usually had an infinitely friendly smile.

    Today, she was crumpled up as if she was going to catch a passing imperial guard knight and spit phlegm in her face.

    It was Roena, who had never imagined that an intruder would enter the Empress's palace when she wasn’t there.

    As if in anger, she asked, tearing up the bread she had bought in the morning.

    “Maybe our princess! It’s nice to meet you, didn’t you do anything to that ungrateful person who wouldn’t be enough even if you swung your arms around you?.”

    “Did I just care for someone who was lying down?”

    Ashtarte responded by shaking her head.

    In reality, she gathered all of the fabrics in the palace as well as all of the fabrics that were not there to stop the bleeding, and then all she had to do was lie down next to him and fall asleep.

    The princess even took care of him with her small, brackish hands, but she was left alone by the icy well and rushed away…

    Roena, who was tearing the bread with great force while violently grinding her teeth, placed the shredded bread on a little plate in bite-sized pieces.

    Then, with warm milk mixed with sweet sugar, it was presented in front of Ashtarte.

    Sugar was expensive, and it was one of the most valuable ingredients in the empress's palace, which had poor finances.

    However, for Ashtarte, who likes cooking with sugar, Roena would always add sugar to milk like this the next day after leaving the palace.

    I couldn’t prepare a sweet and splendid dessert just by looking at the exterior because of my poor financial situation.

    Even so, Ashtarte was happy enough with just the sugar milk that Roena brewed.

    “You just woke up and haven't eaten anything yet? Come on.”

    “You don’t eat Roena?”

    “Just looking at what the princess is eating makes me feel full.”

    “… lie.”

    Ashtarte turned her head and shifted her gaze to the expression storage behind her.

    ‘I don't think I know that much’.

    Roena leaves the palace once a month to make up for the lack of budget, but those outings were not always successful.

    The private money she had been raising was a subsidy that had been unreasonably continued for 7 years with the consideration of her father, Baron Orlando.

    For those 7 years, the budget of the Empress Palace was insufficient.

    The financial power of the Baron could not keep up with all of them.

    There were days when I couldn’t eat even one meal a day properly in the months I didn’t receive support.

    There was not a day when there was no worry in Roena's sweet caramel-colored eyes, who looked at Ashtarte as if sorry.

    It was a daily continuation of a tug-of-war with only a few days pasting her mouth.

    Her grant didn't come close to what Roe needed, but she didn't even.

    She was hundreds of thousands of times better than nothing.

    “Is this your last meal?”

    Ashtarte let out an indifferent voice, staring at the warm slices of bread and sugar milk steaming in front of me.

    Ashtarte was expecting that Baron Orlando’s unstable support would someday be cut off.

    So now on that matter.

    I wasn’t very surprised or worried. It’s not that I don’t eat, it’s that I can’t eat.

    Because it’s something I've been through a lot since my previous life.

    “… Is it possible? Don’t worry about the food and eat it right away, Princess.”

    “Roena, I drank too much tea last night and I'm still full. So let's share this bread with me half and half. Huh?.”


    Ashtarte picked up a few torn pieces of bread on the plate in front of her and handed it to Roena.

    “Okay then, share half and half.”


    “Yeah! Eat this here!”

    Roena was handed a piece of bread from Ashtarte.

    She took a bite of the freshly baked hot bread and looked around her kitchen with a glance.

    Contrary to Asstarte’s statement that she drank enough tea to fill her stomach even after waking up in the middle of the night, there was no trace of boiling water in the kitchen.

    To boil water, you need to light a fire in the furnace, but traces of using the furnace.

    This was not visible at all.

    Even using magic, water could be boiled.

    But since Ashtarte had never learned or used an ancient language, she would not be able to use magic either.

    She was naturally able to infer that Ashtarte did not brew and drink tea.

    But Roe couldn’t resist the little hand handing her the bread.

    “Thank you, Princess.”

    “Hye-hye, it tastes better when we eat it together.”


    “Yes…It is."

    How could such a cute little princess not be loved by her family and she is called the Darkness of the Empire?

    For some reason, Roena's heart was broken.

    Roena looked at Ashtarte, who mumbled a piece of her bread with a happy expression.

    And she struggled to contain the tingling emotions that rushed to one side of her chest.

    “So what does the intruder look like?”

    “Huh? What does it look like?.”

    “Yes. No matter how abandoned the Empress’s Palace is, I have to say something because there was an intruder on the property of the imperial family.”

    “He looks… Well, he’s a very pretty person.”

    “Do you mean pretty?”

    “Yes, he was a pretty person.”

    It was an abstract explanation, to be sure.

    Roena’s eyes were wide open as if she was seeking more explanations.

    Ashtarte paused for a moment before adding.

    “I can’t recall anything else, but his hair was as dazzling as moonlight!”

    “It was shining.”

    Moonlight… Are you saying that uh, it was silver hair?”

    Roe who opens her mouth wide in amazement.


    Episode 6.
    (Roena's pov)

    That’s right, silver hair in the imperial palace.

    The first thing that comes to mind when you think of someone who has...

    Silver hair must be a symbol of Florence…

    “No, it can’t be…”

    Ashtarte, who was sipping sugar milk, tilted her head while looking at Roena who mumbled softly in a voice that only I could hear in confusion.

    “Does Roena know anyone?.”

    “Oh, no! It can’t be...! It’s not like that...!”


    Roena's behavior was very questionable.

    Ashtarte, who looked at her, decided to focus on savoring the sweetness of the sugary milk that filled her mouth.

    Finish breakfast and clean up the kitchen. While she was doing it, she took out a cleaning tool from her warehouse to do the cleaning she hadn't been able to do for a whole day.

    Ashtarte followed Roena with a light and cheerful step with a bright smile, believing that she would soon be praised.

    “Huh? The hallway…”

    The Empress’s Palace was a palace that was abandoned and destroyed by the public, but it was quite spacious inside, just like the palace where the Empress lived before she was alive.

    The only remaining maid in the Empress's Palace, Since Roena was not within the scope to manage it entirely on her own, naturally, there was no choice but to create areas beyond her reach.

    The hallway on the second floor was one of them, and I would not have been able to clean it for a fortnight at a time.

    For a while longer than I thought, Roena was a bit perplexed at her clean appearance.

    “Heh heh.”

    “No way…”

    Roena turned towards Ashtarte behind her, who was following her.

    When I saw Ashtarte with her expression on her face, I couldn’t hold back her laughter leaking out of her.

    She said, “Did the princess clean it?.”

    “Yes! I was afraid that Roena would have a hard time, so I did it myself. Did I do well ?”

    “Yes, you did well.”


    A hand was placed on Ashtarte's head and she stroked it back and forth.

    ‘If Roena compliments me, I can do more…’

    Ashtarte, who had accepted Roena’s touch without avoiding it, puckered her lips in a very conspicuous manner.

    Roena praised her for helping her.

    But he doesn’t take help for granted, so Roe I didn’t always ask for more.

    I don’t know how many times Ashtarte thought that it would be better if she depended on herself a little more.

    Perhaps because she had never heard the word ‘commendation’ in her previous life, she still can’t forget her memory of the first time she heard her compliment from Roe.

    A feeling of itchiness on one side of the chest, a feeling of happiness that cannot be expressed in words, starting from the inside and spreading warmth.

    ‘A feeling I’ve never felt in my entire life’.

    Since then, Ashtarte has been trying hard to hear a single word of praise from Roena.

    Secretly helping Roena clean was the quickest way to get her praise.

    “ …What are you doing to get compliments now?.”

    Ashtartega, who was staring at me in her Roe as she neatly trimmed her tangled hair, shifted her gaze to her dress she was wearing with her blank gaze.

    Several stitches were clearly visible on the buttonhole, and there was fluff in some places on the arm.

    It was a dress that had been surviving for a long time through Roena's hands.

    In the past seven years of Roena becoming Ashtarte's nanny, she has never been a luxury for herself.

    Only for Ashtarte, he did his best so that Ashtarte could grow without lack.

    “Of course, the environment did not allow that, but…”

    Despite Roena’s efforts, poverty quickly reached out to Ashtarte.

    Her stomach was hungry every day, she could not even dream of a dress full of dignity as a princess, and the budget given to Ashtarte was insufficient.

    At first, she submitted a request for support to the Imperial Palace, but day, month, year, and year passed, she did not receive support from the Royal Palace of Rock, and she gave up early on in her Roe.

    Fortunately, there are places where you can avoid the rain.

    Ashtarte clenched her fists as she recalled that in her previous life, she and her mother, who wanted to sell her, used to go under the roof to escape the rain without a proper shelter.


    “Yes, Princess, why are you like this?”

    “Why doesn’t Roena fit her dress?”

    “I'm not from a high-status family that often goes out in social circles, and I’m not greedy for dresses like other ladies.”


    As Roe shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing like a dress, looking at me, Ashtarte bit her lip.

    ‘If I hadn’t been such a princess... if it wasn't for the character in the cursed prophecy, I would have been able to tailor a pretty dress that suited Roena, rather than an old dress like this...'

    Ashtarte was well aware that she was born in the prophecy of the Empire.

