Spoiler Generation’s Queen Ling

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by elyacuty, May 30, 2020.

  1. elyacuty

    elyacuty Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Hi, this manhwa is not from NU and I lile it so much but couldn’t find any site to discuss this manhwa.
    Title: Generation’s Queen Ling
    Chinese title: 一代灵后
    What price must be paid in order to achieve absolute power? Is it perhaps being misunderstood and rejected by others, being labeled as a witch, or killing a beloved one? Orphan Ling of Zu has the ability to predict the future, learns to survive the palace intrigue and becomes Queen Ling.
    Raw site: https://www.kuaikanmanhua.com/web/topic/1877/
    Translation site: https://mangadex.org/title/33474/the-queen
    Season: 1 (45 chapters) & 2 (73 chapters)
    Status: Completed

    so I’ve read the last chapter of season 2 today and the ending is confusing.. hopefully someone who read this manhwa can explain the ending. This manhwa is super interesting as there’s a lot of mind blowing plot twists.
    zemblenity and RikuMania like this.
  2. spchntrt

    spchntrt Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    oh my goshhh! i just made the same thread yesterday! yes! i've been following the raw, and last week, when the 完结篇 抉择 chap came, i felt so disappointed! :( i don't know exactly what was going on, but i think her body is soulless now? but, i saw her talking to the emperor. or perhaps it was only emperor's hallucination. then, after waiting 10 years, finally the portal opened again and the queen's eyes opened. they could meet again. that's what i got from seeing the raws. but, i'm not sure.

    the abrupt ending really bummed me out. ahhh, i wish there will be an extra chapter.
    zemblenity likes this.
  3. elyacuty

    elyacuty Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    You’ve seen the last chp of season 2 right? I’ve got an explanation on last chp... this is from @Mims..I personally messaged her on mangadex.

    1) She did not die. She was a sacrifice meant to wash off the crimes of the five peoples against the Native People of their world. The Spirits used to behead them. The Mirage used to scoop their eyes out. The Fire used to cut their limbs off. The Humans scooped their hearts out. Through this torture, they were able to acquire their powers. I like how TUTU forgot the Snow People. The hatred of these Native People was transformed into the Black Viper Poison the Humans used to attack the other ethnicities. Ling Zhi was absorbed by it.

    2) Ling Zhi spent 10 years in dormancy, hidden in a Black Viper Poison mine. This happened on the Shuoye Festival. During those 10 years, she dreamed about a perfect life with Mu Xuanjue, going through all the stages of a relationship.It was in her dream that she was pregnant. Everything about Mu Xuanjue and Ling Zhi remains a mystery. What we saw was just the dream world Ling Zhi lived in for 10 years. But we know Mu Xuanjue found the mine Ling Zhi had ended up in. Whether she has a human form, whether she can get out of that mine, we might never know. TUTU leaves it to reader imagination. Mu Xuanjue abdicated the throne and left it to Yetan who became Empress Regnant. Thus, a Fuqiu became Empress Regnant, which is interesting since Fuqiu Hanshan, also a Fuqiu desperately wanted to become an Empress Regnant. So during 10 years, Mu Xuanjue went from Black Viper Poison mine to Black Viper Poison mine, looking for Ling Zhi. At the end of the 10 years, on the day of the Shuoye Festival, Ling Zhi wakes up from her curse and Mu Xuanjue sees a blue light coming from the last Black Viper Poison mine he is about to enter.

    3) Yetan is the daughter of Mu Xuanjue's third maternal uncle. When Mu Xuanjue killed all of his maternal family, he was able to replace Yetan with the dead daughter of the An (remember Concubine An) family.

