Spoiler Bastian

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. bigredqueen

    bigredqueen Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    Now, it’s still too early to judge Odette. As you can see from earlier manhwa chapter, she has no power to reject even the business marriage proposal with Bastian.

    What a lovely cover art! Both are pretty indeed :aww:
  2. Butwhoareyou

    Butwhoareyou Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2021
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    Yes it has 100 chapters released in the novel

    Well that's because the date they both released the manhwa and novel in had held 100 chapters in the novel and 6 in the manhwa
    Shiro_Gekkei, its0k and bigredqueen like this.
  3. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    Spoilers at all???
  4. SheishLaBeau

    SheishLaBeau Active Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I'm reading the webtoon and she's not like that . So far, I've only read 5 chapters and it seems the ML is the jerk one in this story so whatever the FL did to betray him, was not justified, but ML is no angel at all...
  5. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    How does the FL backstabs the ML?
  6. kerosinned

    kerosinned New Member

    Dec 27, 2022
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    more spoilers pls
  7. tifftiff2121

    tifftiff2121 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
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    This novel gives off " Broken ring this marriage will fail " vibes
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  8. M.rad_

    M.rad_ Member

    Dec 12, 2022
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    FL used ML's money to feed all of her family and betrayed him by stealing the documents that related to ML's revenge.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2023
  9. Elyriona

    Elyriona Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    BTW, why in the NU “Bastian” it is said that this novel is completed? Isn’t it still ongoing?
  10. Breakthewall

    Breakthewall Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2023
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    Guys I just have read on ig that both of them are red flags lol both of them are gonna use the other for revenge and advantages after fl betrayal she ran away with her step sister. It seems that ml started liking her but she ran away...:/
    They say ml is the possessive type
  11. memories2215

    memories2215 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2022
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    Summary (so far since the novel is still ongoing): This happens after the FL & ML get married.

    The FL's dad falls down the stairs while trying to take money away from the FL's younger sister, causing him to suffer from paraplegia. Although it's mainly because the FL's sister pushed him, the FL's dad doesn't remember the incident so the FL and the FL's sister decide to keep it a secret.

    The ML's stepmother places a spy to keep an eye on the FL's younger sister and father. The spy steals a letter that the FL's father wrote to the FL. The FL's father remembered his second daughter (the FL's younger sister) pushed him down the stairs so he had been angrily sending letters to the FL. The ML's stepmother reads the letter and threatens the FL that she'll report the FL's younger sister unless the FL steals an important document from the ML (The ML was abused by his stepmother and his father ever since he was a child (6-12 yrs old), so he was preparing an act of meticulous revenge for a long time). Since the FL doesn't want to risk her younger sister's life, she does as the ML's stepmother orders her to do. The ML, already in love with the FL, decides to confess to her by kissing her (he even m*sturb*tes in front of her :blobsleepless:). The FL accepts his advances and stealthily steals the key from his jacket that opens the cabinet/box to the sealed documents. As a result, ML's revenge gets ruined and the FL gets caught.

    The ML gets sent overseas due to war so he doesn't see her for 2 years after her betrayal. I'm guessing he plans to make the FL's life miserable once he comes back.:blobastonished:

    I know some people might think the ML is pitiful and hate on the FL, but he's VERY toxic. He was never a 'good person' to her. He's an assh0le, harsh with his words, and keeps reminding the FL that they're just in a contractual relationship (he even suggests that their future 'divorce' reason once their marriage contract ends should be due to the FL cheating on him:blobdevil:) so the FL practically doesn't have any feelings for him. The ML starts to open up to her but he doesn't express/show it. He doesn't even tell her that he'll be gone for 2 years so the FL thinks that he only considers her as a temporary wife meant to be replaced.
  12. Lirael

    Lirael Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Eh from what I read in 5 manwha chapters and the spoilers here, I like FL less than ML

    Her father sells her to pay for his gambling debt and she is more angry and reproachful of the guy who accepted the debt (which was ML, but this isn't why they get married) than with her own father. She's bossy and prideful and not even grateful despite ML canceling the debt of owning her by swapping it with her showing her face once. She actually goes home and thinks how rude it was if him to ask to see her face, despite that being the simplest thing he could have asked since it's not as if she has any money anyway.