    Therefore, unless he is reborn, the environment will not change.

    As it has been for 10 years, forever and ever.


    (Ashtarte’s pov)

    Roena, who had finished cleaning the palace to some extent, was preparing to head to the main palace with her disheveled hair and clothes tidy.

    If she asked why she needed to go to the main palace, there were two reasons.

    One was to report on security in the palace, and the other was to procure insufficient food.

    “Then, Princess, I’ll go to the main palace for a while. I’ll be back soon.”

    Roena, who finished her preparations, said while stroking Ashtarte's head.

    “Roena, can’t I go too?”

    “Yeah? Out of the Empress Palace...?”


    Needless to say, Ashtarte had never entered the main palace in ten years.

    Although she did not say the words that Ashtarte wanted, the major reason was that she did not want to travel to Roena and bring Ashtarte to the main palace.

    There were no more eyes that looked at Ashtarte like a monster here in the Empress’s Palace.

    However, it was clear that there were maids in the main palace who either screamed in surprise when they saw her or ran away in fright.

    The day she went to the main palace alone to procure food for her, as usual.

    She huddled with the maids and remembered that she was telling the story of Astarte.

    It was medicine to bring out her words that she was ‘fearful’, and her main content was, ‘I want you to die as soon as possible for the sake of the empire's well-being’.

    This young princess must see them and get indelible wounds on her tender heart.

    It was a thing she didn’t want to even think about.

    She would never, Roe let out a small sigh and shook her head.

    She immediately sat down with her knees on the ground and she met Ashtarte and her gaze.

    “Princess, if there is no special reason, I will go to the main palace alone. There is nothing fun to do even if I go. Or do you have something you need? I will do my best to get it as much as possible.”

    “Ugh, no. I don’t need it. I just wanted to go out with Roena hand in hand.”


    Roe lost her words for a moment.

    Ashtarte wanted to go to the main palace for 10 years.

    She couldn’t, nor had she ever been outside the Empress’s Palace.

    The reason was so simple.

    Because of the prophecies of Dan and Madi given to Florence from the temple, Ashtarte became a symbol of fear within the empire.

    As if alive or dead.

    There was no emperor’s order to live as if there was.

    Confinement in the palace was not even worse. Nevertheless, Ishtarte has naturally tried not to be noticed for the past 10 years, as if he knew his position.

    “...Yes. All right. What could be the reason why the princess, who is a member of the royal family, couldn’t go to the main palace? Let’s go together!”

    “Really? Really? Can't undo?”

    As if she did not know that he would allow it, Ashtarte ran around with an excited expression on her face.

    “Instead, you know you shouldn't walk around alone, right? The main palace is wide, so you might get lost.”

    “Yeah, okay! I’ll never fall next to Roena!”

    Ashtarte shook her head, saying she would never do that.

    ‘It's my first time going out with someone!’.

    Looking at the children of the author's past life, one of the things that Astarte was most envious of was a ‘family outing’.

    Wearing pretty clothes, carrying delicious food, holding hands with family members and leaving the mansion brightly, they could not look so bright.

    In fact, the fact that Ashtarte could go somewhere with Roena came closer than the fact that she was visiting the main palace where her real family lived.

    Her happy mood flooded in, as if she had filled her mouth with her favorite sugary milk.


    Episode 7

    Chapter2_Ashtarte and Brothers.

    (Ashtarte’s pov)

    For the first time in her life, Ashtarte and Roena joined hands and entered the main palace.

    It was far larger than the Empress Palace, where Ashtarte lived, and it was so grand that the unknown intimidation shattered us.

    Beautiful flower decorations that are not found in the Empress’s Palace, as well as golden statues that shine even when there is no sunlight.

    Ashtarte was taken aback and covered her slightly open mouth with her small hand.

    It was a big shock for Ashtrarte, who had never been outside the Empress’s Palace.

    “The main palace is very large…”

    “Because the Emperor and the princes are living there.”

    “Ugh, that's right.”

    “Now then, shall we go, Princess?”

    After being led by Roena, Ashtarte went to the 5th Knights gymnasium, which was located outside the main palace.

    It wasn’t as near to the main palace as she had hoped, but it was still closer to the Empress's Palace.

    Roe, who was moving confidently, stopped in front of the hall door, cast a delicate glance towards Astarte, and smiled softly.


    ‘Do you believe what I’m saying?’ Ashtarte smiled face to face without hesitation, with a confident smile that appeared to say.
    bang! Then I went out to Roe and strode right through her gym's door.

    She shoved the door open and arrived in front of the knights who were training.

    Various trained knights turned their heads all at once to identify the person who burst through the door, and after confirming that it was Roena, they instantly drew attention to themselves.

    And, like the others who had seen nothing, the training resumed as if the door had been left open from the start.

    This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.

    “My sister, Roena Yeres, do not break the gymnasium’s doors. I’m not sure how many times I've said this.”

    As I went through the gymnasium door, a man with long brown hair, similar to Roena’s, entered at the end of Ashtarte's gaze.

    “I won't be able to say anything today, even if I break the door. Sir Ason!”

    Ason Belga, the leader of the 5th Knights of Florence, who was sitting on a chair with an uninterested expression and reviewing the postures of the knights in training, cast a keen glance at the screaming Roena.

    Cold, water-colored eyes poured relentlessly over Roena.

    “I’m not sure why, but it has nothing to do with the opening stage doors, has it?”

    “What’s the big deal about a door leaf?”

    Ason looked down at the door leaf that had been shattered on the ground and pressed against his temple.

    At this time, the stress that has built since Roena’s visit to the gym has shown itself! She was and felt like she was about to explode.

    Ason’s headaches were caused by Roena, who was like a virus that shouldn’t be here.
    Toxic viruses for which there is no vaccination,

    “All right, let's hear why the door was shattered today.”

    Roena was nicknamed the ‘walking calamity’ even within the Knights Templar due to her constant kicking at the gymnasium door.

    Ason breathed quietly and asked, his gaze drawn away from Roena as though she did not wish to talk for an extended period.

    “It's the Princess business.”

    “...You don’t mean Her Highness the Princess Amaryllis when you mention the princess that comes out of your tongue, do you?”

    “Of course not!”

    “It's Princess Ashtarte!”

    “Ashtarte... Princess!”

    Ason got up from his seat and took a deep breath as he noticed Ashtarte’s black hair hidden behind Roena.

    Black hair that lacks shine.

    Bright yellow eyes, like those of a beast preying on its victim.

    Without saying anything, he could tell just by looking.

    The little girl in front of him is mentioned in the prophecy that has caused this empire to buzz.

    Even though Ashtarte has been alive for more than ten years, this is the first time he has seen the divine star of darkness.

    Ason, who encountered her for the first time, lowered his head as though belatedly performing his manners, possibly as she was imprisoned in her empress’s palace.

    When Ason shouted out, all of the knights in the gym came to a halt, put their fists behind their backs, and bent their heads.

    Ason and the knights faced the darkness that would destroy Florence with no fear in their gaze.

    There was, however, simply an unknown, high level of tension.

    “What made you come to this shabby place?”

    “Ah… I was just following Roena… If I interrupted training, I would say, “I’m really sorry.”

    “No. Princess. Please keep your words low.”

    “Ah, yes... I’ll try my best.”

    Ashtarte has never been this kind

    As she had never received any treatment, she felt burdened by Ason's excessive kindness.

    From Ason’s point of view, he was merely fulfilling the courtesy of the imperial family as a subject.

    Not knowing what to do, Ashtarte grabbed Roena's skirt in bewilderment.

    Roena must have misunderstood that Ashstarte was afraid of Ason.

    He took a step forward and raised his voice at first so that Ason did not see her.

    “I used to believe that the guards in Florence were loyal to their jobs and did a good job, but now that I think about it, that doesn't appear to be the case.”

    “What exactly do you mean?” The 5th Knights were the elite guards in charge of the palace’s security and the royal family's protection.

    Ason, who was feeling proud of the knights he was leading, frowned and asked.

    “Last night, an unknown intruder came to the Empress’s Palace. It seems that he was also seriously injured.”


    “I'm so excited! Ha. Absolutely! How can I explain this other than the guard’s negligence? Oh! Should I call it a lack of ability?”

    “What did that intruder look like? Was he wearing a robe or...well, wasn't his face half-covered?”

    Despite Roena’s cynicism, Ason had a serious expression on his face and was unharmed.

    Perhaps the role of commander of the knights was not a bluff, the inside of the dance hall appeared to have become colder than before.

    Ah, Roe, I’m in danger, so they might as well draw the blade from their waist, approach Roe, and cut off her own neck.

    Ashtarte shuddered all over immediately.

    Ason glared down at her with ice-cold eyes, but Roena disregarded them.

    She then returned her attention to Ashtarte and spoke to her in a nice tone.

    “Princess, now can you explain to that scary-looking person about the person you saw yesterday? You know what you need to tell in as much detail as possible, right.?”


    As a result, Ashtarte wiggled her fingers and moved them around.

    The sparkling gaze contained the glances of the knights in the gym, including Ason and Roena.

