Resolved Forgotten youtuber

Discussion in 'TV/Movies Discussion' started by Anra7777, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    The other day, I realized that I hadn’t seen any videos from a YouTuber I like, and realized that YouTube had once again unsubscribed me from a channel without my knowledge or permission. Unfortunately, it’s been so long since I’ve seen one of his videos, I’ve completely forgotten his name or that of his channel. I know it’s a very, very long shot, but I thought I’d try here.

    He’s a youtuber who often reviews old, obscure movies or critiques other youtubers. I remember him doing a series of videos showing how fake this guy was who pretended to have a fancy car and “got” hot women (hired actors) to agree to dates just because of the car. He also tends to go on rants about the Paul brothers. I think the last video I remember watching was him and some friends trying to figure out whether a scream could really be heard in Central Park from the hotel shown in “Home Alone 2.”

    What I remember about him: he’s Caucasian, with dark hair, glasses, a bit chubby. He always has either two posters behind him, or cardboard covering the posters to prevent glare. (I believe one poster is of Jurassic Park.) He has a running joke where when his roommate is away he tries to get away with standing on the chair/black sofa(?). I feel as though his name starts with an “m,” but I could be completely off.

    I know that with so many youtubers existing, the idea that any person here might know who I’m talking about is slim, but I’m not sure how else to refind the channel.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
  2. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    That's ma boy Eddy Burback. Glad to help you back to the Burback!

    I'm actually super stoked to find another fan of his, since he's definitely my favourite YouTuber right now. I've been enjoying the podcast he does, "the Gus and Eddy podcast" and he took up streaming as well recently. Hasn't posted in a bit due to couch delivery troubles.

    Description matches, and the couch thing was definitely a bit of his I remember.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
  3. Lurking

    Lurking Do the dead suffer, or is it a sweet release?

    May 5, 2018
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    i don't youtube, good luck!
  4. Yolo Swag

    Yolo Swag Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Pew die pie? i thinks hes youtuber
  5. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    That sounds right! Thank you so, so much!! I’ll hop onto his channel and resubscribe ASAP!

    Edit: Yup! That’s him!! I’m so glad!