Spoiler For my deleric favorite/ For my abandoned love(?)/버려진 나의 최애를 위하여

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by SueVal, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Chapter 41

    my god…this chapter is a roller coaster of emotions.
    Hestia please, don’t collapse hahaahah
    mayairreal likes this.
  2. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    I think I will collapse if I'm Hestia.

    Cael's face when fix her hair is so close (a lot of scream want them to kiss in comment section) and his hand too close to her ear. :blobnosebleed:
  3. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    cael is too beautiful under the cherry blossoms

    Does Cael realize that he is seducing hestia?
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  4. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    He's really a sly fox if he realize. :blobowoevil_horns:

    Remember Cael's POV in novel, when he thinks about Hestia's feelings towards him seems to be love, but surprisingly she never cross the line (so Cael will be the one to cross the line when he remembers he stole a kiss when Hestia slept)? I think this scene build up as one of explanation that Hestia never cross the line, even Cael push her several times and almost out of patience later. :blobpats:
    Elisee, Minaeli and chuckiescrinkles like this.
  5. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    maybe it's just the artist blowing everything haahahah
    In the novel, at this point Cael was still in love with Diana. It's after this trip that his love for her really starts to fade.

    If he is already seductive now that he is doing everything indirectly...what will happen when he will set his mind on seducing her for real? :sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely:
    Hestia, you're walking in the beast's den...
    Mi shiru, Elren, Minaeli and 3 others like this.
  6. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Yes, he still in love with Diana, but he quite considerate with Hestia (one of reason I like Cael, he isn't as cold as other male chara with almost similar situation - engage/marry on paper while has feelings for other woman).

    I remember when read Cael's POV for the first time and I think, "Wait, wait, wait, when he start develop feelings toward Hestia?" so I reread again after finish the novel to get the clue.

    I found it suspicious when he call Hestia "Hess" out of the blue for the first time. When he help Hestia with soap factory, there's a line that he asks if that what Hestia want (to build soap factory) so he help her. He also said several time to her that he will not back to Diana and my fav part when he reminds Hestia that he already married to her and he isn't trash enough to close to other woman than his wife (proof that he treat and respect her as wife, even he still not clear with his feelings toward Hestia).

    And one thing I realize, the novel author, webtoon story board, and webtoon artist relationship so far quite good in their social media. Sometimes the novel author praise the story board and the story board glad she/he meet with good author and artist to make FMDF.
    Mi shiru, Elisee, Minaeli and 6 others like this.
  7. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    the novel is missing some important parts like this. I think that these missing parts will be filled by webtoon.

    Yeah, i follow them on twitter. Ryuhohoho, kim yong and the author are a fantastic triad ahahahha
    They're always fangirling

    Cael has high EQ and IQ. This combination makes him a perfect and healthy male lead.
    He is the embodiment of what a real nobleman should be: performing noblesse oblige, being respectful and faithful of his consort, reasoning with rationality than pride...he is similar to Lord Darcy in a way
    Mi shiru, Minaeli, Tibera02 and 4 others like this.
  8. Mellyn

    Mellyn Member

    Jan 4, 2023
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    but does Kael realise at some point that OFL is a bitch and that his love for her was in fact some kind of illusion?

    Because he truly seems to love Hestia for what she is, but seemed to love Diana base on a fake image he had of her
    Minaeli likes this.
  9. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Well, he was still in illusion until his suicide.
    He snapped out from this illusion the moment Hestia “assaulted” him hahahaha.
    From that moment, his brain started to work again.
    Differently from other resentful/depressed 2ML, the moment his brain started to work, he “remembered” Diana’s merits and defects and immediately recognized that Diana wasn’t so special as he thought…and by time, Hestia’s actions proved that his conclusions were true.

    also…with a wife that turns upside down the high society almost everyday and a threat from the borders on-going, he had time to cool down and zero time to think about Diana.
    Mi shiru, Minaeli, im_trash42 and 5 others like this.
  10. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    He will realize step by step.

    But the clearest one in side strory 6. Out of all novel chapters, we only get Cael's POV in the second half of side story 6. :sweating_profusely:
    He really sort his feeling there, burn his love to Diana with the bracelet she gave him. He knows how cheap Diana to think she can get him back just by giving him a bracelet and acting like their old happy days. He realize even Diana can't replace Hestia. So, he sets his new goal to become true couple with Hestia.
    (Hestia had told him that they only married on paper and he can get other woman better than her or back to Diana before. She doesn't know if her husband already hungry for her. It's funny that Heli, who later also has a crush on Hestia, understand this side of Cael better than Hestia. :blobsweat_2:)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2023
    Mi shiru, Elisee, Minaeli and 3 others like this.
  11. _etro_

    _etro_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Where did you read this? The newest chapter is 40 right?
  12. WannabeCalliope

    WannabeCalliope Active Member

    Jan 5, 2023
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    I don't think he considered it as illusion. And Hestia doesn't want him to treat it as one, but rather a genuine one, genuine love and feelings he had for Diana.

    And he's truly fallen for Hestia because they were able to establish their relationship based on honesty (mostly about Hestia encouraging Caelus to be honest about what he feels for Diana and Helios) and her acceptance and reassurance to Caelus that it's alright.