    “So... he wasn’t wearing a robe, he was everything. He was a pretty man with moonlight hair...”

    “Are you talking about the moonlight?”

    As Ason heard an unexpected answer, his eyes widened.

    “Wasn’t he a person with hair this long?”

    Then he slid his long hair over his shoulder and pointed at the edge of his shoulder with the blade of his hand.

    “That’s right! He was such a pretty man.”


    Ason buried his face in the palm of his hand with a look of embarrassment.

    It was the moment when Ason, who had been quiet for a while, tried to tear off his mouth that did not come off.

    “The child wants to convey that the person is probably me. Isn’t it?

    “It's, Your Majesty the Crown Prince!.”

    Ashtarte’s eyes met the silver-haired young man who strode into the hall over the door that Roena had blown away.

    The uniform draped slightly over his shoulder swayed lightly.

    It was a young man with moonlight hair that Ashtarte had treated with sincerity the day before.

    It was the feeling he felt when he was drenched in blood and passed out, but he appeared with a more gloomy appearance and was clothed with an incomparable nobility to the previous day.

    Ashtarte was so happy looking at him

    ‘Tell me about your father...?’

    ‘Did you just look that person in the eyes and say that?’

    His Majesty the Crown Prince is said to be the Empire’s first prince in succession.

    If so, this figure standing right in front of her was meant to be Ashtarte’s brother.

    Ashtarte gently raised her head, catching her breath as she met the twinkling red eyes staring down at her in front of her eyes.

    ‘It’s like a red diamond…’

    Red diamonds, a noble color that Ashtarte, who is not related to jewels, only encountered in books.

    Even though his eyes met for a moment, he was so beautiful that she forgot how to breathe.

    The bright red color of high purity was similar to the fresh blood he shed the day before.

    “Your Majesty, why did you come to this place…”

    “I have a lot to ask the Lord, so it saved me a lot of trouble…. Ashtarte Florence.”


    Astonished by the sudden call of my name, Ashtarte shook her shoulder once.

    ‘There were multiple mistakes last night. You must have done all of the hemostasis and wrapped yourself in a blanket, right?’

    “Did you come to me to say thank you?”

    Ashtarte, who had her gaze fixed on the floor, shook her head once in a rigid posture.

    “She indeed covered his body even with rags of bravery, so we should be thankful. Isn’t it?”

    “Ah, there… no, yes…”

    “If you weren’t here today, I was going to express my gratitude in my own way through Lord Ason.”


    “It’s a relationship that we met again. If there’s anything you want, anything is fine, so please tell me.”

    Ashtarte quickly raised her gaze towards the floor and met her red eyes.

    ‘Anything? I'll do anything…?’


    All they needed right now was food and money to live on. Because that was the reason I came to the main palace with Roena like this.

    Normally, I would have asked for them, but when asked to say what they want, something instantly popped into Ashtarte’s head.

    “A dress! Give me a dress!”


    Episode 8.

    (Ashtarte’s pov)


    So far, she had simply gazed at the floor and hesitated, but Ashtarte came running over to the other side, looked at him, clenched her fists, and yelled.

    “It’s a very, very pretty dress that everyone will remember when they see it!”

    Ashtarte cast a glance towards Roena, who was silently bowing her head and staring at the floor, thinking about what she was thinking.

    Ashtarte knew the old, worn-out dress Roena was wearing had been worn for at least three years…

    It was a little hazy, but in my recall from three years ago, it appeared to be a really clean and gorgeous gown.

    Even though things aren't looking good right now.

    ‘I’d like to give something to Roena since even half of what she did to me was nice.’

    ‘She wants to wear a lovely dress, not a finished one!’

    The dance floor fell silent again when Ashtarte let out an unexpected cry.

    Ason, who was standing behind them and watching them, was no exception.

    He expected that the young princess would request money and food.

    No...There was no doubt that she would say so.

    It was obvious just by looking at Roena, but it was especially plain that the Empress Palace’s budget was in serious financial problems, to the point where it couldn't even obtain food properly.

    That is most likely why I traveled to Roe today to see her main palace.

    With a sincere heart, Ason believed that all of this was for their own good.

    The princess's budget is not tiny, but when financial troubles arise, it is because they spend a lot of money.

    Even though she acts as if she can, her maid must be untalented in fact.

    Despite this, Ashtarte and Roena did not display external luxury.

    Such a fact, according to Ason, did not play a significant role in determining a person's worth.

    As a result, the budget had been exhausted. indicates that there was a cost in either direction

    She believed it was even more pitiful that she slammed the door of the gym every day and complained about the men's incompetence.

    But, unexpectedly, the princess in front of him spoke an answer that no one else in the room could have thought of.

    “What did you just say?”

    That of the Crown Prince of Florence, Mirajen Florence, was also unsettling.

    “A dress. Gorgeous dress!”

    “...I’m not deaf. Why are you asking me for something easy if you just tell your handmaiden to do it?”

    “But I don't have money.”

    “Ha! I don't have money? How am I supposed to accept that someone whose name is a princess doesn't have the money to make a dress?”

    Mirajen looked at her with a sweetheart's smile.

    It’s not that I didn't expect her to request a dress.

    Looking at her dull clothes, he suspected that this was something.

    Why, He wondered, did I feel horrible when I heard that?

    Ashtarte responded with a more serious expression than usual.

    “Other than that, I don't need anything else. If you’re going to reward me with something, all you need is a nice dress.


    Roena’s failure to get into her new clothing is most likely because she needs more than she has.

    If it were just a normal dress, it would be fairly pricey, but it wasn’t clear if it was a particularly fancy dress.

    Was it an unreasonable request, or did She hear words of denial? Ashtarte clasped her two hands together.

    ‘But since you said you would listen to anything…’

    So Mirajen and Ashtarte had a battle while silently looking into each other’s eyes.

    Mirajen sighed heavily as the silent ice war came to an end.

    When he saw Ashtarte, who didn’t seem to be backing down, he realized that any further discussion was pointless.

    “Ha... Yeah, I understand. But it’s difficult to justify my existence for the cost of a single outfit. I’ll send you a few dresses that fit your body to the palace.”

    Mirajen had just told us to say that as he straightened and turned over the door. The uniform over the shoulder was fluttering in the wind’s direction.

    She was still small and stretched her hand as if she was attempting to catch the walking person.


    However, the hands that were stretched in the air appeared to be hesitant to act. It didn’t grab anything in the palm of her hand.

    ‘I do not even say anything about my clothes!’

    ‘Uh, I need to call him, but if I call him, I won’t know what the title is...’

    The hands that climbed up to the stretched hand kept a terrible distance as if they could reach the end, and the scene flashed before her eyes like a sword during the memory of the wrath, during the memory of her entire existence.

    The characters that came to mind were the mysterious brothers who were bothering Ashtarte's enthusiasm.

    The Viscount’s youngest and only daughter had always referred to her two older brothers as such.

    When she called, they smiled brightly as if they had everything in the world.

    Umm... She is really not very certain but based on her memories of her previous life, she must have been mistaken.

    Let us speak nicely! I'm referring to an adult dress for Roena, not mine!.

    Ashtarte dropped her freely raised hands and clenched her fists hard, as if determined.

    And exclaimed loudly enough to fill the gymnasium.

    “Wait…brother! Please wait!”

    For a brief moment, the dancing hall was deafeningly quiet.

    She only wanted to do this once in her life, so she couldn't hear a single drop.

    As if in amazement, the characters in the hall couldn't open their lips.

    Mirajen, who had already exited the door, came to a halt at her cry, close to Ashtarte's scream, and turned to stare back at her with a confused expression.

    What exactly did you just say to Miragen's face? The expression was drawn.

    And Ashtarte tilted her head, watching the responses of those who had been rapidly taken down.

    ‘Huh…Wasn't it her father, rather than her brother?...’

    Ashtarte smiled mischievously and scratched her temple lightly.

    ‘How about it, because I've put a stop to it for the time being!’

    Ashtarte remarked, ‘It is the moment,’ and dashed to Mirajen on her small legs.

    “I’m not talking about young ladies dresses, brother.”

    “What? So, which dress are you referring to?”

    Ashtarte grinned and motioned for Mirajen to bow.

    She whispered As if telling a secret, covering her mouth with both ears over one ear of Mirajen, still leaning on her back without a word, with a half-crazy expression on her face.

    “I want you to make my maid, Roena's dress, not mine.”

    “...The handmaidens?”

    “That's right. You don’t have to worry about my dress, so please make a nice dress for Roe!”

    “Why are you asking me to make the maid's dress rather than your own?”

    Where had Mirajen bowed, he wondered and straightened his back.

    He had a look on his face that she didn't really understand.

    “I wanted to give it as a gift because I really like her, but as you can see, I don’t have much.”

    If she had been a wealthy princess, she would have been

    Ashtarte lowered her shoulders with a sullen look.

    Although she had no money, she was happy when she was alone with Roe, but her happiness did not solve everything in her life.

    In the end, to get something, sacrifice was necessary.

    In her happiness, still hungry, the autumn wind blew through her shortened dress, and Roe looked at me, and my sorry expression did not disappear.

