Discussion [ASK GIRLS ]when you're on that time of the month...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by reagents 11, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. LetheanDragon

    LetheanDragon Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Well, I would say that just being patient and understanding would help a lot. When mine comes around I get horrible cramps that feel like my stomach is being scraped by a rusty metal spoon, and I usually have to take about 400mg of ibuprofen to cope with the pain. Not to mention I do get a little irritated because of how much of a hassle it is. I agree with Bad Storm about the meals. The pain usually comes with loss of appetite so smaller and lighter meals are much more appealing, though if she is craving something I think it’d be really nice if your friend got it for her. I think just doing small things to make her happy would be much appreciated as well. It’s also good to talk it out about her cycle too so they know what’s coming up so they can be prepared (though it doesn’t really help when you’re irregular like me T^T). Also, it’s good to remind her that although she is in a lot of pain and stress, it’s not a good enough reason to be excessively mean or demanding (if that does ever happen). The symptoms for periods vary greatly between individuals, so I think your friend should talk to her about what she’d like him to do to help her out. The key to any kind of healthy relationship is lots of communication after all. Also would be nice to have extra pads/tampons on hand just in case if she needs them or forgot to bring her own extras. Hope this helps~!!
  2. xluferx

    xluferx [The writer who writes for fun][Meme lord]

    Feb 7, 2017
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  3. DiabolicGod

    DiabolicGod Well-known lazy Member

    Jan 19, 2017
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    don't let her eat anything sweet, but always have some sweets in reserve with you, so that you can feed them to her when she gets a mood swing.
    works wonders. she won't be in a bad mood around you then. just take care that she doesn't suddenly get depressed because she ate three chocolate tables (?) in less than 15 min.
  4. SugarImmortal

    SugarImmortal Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2017
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    Just treat her like you'd treat anyone with mood swings and physical pain

    Keep stocked up on whatever over the counter stuff you can get for pain, have patience, and be understanding.

    Ice cream or whatever other luxury relaxant they prefer is also a good tip.
    Lonelycity and Loni4ever like this.
  5. LoveYou59seconds

    LoveYou59seconds Hanannananannannnannannananananannaannananana

    Dec 1, 2018
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    I admit I can't handle pms too. This is one of the con things of being a girl. You need to effort to keep your sanity during that day comes. Btw. This link is very useful for me to cope up with this especially during my college days....yeah stressful days too. I hope it can help

    Lonelycity likes this.
  6. Chiiiiiiiii

    Chiiiiiiiii >Daoist Thirteen Bears< >Hero Astral Saber<

    Dec 4, 2015
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    Chocolate deserts!
    When she is on that time of the month send her chocolate, ice cream chocolate, brigadeiro, chocolate cake, petit gateu, or other sweets that have chocolate as part of.
    It always calms us down.
    And of course, massage!
  7. IronValkyrie10126

    IronValkyrie10126 Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2016
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    Don’t give her anything with a lot of sugar. As a girl, you crave a lot of sugary things, but if you cave in it makes the cramps worse. Anything that can destract her mind from the pain is a plus. Play a game, watch a movie, go for a walk. Just anything fun. Laughter goes a long way toward making people feel better. Why not play a game of cards against humanity or watch a comedy? Oh, if you want to give her pain killers, Midol is the best. It targets cramps, headaches, and exhaustion. Ask if she would like those though. If you show up at her door with period products, depending on the person she may take it as an insult.
    Lonelycity and Loni4ever like this.
  8. AerynW

    AerynW Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Doing anything to lessen the cramps help. Comfort them.
    1. Give them blankets.
    2. Heat pads or hot water bottle
    3. Hot/warm Ginger tea with brown sugar (to everyone saying no sweets, brown sugar helps a lot. Maybe processed sugar doesn't), Chamomile tea, and other teas.
    4. Pain meds
    5. Any distraction from the pain: games, books, sleep, etc.
    6. Massage the aches and pain
    7. Any comfort foods. Also depending on culture and stuff, cold stuff is avoided in Chinese culture. (I love ice cream and tried ice cream when I was younger and that just made my cramps 4x worse. And my American friends were all fine. *cries*)
    8. I use a Chinese herbal plaster that's kinda like those heat plasters for muscle/join pain relief and paste them over my lower back and my lower belly.

    Rather than mood swings, it's more like the pain is unbearable and it's easier to snap b/c all we're thinking of is the pain. Being understanding is great. I don't like to be asked if I'm ok, b/c the answer is going to be along the lines of, "OF COURSE F*CKING NOT, I'M BEING GRINDED BY A SHREDDER." Also, the pain is written all over my face, please understand.

    I'm pretty much the "I'm miserable, please pamper me." I'm usually incapacitated due to pains and aches all over. I can barely keep my eyes open due to migraines that comes with it each time. Due to sheer willpower, I can go to work or school, but by the time I'm home, all I want is rest. Don't wanna do much besides make trips to the bathroom. Any help around the house would be very much appreciated.

