Discussion China: Forced Game Real Name Authentication+Time limit

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by TypeFantasyHeart, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. TypeFantasyHeart

    TypeFantasyHeart Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Last time, China BANNED ALL online games that have servers outside of China.
    Now it has implemented the REAL NAME authentication which will now work with certification code that you must input each time you want to play a game. It also counts your forced gaming time there, and once past the limit, you cannot play anymore. So now all players are forced to use their real names while playing games removing the last FREEDOM they had.
    They also have banned over 5.000 games in the last few weeks that do not follow their directives such as being linked to the authentication system.
    Not to mention that it does the authentication in batches, which is ridiculous, and you enter a waiting line since the servers cannot do more millions of verifications at the same time.

    My sincerest condolences on the poor Chinese.
  2. ludagad

    ludagad Addicted to escapist novels

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Seems like measures against gaming addiction. They need obedient worker bees, can't have them having fun for too long. Can't have them criticize the government anonymously either.
  3. BigBadBoi

    BigBadBoi Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2018
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    Gamers really are the most oppressed minority
  4. M4rcosR3is

    M4rcosR3is Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    f*** freedom, is about time, finally they are doing something right and we must put in global market already, all follow the big and strong red government. (this is sarcasm-joke)

    now joking aside: is past time already that people who have grown up in games or in the internet as whole to start to take responsibilities by the shit behavior they do and about their behavior in it and if using real name is method to make it possible, then i'm all for it and yes being addicted to video games is also a problem, i myself go down this route every now and then and it is a problem, a little less for me because i don't have unlimited money nor i'm kid anymore to have my parents feeding me every time, but still a problem and it needs to be taken care of somehow, maybe if i was born 10-15 years later, in the prime time of internet i would be a full blow addict on it, and would be hard to come back or even survive like many who deals with this problem today, so something should be done without doubt and unfortunately asking for name online is not enough, we need more, and maybe even hard methods to deal with it, addiction to games and internet, that is a even bigger problem for today's teens , as whole is already being categorized as formal disease, just like addiction to drugs and other types.
    Unfortunately as i stated before: simple limiting time, or asking for name so the can implement the previous situation is just stupid, not everyone is addicted so why would the whole be penalized by the few? it makes the entire system be a stupid way to deal with it but i do agree that something must be done, maybe a mix of legal identification(not only name) and some form of analyze based on medical studies or things like that, so the real victims can be located and taken care.

    the internet of today is not the same as the past 10-20 years ago, it have grown a lot, there is billion of people on it , the amount of people using it alone have been multiplied by multiple times the number of the past users and with this there is millions of people doing a living with internet related jobs alone and i'm not talking about hardware maintenance or real world jobs that uses internet to facilitated it but pure virtual jobs be it "legal" or "illegal" jobs and on the other hand we have a super and huge lawless zone with ever growing cyber crimes, s*** behavior as whole and to be true, some people that where doing some real stupid things(trying to be polite with my use of words here), that where is not a crime in itself also should be controlled and banned anyway not because of the "content" itself but because most of those people uses their "freedom of internet" with those contents to harass other people that in turn make it a real crime, making it a lot worse in my view because they try to hide behind the "apparent legality" of it to be assholes and commit harassment that is in fact a full fleshed crime.
    All of this is a result of time and the unstoppable grown of the internet as whole that in turn not allowed it to caught up with it his own difficulty of its grown, allowing all those people to hide themselves behind the anonymity of it.

    So where i do agree that china failed tremendous with this news that OP mentioned that prompted me to write the joke that started this reply because it have far too many problems, besides the already mentioned above about long queues since is a very rudimentary method, that creates more trouble than solutions, after all Korean already did something similar, as requesting their real ID in their registration process and this have not stopped people from working around it, even me have used some methods to by pass the Korean ID needed to play some Korean mmo's in the old days but this entire subject showed that there is also a way, since i remember reading recently about the government finally starting to crack down on some problems related to the internet and having the id's helped a lot, creating a huge wave of effect on the rest of their users making them be more in line because now they know that they can be next.