    “There’s no reason to say no. I see.”

    “Thank you. Thank you very much. Brother.”


    As Ashtarte bowed her head with all her heart and expressed her gratitude, Mirajen looked down at her without a word.

    “... Ashtarte Florence.”

    “Yes, brother?”

    “If you want to survive long in the palace, One last piece of advice.”


    “If you don't want to die, don't call me that.”

    There was a slight disgust in the still, unstained crimson eyes.

    Why? Why are you even looking at me with those eyes?

    “The only person who can call me that way is my sister Lily.”

    “Then I... what should I call you?”

    “Call me like everyone else. We won't be seeing each other often anyway.”

    Even Ashtarte once dreamed of being loved.

    She had no doubts that even family members she hadn’t seen in 10 years would come to see her someday if she worked hard.

    She thought that if she became a person who could do anything by herself, she would not fall behind prophecies.

    Suddenly, round tears like dewdrops filled Ashtarte's eyes.

    As tears flowed down in front of Mirjen, Ashtarte bit the soft flesh in her mouth to hold it in.

    Her reality was drenched in a dark color just like her previous life.

    “Yes, I will. Your Majesty the Crown Prince.”

    Mirajen nodded his head, saying that was it, and as if satisfied, he turned his back and finally left the place.

    If she doesn’t want Mirajen to hear that, Ashtarte will never put the title in her mouth.

    Just for the sake of stopping.

    ‘But I...I’m yours too’.

    ‘This is it...’

    Looking at the back of her receding Mirajen, his silver hair, which faded like a mist of water, was beautiful, and Ashtarte cried uncontrollably.

    Yeah, his hair is so dazzling...

    That was the only reason she couldn't swallow her cry.


    Episode 9

    (Roena’s pov)

    As a young child’s nanny, she taught all of the etiquette and information she possessed while loving and caring for Ashtarte.

    ‘However, only one thing.’

    She was not even direct when it came to the name.

    The main reason was that Roena did not mention Ashtarte’s names.

    It was because she didn’t want to hear Ashtarte greet them pleasantly and treat them as if they were family.

    They were the family who had neglected the princess for ten years.

    ‘Come now, Lord, according to what qualifications ?’

    ‘Can you hear what your sister is saying?’

    “Do you have any ideas on how to make it so easy to call?”

    Isn’t it ridiculous that a newborn baby hasn’t seen a family member in ten years?

    There is no way I could not have met you if I had made up my mind to meet you

    If they had decided to kill Ashtarte, her throat would have been slit immediately.

    But she was still alive.

    It meant, on the other hand, that they were uninterested in Ashtarte.

    Perhaps they consider her as a pointless existence with no purpose to meet her or value her enough to kill her.

    ‘No, she is still the Princess of Florence. Regardless of what anyone says!’

    Roe, too, had no intention of not teaching her title education for the rest of her life, if only to avoid being ignored.

    Even if the High Priest’s prophecy made her a fearful and timid being, she would not be regarded by the people as a dumb princess who knew nothing.

    lest ignorance suffocates her.

    If my precious princess matures physically and mentally, the day will come when she will be able to enter the social world, even if she doesn't want it.

    She intended to teach her one at a time.

    She, on the other hand, never imagined that this day would come.

    In other words, it was a totally unaccounted-for situation.

    “Last night, there was a lot of disrespect. You had complete control over the hemostasis and the blanket you used to cover your body, right?”

    Ashtarte’s half-brother and the Empire’s crown prince, Prince Mirajen

    He appeared proudly in front of her.

    While Roena was attempting to make up for her insufficient budget, Ashtarte was working hard and claimed to have treated the silver-haired man who broke into the Empress’s Palace.

    Florence was symbolized by the silver hair.

    No one could have such a noble color.

    Except for Ashtarte, the genuine royal family had different silver hair.

    Even Princess Amaryllis was courteous.

    She was cautious and doubtful, but even if it was the royal family, Roe chose to focus on the fact that an unknown injured had come into the empress’s palace.

    “He should be grateful that she covered his body even with a rag-like carpet. Isn’t that right?”

    “Ah, there... no, yes…”

    “Yeah, if you weren’t here today, I was going to express my gratitude in my own way through Ason.”


    “It’s a relationship that we met again. If there's anything you want, please tell me.”

    The high-pressure attitude unique to the royal family has been felt.

    The tone with which you asked me to tell you once because I'm going to give it a chance was annoying.

    I didn’t hide the embarrassment in front of the Crown Prince but rather displayed it.

    She was her younger sister, whom he met after a ten-year lack...

    Even though he had to have known that the Ashtarte in front of his eyes was his sister.

    “...Is that all you have to say?”

    In her distress, Roena frowned and bit her bottom lip, bending her head.

    As she gazed down at the floor, she was reminded of Ashtarte, who was staring alone at the fireworks that filled the night sky on her birthday.

    Wet tears welled up in Roena's corners of her eyes.

    It wasn't because Ashtarte was pitiful, but because Mirajen was in front of her.

    I’m not sure what kind of conversation happened while I was holding back my tears, but it seemed like the two of them had finished talking.

    Ashtarte’s bright and cheerful voice penetrated my ears as She slowly raised her head.

    “Oh…brother! Please wait a minute!”

    The sound of the 5th Knights, including Ason, gasping for breath, continued for a few seconds, then quickly pretended to be calm as if it had never happened.

    ‘Ah, Princess! The name is a little…!’

    Where did you learn such a name?

    Roe felt the tears she had been holding back dry quickly.

    Ashtarte, who had already left the gymnasium, took one step at a time toward Mirajen, approached him, and softly said.

    Mirajen, who had wrinkled his brow as he listened to Ashtarte, said a few things with the fact that he didn't understand and then shook his head.

    There was one more expression I didn't understand.

    Unfortunately, I don't know what they were discussing, but her final words before she went, Roe, struck my ears sharply.

    “Don’t call me that if you don't want to die. My sister Lily is the only person who has the right to call me such. Call me by my first title, just like everyone else. We won’t be seeing each other too often anyway.”

    With those words, Mirajen returned and walked without looking back, and after a while, it faded into the background and vanished.

    Even after his back figure had vanished, Ashtarte remained motionless.

    ‘It sounds like you're a nice person... maybe you're crying.’

    The first blood and flesh they met in ten years were to have hurt.

    She was scared, but I was also afraid to approach Ashtarte.

    Was it because Ashtarte didn't cry, or because she didn’t want to expose her crying face?

    She’d l never been sad in front of Roena.
    As a result, I couldn’t figure out how to approach.

    Mild empathy would be dishonesty, and it would be less common than no comfort at all.

    Roe couldn’t stand the terrible pain that flooded into her chest, so she turned away.


    (Ashtarte’s pov)

    Ashtarte was silent and only weeping.

    I wanted to cry out loud, but I couldn't cry like my heart because I had never cried before.

    She pulled down her thin sleeves, quickly wiping away the tears from her eyes, and turned bravely, Ashtarte walked towards Roena.

    As she turned her back from her, Roena shook her shoulder in surprise at her popularity.

    “Roena, let’s go now.”

    “Princess...I’m sorry.”

    “What is there for Roena to be sorry for?”

    “But if I hadn’t come to the main palace…”

    I went out to Roe and rolled up her fists.

    Her cracked nails, the traces of her long labor, dig into her palms, but she didn't mind the pain of such a momentary moment.

    Had it not been for Ashtarte's request that she wanted to go with her, she might not have come to this situation at this moment.

    Even if I had broken Ashtarte's expectations if I had refused at that time.

    “I said to go, I’m fine, all I need is Roena!.”


    Ashtarte smiled broadly as she looked at Roena.

    Even though she was smiling, the red eyes around her showed that she was crying.

    Roe’s shoulders were crushed by her awful guilt.

    Ashtarte, who was staring at her, grabbed one of her hands and sought to free herself.

    “Princess Ashtarte.”

    Ason called Ashtarte just as she was about to cross her threshold.

    She spun around and stared into his eyes, then found them kneeling on one knee on the floor.

    “I am greeting you for the first time. My name is Ason Belgar, the 5th Knights Commander. If you have any trouble in the future, please tell me. I will help you.”

    “...To me?”

    “Of course. The princess is also a member of the imperial family.”

    Ashtarte opened her eyes in a round shape and stared intently at the crown of Ason, who had bowed his head.

    He was just focused on his profession, but Roe was a nice person.

    She had observed two categories of people.

    ‘People who are uninterested in her,’ and ‘People who hate her.’

    Among them was Roe, who had no similarity to any of them.

    It was also one of the reasons Roena was such an important person to Ashtarte.

    Ason, whom I met for the first time today, was another someone who did not fit into either of the two groups.

    Maybe he could become a special person like Roe, I thought.

    “Thank you. Again... can I come to meet Ason... again?”

    “I don't think that would be possible.”

    “Ah... it must be so. I…”

    “Sir Ason!.”

    Roena was taken aback as Ashtarte died of grass in response to Ason's cold reply.

    “Wait a minute, what are you saying to the princess?”