    4) I hope that this catastrophe is over. The fact that nothing makes sense is too tiring. I don't know how TUTU is going to bounce back from this horror, but I wish her luck. I noticed she didn't write an end-message for The Queen. It might either mean that she is preparing an epilogue that will further this horror or that she is just too angered with how she was treated on KuaiKan that she can't bother to give them face. But, yeah. This is the end (thank the lord - I can't believe I spent a whole summer translating season 1 and part of season 2 alone, without any help
  4. spchntrt

    spchntrt Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    oh gosh, thank you!! i've beenn dying to know about this. thanks so much!
    btw, what happened with the Kuaikan publisher?
  5. elyacuty

    elyacuty Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    not sure about tht..there’s some issues between publishers and author..it’s kinda difficult to explain :blob_coughblood:you can read comments under this manhwa on mangadex :blobpopcorn:
  6. spchntrt

    spchntrt Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    there's a new chap! i think it's an extra. perhaps lingzhi and xuanjue's child?
  7. elyacuty

    elyacuty Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Yessss i think so! He’s their son!! OMGGGG
  8. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    hmm :hmm:The last Chapter that was updated is 75. can someone tell me what happened after? Im really curious.Did Ling zhi confessed the truth to Mu Xuanjue, That she is not human?
    -I've been waiting for un update but its been 2 mos already and still no update. :blob_teary::blob_teary:

    Im also curious what happened to the Snow King
    and is it true that its just Ling Zhi's dream this whole time, Im confused :blobflag:
    please enlighten me :blobsneeze::blob_teary:
    zemblenity likes this.
  9. Popilo

    Popilo Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    :blob_plusone::blob_plusone: Also more spoilers please!

    Is Ling Zhi from the Spirit Nation or she’s from another ethnicity?
    Also what happened to the Snow King?
    And Ling Zhou’s “beloved friend” Qingyan?

    This story is so good, read the translated chapters in one sitting :blob_grin:
  10. alqariyah

    alqariyah Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Man I’m so heartbroken about the way things turned out. From how the artist was treated to the ending. Does anyone have any more spoilers please?
  11. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    wait what happened??? what was her back story?
  12. spchntrt

    spchntrt Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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  13. giaserenejade

    giaserenejade Active Member

    Jun 24, 2021
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    hello guys, I'm a new reader of this story and I just want to know if the emperor slept with his concubines before and after he met the fl?
    I was hoping for him to be virgin but that was impossible since he had a harem
  14. StellaStar1

    StellaStar1 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Thank you so so so very much for these spoilers, I loved the manga very much and can hardly wait for some chapters!

    Have there been any news about TUTU and what happened with the publisher in the interim?
    So sad when an great artist like her can't properly express all she wants in her work due to the publisher's demands. This was never meant to be a mainstream manga for all tastes, so give the public what they want (which is Tutu's vision!).
    Inasible likes this.
  15. puppycat25

    puppycat25 Active Member

    Feb 20, 2022
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    took me a minute to figure that when i was reading, its their son but we just don't she ling at all i was soo lost in that side story, like we dont see the reencounter between the two and its kinda sad.
  16. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    well basically the story is finished and translated
    if u want to know the end read spoiler:

    basically queen ling is the last spirit queen of this generation. she had a vision as all spirit people do about a great war. it was kind of self full filling prophesy. so what she did was she went to each clan and spread false rumors that the human kingdom was prepping for war. basically got everyone riled up no one was truly prepared, and all the clans were enslaved to the human kingdom. esseentially she loses her memories and her spirit pealr gets cracked and winds up as princes concubine. after lots of hurdles etc etc she eventually gets her memories back and realizes the entire war and enslavement was her fault. and that the 4 clans got their powers from human sacrifices and the black sludge used to kill the 4 clans also causes drought and death for humans creating a shit cycle of death and war. so she sacrifices her self and disappears into the sludge to gaurd it forever. the 4 clans manage to unite and the king is devastated because of loss of the mc. they kill the dowager who turned out to be a princess of the snow ppl who hated everyone. end is bitter sweet and the kings daughter because new ruler and leads ppl well. epilogue shows mc pregnant and also in the mine field so its like a werid dream shared by her and king. king is seen entering mines on the day that was dedicated to her, presumably to commit suicide to be one w his loved one. thats how it ends
    Inasible and StellaStar1 like this.