    Even if i recognize the hypocrisy of my comment when i used the same "illegal" means to play some Korean mmo's, i still maintain my stance that we are already far past time to create a way to keep internet more civilized and legal, so we can make internet better as whole,hell if this new wave of "fake news" that is striking the world taught me something was to strengthen my view on this whole issue, since we are reaching really high levels of stupid and uncontrolled behavior and let's be real even criminal behavior on it.
    So we really are past time to remove anonymity from internet, but unfortunately the china's methods is not gonna do it, Korean with a more secure method, requiring their legal ID failed already, so china is gonna fail too and no, i'm not asking to put the government in it, but more along the lines like where we really need is more enforce law in all of this, punishment when they break the law, and not only the law itself, after all contrary of what most people thought about was not politeness that allowed the world to be a better place but the harsh and severe punishment that would hit you if you don't play by the rules, so expecting for the internet to become better with politeness alone will never work.

    plus just to point it out too since we are at NUF: i do recognize the hypocrisy where i not only consume illegal fan translation of novel that is on the "grey area" of it and asking for a better "legal" internet seems to clash with each other but then again i do believe that most people deep down,really prefer the legal option, legal internet, legal translations, legal everything, if not we would already be living in anarchy with all governments and law's going down in flames by it's own population.

    the news is pretty simple: in 2017 a uber driver was called by a 14 years old teen in my country to take her from a shopping mail where their parents left her to go to "movies" with her friends, to a pub.
    of course things have not gone well for the girl once her parents found out somehow in the process and her father even have hit her a little because of it and stopped her from going and as punishment send her to her room without cell-internet etc , it was not explained how they found out about it, so don't ask: and no i'm not saying that he punched her, you get what i'm saying, he hit her as penalty-parent do, i know that this is somehow a taboo for today's generation but still happens, and yes i personally believe they are right in some cases, not all because some kids just don't listen to words, and some harsh method's are necessary and again, this does not mean sending you kid to the hospital by beating them. (since is delicate subject i need to protect myself with all those Warning, if not someone is gonna go crazy reading this and send me to the fire ).

    but surprise surprise: to justify not going with her friends : the girl took her sister tablet and on twitter made a history about how the uber driver had abused her, yeah ABUSED her, making her go home instead of going to the pub.
    and them of course the uber driver life was destroyed; i don't even need to go in detail about all of this, i'm sure that pretty much everyone already have read-seen a similar case and know about all of it.
    what i want to talk about is that: she did this on the internet, with her real name, with easily to locate and the only punishment that her and her family had was to pay a "FINE" after more than 3 years of it going on court , of more or less 15 minimum wage salary and a public apology on twitter that to be real no one cared because good news never spread as fast and as far as bad news. so everything was pretty much nothing to girl's family, because they somehow also took in consideration the girls family financial situation but still the value paid was pretty much nothing for them.
    A father's life who was trying to provide for his family was destroyed and a "fine" is enough for something like that in today's internet age , i don't even want to talk about the false charges and the crime that this is anyway that again : the news did not even covered or talked about it so i don't know if it existed or not but about the act you see, there is "relativity" nothing about punishment if you do s*** in the internet in today's age, pretty much a slap on your wrist or nothing at all and is all of this that is funneling the rest of the problems with it, because people are not afraid of the punishment and those are with people we can find and put in court, imagine the millions that can not be found anyway? and use it as extra layer of security to commit their crimes.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
  5. ExcitableFoci

    ExcitableFoci Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    I dunno about you guys but this is exactly how videogames have worked in Korea.