    “I apologize. I didn't go into enough detail. It meant the princess didn't have to pay me a visit. If you want to meet me, I’ll pay you a visit to the palace.”

    “Ah! Okay! I'm so happy. Sir Ason! I’ll be waiting for you every day!”

    “It is an honor.”

    (Ason’s pov)

    Ason raised his head and looked at Ashtarte’s bright smile.

    The bright yellow eyes that I thought looked like the eyes of a beast when I first saw them sparkled like stars, and the dull black hair flew freely like the still night sky.

    Earlier, I couldn't take a good look at it due to the influence of Roena and Mirajen, but when I looked closely, Ashtarte was wearing a dress that was much smaller than her body size.

    It was worn out, and it looked like it had been worn for at least a few years.

    Ason recalled the meeting with another princess, Amaryllis, whom he met this morning.

    At first glance, she looked like a pure white angel, with a color opposite to the Ashtarte in front of me, but she was wearing a dress as gorgeous as her appearance.

    Just by looking at her appearance, she can immediately tell that she is a noble person.

    But Ashtarte was different. Is she really the ‘darkness’ in the prophecy? Is this still small and fragile girl really the divine star of darkness that will destroy the empire?

    Perhaps it is the foolish people who believe her prophecies that are driving this princess into darkness.

    Truly... Isn’t it ‘Florence’ itself?

    Ason’s eyes trembled slightly.

    But no one by his side could give a clear answer to that question.


    Episode 10
    (Ashtarte’s pov)

    Roena said this on the way back to the main palace after leaving the gymnasium of the 5th Knights.

    “I just need to go to the kitchen and get some food, so could you please wait a moment? I’ll return as soon as possible.”

    After the episode with Mirajen, Roena drew what the servants and maids in the kitchen would say if they saw Ashstarte, as if reading their minds.

    Because it was in the kitchen that Roena heard the bad news about Ashtarte.

    I couldn't let her hear anything hurtful anymore.

    One mistake was enough.

    “Can’t we go together?”

    “Okay. What can't be done? But for now, please let me go alone. Please.”

    “…Uh-huh, I see. I’m staying here.”

    “I’ll be back.”

    Ashtarte nodded her head at Roe's resolute answer.

    There was no need to rush and chase after them.

    ‘Something must be wrong with Roena.’

    Roe, who hastened her feet and promised to return soon, saw me off, and Ashtarte, who sat down and stared blankly at the sky.

    The white clouds floating around looked like Mirajen.

    A magnificent color that is invisible to a single speck, a clear and pure color that is polar opposites to me.

    Ashtarte looked into her jet-black hair as she pulled the side of it with both hands.


    It was dark.

    It was dark and dirty.

    A single small impurity on the white paper felt unclean, but my hair was even dirtier.

    “You're hated because your clothes, hands, and everything else is filthy. That’s correct; it’s natural.”

    Ashtarte was anxious to know why she was hated...

    There was room for improvement, which was why there were unclean clothes and dirty hands.

    I only hoped that my very existence was not the main reason.

    The autumn breeze was bitterly cold.

    Ashtarte pulled her two short sleeves straight up, hoping for some warmth, but still, let them fall around her chest.

    ‘God... Why are you putting me through this? I, too, want to be loved... That was all I wanted.’

    Ashtarte found a god she had never learned before.

    Because if I hadn’t asked in that way, I wouldn’t have anyone to complain to about my situation.

    She took a deep breath and buried her face between her knees right away.

    My vision is as dark as the rest of the world.

    For me, it was completely dark.

    “What are you doing over there?”

    In the cool fall wind, an incredibly insensitive voice pulled me away.

    She immediately pulled her head up, startled, and a pair of men's shoes reflected in her eyes.

    “Ah, there…That's what…”

    As Ashtarte paused, unsure what to say, a man in front of her sat down, knees bent.

    Ashtarte trembled as she looked at the man who had been lowered in an instant.

    In the moonlight, his hair shined. The man in front of me had Mirajen’s hair color.

    Silver hair that is a little less glossy than that.

    Peridot-colored eyes that seemed to be devoid of emotion, just like his voice.

    Ashtarte averted her gaze, avoiding the green eyes staring back at her.

    “So...what was your name?”

    "Yes? Ah... Ah, Ashtarte."

    “Ah yes, that was the name… So Ashtarte…what were you doing here?”

    “I was waiting for the maid who came with me to get food.”




    Even though she averted her face, the gaze on one cheek was unmistakable, so she bowed her head.

    Then she assumed he'd depart shortly, but the man didn’t move for a while and continued to stare at Ashtarte.

    “It doesn’t look particularly dangerous…”


    “No, nothing…”

    The man jumped right back up, untied the long cloak that had been draped over one of his shoulders, and put it over Ashtarte's shoulder.

    The chilly back of Ashtarte's arm was brushed by the silky feel of his clothes.

    “If you're going to be there, wear it and wait.”

    “Ha. But this is…”

    “It doesn’t matter if you have it, so don't decline.”

    Ashtarte gently grabbed the cloak that was resting on her shoulder.

    Unlike her dirty dress, it was a luxurious cloak that was soft to the touch and well-ironed.

    I didn’t know, but I could feel it on my skin that it would be very expensive.

    Ashtarte, who had never seen or felt such fine cloth before, stretched out her hand to remove the cloak and return it to the man.

    “But I think this is too much for me. Take it.”

    “I didn't anticipate the words to be so long.”

    As though he didn't have a choice, the man took the cloak from Astarte's hands.

    “I will return my sympathy if it is burdened.”


    “Then I think it's the responsibility of the family.”

    Warmth fell again on Ashtarte's shoulders.

    I couldn't refuse since the hand holding the fluttering robe was gentler than I had thought.

    “Then let's meet again someday.”

    The man, still not sure what he was thinking, said his final goodbye and walked away slowly.

    All that remained was Ashtarte, dressed in mismatched clothes, and an autumn breeze in his cold robe.

    Ashtarte took up the hem of the cloak and lifted it up to her chest.

    For the first time, everything was full of new experiences.

    Fabric with a soft texture. A coat that is warm enough to keep you from feeling cold. and…

    ‘A gift from the family…’

    Ashtarte recalled the old maid's words.

    “If you see the two princes doing their best for Princess Amaryllis, you can tell who the light of the empire is right?”

    Two princes. She had never met, but upon hearing that, she knew that there were two brothers above me.

    “Heh heh…”

    The first gift I received from my family was warm enough, to say the least.

    Knowing that it was meaningless, she was happy again without speed.

    (Mirajen's pov)

    Mirajen, the Crown Prince's study, was built to manage the work that had been put back during his absence, so he sat in one spot for long hours, facing the documents.

    Mirajen, who was reading swiftly while holding an ink pen in one hand and a document corner in the other, came to a halt for a time.

    Ink trickled off her pen's nib, which had been in her air for a long time.


    Mirajen dropped the papers on the desk like dust and rubbed his tired temple.

    He was then lost in thought when he noticed a dark smudge of ink.

    ‘Ashtarte Florence…’

    Another sister of mine likes Amaryllis.

    The color of her hair, like the color of this spreading ink, was not like anyone in the royal family, so it was a symbol of ominousness.

    About Ashtarte, Mirajen also heard a lot of rumors.

    Empire’s darkness.

    The existence that destroys Florence.

    The meaningless rumors had no effect on Mirajen.

    But she was the closest to him.

    《Darkness swallows up light and will eventually lead the Empire of Florence to ruin》

    It was a passage of prophecy that the high priest who had received the oracle gave to the emperor.

    ‘If the prophecy is true, Lily…’

    Will it be the light that the world speaks of? otherwise.

    Mirajen, who was thinking of Amaryllis, instinctively said, ‘Brother!’ to the phrase ‘light’. shouting, he remembered Ashtarte.

    He couldn't figure out why she suddenly appeared.

    Even though it was my own feelings, I was relieved that I didn't know the reason.

    Deciding that it would be impossible to concentrate in this mood, Mirajen sprinted from his seat and got up.

    “You don’t look very well…?”

    “...You have returned quickly, Noah.”

    “There was no profit.”

    The second prince, Noah, who was standing with his back against an open door without a measure of popularity, answered with an indifferent expression.

    “I guess so. He’s a suspect.”

    “Didn’t you say that magic is sealed? There will be no movement for the time being.”

    “I hope so. But you, the one you always did…”

    Mirajen, feeling uncomfortable because he didn't have the royal cloak he always wore, pointed to one of the slender Noah's shoulders and asked.

    “Oh, I just threw it away.”

    “You mean that?”


    “Did it get torn?”

    “No, it was dirty.”

    I might get an infection.

    Mirajen gave a puzzled expression.

    But he didn't care any longer, so Mira Jen nodded once to indicate that he would soon agree.

    Following their brief talk, the sound of a knock resounded quietly between the hush that followed.

    “Your Majesty. We constructed ten ready-made dresses based on the measurements of Roena Yeres, the Empress maid.”

    A maid knocked on Mirajen’s door and reported to her, hiding her face from getting inside thanks to Noah who was positioned between her doors.

    “Is it?”