    More than that, it also parallels how Caelus treats Hestia and Diana differently, in how he projects himself. Caelus has always been characterized as cold and aloof, but someone who turns 'sweet' for Diana (novel timeline), and in a way, this is hiding his true self. Unlike how he is with Hestia, even if he's cold and aloof, Hestia likes him the way he is. It's touching when they talked about this in the novel, how they didn't become someone different, or changed a part of themselves to be liked by the other. And this is how they were able to build a stronger relationship.

    I have a question for those who're able to read the novel in Korean, because there maybe nuances that were lost in the English translation.

    There's a part in Ch. 23 (after the dinner with foreign diplomats), where Caelus, Hestia, and Helios were walking in the garden and Helios apologized and promised he won't covet what is Caelus'.

    I remember Caelus remarking "I think you're drunk." to Helios, after he thanks him and Hestia. And I don't know if I interpreted in correctly, in that Caelus realized or at least had an inkling then, that Helios had been 'shaken' by Hestia, because it seemed out of the blue for me. And that a few chapters after that, he explicitly tells Hestia that he thinks Helios is interested in her. Can anyone confirm if there's some kind of nuance like that during that part, or am I just reading too much into it? Thanks! [​IMG]
    Minaeli, mitch_97, im_trash42 and 2 others like this.
  13. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    The newest raw is 41 in Naver Webtoon Korea (see spoiler curator in page 1 for raw link). You can rent for 2-3 days (2 cookies) or buy permanent (4 cookies) to unlock it. Free cookies can be obtained by doing reading task or other task.

    The artist always gives us 1 panel spoiler in Twitter account and 2 panels spoiler in Instagram account. If you follow / stalk / comment in those accounts, please refrain using illegal name / translation / panel, as the novel author sometimes exchange comments with webtoon artist and webtoon story board in there. The novel author very sensitive about illegal translation and illegal reading.

    I also interested with the way Cael treat Diana and Hestia. I feels the way he treat Diana is one way and two ways when he with Hestia.
    Cael did all he could for Diana, without asking about her opinion, lead to Diana blame him for his action.
    The way Cael treat Hestia, he always asks her opinion.
    He asks if she really wants his help to build soap factory.
    He asks about what she's thinking.
    He asks her plan after she finish her revenge.
    He really asks if Hestia really just want Diana and Heli apologized to him - sadly Hestia couldn't honest enough to Cael about this matter - leading her thinking to jump and scared Cael.

    I'm not understand Korean languange, but from what I read this far, Cael is quite sharp. Remember when he was in bad condition but asked Hestia about her power?
    I think he can read Helios that he knows for a long time better that that.
    There are several clues if we try to read between the lines.
    Remember Heli gives Hestia coffee when he called Hestia and Cael at the same time? I like Cael's reaction at that time. :blobjoy:
    When Hestia and Cael talk in the garden, the night before his departure, he said Heli is quite worried about Hestia. Both Heli and Cael are cold to anyone except their beloved. Remember how Heli treat Hestia before he trusted her, that's how cold he is. Someone that cold can worried about a woman? There must be something about it. Even that Diana realize Heli has a crush on Hestia, so it must be easier for Cael to detect it. :blobsweat_2:
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
    ihatemilk, Mi shiru, Elisee and 5 others like this.
  14. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    in such a serious discussion I just wanna say.... KEEP THE MEMES GOING ONNN :meowyaranaika:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023
  15. Reinfar

    Reinfar Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    When was hestia "assaulted" cael?
    I dont remember that part.
  16. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    The start of the story when Hestia stopped his suicide act

    You’re right, the official name is “for my favourite derelict”.
    The author roasted me alive when I asked a question and I wrote “for my derelict beloved” until I explained that I read the novel and webtoon legally on naver.
    I sweated a lot hahahaah
  17. Reinfar

    Reinfar Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Ohhh that one,
    I see.
  18. Mellyn

    Mellyn Member

    Jan 4, 2023
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    Thank your all for your answers
    I said Kael was in love in an illusion because technically he thought that Diana was kind, benevolent, genuinely altruistic etc. to sum up: a good person. But in truth she's selfish and self-centered

    So he wasn't in love with the real her but an image he had of her!
    Shey_04 likes this.
  19. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Shey_04, Marinessa, Elisee and 14 others like this.
  20. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    I screamed when realize the wedding ring.

    New 5 side stories about Uros takes care of 5 years old Cael who lost his parents because of plaque (Cael is so adorable). He scouts Chloris to help him. Because of his excellent job, Princess Letona's Nanny want to scouts him to Attica. There's a talk between Uros and Madam Merope when Cael and Heli play together. They discussed about Princess Letona's nanny (who forget her place and acting like a master) and the servants job (not to cross the lines, no matter how much authority they have, servant isn't same with master).
    The last part gives us annecdote about servant's job with Diana, who becomes saintess near before Cael's coming of age.
    Uros wonders if saintess is God's servant, so if she forget her job / cross the line, the master (God) might punish the arrogant servant / saintess.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2023