Discussion Dying

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Alvory, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. Alvory

    Alvory Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2017
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    it wasn’t really like a revelation, but more of a realization that I am going to die in the future. Maybe not in an accident but in the end will die. Whenever I think of this every time, I get chills of what is next. Is there one? Am I going to be a piece of ash, pile of bones? Or is there more to it? And the fact that there is no next scares the shit out of me...
    bbctheory84 likes this.
  2. replay

    replay ★Milk and Honey smelling Merchant★

    Apr 22, 2016
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    already dreamed of mine for 7x and at different scenarios. . . .

    and welp it will come so why do you worry, enjoy your life and do what you can no one can escape it, oh and if somehow you remember where it happens and how it will come then just be freaking alert and not to step on that area.

    oh and relieve some stress and relax sometimes it is just to you over thinking too much or being on the edge and being stressed out. . .
    Cite, juniorjawz and Bad Storm like this.
  3. Eternal Emperor

    Eternal Emperor SelfAware-PieceOfShit

    May 16, 2018
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    Is that really scary~?:confused:
    I mean somehow the spell in Overlord “The Goal Of All Life Is Death” resonates with me....
    And it doesn’t really make me feel negative~:blobsmilehappyeyes:
    Death was always an inevitability!:blobsweat_2::blobtired:
    Just make the most of life~~~:blobpopcorn::blobpopcorn_cool:
    It’s precisely when I have such thoughts that I lose all inhibitions, and start doing whatever I want~:blobparty:
    Rapacity likes this.
  4. Kzhckz.

    Kzhckz. [Sad] [Angry] [Happy]

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Dying is the most natural law of universe.

    Every living being shall die and there is no exception.

    So just try your best when still alive.
  5. Mangikop

    Mangikop Observer from the Fourth Wall

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Haha, don't tell me you dont know the thing called religion? There's a reason why it exist and what you are worrying about is one of that.

    Well, you probably knew, just refusing to believe.
  6. Kzhckz.

    Kzhckz. [Sad] [Angry] [Happy]

    Apr 9, 2017
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    So i don't really care about dying. It is natural order, just time can tell you when you're going to die.
  7. Wannabe-shutin

    Wannabe-shutin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    Why bother wasting time thinking about stuff that will happen eventually? Just prepare for this eventuality sufficiently and then live your life to the fullest.
    Dying can be a scary thought because it can't be evaded and even people claiming they know what will happen have but unverifiable hypothesis. So just accept that everybody dies and move on.
  8. Kzhckz.

    Kzhckz. [Sad] [Angry] [Happy]

    Apr 9, 2017
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    I recognize them, but didn't follow one.
    Rapacity likes this.
  9. Nyarlathotep

    Nyarlathotep The laziest and the King of Procrastination

    Nov 23, 2015
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    This thing probably was made to make people happy buy it had the opposite effect on me
    Bad Storm likes this.
  10. Avagantimos

    Avagantimos Chosen Undead|Bearer of the Curse|Ashen One

    Feb 24, 2016
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    The more time you spend worrying about death is less time spent living
    Maid Chan likes this.
  11. Darkanlan

    Darkanlan Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Everyone dies, some people more than once. I've died 5 or 6 times now, it's just a stage before you get brought back to life and find your life slightly worse than the previous time and your body much weaker than before.

    For non heart transplant patients that'd likely not happen to you. For anyone that gets their heart pulled out, you will die many times in the course of getting a new one inserted. So you live, you die, sometimes you come back to life so that you can repeat the process.

    Just do whatever you want in life and ignore things like debt, you're likely going to be working as a wage slave for life, so ignore that portion and do whatever you want without considering consequences. Life is short and there's not really a magical place to go to after death, at least not that can be proven. So just expect death as an end and do whatever you want in life before that.
  12. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Well, I don't mind as long as it is not a painful process. And as long as there is internet access in hell- cuz I'm sure there's where I'm going.
    Devil of Boredom and Bad Storm like this.
  13. juniorjawz

    juniorjawz Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    It's like caring whether you breathe or not...
    just relax
  14. Bad Storm