    “Is there anything else you need?”

    All Ashtarte wanted was her maid's dress.

    Mirajen pondered for a moment, as he was no longer obligated to do anything for her, and answered firmly.

    “No. Send me straight to the Empress's Palace.”

    “Yes, I understand.”

    “…No, wait.”


    Mirajen summoned the maid who was about to leave.

    He hated meaningless things in the world, so he preferred to get everything done at once.

    Whether it's government work or office work. Because of this, he has never once overturned his name.

    She shed a bewildered voice, as the maidservant was also familiar with her first experience, but she responded calmly like the Crown Prince’s competent maidservant.

    “Yes, my lord. Is there anything else you need?”

    “Wait a minute.”

    Mirajen examined the papers on the desk.

    There was a scrap of paper with ink dripping into Mirajen’s two eyes.

    I despise seeing it, yet I want to ignore it. The slight gleam of distortion was irritating.


    Episode 11

    « “But I don’t have money."»

    Ashtarte, who had said that while looking up at me proudly, came to mind, and a smirk came out of Mirajen's mouth.

    I don't know Ashtarte, but since she was born, her palace has not been freely accessible to her royal family.

    It was because there was a earnest request that risked the life of the high priest.

    'If you don't want to believe it, you don't have to believe it, just one thing. Please don't come close to the darkness of the Empress's Palace'.

    At that time, the emperor, Orwen, left without any answer, but the high priest regarded the silence as a positive answer, and entry to the Imperial Family at the Empress's Palace was implicitly taboo.

    And it was the same with the princes Mirazen and Noah.

    Since they were strictly royal families, they were taught that they should not come close to the empress's palace, as if they were brainwashed.

    Therefore, Mirajen encountered Amaryllis, who naturally lived close to the main palace, more often than Ashtarte, who was born and raised in the Empress's Palace.

    «“I really liked him, so I wanted to give him a present, but as you can see, I don’t have much.”»

    There was no way such a absurd thing could have happened.

    There's no way you really don't have anything.

    Because she's a princess.

    Naturally, there was no shortage of support.

    However, in Mirajen's memories that come to mind at a glance, Ashtarte was dressed in a distinctly different outfit from Amaryllis.

    It was an undeniable reality.

    Dirty hair that was unorganized and fluttered freely. Hands too dirty to be the princess's. Even dresses that are much smaller than my size.

    'It's annoying. Astarte Florence, what the hell are you... … … … '

    Mirajen hesitated for a moment, then let out a small sigh and spoke softly to the maid at the door.

    "Prepare the dress of Princess Ashtarte together."


    "Didn't you hear? I ordered you to prepare the dress of Princess Ashtarte."

    “No… yes… I see.”

    When the maid received an unexpected command, she left in a hurry, leaving only a shaky answer in her embarrassment.

    "Ashtarte's dress...? She gave Lily a dress she hadn't done before... What day is it today?"

    Noah, who was still leaning against the door, applauded in surprise, as if she had heard something unbelievable.

    Does that mean mockery? Or does it mean pure admiration?

    Mirajen glared at Noah, whose expression was difficult to read, as usual.

    « "thank you. Thank you very much, brother.”»

    How will my sister, who is less than half my height, who thanked me to the point of being too grateful for even a trivial favor, receive this favor and how will she react? What kind of expression are you going to make?

    The remnants of discomfort that had remained vividly in the corner of Mirazen's chest until just before her suddenly faded.

    But unfortunately, Mirajen could not figure out the reason.

    It happened."

    Mira Zen bit his lower lip,

    She soon spoke quietly to her. “But not twice.”

    The identity of this annoyance has been blinding my eyes for 10 years.

    If it came from a shallow sense of guilt for what I was holding on to, this was it.

    This imperfect feeling will soon cool down. certainly.

    Mirajen quietly organized her feelings.

    Without imagining what the outcome would be later.

    The ink stain that Mirajen accidentally dropped on the paper was slowly dyeing the area around it with its own color, like water droplets creating waves on the water.


    Not long after Noah had left, Ashtarte was reunited with Roena, who returned with a basket of food.

    There was a small amount of bread and fruit in the basket, but enough to eat for about a week.

    So she was able to live another week.

    Loena found Ashtarte glancing at her basket with her bright smile and gave her a bitter laugh.

    She only knew how many curses she had to get for this food. how many accusations he had to hear

    Perhaps if she had accompanied Ashtarte to the kitchen, she would not have come to the main palace again.

    Still, in exchange for a few swearing and eating, if Ashtarte doesn't have to starve.

    Roe I shook her head as if trying to shake off her anxieties.

    On her way back to the Empress Palace, holding her hand in her hand, she asked Roena when she found Ashtarte holding something of her cherished with one of her arms.

    "Princess, what are you holding in her hand?"

    "Ah… this means, when Roe was not out she… oh… no, she got it from His Majesty 07."

    “… Have you ever met the Crown Prince again?"

    “Ugh, it was someone else. But I gave it away because it was ‘family responsibility.


    As soon as Ashtarte finished speaking, Roena stopped walking at the same time.

    Second Prince of Florence, Noah Florence. A person with potential enough to overwhelm the Crown Prince Mira Zen in terms of magical power alone.

    A young genius who is considered to be the main pillar of Florence in the future.

    Ashtarte must have met him.

    Roena was sure.

    'how… … … How come... … … . How can they all be together!'

    Mirajen treated Ashtarte as if they had never met him, and Noah was 'family responsibility' and gave him only expectations that could not be reciprocated.

    Mirazen and Noah inherited the blood of Rosenia Florence, the 1st Empress, and Ashtarte was the son of Rebecca Florence, the 2nd Empress.

    The maids of the Imperial Palace all said in unison.

    After all, to them, Ashtarte and Amaryllis are only half-brothers. It was said that she fell in love with the nobler of the two, and that it was Princess Amaryllis who was chosen.

    But Roena didn't understand that.

    Even if that's the case, shouldn't there be someone who chooses and chooses to love his family?

    I wasn't asking the royal family to be philanthropists.

    Nor was it to show warmth to their family.

    Did he have to be so cruel to Ashstarte, who just wanted to love them?

    Her wanting to be loved her had to let her paint her future that would never come to her.

    The sound of grinding teeth leaked from between the lips of the elegant Loena.

    Uncontrollable anger was disturbing Roena's reason at this moment.



    As Roe felt my trembling in the hands that were holding each other, Ash Tarte lifted her head and looked at her complexion.

    Her sorrow and anguish floated through my distorted Roe expression.

    Ashtarte thought he had not seen it well at first.

    Because her face engraved inside me was always smiling brightly.

    “Do you like your Majesty and the Princes you’ve never seen before……?”

    “… … … … uh? Huh… therefore… … … … … "

    “… If you don't like it... ?"

    "Ro, Roena why are you like this?"

    “Yes? Is it okay if I ask you this……?”


    Transparent tears flowed from Roena's caramel-colored eyes.

    The color was so pitiful that Ash Tarte could not answer the question right away.

    Roena sat down on the floor, holding Ashstarte's hands tightly.

    She said, "Please ....", pouring out her thick teardrops. He was just repeating her words like a parrot.

    Her appearance was as if she was praying to her god, so Ashtarte looked at her blankly, and then nodded her head as if drawn to her.

    If she wanted it, she wanted to hear it.

    “I won’t like it. I will try.”


    by the way… I'm so sorry, that's out of my control, Roena... .” Ashtarte gave strength to one arm that was holding his cloak.

    It was the first request I made with tears in my eyes, Roena, my whole world. Maybe she was screaming.

    But even that, Ashtarte could not easily listen to it.

    It has already been 25 years since the past 10 years have been added together.

    Isn't it time to give up now?

    Isn't it time to let go now, something like [her family] loved.

    'I wanted to do that too. But… … . It doesn't work out the way I want it to, Roena.'

    Still, I couldn't give up. I didn't give up.

    If he had not known, he could have let it go a little easier if he had not known the feeling of being 'loved'.

    No, he certainly would have been cut off with time had he known he wouldn't.

    “Roena gave it to me……”

    A love that needs no reward. “Roena taught me……”

    How to love people.

    “But how… … … … .”

    But how can I let it go? From the moment I realized that feeling

    that the world has changed so much.

    You know better than anyone, don't you?

    Ashtarte's weeping voice could not be finished, and my expression on sleeper Roe collapsed.

    My lovely princess was pitiful and pathetic, so I sat down as if I was going to fall down and she hugged Ashtarte tightly.

    A heavy force was placed on my two hands in her rope that was wrapped around her.

    She constantly wept over her own helplessness.

    They held each other in their arms for a long time and cried like little children looking for their mother.

    Roadside abundance back to the Empress Palace. Twilight fell over the golden fields, and darkness as dark as Ashtarte's hair engulfed them.

