Cleaning up tags on NU V2.0

Discussion in 'Novel Updates Site Discussion' started by marine1corps, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Could you give some examples? I went through the edit logs of the past week and didn't find a single novel that had the NTR tag removed...

    If the novel truly has NTR though, you can safely add it back.
  2. Zones

    Zones Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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  3. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Just as everyone is saying A Step into The Past is NTR, because everyone is saying it's NTR, it is not. It was rape and that was it.
    There's no NTR in that novel. Even though the translator mentioned there might be NTR, or it's NTR, that's a convoluted definition of NTR. What happened is not NTR but adultery. Thus the tag removal is accepted.

    This is not recent.
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  4. PaladinWolf

    PaladinWolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I would like to request a few tags be added so I can avoided/search for certain things such as fluff story sad story submissive FL/ML dominant ML/FL swingers lover sharing soft rape and yes I know this isn't a erotica novels site but i have ran across novels here where I wish i had these tags to let me know ahead of time
  5. MangoGuy

    MangoGuy Rambling Mango

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I like the idea of a sort rape tag. The others, I am not sure man.
  6. PaladinWolf

    PaladinWolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I've just come across storys with those subjects of sharing and such before and would rather avoid them as for the sub and dom thing I've currently been reading Pet Addiction: The Prince’s Desire to Spoil His pet and really been enjoying it and wish I could find more storys with that type of relationship between the main characters
  7. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Doesn't Cute Story or Heartwarming work for that?
    Not sure what you want with that tbh, but doesn't the Drama or Tragedy genres fill that gap?
    Doesn't the Harem genre or the Polygamy/Polyandry tags work for that?
    A few people suggested tags that were specifications of rape, but staff has mostly been against it, so I doubt this one would be approved.
    I have no clue what this one means in all honesty... Is it cheating or something?
    These don't feel too bad, I think they existed in the past even, but were removed for reasons I already forgot. I wouldn't mind having them being a thing again.

    It would be Dominant/Submissive Protagonist/Love Interest though, we've phased out the FL/ML tags for the most part for the sake of not causing confusion in BL and GL novels and to remove some redundancy~
  8. PaladinWolf

    PaladinWolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Well there can be tragedy and drama in a happy story I consider those 2 things more as events that can happen in storys lover sharing is like selling your lover out basically being a pimp with your lover swingers are people who swap lovers for sex all of these things I would like to avoid if at all possible they disgust me
  9. remy911

    remy911 ┗|`o′|┛ Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    What does everyone think of changing the "yandere" tag to "female yandere"? So that way, the only yandere tags we'll have is "male yandere" and "female yandere".

    Right now, there's a lot of doubling up of "yandere" and "male yandere" and it's not always obvious if the two tags are referring to the same character or different characters.
  10. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Seems fine to me~

    ... Wouldn't it be better if it was "Yandere Protagonist" and "Yandere Love Interest" though? For BL/GL novels and stuff.
  11. Kiskaiya

    Kiskaiya 【Let’s pretend】

    Dec 5, 2018
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    Would there ever be a hard distinction between the type of character raped, such as "protagonist rape" vs a general "rape"? I ask mainly because I'm one of many that is fine with side characters being raped off screen so to speak but absolutely don't want to read about my mc being raped. So it might be nice to be able to at least tell who might be getting abused in this sense

    I'm all for this idea
  12. joary_

    joary_ Active Member

    Jun 23, 2019
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    so, looking at the tag list, I propose the merging of the "Affair" and "Adultery" tags.

    If that doesn't happen though, the description of Adultery is in need of updating.
    After the first sentence, the entire definition is a mess. And the first sentence is a whole lot wordier that it should need to be. So i wrote a new definition for it! It isn't that great, but it is a lot less wordy and imo, a bit more accurate. still needs work though
    No. No it doesn't. Cute story, is well, technically it's accurate, but "cute story" and "fluff story" give off completely different vibes and expectations. but more than that, or perhaps the reason for that, is that "fluffy" is a kind of cute. fluff cute inspires the "I want to wrap this up in a blanket and take it home with me and the cuddle with it by the fire." Nowadays, there are lots of different kinds of cute that are very different, leaving little common ground between the types than them being "cute." cute is more a category of descriptions than an actual description. take a Kitten and loli. both are cute, right? but they are cute in entirely different ways. Now, as for heartwarming(now referred to as HW), the feeling has too broad a collection of causes and is too situational for it to be a stand in for Fluff, even when it is combined with "Cute." HW can be used to describe a sappy love story, a hopeful story, a laid back comedy, a fluff story, and more. In conclusion, while both "cute story" and HW are accurate descriptions of fluff stories, neither of them is anywhere near precise enough to be used in place of it.
    cute story feels like it describing the story as a whole and the experience of reading it, while "fluff story" feels a whole lot more, intimate i guess (i can't really articulate it well). One way i can describe the difference between the two is to use "cute" and "fluff" to describe something else, lets say a dog. say someone tells me "This dog i saw was sooo cute!" my thoughts go like this: "okay it is cute. what about it is cute? what kind of cute? is it protecc cute, baby cute, touching cute, child cute, missing tooth and huge grin while covered in mud and looking up at you cute, good looking cute, Komi-san cute, or a different cute?" if someone tells me: "This dog I saw today was SUCH a fluffy boi!" my mind immediately goes to picturing it in all its fluffy goodness then imagining cuddling with it.

    no. very much no. perhaps once, but not anymore. Drama as a genre has never meant anything close to "sad," and Tragedy as a genre in the web serial/WN/LN community is typically interpreted as a lot more literal, as in, the mc suffers a tragedy either in the past or somewhere in the story. this is compared to the Tragedy genre of everyone else, where tragedy is not the cause or a hurdle, but the goal. Macbeth is a tragedy, DD3 is not.
    also, neither of those are anywhere near fitting for stories like "I am Supreme" as "Sad story" is.
    a play, movie, television show, or radio show that is about a serious subject and is not meant to make the audience laugh (source)

    not really. lover sharing is, well, like whoring out your wife for cash, or letting another girl bang your reverse harem.