    Then she gets told she has to marry ML (basically emperors daughter loves ML so emperor thinks if ML is married she'll give up), and since the imperial family has been protecting FL, she has to do as told. Again she acts like omg how dare they, yet really, if it wasn't for the imperial family helping her all this time she'd be even worse off. She should be angry at her father and at least realize she'd have to pay for the help eventually.

    Oh and why is she a fallen princess? Dumb mom (emperors sister) ran from her marriage to be with FLs awful father. The emperor simply said "sure but you ain't getting royal handouts anymore". Which sounds fair. And despite that, emperor still ended up helping the daughter. So yeah, FL should resent her parents yet seems to resent everyone else more.

    Anyway, so she wants that sweet royal handout but God forbid she work for it so...FL asks ML to take the fall and claim he doesn't want the marriage. You know, so he can take the brunt of the emperor's anger and not her.

    So I'm actually on MLs side on this one. He's also getting forced too here.

    And now from the spoilers she'll even fuck him over? She could have warned him about the blackmail so they could come up with a plan together, especially after he confessed... but she still chose to screw with him?

    I hope he comes back and teaches her a lesson before the inevitable end where they still end up together
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2023
  13. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    This is a shame that it has such nice art but from the spoilers it sounds like neither of them are likable they don't talk or communicate so we'll have stupid miss communications so I'll see you all when the novel ends
    Ice_Rose and Kyhle like this.
  14. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    People are telling bad things about her in the thread but at the very least I have to praise for not falling for the male lead easily.
    Usually the female leads fall in love with the male lead that is rude and toxic to them,so I have to clap for her for not being like that.
  15. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    It is kinda unfair to blame FL for being prideful and wanting to be a part of the royal family when she was brainwashed to be this way by her mother. And it’s not like she was just an arrogant princess who didn’t know her place and didn’t do anything while waiting for the royal family’s support. She was actually working to earn money for their family and housekeeping to allow the 3 of them to somehow survive with the money they had.

    Now she was totally right to be angry at ML for participating in such a bet. Because human trafficking is a crime and if he had claimed he has won a human in a bet he would definitely have to go to jail. Her father is an unstable addict and it is really low for the club to allow him to bet his daughter just because business is business. They shouldn’t have allowed such a bet in the first place, and then the best representatives of their society like ML, a war hero, shouldn’t have participated in this for their amusement, because it ruins their image. If people like them start going around and using poor people as bets it would quickly bring slavery back.

    As for FL’s mother, it was wrong of her to run away, but she didn’t elope with some nameless commoner, the other side was a duke. This scandal could have been swept under the rug if her family actually loved her as much as it was claimed.

    But not only did they excommunicate her from the royal family, they also took away all of the land and money that belonged to her prior to the elopement. We don’t have the details on how she has received these assets, but I would assume that at least some of it were presents and inheritance which was rightfully hers. And taking it away her family basically robbed her and told to go die on streets. I can understand her resentment and why she has instilled all that stuff about taking back what belongs to her into her daughter’s head from the young age.
  16. karaa00000

    karaa00000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    More spoiler please! Thank you!
  17. Siyasingh

    Siyasingh Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2022
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    Spoilers please:emoji_spam::blobsleepless::blobsleepless:
  18. Karlamargptotparrafernandez