    12 and 13 are unedited if you guys want more tell me
  7. Chris_

    Chris_ Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    Thank you.:cookie: and I honestly wouldn't mind if it is just pure mtl :aww:
    rinrin0825 likes this.
  8. Merumeruni

    Merumeruni Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Okay how about the the loved princess??
    Honestly I need more spoiler but nvm. As long I know what happen to the people neglected her. Already enough. Just i need to know what to loved princess
  9. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but now that I’ve seen the raws it looks to me that the gods gave MC the oracle because her soul was pure in her first life. And she actually wasn’t expected to stay all pure and forgiving in this TL. Is it correct? I mean her being born in the royal family and getting the oracle about her bringing prosperity to her empire is more of a gift from gods to make up for her unhappy first life. But then humans have ignored and twisted the god’s will for their greed and pride, and MC was once again put into a harsh environment.

    Now MC has the right to leave the empire and ignore her family if she doesn’t feel like interacting with these horrible humans, because this life is a gift for her to finally be happy and not a downpayment for her for staying a pure soul as I thought previously.

    My questions to those who’ve read the novel:

    1. Has it been explained what was the high priest’s purpose? Was he a demon aiming to overthrow the gods or just a greedy human? It doesn’t look logical to fake an oracle that comes once in a century knowing that the gods exist and can punish him for this. Was he fearless or just stupid?

    2. Did the high priest fake the oracle on a whim because he already had a plan for the white-haired homunculus and the oracle about MC was going to ruin his plans? Or did he create the white-haired girl after the oracle to use the situation and try to deceive gods?
  10. fizii

    fizii Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2021
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    Episode 12

    Chapter 3 Astarte and the boy in captivity

    The day has dawned.

    Four days have already passed since Astarte and Roena hugged each other and wept on their way back from the main palace.

    Since then, Roena has only been smiling thoroughly as if she was going to get rid of what I did.

    Astarte didn't mean to ask about that day either.

    I didn't get anything from asking, and I'm just poking the wound.

    The two decided to bury the past in their minds.

    And Roena had more problems to solve than that.

    "I mean, this is what your Highness...…?"


    It was Ason who spewed a businesslike answer at Roena with a stiff face.

    He answered Roena's question carelessly and quickly scanned the surroundings.

    It was a thoughtless act of nature, but it was a kind of occupational disease for him.

    This was the first time I had entered the Imperial Palace, but it was a shabby palace than I thought.

    No, can I call this a palace?

    It was practically a collapsed palace that seemed to collapse when touched.

    Maybe it's not a matter of budget.

    You may know because you stepped into the palace.

    It's not because I'm spending money recklessly, but because I'm not receiving as much budget as I should be paid.

    'No, it can't be. The palace's budget management was originally the empress's. Now that the empress has passed away and the seat is empty, they are managed by the head of the lady-in-law.

    You can't do that without the lady-in-law going crazy.

    Even the emperor remained silent for ten years.

    In other words, it is not enough to plan ahead of the emperor of the empire.

    Ason closed his eyes as if to repel useless thoughts and slowly opened his eyes.

    "Excuse me, for what reason do you have these large dresses...………. No, how come I'm just a maid...……?"

    All I was told was to deliver it to the empress."

    "Why all of a sudden...…….|

    Roena was astonished to see the number of dresses lined up on the palace porch.

    One was the identity of the person who sent it, and the other was that half the dress that arrived in front of me was between these colorful dresses.

    "I must say, no returns are allowed."

    …………Tell him I'll use it with thanks."


    Ason nodded softly. Roena had a good grasp of her situation.

    It was hard to protect the angelic princess with only my ability now.

    Everything about money is especially more.

    Just thinking about Astarte wearing the wrong clothes for a moment made Roena's heart ache.

    "But with this, I might be able to spend a warm winter."'

    Although he was not very kind to the royal family except Astarte, he decided to accept the help with thanks.

    "You gave it to me on your own, so I don't really want to thank you."'

    Roena's eyes shone fiercely for a while, and soon she regained her composure.

    "Sir As-On, did you bring all this baggage by yourself?"

    "No way, the women-in-law who accompanied them carried their luggage and all went back to the main palace."

    Of course, Roena kicked her tongue short.

    The omen of the ominousness were the Astarte Empress, but for the general public the same was true of the palace where she was living.

    He refused to come close, saying he was reluctant.

    It was for this reason that there has been no maid assigned to the Empress for several years.

    "You've walked here, haven't you?"

    '………………are you talking about rumors?' 'So what else?' Roena's tone gave a splinter.

    It wasn't exactly Aseon's responsibility for the ladies to avoid the palace, but he was the only one in the palace to complain.

    "I believe what I see and feel, Roena Yereth."


    "I do not believe that the Emperor Astarte is sinister. That's what I'm saying."


    Roena shook her shoulders.

    Ason changed the name of Astarte.

    The fact that he said, "Your Highness," who had been consistent as an imperial lady, shocked Roena for a moment.

    Ason looked at the surprised Roena and raised the corners of his mouth loosely.

    A woman who is faithful to her feelings the more I see her. She was a strong woman rarely seen in the palace.

    "So why don't you put in your unnecessary vigilance?"

    "…………Excuse me."

    Roena bowed politely. It was a greeting that contained the meaning of gratitude and apology.

    The eyes of Ason, who had been observing her slowly straightening, moved to her hands, which were politely gathered.

    Rough skin and cracked nails even from the naked eye.In nearly eight years at the main palace, countless maidens passed by, but none had such broken hands.

    Moreover, the maid who had experienced all the hardships at the palace was not that much.

    Aseon suddenly remembered a small hand as broken as she was in the memory of passing by.

    the Imperial Princess of Astarte Florence

    One of the imperial princesses in an empire ostracized by the death of a star of light that will sway the rise and fall of the Florentine Empire, and called a star of darkness that will lead the empire to destruction.

    As soon as I thought about it, Ason suddenly wondered.

    And he put the question into his mouth as if there was no need to hide it.

    "Roena Yereth."

    "Go ahead."

    "Why do you remain here?

    You're a beggar, right?


    Roena narrowed her brows to a question from Ason, whose purpose is unknown.

    How can this be interpreted, Ason said, shaking his head from side to side, to her hesitating to answer.

    "Don't take it seriously. I was just curious. You don't have to tell me if it's hard to answer."

    Ason was considerate of Roena. Everyone who works in the main palace has at least one secret.

    'It could be a secret you don't want to tell.'

    The honest reason was that I also had such a secret, so I didn't want to dig it out.

    It was natural to feel bad if you tried to question my secret.

    But Roena replied as if it were not difficult.

    "I was asked to……."

    "Please? To whom?"


    But maybe that's it, Roena kept her mouth shut up.

    It was obvious from her expression that her tightly closed lips would not open.

    'I guess I was wrong about her.'

    Ason, who rated Roena as incompetent and pathetic, with no talent as a maid of honor, admitted that what I judged was wrong.

    And soon he nodded his head as if he had respected her wishes.


    Perhaps because the journey to the main palace three days ago was quite hard for Astarte, she had just recovered this morning with a fever of cold all four days.

    Until yesterday evening, Astarte felt lighter when he was cared for by Roena from washing to eating.

    He lifted his arms up and stretched refreshingly before rising from the bedding.

    Roena immediately rinsed her face with the clean washing water she had left early in the morning, and when she pulled out the warmest winter dress in the closet and stopped by, the door opened.

    "Hwa, my lady! Are you up? Is your fever okay now? Aren't you feeling heavy?"

    "Yeah! I think I'm completely better now."

    "I'm glad..."…. Then please wear this dress, not the one you're holding today."

    Roena opened, but burst open both doors and brought dozens of dresses hung on hangers into the room.

    The dresses of the finest fabrics gathered in different colors were dazzling even if they were not worn by humans.

    "Hey, what's all this?"

    "It's a new dress. Throw away all the clothes in the closet today, and you have to wear them from now on."

    "So many...Who gave it to you?”


    Roena, who was watching Ashtarte, who couldn't take her eyes off the dress, was lost in thought for a moment.

    I think I'll expect nothing if I tell the truth, and my conscience has been stabbed to lie.

    Because I know better than anyone else that she'll be happy to say it.

    At the moment I decided to choose my conscience after a short thought, a familiar garment came in after Roena's gaze.

    It was Noah's royal cloak with a gold border before the dark navy.

    How can I forget?

    As soon as Roena found it, she felt emotional in her heart.

    "No, I did."

    "Well, really...……? Then can I really wear this?"

    "Of course, that's why I set it up."

    At this moment, Roena decided to be very, very brazen, not a little.

    It was four days ago that I went to Ashtarte and the main palace for support because I didn't have the budget to pay for the food.

    Just because a little time passed, there was no way I could have conditions to match the dress.

    These are Mirazen's 'sympathy' for Astarte, Roena was convinced.

    Then! Let me change that sympathy and convey it to Astarte as "happiness."

    If so, isn't that enough?

    Yeah, this was the best choice.

    Roena grinned at herself, convincing herself.

    Episode 13

    "You're still dizzy, can I help you with your clothes?"

    "No, I can do it by myself. I'm really good at dressing up by myself now!"

    "…I'm proud of you, Mrs. Hwang, who is good at it alone."

    "He he."

    Since when have you been unable to dress?

    Astarte always began to change clothes by himself from the day he stroked his hair because he was proud to dress himself.