    Honestly, I agree most times with how China does 99.9% of their shit wrong. But it doesn't mean that you guys should promote frEedOM propaganda either lol.
    c.decora likes this.
  6. ImperialNero

    ImperialNero Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Such hypocrite move by chinese government. My social media timeline was flooded by chinese owned media about how japanese work culture are hellish and inhumane and now they are trying to make even worse work culture by making their citizens as mindless robots that have no soul and passion by brainwashing them. Evil ccp is truly the nazi of modern day. I've seen a case of successfully brainwashed chinese in this site(Hello xiazixin) and damn.
  7. ImperialNero

    ImperialNero Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Talk about how we shouldn't promote freedom when you are reborn in middle ages where slavery still exist in china. Ancient china is more hellish than western
  8. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    "It also counts your forced gaming time there, and once past the limit, you cannot play anymore."

    pretty sure that's not a thing in Korea. Also, not 100% sure on the identity verification system either.... last time I was there I could anonymously play stuff in the PC Bangs. There are def a lot of online services that require their equivalent of social security numbers, but I'm sure there's also plenty of places where you can anonymously hate on your rival Kpop fan groups.
  9. ExcitableFoci

    ExcitableFoci Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    I dunno if it is exactly 3 hours but the Shutdown law is still a thing nowadays.

    There's ton of shit to talk about China but videogame time limits for the youth isn't a bad thing bro.

    As for the identification stuff, I only intended to speak for the time limit in my previous post. But looking around a bit, Im surprised that Korea requires institutional identification to open youtube and gaming accounts.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
    c.decora likes this.
  10. ImperialNero

    ImperialNero Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Probably a part of their propaganda to reduce their population. Even japan, who have many entertainment and basically heaven in earth have so many suicides. And now china are trying to remove entertainment and making their citizen passionless and work hellishly, i cant imagine in short term after the bill was passed probably 5-10 years, the amount of suicides committed by teenagers.
  11. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    "The Youth Protection Revision Act, commonly known as the Shutdown Law or Cinderella Law, is an act of the South Korean National Assembly which forbids children under the age of sixteen to play online video games between the hours of 00:00 and 06:00. The legislature passed the law on 19 May 2011 and it went into effect on 20 November 2011."

    Sounds like it's just trying to make them goto sleep so they don't fall asleep at school. I see no time liimits. And I don't really care what China does. It just didn't sound like you've ever been to Korea and have only gotten your information from clickbait news. It feels really weird as someone whose parents are Korean and have visited relatives there many times to have someone clearly not from there misrepresent the place.

    and imo, a lot of the movement behind limiting gaming and internet in China and Korea is about older people trying to keep the younger people culturally in-line. Sure there are legitimate reasons and some laws aren't too bad (such as the shutdown law). But I think a lot of it stems from older generations feeliing more and more like they don't understand the younger generation and trying to force them to live the same way as they did.
    c.decora likes this.
  12. ExcitableFoci

    ExcitableFoci Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    Seems to be true.

    Same here as a Chinese-born laowai lmao.

    My opinion is that while the censorship is indeed terrible, restricting minors' gaming time during weekdays to an hour and a half is far from something to cry about. Real name authentication in a state where they already controlled everyone's internet activity isn't noteworthy either. Nothing has changed.
  13. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Personally, I don't think 1.5 hours on weekdays is enough gaming time (at least it would have really drove me nuts as a pre-teen kid), but I don't really know the culture so I won't really comment on that. I assume this has to do more with parents hoping for their children to get better grades to get into a good college to live a good life (assumption made based on Korean culture that I do admit is similar in ways).

    I do think though that this might actually be good for gaming worldwide though. If the Chinese market suddenly had less gaming time, we'd get a lot more quality games focused on a relatively short but intense experiences. And those same kids who might be marketed to with those types of games might not get hooked on shit pay-to-win games or mobile gatcha games and so on (since those are the types of games that tend to waste either tons of time or tons of money).
  14. ExcitableFoci

    ExcitableFoci Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    Yeah. The bill also included that they would restrict the money they could spend on in-games microtransactions, which is definitely good for the gaming industry as a whole.