    Karlamargptotparrafernandez Member

    May 10, 2022
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    La FL actuó con orgullo y fuerte ante el ML, porque no tenia otra salida para irse con su misero padre que enfrentar al ML y lo hizo con buenas excusas, uso la moral de un caballero y las leyes para apoyarse y defenderse, si actuaba tímida o con miedo quien le haría caso a una chica?, al contrario los hombres se aprovecharían de una chica indefensa, ella solo pensó bien y actuó, además de que también le pidió por favor que los dejara ir y ella le pagaria el dinero de la Apuesto, estaba negociando aunque obviamente no tenia el dinero xD. (ademas que fue esa actitud de ella lo que le llamo la atencion al ML y la para recordando despues xD)
    Ella es una noble, hija de un duque y una princesa, no va a actuar como mendiga igual que su misero padre que se arrastra, ella si tiene orgullo, ademas si trabaja vendiendo los encajes que hace ella, a pesar de que sus padres son nobles caídos, sigue siendo noble, y eso le sentido su madre, de que a pesar de lo que tenga que enfrentar, no pierda la dignidad y orgullo como princesa que es. (ademas,el ML también aprendió algo de su padre que es una escoria, lo que aprendió de el es ver a los matrimonios como una fuente de estatus y poder, y él será igual que su padre y usara los matrimonios con los nobles como una herramienta y conseguir lo que busca, eso dijo el ML).La FL es orgullosa pero No es mandona, a quien le dio ordenes? un nadie Sabe la escoria que es su padre, lo parásito que es por la pensión que les pasa la familia imperial,
    ML nunca quiso reclamar su premio desde el principio, el se quiso ir, pero fueron sus amigos quienes insistieron en querer Ver a la chica mas hermosa, solo por eso el ML se quedo y le ordeno a la FL que muestre su cara a todos, ese era su premio de el, si lo piensas bien es algo humillante que todos los hombres están esperando ver tucara y tu no puedes hacer nada mas que darles lo que quieren para salir del problema, y como es orgulloa obio le afectó. Tuvo suerte porque el ML no quiso desde el inicio esa apuesta, y solo jugo por insistencia de sus amogos. A si que no hay nada que agradecer porque el ML no lo hizo por miseridordia, sino que desde antes ese era su plan.

    EL EMPERADOR NUNCA A PROTEGIDO A LA FL NI LA HA AYUDADO, el actual rey es hermano de la princesa fallecida y solo le sigue pasando la pensión que el anterior rey fijo para su hija a la cual le quito todo por no dañar caso de casarce con quien el rey cambio, asi que el actual rey solo sigue pasandole esa plata a la FL porque es hija de su hermana, le tendra algo de lastima, pero no se preocupa por ella, sino le ayudaria en otras cosas o al menos investigaria para saber como ha vivido su hermana y su sobrina, pero no le importa ni tiene porque preocupa mas por la FL, les dieron la espalda, aun cuando su hija moria no hicieron nada porque para ellos se lo merece, asi que sufra.
    Asi que los reyes la utilizan para quitarle el capricho a su hija xD. Si a uno de la nada te obligan a casarte o arreglarte un matrimonio, ensima que ni siquuiera son sus padres, sol familiares que nunca se preocupo o cuido de ella, pero si se meten para imponerle una pareja. Fue la familia imperial quien corto lasos con la madre de la fl y le quito casi todo solo dejandole una misera pensión, ellos la alejaron y dieron la espalda pero de la nada se meten y la obligan a casarse, pero no puede negarse ante la familia imperial, y además de que le dicen que le debe" a la familia imperial.
    EL ML es igual, el no puede oponerse ante el rey, asi que esperaba que sea ella quien se oponga ante el rey, y ella queria que el se opusiera ante el comromiso, asi que los dos son iguales en este sentido xD.
    el ml despues no quiere cancelar el compromiso, asi que le dice que finjan hasta que la hija del rey se case y se vaya. El ML dice que será la FL quien salga mas perjudicada de este compromiso falso, pero no le importa, mientras no quede mal ante el emperador y luego rompa el supuesto compromiso para casarse con la condesa viuda.
    A simple vista parece que el trato de fingir su compromiso solo le conviene al ML entonces que gana la FL? supongo que el ML le propone darle dinero.
    Ambos se usan, no eran amigos, solo socios, y cada uno ve por su propio interés... No se como ira despues la historia
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
    Shiro_Gekkei likes this.
  19. drikamichiura

    drikamichiura Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Will she run away? I hope it's like that ;)
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  20. IIVISS

    IIVISS Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    If someone read this novel already i have a question does the ML have some personality like cheating..? or sleeping around with other woman? coz i know that he's red flag but i wanna know how much red flag this man is...
    Winter Daphne likes this.