    With a little bitterness, Roena stroked Astarte's head as carefully as ever.

    "Then can you come down when you're ready? Lord Aseon has come to see you."

    "Oh, Lord Ason?"

    Astarte smiled conspicuously.

    Ashtarte, who had never imagined that Ason would really come, nodded and replied several times.

    Astarte, who changed his clothes and arranged his hair in a hurry, finished preparing and stood in front of a full-body mirror cracked in a diagonal line to look at himself for the last time.

    "Wow………. The dress is so pretty.' A dark blue dress shining brightly in blue was fluttering along Astarte's movements.

    The sleeves were a little long, but I didn't care much because they were much warmer and prettier than before.

    It's much better than cold because it's short."

    Astarte, who was constantly spinning around, stopped moving in surprise as if something had come to mind.

    'I, I shouldn't have done this. The dress is so pretty that I just... Let's go down quickly!'

    Finally, Astarte, who turned around one more time, quickly left the room as if satisfied.

    Astarte's reverie of thinking about what to say when he sees Ason as he walks calmly through the hallway on the second floor did not last long.

    Because there were no customers, the door of the drawing room, which had never been opened before, was open.

    Seeing the light coming out through the small gap, he tried hard to calm his pounding heart.


    My heart was beating fast.

    I can't believe there's a guest at the Queen's Palace!

    There was a lot of emotion beyond words.

    Excitement? Nervous? It wasn't an explanatory emotion like that.

    It doesn't matter right now.

    That's a good feeling.

    A person who is not Roena and I stepped into this empress' palace.

    That was enough.


    Astarte opened the gap wide.

    Bright lights lit up the drawing room all at once.

    The drawing room was a glass space with all the walls.

    It was the most panoramic room created to perfectly serve customers who could see each other from outside and inside.

    Although the only thing you can see in the drawing room now is a rough garden without a single flower.

    "Oh, Lord Ason."

    "Your Highness, I have taken the liberty of coming to you."

    "Sir, what do you mean rude! No. I'm so happy."

    Astarte had a happy expression on his face as if to prove that what he had just said was not empty words.

    "It's the first time in six years that a person other than me and Roena has stepped into the palace."

    "I see. I'll visit you more often when I have time."

    "Oh! I didn't mean to put you in trouble. Lord Aseon must be busy."

    Astarte quickly swung his hands.

    If Ason would come often, he would say, 'There would be nothing more pleasant than that, but he was the leader of a knight.

    Astarte smiled, saying, "It's shameless to interrupt things with personal feelings."

    "With all due respect, Your Highness. It doesn't matter if it's a personal feeling."

    "What? What do you mean..."

    "Everyone in the palace exists for the royal family. Even if it's a private feeling, we just follow the order."


    "So you don't have to put up with it anywhere."

    From where Ason was standing to where Astarte was, he jumbled to shorten the distance.

    Astarte's starry eyes were bewildered.

    I've never heard anything like this before.

    Even Roena never told me that.

    "Your Highness, command me."

    "Moo, what?"


    As soon as Ason stopped in front of Astarte, he knelt on one knee and bowed his head.

    It was a perfect sign of a couple.

    Astarte rolled his eyes awkwardly and faced Roena, who was standing back in the corner.

    But Roena, as if she knew how I felt, only bowed her head as well as Ason.

    "Well, am I really allowed to say anything...?"

    "Of course."

    "Then... I want to go around the palace."

    "...that's not a difficult thing."


    Astarte jumped into place with joy when he heard Ason's answer.

    In fact, I still haven't forgotten the appearance of the palace when I visited the main palace four days ago.

    a wide golden field around the Imperial Palace

    a magnificent garden of lilies between the main palace and the queen's palace

    And unlike the empress, people who were busy moving.

    Everything was new.

    If I could feel them again. "Then can you show me around?"

    "Everything is at your disposal."

    Ason bowed his head one more time in an upset position.


    Astarte had been showing the laughter that had been leaking since a while ago.

    It was quite a nice day to go on a second outing.

    The sunlight was covered several times by clouds filling the sky, so it was moderately warm, and the wind combined with the sunlight was cool and did not feel hot.

    About half an hour after Astarte and Ason left the Imperial Palace, they arrived in a white garden filled with lilies.

    Roena was still at the empress' palace because she said she would make food to fill her hunger and follow her quickly.

    "What does this place do, sir?"

    Astarte bent his knees and asked as he looked at the lilies in full bloom.

    "Yes, it's called the Lilies Garden."

    "Well... but isn't it the time for lilies to bloom?"

    Astarte tilted his head. It was her who spent the day reading books instead of not coming out well.

    I knew better because I had most of the knowledge. The lily was not a flower in bloom until autumn.

    However, the lily in full bloom in front of me seemed to be in bloom forever without losing its freshness even in winter.

    "Right. All of these lilies are gardens where the prince's magical processing has been done."

    "Magic treatment?"

    "It's a magic that you can keep forever without losing. The lily is the most precious flower of His Highness Amarilis.……”

    Ason, who continued to explain as much as he could, realized his mistake at the moment and stretched his tongue.

    Ason looked embarrassed and quickly lowered his head to look at Astarte.

    "I see. The magic is amazing. Can I do it too?"

    "...if you're talented, you can do it easily. As you do with the Crown Prince."

    "Then I can't use it."

    How did you interpret your words, do you take it that way? Aston had an urge to tear his hair.

    Astarte, on the contrary, just didn't think I'd have the talent to stand shoulder to shoulder with those princes.

    "Can't we go inside the lily garden?"

    "It's possible. Would you like to go in?"

    Astarte nodded loudly.

    If there was a place to eat the food Roena brought, this place was perfect.

    'I'll have to wait here until then.'

    Arthon reached out to her as she entered the long road into the lily garden.

    Astarte, who entered the lily garden holding Ason's hand without hesitation, circled around and looked at the panoramic view.

    I can see the end of the wide lily

    It was so wrapped around it that it wouldn't.

    At first glance, the lily flowers shining in the sunlight shining through the clouds were simply fantasy.

    How can there be such a beautiful space.

    "Do you like it?"

    "Yes! So much!"

    "What kind of flowers do you like, Your Highness?"

    "I love this flower."

    Astarte, who answered immediately without being embarrassed by the sudden question, pointed to Ason a pin stuck in my head.

    It was old, but the shape was clear, and Ason could easily tell the kind of flower.

    "It's a silver flower"

    "That's right! It's my first birthday present from Roena."

    "Ha ha, that's a very precious thing

    I guess so."


    Ason smiled when he saw him surrounding his fin with a big smile.

    And quickly covered my mouth as if to stop the leaking sound.

    "Did I laugh?"

    It was Ason, who had never laughed sincerely while dealing with people.

    I've never laughed at those princes, or even the Amarilis princess, the light of the empire.

    What a mysterious man he is.'

    While Astarte was surprised by my feelings, he was spurring the conviction that Astarte was not the 'darkness' leading the empire to ruin.

    He is a simple man. He is also infinitely soft.

    Those were the things that Aseon had seen and felt for a short time.

    "Your Highness, do you know the flower language of a bell flower?"

    "It means you'll always be happy."

    I know."-"Really…" Lady Roena is a very capable maid."

    Astarte smiled broadly, as if to be quite rightly said.

    The sight of him, who was quite elated even though it was not his job, caught a calm smile around Ason's mouth.
  11. radical6

    radical6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    Does her maid Leona get together with the guard of her palace? Lol they remind me so far of the maid and Felix (i think thats his name? The dads 2nd in command) from Who Made Me a Princess.

    She's actually a nice person. Its one thing to love a child but she basically tells the crown prince hes an asshole and shouldn't try to be nice to Ashtarte now because he only crushes her self esteem afterwards. He bought her dresses but Leona lied and said she made them, because if she told the truth she knew Ashtarte would hope for something her family can't give her. The prince confronts her about her lie and she doesnt care. Shes risking her life to call him out on his bs
  12. michiruechizen

    michiruechizen Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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  13. Zoldycker

    Zoldycker Active Member

    Mar 23, 2022
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    Whats the title of your pfp?
  14. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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  15. ceeimp

    ceeimp Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2021
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    i hope she doesn’t cuz I do not allow forgiveness in this household
  16. Monya99

    Monya99 New Member

    Nov 2, 2021
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    Her father is white haired if so her mother have black hair
    Rukhu, Giratina and Nikibunny like this.
  17. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Wasn't it said that she was the first person to have black hair in the empire?
    SkyLisette likes this.
  18. Reinblick123

    Reinblick123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    In the main story wherein before she moved to ML’s country she didn’t forgave them despite them asking for her forgiveness she even said to the emperor’s face that she hated him (which is oddly satisfying)
  19. Blushy_Froggie_UwU

    Blushy_Froggie_UwU Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    spoilers about the suffering of the brothers and father please? Like how did FL express her "I could careless about you MFs" attitude towards the brothers and father? I need details so i can feel satisfied please :blobsmile::blobsmile:
  20. Wangjia

    Wangjia Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2020
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    Please someone spill about that trashy fam's reaction to Ashtarte's leaving them a d ignoring them