Discussion Golden Days (manga)

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by Wolfie-bigsister, Dec 25, 2020.

  1. Wolfie-bigsister

    Wolfie-bigsister Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Golden Days

    Do you read golden days? There have been slightly unresolved feeling about the confession, when Jin confess he loves Mitsuya, and he kisses him (i literally died of embarrassment there, dipping myself into bed :blobnosebleed:)

    I really don't know if Mitsuya falls for Jin, it is really Mitsuya falls for him? Or just my mind thinking too much about the confession?

    Mitsuya doesn't reject Jin for kissing his tears, thats why Jin doesn't hestitate to kiss his lips :blobpats:. Do you think Mitsuya really falls for Jin, or he's letting Jin kiss him because he sympathy for him and doesn't dare to let him sadden by separation.

    What are your through? I really cry because Mitsuya came back to the future. (My two boys Ahhh :blob_teary:)
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2020
  2. mewth

    mewth Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2019
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    Whoa, that kinda old manga tittle you read there. I think I first read it almost 10 years ago. Or 7?

    As somebody who had read it multiple times and own the complete volumes, I should say ... The Mangaka left it to our imagination what Mitsuya feel. Even it hinted that Mitsuya love Jin back, it never stated what kind of love he feel towards him. It may romantic or else.

    It seems to me the mangaka don't want to simplify their relationship as 'just' fall for you. There's family, friend ship, also romantic there. For sure their relationship indeed special.

    When the great grandson come, Mitsuya suddenly got shiver when he heard his voice that so similar to Jin and crying after hear the story about how Jin bring the chess piece till his death.
    Damn. Now I'm starting to mellow again.

    Stop cutting onion ninja!!!
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2020
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  3. Wolfie-bigsister

    Wolfie-bigsister Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    This is my first bl manga and i love it so much. Until now i can't part with this manga. Still my favorite bl manga.

    Yeah, this is old. I read online and attracted with the description. I'm glad to find someone who liked this kind of manga too.

    This is the epitome of open ending. The Mangaka just... Leave it with the reader imagination (that's make me sad :blobsad:). But i think when Jin says he doesn't want to marry, that's leave me attached to him more. Like, he was so devoted to Mitsuya he doesn't dare to be in love other than him. And i think he don't love Yoshimitsu anymore (other than platonic or friendship ship). He try to love the world more and himself.

    When the war erupt and people suffering from hunger, he sees the dark part of the world. Still, he says the world is beautiful even it's difficult.

    This novel is healing but sad. The open ending is sad. The feeling between them is sad. The complex emotions of this manga brought is epic.

    Thank you for answering. Now i need to -re-read again :blobtired:
  4. mewth

    mewth Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2019
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    Your welcome. Yes, Jin relationship with yoshimitsu changed from original time line. Now its friendship.

    The open ending with bittersweet ending reminiscent of past actually perfect for this kind of manga. I sometimes imagine that now Mitsuya and the great grand son had relationship. Kinda wish he is the reincarnation of Jin. Lol. Its just me and my imagination. It's hinted that our Europe boy had heard Mitsuya violin playing since childhood and love it. Just like Jin.

    Whoaaa... You had a high bar for first time bl. I would said it in top 10% in term of quality. The mangaka famous for write shojo. Almost all Her work translated and published here. Golden day is one of her masterpiece, the only bl one. (Dunno if she write other). Good luck finding something on the same level.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2020
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  5. Wolfie-bigsister

    Wolfie-bigsister Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Wow, the possibility never occured to me, i gain a new ship *giggle*. I imagine Mitsuya marry a woman, get two or three kids, teaching violin to them, tell them about Jin, Aiko, and everyone in the past and his adventure with them like a fairytale and his son and daughter doesn't believe him, and reminence about the past until he's old.

    I don't read Shigeru Takao work other than this, because the cover doesn't interest me and description just so shoujo to my type (through i don't hate it). I try to read it but hesitate to bring myself into her work. I wish i could try it in the future.

    Thanks again for your answer. Now i read much more wuxia theme or villainess adaptation :D. But i still want to reminence about the past and read manga who i read long ago like Golden Days.