Do your have the urge to translate a already translated work and not publish it?

Discussion in 'Translator's Corner' started by xiazixin, Apr 20, 2020.

  1. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    I have translated quite a few Chinese novels and Manga (though need type setters)
    That are already existing within the community for chapter 1 to chapter 3.
    Though I never post them. Not only translations, some times I wrote reviews on things I used and never post them.
    Do I lack confidence? Or do I just afraid of criticism?
    Do fellow translators or editors have the same symptoms that I have?
    I first notice this in Chinese tech community, where I would write guides and tips and other informative and deleting everything in the last minute before posting it. It just happens now in English community. Is this a form of anxiety?
  2. Roro97

    Roro97 Active Member

    Feb 20, 2020
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    In spite of what anybody might tell you, You will never know the answer for sure unless you do/ try it first.. I am sure you’re not the only one. Although I never translated or withholding any translation ( I’m too lazy for that), I know that sometimes I do feel that way in my work or personal life sometimes for fear of being criticized or wrong but then again how can I know if I don’t act first? So if It is anxiety, try to confront that anxiety, know you’re not the only one..Go with baby steps. Post a small chapter of a short novel maybe and go from there. Also try to connect more with translators maybe (it is always good to have a support group) to share things with, you know.
    otaku31 and TokioftheBel like this.
  3. Estarossa

    Estarossa 《Master of Dessert》°Resurrected Ghoul°

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Im lost, isn't it an unwritten rule that TLs don't post their own translations of novels another group is already doing?

    You translate your version. If you post it and people like it are you just going to keep translating the novel?
  4. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Yes. That's actually anxiety. Feels like when you're about to send messages but decided against it ?
  5. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    no, it's not good to snipe it, but i'm doing it on chapter 1, so It's not against the rules.

    Don't know, I want to sent it, but some time I just hold it back, Like delaying it. it's even happening to me when I'm sending Emails. It's like after writing a email, I just screw it and save it in draft and not sent it before waiting for weeks to months.
    Vesica likes this.
  6. AHKoT

    AHKoT [FA sect] [2nibyou] [ReverseEpi] [Htrap]

    Jan 5, 2016
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    I don't know what's rules are now since it has been a while that I have been involved with this community but that rule was made so that other newer translators cannot take advantage of already translated works of the original translator. For example, if a novel already has like 100 chapters already translated, if a newer translator pops up and translates chapter 1, that's the new translator taking advantage of the previous translator and unless this is done with the permission of the original translator, this is generally frowned upon by the community. It is all fair game if the newer translator does everything again from scratch even if it has been previously translated by another person/group.
  7. Nocta

    Nocta Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    On the topic on starting to translate a novel, let me ask a few questions first:
    The original translation is still ongoing? Going at a reasonable path? Of good quality? If the answers are yes, then I think it's better not to post your translations, even if you're starting from chapter 1. You're likely to get negative comments asking you why bother redoing it when there's already good quality available and so many other novels that are in need of translators.
    And if the answer to even one of these questions is no, then I think it's fine, especially since you're starting from the beginning. Nobody can tell you that you're stealing the translator's work, since you're doing your own translation. The raw are free of use (well, not exactly, but online translation is a grey area so let's not get in that topic~).
    BUT! It also depends on why you want to translate that specific novel. Training your skills, getting a feedback, or because you love the story and want to do it? Then, I think there is no right or wrong answer, you should do what you want.

    This is getting a bit long, but about writing a comment then deleting it, it happens often for me. Because once I've put down my thoughts into words, I realize there are not that worth sharing, or could offend someone when it's not my intention.

    (Just then, writing this reply, I deleted a good chunk of it because I found it was not that relevant, see it happens all the time)
    E Shadow likes this.
  8. E Shadow

    E Shadow Active Member

    Oct 29, 2017
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    Have patience. In publish and not publish there is a difference of 2 minutes of thinking. To convince yourself.
  9. Raebit

    Raebit Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    I can relate, but rather than I write it then delay it, I just like hold myself from replying which is weird, it is same now or tomorrow, but I keep like Im not ready to reply yet