    Bad Storm coz with you right here, I'm a rocketeer

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Yeah, we all die. That's why I live my life one day at a time... Because it also scares me to think that my life has no purpose at all.
  15. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I hate how people die in reality, because death is not the end. People die twice! I desire a death only once given but unfortunately, there is an afterlife. Life will not give me solace in death, and by death; I am bound to the laws of karmic trial! I detest the immortality of our soul. I just... want to... sleep forever; dream eternity and let regrets fade away. Sigh. When I die, hopefully it ends there, but alas, if not... then I shall return with a malice far twisted than madness. I will curse life! Curse death! Curse everything that will not allow me to die only once! If fate will not kill me for good, and destiny binds me to an eternity of suffering; then I shall plague all with my curse of malevolence.
  16. Johnnycabra

    Johnnycabra Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2016
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    i think about it every day. im atheist and therefore believe in no after life. all that awaits after death is nonexistance. basically, its as if you never existed. its scary for someone who enjoys to live, such as feeling, learning, expiriencing, ect. asking questions about your existance is pretty depressing but thats the way life works. it has no meaning, you make that meaning for yourself.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
    Bad Storm likes this.
  17. Tramsloof

    Tramsloof Quarter Erudite

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Actually, we are all dying. I was walking with my mother once and suddenly it hit me, she would die one day and if all goes as it's going, she would be dying a lot sooner than me. I was very young at the time and I couldn't hold my tears in.

    A lot of years later, this thought returned to me some weeks ago. I was attending the funeral of my friend's dad. And I saw how the brothers of the deceased were gathered, looking quite composed and entertainingly the guests. I am the eldest of my siblings, and I couldn't help but get swayed by the imagination of my own funeral, would my siblings be there, what would they be feeling? And how I couldn't be a part of their lives after then, how powerless I would be to help them after I am no more.

    A few days ago I had another thought. Actually, we are all dying and the process has long since started. What we call 'past' and carry with us as memories, are actually times that will come no more. Those are times of our lives that we have utilised, and all of us have limited time. It means, we shouldn't keep judging ourselves for whatever happened in the past and neither should we continue being a victim for whatever happened in past, for that time has passed, dead, it is. What justice is it, that we keep punishing ourselves over and over. To live in the present, we must let go of the past. That time has passed.

    When I was very young, I possessed a very rebellious mind and I was really arrogant. I refused to give in to my destiny whatever that may have been. If the future was already written, I wouldn't be following it. So if I had an urge to scratch my back, I wouldn't scratch my back thinking I had successfully resisted fate. But then it would hit me, maybe it was fate that I wouldn't scratch my back. Maybe, even thinking and trying to resist against fate was included in it, included in my fate. And I realised, resisting against what is meant to be is futile, unless you know at the very least what exactly is your fate and what is your future.

    But since you don't know your fate or your future, aren't you technically free and unbound? For whatever you end up doing leads where ever you go to.

    Similarly, with death, I had been indifferent since I had no control over my fate, or so I thought. But that is a paralysing thought. Since you are free, you must live each day to the best of your ability, not more and not less. You should live your life in a way that if you don't wake up the next day, yes the thought is frightening, even more so when you are truly alive, you shouldn't have too many regrets.

    Imagine, really do. That you are dying tomorrow, and believe it for some moments. And during the course of today, if your sibling breaks something of yours or does something that would really anger you normally, would you react the same way as you do normally or would your behaviour be different? And if it would be different, would it be a difference for good? Or a difference for bad?

    And the question to ask then would be, would you now want to emulate that good difference? As if you are dying the next day, so you can live today in its true spirits rather than to be afraid of the shadow of death.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
  18. replay

    replay ★Milk and Honey smelling Merchant★

    Apr 22, 2016
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    see this guy. . .
    ain't he enjoying seeing that pink stuff teddy bear ~
    so cute right?:blobpeek::blobpeek::blobpeek::blobpeek:
  19. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    People are afraid of death. No one can easily accept that until they knew firsthand. Mine's first encounter with death happens to me when i almost drowned. The feeling of having air taken from you and the grasp of darkness had gave me the fear of death. The second happens to be something that i almost fainted. It was the light robbing my eyes, the intense pain i recieved when the gravity is pulling me down and the cold shakiness in my hand, fearing death yet again.

    Always be ready to accept the inevitable.
    kenar, mir and Tramsloof like this.
  20. Avagantimos

    Avagantimos Chosen Undead|Bearer of the Curse|Ashen One

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Ikr jinx from teen titans is so cute:blobnosebleed: Idk but if a girls name is jinx I like her :aww: I only know of two, 1 from League and the other from TT