...although this thread is practically dead, is this also the place where we can make suggestions about new games? I'm kinda too lazy to make a new thread to talk about it.
Uh... I can't exactly do that since the plan is a Roleplay game, and I know that I am terrible at hosting games with narrative. The idea is inspired by an on-going roleplay game at I42, which was also inspired by other games from other sites. I checked whether GMs can continuously kick and invite people from PMs, and we can. So it is not entirely impossible to pull this off at NUF, but it requires dedication, inspiration, the ability to narrate stuff ...and players. Dedication goes for both host and players. The standard "don't suddenly drop out", "be friendly to each other" and stuff. Inspiration goes for both host and player as well, but I meant it for the host since they are the ones who need to think up of the wincons and the map. The ability to narrate stuff is self-explanatory for the host, and they don't have to write 3+ paragraphs for each and every action. Players are self-explanatory as well. This is a novel-dedicated forum, and I am old ancient. I don't know whether the current generation has enough people who are interested in roleplay games like these. ...I have seen too many enough (RPs) die before me.
Well, the number of active roleplayers certainly fell, but... I'm pretty sure a new roleplay would have chances of succeeding for as long as it was appealing~
My problem is: I see it as appealing, but I can't host it since I don't have the talent to do so. I left behind my host creativity in March 2018. Which is why I went to this thread to see if I can suggest this, in hopes that someone else may pick it up.
uh.... mysteryquest???? um... im in one at nuf. i just added latest entry, its a bit slow, like once a week or so. have a lovely narrator already, you could join in. https://forum.novelupdates.com/posts/5620161/ its better than the other ones on nuf i seen... there arent rules and its freeform
Alicealicealice! It's not really applicable, I think. We dont have that big of player pool remaining for that. I mean, look at mafia. It gets harder and harder to find enough players to consistently participate. Same as above. Not to mention the difficulty of making it appealing in the first place >.>
It was probably the most freeform style I've ever had, with rules only restricting backstory. But apparently most people cant manage 1-2 paragraph per day. How'd you even know about that guy - well, he's usually too handsoff if you ask me. Over the long term people ends up feeling not getting anywhere and stop playing.
.. ive learned some people not into roleplay that much lean into mechanics, maybe its that. im the type into roleplay who deals with mechanics since its there but largely doesnt enjoy that fight
Anyway, from my experience the RP would be successful to the end if it have: Dedication from both GM and players. Dont underestimate low-presence player, they could cause a total collapse by instigating a chain reaction of "wait for yhat guy to post first". Actually, pretty sure that's how one of Lenaia's AG dungeon ended. Addendum to above, it's better to have a small number of dedicated players than a herd of stray cats that may disappears anytime. Simple but hardlined rules. It shouldn't gimp the gameplay, but restrict how insane the starting variation would be. Not saying that it's unplayable, but too much gap would inevitably cause arguments. It require some railroading at all times. Sure, freedom is good. But not so much if it murders the GM because the players split into half-dozen different group that each wander toward a different end of the world each pursuing different goal with near zero chance for them to ever meet up. That's no different than running half-dozen RPs at once. So set a main quest from the beginning, and make sure to nudge the players that way whenever they start to get distracted. Finally, dont set the goal to be too far away. Time is quite dangerous, even someone with a lot of it now might be busy next year. Online campaign inevitably have much slower pace than tabletop, so arrange the length accordingly. Series of short-term high urgency plot is better than a grand adventure to become the pirate king. From my experience, the RPs that finished all have these factors lined up. There's still like three of them in all despite having going through dozens, so it is quite daunting to start one tbh.