    Each woman can have different symptoms besides cramps which may include the following:
    1. Diarrhea or Constipation.
    2. Migraines, headaches
    3. Weakness, lack of strength
    4. Lower back pain, aches all over
    5. Nausea, vomiting
    6. Loss of appetite or increase in appetite or cravings
    7. Extreme cases include fainting
  9. Loni4ever

    Loni4ever The Fluffy White Wolf

    Sep 20, 2016
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    Holy sh*t... I'm suddenly very grateful that my periods are usually more or less on the light side :blobsweat_2: ... for some to be so bad to the point of throwing up :sweating_profusely::blobfearful: my condolences
    As @SugarImmortal said, just bear in mind that they're currently slightly to immensely uncomfortable, you wouldn't want the people around you to bother you either if someone just punched you in the stomach :blobjoy::blobjoy:well, it doesn't have to be that bad though, and imo doesn't excuse mean or overly demanding behaviour, like @LetheanDragon said. Sometimes life sucks and you're uncomfortable but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on the people around you or go along with someone that does so. But then again, I have no idea how bad it can get and what would be best to do to alleviate it :blobsweat: *offers cookies to the divine unicorn as thanks for more or less light periods* XD
    Good luck to your friend xD
    May there be lighter periods for everyone :blobjoy:
  10. MasterCuddler

    MasterCuddler Handsome Chicken

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Pretty sure no matter who, if they are in bad mood u just leave them alone and be quiet. But yeah just get them a warm drink and some chocolate probably be ok
  11. Lonelycity

    Lonelycity Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2016
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    *notes down for future references*

    Somehow, is it just me or do I see a relationship goal here ?:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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  12. SmallBookworm

    SmallBookworm Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Btw, to any guy who thinks buying tampons/pads is embarrassing: I'm pretty sure every female in the whole store will just give you a thumbsup. We know it's not for you. You're just being a nice guy, not embarrassing, so if you've got a girlfriend and you notice she needs either, maybe try offering to buy it (Every girl I know would love you for it :'D)
  13. Lonelycity

    Lonelycity Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2016
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    Tbh I feel it’s not as embarrassing as buying lingerie in a store filed with women Or maybe buying rubbers from a lady at the counter(the latter is super embarrassing especially when she gives you the knowing smile XXD)

    Buying pads is no biggie imo ~~
  14. Archaic pickle

    Archaic pickle Daoist Heavenly Kimichi

    Feb 16, 2016
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    To expound on @Cutter Masterson post, chores are good, but chores that take you into the garage or out in the yard for hours so you can have peace (as the guy) is the best advice I can give you, make sure she's fine then out of sight out of mind is the best approach
  15. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Offer to make a meal. You don't have to tell her you're doing it for her. Just tell her that you're feeling hungry and want to fix something up and ask if she wants anything in particular. This wouldn't work if you've never made food for you and her, though. Girls on period sometimes suffer serious cramps and even walking is a pain in the ass.

    If you have to pay the bills or buy the grocery or whatever and it's usually her job, tell her you're going to store to buy cigarettes or something and since it's close to wherever you pay the bills or buy groceries, you thought you might as well just do it while you're there. If it's bills, ask her for all the outstanding bills and tell her since you're doing it anyway, you want to settle everything right away. If it's groceries, ask her what she wants to buy since you're going anyway.

    Basically, don't make it as if you're doing this out of pity. Make it so that you're doing it for yourself and simply made something extra for her because why not? Just treat her like normal, except you're helping reduce her burdens. This makes her think you're being a considerate boyfriend. Most women can tell that this is just their boyfriends being nice, but since you're not being obnoxious about it, they don't mind being pampered a little. This works especially well against feminists.
    Tsukkin and AliceShiki like this.
  16. AhoDesuGa

    AhoDesuGa Guest

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    Silence. XD
  17. Tsukkin

    Tsukkin [is currently lurking]

    Jul 9, 2017
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    For me i got this bad mood swings before and after, and i get irritated for no reason, even more when someone trying to provoke me in any way. Plus it hurts like hell...so yeah like most people would suggest, don't provoke the girl and just LISTEN~ *imitating beyonce* *cough*

    Hmm but personally i really like it if my (nonexistent) partner (for now) do these small gestures. Like cuddle, hug, small kisses, patting head, saying things like "how was your day?" after a long day at work. Small gift also works, like maybe self made free coupons, relaxing music playlist, herbal tea, scented candle, or bathsalt, heck even a single flower could brighten the day.
    Food is also a good idea, but be careful don't overdo it~
    You don't wanna hear something like "So you want me to get fat?" from your girl aren't you? :blobsmilehappyeyes:

    Hmm wait...do i sound overly romantic? Well, this is just my suggestion tho haha
    AliceShiki likes this.
  18. mariean

    mariean Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2017
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    When I’m on my period...hm, get the fuck out of my sight you dick. Also, I literally do not want to see your dick during this tumultuous time. Like honestly, the further you are from me during my period the more I will realistically love you.
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  19. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    From what I’ve seen. Most women hate guys touching them when their on their period.
  20. Tsukkin

    Tsukkin [is currently lurking]

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Well i guess it depends on the girl, some of them may not like to be touched....
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