    Edit ~ More stuff:
    "Classic" even the description says it is subjective. shouldn't tags be purely objective
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  13. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I agree that both tags could be merged, but if they are kept separate, the new definition is much better than the old one.
    I don't think there is a need for a fluff story tbh... >.>

    Though tbh, cute story and heartwarming could be merged too IMHO... >.>
    Thinking a bit on it, I can see that there is a certain gap that sad story fills that drama and tragedy don't... Not sure if I'd really like the tag to exist, but I can see a point in it at least~
    Mmmmmmm, there is a small difference there I guess... Not sure if worth a new tag for this niche though.
    Well, Cute Story, Sad Story, Heartwarming, all those things are very subjective... >.>

    So not really, but in general it's better to have them being objective.
  14. joary_

    joary_ Active Member

    Jun 23, 2019
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    so, first off. it has evolved into at least a sub genre of stories, and it is definitely bigger than some of the other sub genre type tags
    next, cute story and hw are different things. many things that are cute are not heartwarming, and many things that are heartwarming aren't cute per-say
    third, while cute, sad and HW are subjective, but they are nowhere near as subjective as "classic." a story being sad or not can generally find a consensus among its readers, but what makes a classic is something no one can agree on.
  15. EnuoFH

    EnuoFH Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Why is the tag incest is defined with "Sexual interest or romantic" too?

    Incest only happens when a sexual interaction happen, if a relative have feelings or attraction to other that isn't incest just attraction/feelings,if someone that see the tag incest and start reading a novel thinking that it would have some sexual interaction they might get mislead since the tag doesnt cover just the actual definition of the word
  16. MangoGuy

    MangoGuy Rambling Mango

    Apr 15, 2016
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    So your suggestion is to drop the part about interest, and term it just as sexual/romantic interaction only? Between so and so?

    Edit: Guess I might as well continue. Even if there is no sexual action, if two partners who fit the bill are in a 'romantic relationship's, then it is still incest. In a lot of JP LN and stuff, actual sexual interaction doesn't happen but the implied incestual relationship is pretty strong. So, to earn sensitive readers, the tag is defined as such.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
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  17. EnuoFH

    EnuoFH Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    I expressed it bad, but surely if they are in incestual relationship should be

    But here is novels where there is like a siscon sister, but the brother isn't in relationship with likely never... or the vice-versa, and its not a novel that happen to make the sister an actual heroine i don't think we should risk having the incest tags in those cases, same for others complex(mother,son,daughter,etc,etc)
  18. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    If they're in a romantic relationship, even if there is no actual sexual acts happening or described in the novel, it should be tagged Incest.
    I don't know where you get you're reference from, but what you're describing is like those Hentai tagged Incest, of course there would be sexual acts involved. You need to understand that how NU tags work, not only does it describes the novels but it also serves as a warning and a filter. So while Incest tag is used both on NU, hentai or porn sites, it doesn't necessarily covers the same situations. Sexual acts of descriptions should not be the only trigger to have a novel tagged incest on Novel Updates.

    On a more recent changes, Chinese novels (the ones that are flooding NU these days) are restricted by their government regulations and no sexual scenes or indications to it should be published. If we go by how sexual acts should be described in the novel for it to get the Incest tag, NU members who have it filtered would have get a nasty surprise when they read a novel and found out that A and B who has blood relationship is in a romantic relationship. Bad filtering, don't you think.

    P/s: Don't say it vaguely, if you want to reference a novel, say the title to we can discuss its relevance than having us guessing.
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  19. Zaroz

    Zaroz Existential Lurker Demonic Calamity

    Mar 11, 2017
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    I would like to request/propose that a system of sub-tags or tag groups be implemented. For instance, you could have a category tag of "World Setting" and its sub-tags would be tags such as "Game World", "Novel World", "Otherworld" to clarify the place, and "Medieval Setting", "Futuristic Setting", etc, for the time period. I feel that this would be a good idea because it would allow for a more structured displaying of tags. When you want to know where the story takes place, you probably don't care as much about all of the different love interests that are in that story. Likewise, it would make it easier to manage all of the tags by allowing site mods to only have to look at a portion of them at once when checking for redundancy.
  20. MangoGuy

    MangoGuy Rambling Mango

    Apr 15, 2016
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    From what I remember, the tag council had a discussion on this in the past. While everyone was for this, the sheer amount of work involved from an intellectual point of view, along with indecision regarding certain major tags, stopped further work on it to the best of my knowledge.

    However, this idea can be further taken forward maybe... But it will definitely completely overhaul the current system from a technical viewpoint, so that issue is also there.
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